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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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a skin canoe, kayak
qayaq, dl. qayyak, pl. qayyat

The qayaq is light.
Qayaq uqitchuq.

kerchief, scarf
nasraġauraq, or nasraġaq dl. nasraġaurak, pl. nasraġaurat

The kerchief belongs to my mother.
Nasraġauraq aanaa pigigaa.

Where is my kerchief?
Nasraġaġa naami?

uqsruqłuk, dl. uqsruqłuuk, pl. uqsruqłuich

In the villages, kerosene is not as commonly used as before.
Nunaaqqiurani, uqsruqłuk atunġiqsuq imanisun.

to kick

he kicks it
aqigaa, dl. aqigaak, pl. aqigaat

The man kicks the ball.
Aŋutim aqigaa aqsraaq.

taqtu, dl. taqtuk, pl. tagtut

My kidneys are aching.

to kill

he has killed himself
tuquttuq, dl. tuquttuk, pl. tuquttut

The man killed himself.
Aŋun iŋmiñun tuquttuq.

he has killed it
tuqutkaa, dl. tuqutkaak, pl. tuqutkaat

He has killed the sick dog.
Tuqutkaa atniġñaliqsuaq qipmiq.

2. to kill someone or something

he is killing someone or something
tuqutchiruq, dl. tuqutchiruk, pl. tuqutchirut

They are slaughtering the reindeer.
Tuqutchirut qunŋiñik.

this kind, such kind
itnasriq, dl. itnatchik, pl. itnatchich

This kind of house is good.
Itnasriq tupiq nakuuruq.

2. what kind
qanusriq, dl. qanutchik, pl. qanutchich

What kind of a boat are you talking about?
Qanusriq uvva umiaq uqautigiviuŋ?

3. kindness -lit, cause for what is right, good, correct-

4. she is kind, good, approachable
qanualauratlaitchuq or attaġnaitchuq

-judge, boss, church elder, Lord
ataniq, dl. atannak, pl. atanġich

The king is the leader.
Ataniq aŋalatauruq.

belted kingfisher
nukuutchiqiq, dl. nukuutchiqik, pl. nukuutchiqich

The belted kingfisher can fly.
Nukuutchiqiq tiŋmitiaruq.

to kiss

he kisses someone
kuniksuq, dl. kuniksuk, pl. kuniksut

They -two- kissed.

she kissed him
kunikkaa, dl. kunikkaak, pl. kunikkaat

The boy gave her a kiss.
Nukatpialugruum kunikkaa.

2. to be in a state of kissing

They -2- are kissing.

She is kissing him.

Kissing is good.
Kuniiq nakuuruq.
knapsackaġġitñaq, dl. aġġitñak, pl. aġġitñat

The knapsack is made out of a loon skin.
Aġġitñaq iñiqsimaruq malġim amianiñ.

2. knapsack, packsack, backpack
natmagvik, dl. natmagviik, pl. natmagviich

My packsack is red.
Natmagviga kaviqsaaŋuruq.
to knead dough

he is kneading
tiniktuq, dl. tiniktuk, pl. tiniktut

He is kneading bread dough.
Tiniktuq qaqqiaksramik.

he is kneading it
tinikkaa, dl. tinikkaak, pl. tinikkaat

He kneaded it for a long time.
Tinikkaa akuni.

kneesitquq, dl. sitquk, pl. sitqut

My knees are cold.
Sitquuka qiqitkik.
naplu, dl. napluk, pl. naplut

My grandmother’s knee joints are aching.
Aanaruaġa naplunŋuruq.

sitquaq, dl. sitquak, pl. sitguat

The kneecap is in the middle of the leg.
Sitquaq nium qitqani ittuq.

to kneel

he has kneeled
sitquqtuq, dl. sitquqtuk, pl. sitquqtut

The boy has kneeled down on the floor.
Nukatpialugruaq sitquqtuq natiġmun.

Please kneel down.

2. to be in kneeling position

He is kneeling.

Some people can kneel for a long time.
Iñuich iḷaŋich sitquummisuurut akuni.

knife savik, dl. savvik, pl. saviich

The knife is sharp.
Savik ipiktuq.

2. folding or pocket knife
pitŋuqtaq, dl. pitŋuqtak, pl. pitŋuqtat

He put his pocket knife in his pocket.
Pitŋuqtani aiñiġmiutchiutigaa.

3. a sharp pointed knife for cutting the bottom part of a muskrat
iqquliñ, dl. iqqulisik, pl. iqqulisit

He is using such a knife.
Iqqulitmik atuqtuq.

4. table knife
niġiñiutnaq, dl. niġiñiutnak, pl. niġiñiutnat

The table knife is used for butter.
Niġiñiutnaq atuġaqtuq paramun.

5. woman’s knife
ulu, dl. uluk, pl. ulut

I value my ulu.
Uluga anniġigiga.
knife sharpener, whetstone
siḷḷiñ, dl. siḷḷisik, pl. siḷḷisit

A knife sharpener has four corners.
Siḷḷiñ sisamanik iqirġuqaqtuq.

iyaġisrhaq, dl. iyaġisrhaak, pl. iyaġisrhaich

The knife sheath is lost.
Iyaġisrhaq tammaqtuq.

2. knife sheath
savium puuŋa

Where is my knife sheath?
Saviŋma puuŋa naami?

to knock

he is knocking
katchaktuqtuq, dl. katchaktuqtuk, pl. katchaktuqtut

He is knocking out there.
Qakma katchaktuqtuq.

2. to be knocking, hitting a surface

it is knocking, hitting

The wood is hitting the door.
Qiruk katchaktuq talumun.

3. to be knocking repeatedly, loudly

he is knocking repeatedly, loudly

He is knocking out there on the shed door.
Katchalaruq qakma qanisani.

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