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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be lazy

he is lazy
iqiasruktuq, dl. iqiasruktuk, pl. iqiasruktut

He is a lazy man.
Iqiasruuruq aŋun.

He is lazy today.
Iqiasruktuq uvluvak.

2. to be overcome by laziness, sluggishness

laziness, sluggishness overcomes him
iqiatkaa, dl. obj. iqiatkik, pl. obj. iqiatkai

The person is now too lazy to do anything.
Iqiatkaa iñuk.

3. to become lazy, drowsy

She has become lazy.

The song made me lazy.
Atuutim iqiatchaktitkaaŋa.

4. a lazy person
iqiasruaq, dl. iqiasruak, pl. iqiasruat

He is a lazy person.

5. to not be lazy

He is not lazy.
uhaq, dl. uhaak, pl. uhaich

Lead is heavy.
Uhaq uqumaitchuq.
to lead away, to take away

she is leading him away, taking it away
aullautlgaa, dl. aullautigaak, pl. aullautigaat

He took his dog away.
Qipmiq aullautigaa.

2. to lead others, as to lead in church services

He is leading at church.
Sivulliuqtuq aŋaayyuviŋmi.

lead -open water between landlocked ice, pack ice-

There is open water in the ocean.
Uiññiq uqumaitchuq.
lead dog, leader
sivulliqsri or sivulliqsi, dl. sivulliqsrik, pl. sivulliqsrit

The lead dog pulled very hard.
Sivulliqsri qamulallaktuq. or
Sivulliqsi qamulallaktuq.

leader, boss
sivulliuqti, dl. sivulliuqtik, pl. sivulliuqtit

The leader talked to his workers.
Sivulliuqti uqaqtuq savaktimiñun.
akutuqpalik, dl. akutuqpallak, pl. akutuqpalgich

A leaf grows on a cottonwood tree.
Akutuqpalik nauruq ninŋumi.

2. broad-leafed plant
to be leaking of a boat, kayak
immak-, immaula-

it is leaking
immaktuq or immaularuq, dl. immaktuk, pl. immaktut

The boat is full of water.
Immaktuq umiaq imiġmik.

2. to leak, of a house

it is leaking

It is leaking because it is raining.
Kusriqsuq takku siḷaluktuq.

3. to be leaking, of a container

it is leaking

It is leaking, dripping from the jar.
Kusriularuq nakasruŋŋuamiñ.
to lean

to lean against the wall

Please lean these two here against the wall.
Nayummaktillakkik ukuak tupqum saniġaanun.

to leap, to jump across

he leaped
nutiktuq, dl. nutiktuk, pl. nutiktut

The little girl leaped into the boat.
Niviaqsialugruaq nutiktuq umiamun.

2. to leap toward something

he leaped towards it
nuttaqigaa, dl. nuttaqigaak, pl. nuttaqigaat

The dog leaped at the cat.
Qipmim nuttaqigaa kiriuraq.

to learn

he is learning
iḷitchuq, d. iḷitchuk, pl. iḷitchut

She learned how to sew.
Iḷitchuq killaiyałiġmik

he learns it
iḷitchaa, dl. iḷitchaak, pl. iḷitchaat

Have they learned it?

2. to study, to practice

she is practicing, he is studying
iḷisaqtuq, dl. iḷisaqtuk, pl. iḷisaqtut

He is studying with the others.
Iḷisaqtuq atlatigun.

3. to learn easily, to be smart

He is smart.

to leave
unit-, unitchi-

he has left something or someone behind
unitchiruq, dl. unitchiruk, pl. unitchirut

He has left his friends behind.
Unitchiruq iḷannaġmiñik.

he has left it behind
unitchaa, dl. unitchaak, pl. unitchaat

He has left the dog behind.
Qipmiq unitchaa.

saumik, dl. saumiik, pl. saumiich

2. it’s left side

3. to be left handed

The girl is left handed.
Saumitmuuruq aġnauraq.

4. to be on the left side

It is on the left side.

5. to be left, to remain -after subtraction-

There are three left.
Piñasrut kisiŋŋuqtut.

leg niu, dl. niuk, pl. niut

The legs are used all the time when walking.
Niuk ataramik atuqtuk pisruktuni.

His legs are tired.
Niuk iñiqtuqtuk.

2. calf of leg
nakasruŋnaq, dl. nakasruŋnak, pl. nakasruŋnat

3. to break one’s leg

The boy broke his leg.
Nukatpiaġruk niuggaaqtuq.

4. skin of animal’s foreleg

I used caribou forelegs for mukluks.
Tuttum sivuġaġluŋi atuġitka kammi' ama.

5. front leg of animal
sivulliq, dl. sivulliik, pl. sivulliich

6. upper hind leg
anautaksraq, dl. anautaksrak, pl. anautaksrat

7. lower leg
kanaaq, dl. kanaak, pl. kanaat

The lower leg is under the knee.
Kanaaq ittuq ataani sitqum.
unipchaaq, dl. unipchaak, pl. unipchaat

to tell a story

My father likes to tell legends.
Taataga unipchaaġuguuruq.

brown lemming
aviññavik, dl. aviññaviik, pl. aviññaviich or
aviññauraq, dl. aviññaurak, pl. aviññaurat

The lemming is brown colored.
Aviññavik qaaqaqtuq iliktamik.

The lemming is eating an Eskimo potato.
Aviññauraq niġiruq masrumik.

2. collared lemming
qiḷaŋmiutauraq, dl. qiḷaŋmiutaurak, pl. qiḷakmiutaurat

The collared lemming is white.
Qiḷaŋmiutauraq qatiqtuq.
to lend

she lends him something
atchitchaa, dl. atchitchaak, pl. atchitchaat

The man lends his boat to his cousin.
Aŋutim atchitchaa umiamiñik iḷḷuni.

2. to lend, -lit., give away for use-
atauksrit- or atauksrirrutigi-

she lends him -something-
atauksritchaa or atauksrirrutigigaa

She lends her coat to the woman.
Atauksritchaa quppiġaani aġnamun. or
Atauksrirrutigigaa quppiġaani aġnamun.
it’s length

to be the length of

it is this length
taktigiruq, dl. taktigiruk, pl. taktigirut

The fish was about this length.
Qaluk samma itnatun taktigiruq.

qaqłutuuq, dl. qaqłutuuk, pl. qaqłutuut

The lesser scaup duck is good to eat.
Qaqłutuuq niġruni nakuuruq.

-lit. goose’s dog-
tiŋmiam qipmia, dl. tiŋmiam qipmik, pl. tiŋmiam qipmiŋi

The lesser yellowlegs is a bird.
Tiŋmiam qipmia tiŋmiurauruq.

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