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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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lettuce, cabbage or any garden-grown vegetable
nautchiaq, dl. nautchiak, pl. nautchiat

The garden grown vegetable is good to eat.
Nautchiaq niġiruni nakuuruq.


Lichen is what caribou eat.
Niqaaq tuttut niġriraġigaat.

to lie, to speak falsely

he is lying
sagluruq, dl. sagluruk, pl. saglurut

The man is lying.
Aŋun sagluruq.

2. to lie to someone

she lied to him
sagluqigaa, dl. sagluqigaak, pl. sagluqigaat

He lied to his mother.
Sagluqigaa aanani.
lie to be lying down
nala- or nalauraaq-

he is lying down
nalaruq, dl. nalaruk, pl. nalarut

My grandmother is lying on the bed.
Aanaruaġa nalaruq uqummatini.

he is relaxing, lying down on the bed.
Nalauraaqtuq siñigviŋñi.

2. to lie on one’s back
niġvala- or niġvalaummi-

he is lying on his back
niġvalaruq, dl. niġvalaruk, pl. niġvalarut

The man is lying on his back.
Aŋun niġvalaruq.

Life can be joyous.
Iñuułiq quvianatlaruq.

to lift

she has lifted it
kivikkaa, dl. kivikkaak, pl. kivikkaat

He has lifted a box.
Kivikkaa suluun.

to be light, not heavy

it is light -in weight-
uqitchuq, dl. uqitchuk, pl. uqitchut

The wood is light.
Qiruk uqitchuq.
gas light
2. gas light, artificial light

3. to light an artificial light

Please light the lamp.
ikniqpalak, dl. ikniqpallak, pl. ikniqpalaich

The lightning set the house on fire.
Ikniqpalaum kukukkaa tupiq.

2. The lightning is flashing.

There was lightning last night.
Ikniqpalagaqtuq unnuaq.

like that

He wants it like that.
Taatna pisukkaa.

like this

It is like this.
Itna ittuq.

2. like this one here
uumatun, dl. ukuŋnaktun, pl. ukunatitun

That dog is like this one here.
Taamna qipmiq ittuq uumatun.

like this one around here
marrumatun, dl. makuŋnaktun, pl. makunatitun

Don’t be like that one [around here].
Marrumatun inniaqnak.

3. likeness, parable

There is one like that here.
Taavruma atriŋa samma uvani.

4. to like someone
nakuaġi-, nakuaqsri-

she likes, loves someone
nakuaqsriruq, dl. nakuaqsriruk, pl. nakuaqsrirut

The woman loves her husband.
Aġnaq nakuaqsriruq aŋutmiknik.

I like you.

Do you like people?
Nakuaġivigich iñuich? or
Nakuaqsrivich iñuŋnik?
qaqłu, dl. qaqłuuk, pl. qaqłut

Her lips are red.
Qaqłuuk kaviqsuk.

to listen
naalak-, naalaktuaq-

he is listening
naalaktuq or naalaktuaqtuq, dl. naalaktuk, pl. naalaktut

The boy is listening to the storyteller.
Nukatpialugruaq naalaktuq unipchaaqtuamun.

He is listening to her.

to live

he is alive
iñuuruq, dl. iñuuruk, pl. iñuurut

He lived for a long time.
Iñuuruq akuni.

2. to live, to do work to sustain one’s life, to do chores
iñuuniaq- or iñuuniuraq-

he makes a living; he is working to survive, to live
iñuuniaqtuq, dl. iñuuniaqtuk pl. iñuuniaqtut

He lives all by himself.
Iñuuniaqtuq kisimi.

As for me, I was working outside.
As for me, I was doing my chores out there.
Iñuuniuraġaluaqamali qaani.
to be lively

he is lively
uumalaaqtuq, dl. uumalaaqtuk, pl. uumalaaqtut

The child is lively.
Uumalaaqtuq iyaalugruaq.

2. to be lively, to be mischievous

He is very lively.
tiŋuk, dl. tiŋŋuk, pl. tiŋuich

The liver is inside a person’s abdominal cavity.
Tiŋuk iñuum iḷuani ittuq.

usriaq, dl. usriak, pl. usriat

The load is on the sled.
Usriat qiḷġiñi ittut.

2. to load a vessel or conveyance

he is loading -the vessel-
usriḷḷliiruq, dl. usriḷḷiiruk, pl. usriḷḷiirut

He is loading the sled.
Usriḷḷiiruq qiḷġiñik.

usriḷḷiivik, dl. usriḷḷiiviik, pl. usriḷḷiiviich

This is a loading platform for a sled.
Qiḷġiñun usriḷḷiivik uvva.

located down there below the speaker and the listener; by, on, in the ocean; not visible
samani, tasramani

It is located down there.
Samani inniqsuq.

2. located down there below the speaker and the listener; along the coast; on, in, by the ocean; visible

The boat is down there.
Umiaq unani ittuq.

3. located over there, away from the speaker and the listener

The house is located over there.
Tupiq avani ittuq.

4. located up there

A few minutes ago, I saw a dall sheep up there in the mountains.
Akku qiñiqtuŋa ipniamik paani iñġiñi.
a lock, a padlock
kiluussaq, dl. kiluussak pl. kiluussat [Russ.]

Hand me the lock.
Kiluussaq qaiḷḷaguŋ uvaŋnun.

2. to lock

he locks it

He locks the house.
Kiluussaġaa tupiq.

3. to be locked

It is locked.
log cabinmaptiġaq, dl. maptiqqak, pl. maptiqqat

The log cabin is warm.
Maptiġaq uunaqtuq.

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