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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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yeix̲2 lack
lack, be short of (with amount specified; used esp. of time 'from now'); gone
O-u-ø-yeix̲~ (na act) for O to be lacking; for O to be gone
k̲aak̲ squat, sit, land
squat, sit down low; land (of bird or plane)
S-j-k̲aak̲~ (g̲a event) for S to squat, sit down low; for S to sit down quickly, squat down; for S to land (of waterfowl, plane) (singular subject)
shook̲ (3) laugh
laugh at it
O-S-ø-shook̲~ (ø act) for S to laugh at O
laugh; smile (often with laughter)
at S-ø-shook̲~ (ø act) for S to laugh
laugh; smile (often with laughter)
at S-ø-shook̲ (na act) for S to laugh; for S to smile (often with laughter)
k'wát' nest, lay eggs
lay eggs; nest
a-d-l-k'wáat'~ (na event; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for birds to lay eggs, nest
kaa1 lazy, slow
lazy, slow
a-u-S-d-s-kaa (ga state) for S to be lazy, slow
aat1 (18) go, walk, lead, gather together, go to bathroom, attack, appoint, let in, let out
appoint, choose for a certain position (plural object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (plural) O, choose O for a certain position
lead them
yaa O-shu-S-ø-.aat~ (ga event) for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead)
go on foot (plural subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
walking, going along there (of plural subjects)
P-x̲ yaa S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to be walking, going (by foot or as general term) along P (basically plural; see goot for singular)
go on foot (plural subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-.aat~ (g̲a motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (plural subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (plural subject) III
gági S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (plural subject) VII
gánde S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (plural subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (plural subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
go on foot (plural subject) I
kei S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk up, go up (by walking or as a general term)
attack someone
ji-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon
go on foot (plural subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (plural subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (plural object) II
neil~ O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (plural) O
gather together, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings)
woosh kaanáx̲ S-d-.aat~ (ga event) for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
gather, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings) II
woosh x̲oo-t~ S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
bend over, lean down (plural subject)
yínde sh ka-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to bend over, lean down
x'aas drip, leak
drip, leak (at fairly fast rate)
ka-l-x'áas (ø event) for something to drip, leak (at fairly fast rate)
gaas' (4) leap, pounce
leap, pounce on him/her/it II
P-t~ sh S-d-l-gáas'~ (Ø motion) for S to leap, pounce on P
move there VII
P-dé O-l-gáas'~ (na motion) for O to move household (with future plans unspecified) to P
move there II
P-t~ O-l-gáas'~ (ø motion) for O to move household (with future plans unspecified) to P
fall on face; nod off, fall asleep while sitting up
yan~ O-ya-ø-gáas'~ (ø motion) for O to fall on face; for O to nod off, fall asleep while sitting up
toow (6) read, count, teach, learn
read it, count it
O-S-ø-tóow (na act) for S to read O
teach him/her
P-x' at S-l-tóow (ø act) for S to teach P
teach it to him/her
P-x' O-S-l-tóow (ø act) for S to teach O to P
study; teach oneself
sh tóo at S-d-l-tóow (ø act) for S to study, teach oneself
study, learn it; practice it
sh tóo O-S-d-l-tóow (ø act) for S to study, learn O; for S to practice, rehearse O
read, count
S-d-tóow (na act) for S to read, count
gook know, learn
know how to do it; learn how to do it
O-S-sh-góok (ga state) for S to know, learn how to do O
kooʰ2 know, learn
know it
O-S-s-kooʰ~ (ø event; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to know, be acquainted with, make known O (esp. people, facts); for S to learn O (esp. facts)
k'eet' (3) leave, go, come
leave, go, come to it (of group of people) II
P-t~ O-ka-d-k'éet'~ (Ø motion) for O (group of people) to all leave, go or come to P
go (of group of people) VII
P-dé O-ka-d-k'éet'~ (na motion) for O (group of people) to all leave, go or come to P
pick berries
k̲u-S-ø-k'éet'~ (ø act; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to pick berries (esp. pick in quantity to take home)
naak̲2 (3) let go, release, leave, desert, hand over
let go of, release him/her/it; leave, desert him/her/it; hand him/her/it over
O-ji-S-ø-naak̲~ (ø event) for S to let go, release, relinquish O; for S to leave, desert O; for S to hand over, deliver up O
quit, give up (esp. drinking)
O-x̲'a-S-ø-naak̲~ (Ø event) for S to quit, give up O (esp. drinking)
quit, stop work
ji-S-d-naak̲~ (Ø event) for S to quit, stop work
ts'ein (3) leave alone
leave him/her/it alone, stop bothering him/her/it
yan~ O-S-l-ts'éin~ (Ø motion) for S to leave O alone, stop bothering O
quieten, stop talking
yan~ O-x̲'a-ka-S-l-ts'éin~ (ø motion) for S to quieten O, cause O to stop talking
quieten down, stop talking
yan~ x̲'a-S-d-ts'éin~ (ø motion) for S to quieten down, stop talking
naak̲2 (3) let go, release, leave, desert, hand over
let go of, release him/her/it; leave, desert him/her/it; hand him/her/it over
O-ji-S-ø-naak̲~ (ø event) for S to let go, release, relinquish O; for S to leave, desert O; for S to hand over, deliver up O
quit, give up (esp. drinking)
O-x̲'a-S-ø-naak̲~ (Ø event) for S to quit, give up O (esp. drinking)
quit, stop work
ji-S-d-naak̲~ (Ø event) for S to quit, stop work
goot1 (13) go, walk, follow, go to bathroom, appoint, let in, let out
follow him/her/it (singular subject) IX
N ítx̲ yaa S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to follow N (on foot)
appoint, choose for a certain position (singular object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (singular) O, choose O for a certain position
go on foot (singular subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to arrive at P, go to P (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-goot~ (g̲a motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (singular subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (singular subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) III
gági S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (singular subject) VII
gánde S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (singular subject) I
kei S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to walk, go up (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (singular subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-goot~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (singular object) II
neil~ O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (singular) O
go on foot (singular subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as general term) away from P
aat1 (18) go, walk, lead, gather together, go to bathroom, attack, appoint, let in, let out
appoint, choose for a certain position (plural object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (plural) O, choose O for a certain position
lead them
yaa O-shu-S-ø-.aat~ (ga event) for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead)
go on foot (plural subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
walking, going along there (of plural subjects)
P-x̲ yaa S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to be walking, going (by foot or as general term) along P (basically plural; see goot for singular)
go on foot (plural subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-.aat~ (g̲a motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (plural subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (plural subject) III
gági S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (plural subject) VII
gánde S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (plural subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (plural subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
go on foot (plural subject) I
kei S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk up, go up (by walking or as a general term)
attack someone
ji-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon
go on foot (plural subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (plural subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (plural object) II
neil~ O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (plural) O
gather together, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings)
woosh kaanáx̲ S-d-.aat~ (ga event) for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
gather, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings) II
woosh x̲oo-t~ S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
bend over, lean down (plural subject)
yínde sh ka-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to bend over, lean down
goot1 (13) go, walk, follow, go to bathroom, appoint, let in, let out
follow him/her/it (singular subject) IX
N ítx̲ yaa S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to follow N (on foot)
appoint, choose for a certain position (singular object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (singular) O, choose O for a certain position
go on foot (singular subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to arrive at P, go to P (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-goot~ (g̲a motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (singular subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (singular subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) III
gági S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (singular subject) VII
gánde S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (singular subject) I
kei S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to walk, go up (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (singular subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-goot~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (singular object) II
neil~ O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (singular) O
go on foot (singular subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as general term) away from P
aat1 (18) go, walk, lead, gather together, go to bathroom, attack, appoint, let in, let out
appoint, choose for a certain position (plural object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (plural) O, choose O for a certain position
lead them
yaa O-shu-S-ø-.aat~ (ga event) for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead)
go on foot (plural subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
walking, going along there (of plural subjects)
P-x̲ yaa S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to be walking, going (by foot or as general term) along P (basically plural; see goot for singular)
go on foot (plural subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-.aat~ (g̲a motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (plural subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (plural subject) III
gági S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (plural subject) VII
gánde S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (plural subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (plural subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
go on foot (plural subject) I
kei S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk up, go up (by walking or as a general term)
attack someone
ji-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon
go on foot (plural subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (plural subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (plural object) II
neil~ O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (plural) O
gather together, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings)
woosh kaanáx̲ S-d-.aat~ (ga event) for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
gather, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings) II
woosh x̲oo-t~ S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
bend over, lean down (plural subject)
yínde sh ka-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to bend over, lean down
Wooch yáx haa toowú ngatee.
Góok, yagaxtoodláak!
This is the Tlingit interpretation of Obama's slogan "Yes we can!".
tleit' lick
lick it, lap it up
O-S-ø-tléit'~ (Ø act) for S to lick, lap up O
yeil lie1
sh k̲'a-S-d-l-yeil~ (ø event) for S to lie, deceive
taa1 (2) lie2
lying down (of human) (singular subject)
(P-t) sh S-d-s-táan~ (position) for (singular) S to be lying down (at P)
lie down (of human) (singular subject)
yan~ sh S-d-s-taa~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to lie down
tee2 (7) lie2, sit, cry, wear, take off (shirt, dress, coat)
lying there (to have a round, spherical object lying there)
P-t O-ka-S-ø-téen (position) for S to have (round, spherical) O lying at P
sit there (of solid, complex object)
P-t s-téen (position) for a solid, often complex object to sit at P
carry it, take it (general, often compact object) II
N jee-t~ O-S-ø-tee~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (general, esp. abstract objects) to N
cry, weep, mourn, howl (plural subject)
g̲ax̲-S-s-tee~ (ga act) for (plural) S to cry, weep, mourn; for (plural) S to howl (esp. of wolves)
take it off (shirt, dress, coat, etc.) I
kaax̲ kei O-S-d-tee~ (Ø motion) for S to take off O (shirt, dress, coat, etc.)
wear it; have it on
kát O-S-d-tee~ (position) for S to wear O
yát N jee-t~ O-S-ø-tee~ (Ø motion) for S to get N pregnant with O (baby)
aax̲2 (4) give, take, carry, lie2
carry it, take it (textile-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet, etc.) VII
P-t O-S-ø-.aax̲~ (na motion) for S to carry, take O (a textile-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet) around at P
lie there (of hide-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet)
P-t ø-.áx̲ (position) for a hide-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet to lie at P
give, take, hand it to him/her (textile-like object, blanket, coat, robe, sheet, etc.)
N jee-t~ O-S-ø-.aax̲~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (textile-like object) to N
take it off (shirt, dress, coat, etc.) I
kaax̲ kei O-S-d-.aax̲~ (Ø motion) for S to take off O (shirt, dress, coat, etc.)
aat2 (17) think, give, take, carry, lie2, speak, turn, change mind
think over, consider, make up one's mind about (plural subject)
N daa yoo tu-S-l-.aat~ (ø act) for (plural) S to think over, consider, make up one's mind about N
change one's mind; think it over and reconsider, be converted (plural subject)
N daatx̲ k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to change mind about N; for (plural) S to think over and reconsider N
button it up
aanáx̲ O-ka-S-l-.aat~ (Ø act) for S to button up O
lying there (to have small objects lying there)
P-t O-ka-S-l-.át (position) for S to have O (small objects) lying at P
lie there (of small objects)
P-t ka-l-.át (position) for small objects to lie at P
lie there (of several things; of dead or unconscious persons or animals)
P-t l-.át (position) for several things to lie at P; for several persons or animals to lie dead, unconscious, or incapacitated at P
carry them, take them (esp. baggage) VII
P-dé O-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for S to carry, take (plural) O (esp. baggage) to P
speak, talk to him/her (plural subject)
N ée-t~ x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to speak, talk to N
give, take, hand it to him/her (small, round or hoop-like objects)
N jee-t~ O-ka-S-l-.aat~ (ø event) for S to give, take, hand O (small, round or hoop-like objects) to N
give, take, hand them to him/her (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
N jee-t~ O-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand (plural) O (esp. baggage and personal belongings) to N
lying down (of human) (plural subject)
(P-t) sh S-d-l-.át (position) for (plural) S to be lying down (at P)
speak, talk, make speech (plural subject)
x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (na event) or (plural) S to speak, talk, make a speech
turn the wheel (boat, car) I
kei O-ya-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to turn O (boat, car)
put it down, leave it (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
yan~ O-S-l-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave (plural) O (esp. baggage and personal belongings)
lie down (of human) (plural subject)
yan~ sh S-d-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to lie down
stop speaking, stop talking (plural subject) II
yan~ x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to stop talking
speak to, talk to, converse (plural subject)
yoo x̲'a-S-l-.aat~ (ø act) for (plural) S to speak, talk, converse
gaan1 (5) burn, shine, light
burn, catch alight; for a light to be on
P-t~ a-ka-ø-gaan~ (ø motion) for P (light) to be on; for P (fire) to burn, catch alight
light; set fire to; cause to shine; turn on (light)
P-t~ a-ka-S-l-gaan~ (Ø motion) for S to light, set fire to, cause P to shine; for S to turn P on (light)
shine (of sun)
a-d-gaan~ (g̲a event) for the sun to shine
shine, be bright; produce light by burning
ka-d-gáan~ (ø event) for something to shine, produce light by burning
burn it up
kei O-S-s-gaan~ (ø motion) for S to burn O up
goo1 (3) happy, want, like, fun
happy, glad
N toowú s-góo (ga state) for N to be happy, glad
want, like
N tuwáa S-s-góo (ga state) for N to want, like, desire S; for S to be pleasing to N
unhappy, lonesome
tlél O-tu-sh-góo (ga state) for O to be unhappy, lonesome
k̲áchk limp
limp, be lame, walk unevenly
O-l-k̲áchk (ga state) for O to limp, be lame, walk unevenly
aax̲1 (9) listen
listen for him/her/it VII
P-g̲aa k̲u-S-s-.aax̲~ (na motion) for S to listen for P
hear it
O-S-ø-.aax̲~ (ø event) for S to hear O
hear him/her/it (usually voice)
sa-S-ø-.aax̲~ (ø event) for S to hear O (a voice, esp. singing)
listen to it
P-t~ S-s-.aax̲~ (ø motion) for S to listen to P
play it (musical instrument)
O-S-l-.aax̲~ (ø act) for S to play O (musical instrument)
understand, comprehend him/her/it; hear him/her/it with understanding
O-x̲'a-S-ø-.aax̲~ (ø event) for S to hear O with understanding; for S to understand, comprehend O
hear it (be able to hear it)
O-S-ø-.áx̲ch (ga state) for S to be able to hear O
listen to him/her (take time to listen)
N x̲'éide k̲u-S-s-.aax̲~ (na motion) for S to (take time to) listen to N
listen to, obey him/her
N x̲'éi-t~ S-s-.aax̲~ (ø motion) for S to listen to, obey, give heed to N
oo1 (10) dress, pregnant, own, put, forgive, wear, give, live, use, angry, frustrate
live (at a place)
k̲u-S-ø-.oo~ (na state) for S to live, live at, dwell permanently
put them, leave them there
P-x' yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to put, leave (plural) O at P
pregnant, have a baby
atk'átsk'u/yát(k') O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to have O (baby), be pregnant with O (baby)
own, possess, have
O-S-ø-.oo (na state) for S to own, possess, have O
forgive, excuse him/her
ch'a aadé yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to forgive, excuse O
dress him/her/it
N náa yéi sha-S-ø-.oo (na act) for S to dress N
frustrate him/her
N toowú x̲'ool yáx̲ O-S-ø-.oo (na state; CV́V Imperfective) for S to frustrate N
get dressed
náa(x') yéi sha-S-d-.oo (na act) for S to get dressed
angry, mean
x'áan a-S-ø-.oo (na state; CV́V Imperfective) for S to be angry, mean
wear it; use it
yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na state) for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O
oos (3) pout, lively, talkative
pout, sulk, refuse to speak; refuse to run (of machine)
tu-S-d-.oos~ (ø event) for S to pout, sulk, refuse to speak; for a machine to refuse to run
noisy; lively; crazy
O-l-.oos (ga state) for O to be crazy, lively, noisy, never still
talkative, talk nonsense, gossipy, noisy
O-x̲'a-l-.oos (ga state) for O to be talkative, talk nonsense, be gossipy, or noisy
g̲eex' (6) donate, load, shoot, lose, throw
donate it; load it (gun); shoot it (basketball)
O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex' (na event) for S to donate O (esp. money); for S to load O (gun), put bullet in; for S to shoot O (basketball)
contribute to it; donate to it; add to it
P-t~ ka-S-d-g̲éex'~ (ø motion) for S to donate, contribute, add to P
contribute, donate
ka-S-d-g̲éex'~ (na event) for S to donate, contribute
throw it up in the air (esp. ball) I
kei O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ø motion) for S to throw O (esp. ball) up in the air
lose it
k̲ut O-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ga motion) for S to lose O
lose it (round, spherical object)
k̲ut O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ga motion) for S to lose O (round, spherical object)
teex̲' crooked, wicked, lock, screw, wind
wind it
O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (na event) for S to wind O
teix̲' (3) crooked, wicked, lock, screw, wind
screw it on it II
P-t~ O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (Ø motion) for S to screw O into P
crooked; wicked
O-ka-d-s-téix̲'~ (ø event) for O to be crooked, wicked
lock it
x̲'éi-t~ O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (ø event) for S to lock O
teesh lonely
O-l-teesh~ (g̲a event) for O to be lonely
yaat' (5) long
long (of stick-like object)
ø-yáat'~ (na state) for an object to be long (usually stick-like objects)
long (of time or physical object)
l-yát' (na state) for something to be long (of time or physical object)
long (of time)
yee-ø-yáat'~ (na state) for something to be long (of time)
long (that long, of stick-like object)
(yéi) ka-u-ø-yáat'~ (na state) for an object (usually stick-like) to be (so) long
long (that long)
(yéi) ka-u-l-yáat' (na state) for something to be (so) long
g̲een look
look at it
P-t~ a-S-d-l-g̲ein~ (ø motion) for S to look at P
g̲ein look
look around, about VII
P-t a-S-d-l-g̲ein~ (na motion) for S to look around, about P
t'aas' look
snap eyes at (indicating anger, dislike, or suspicion), look askance at, glance at and away again
N yaax̲ kei a-ka-S-d-l-t'áas'~ (Ø motion) for S to snap eyes at, look askance at, or glance at N (indicating anger, dislike, or suspicion)
sheeʰ1 look for, search
search for; look for
P-g̲áa k̲u-S-ø-sheeʰ~ (na act) for S to search for, look for P
xaat2 resemble, look like
look like it, resemble it
N yáx̲ ka-ø-xaat~ (ø state; CV́C Hort/Pot) for something to resemble N (esp. in shape)
yaa1 resemble, look like
look like, resemble him/her/it; identical with him/her/it
O-S-u-ø-yaa~ (g̲a state) for S to resemble, look like O; for S to be almost identical with O
Gán, ax oox!
xoon1 (2) lose
lose weight, slim down (as a result of trying)
sh S-d-l-xoon~ (g̲a event) for S to cause oneself to lose weight, slim down
lose weight, become thin
O-l-xoon~ (g̲a event) for O to lose weight, become thin
g̲eex' (6) donate, load, shoot, lose, throw
donate it; load it (gun); shoot it (basketball)
O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex' (na event) for S to donate O (esp. money); for S to load O (gun), put bullet in; for S to shoot O (basketball)
contribute to it; donate to it; add to it
P-t~ ka-S-d-g̲éex'~ (ø motion) for S to donate, contribute, add to P
contribute, donate
ka-S-d-g̲éex'~ (na event) for S to donate, contribute
throw it up in the air (esp. ball) I
kei O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ø motion) for S to throw O (esp. ball) up in the air
lose it
k̲ut O-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ga motion) for S to lose O
lose it (round, spherical object)
k̲ut O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ga motion) for S to lose O (round, spherical object)
soos1 (2) lose
lose them
k̲ut O-ka-S-l-sóos (ga motion) for S to lose (plural) O
lost (of plural people, objects)
k̲ut O-ka-ø-sóos (ga event) for (plural) O (objects, people) to be lost
geet1 (7) fall, wake up, lost
fall into it
P-dé O-d-s-geet~ (na motion) for O (live creature) to fall into P
fall, trip
P-náx̲ yei O-d-s-geet~ (ø motion) for O (live creature) to fall down, trip over P
fall into, against it
P-t~ O-d-s-geet~ (ø motion) for O (live creature) to fall into, against P
fall (esp. off of something)
daak O-d-s-geet~ (ø motion) for O to fall (esp. off of something)
wake him/her up; rouse him/her from sleep
kei O-S-s-geet~ (ø motion) for S to wake O up, rouse O from sleep
wake up
kei O-s-geet~ (ø motion) for O to wake up
k̲ut O-d-s-geet~ (ga motion) for O to lose oneself, be lost, usure of one's location
haaʰ many, plenty, lots
many, plenty, lots
O-sha-ya-d-haaʰ~ (na state) for O to be many, plenty, lots
x̲án (2) love
love him/her/it
O-S-s-x̲án (ga state) for S to love O
accompany, take to one, follow around
P-x' sh S-d-l-x̲án (ga state) for S to accompany, take (a liking) to, follow P around
x̲eitl blessed, lucky
lucky, blessed
O-li-x̲éitl (ga state) for O to be blessed, be lucky

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