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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be lonely

she is lonely

2. to be seldom lonely

He is rarely lonely.

3. to be one who is not lonely though living alone
aliiḷaq, dl. aliiḷak, pl. aliiḷat

That man is quite contented by himself.
Aliiḷaq iñuk taamna aliitchuq.

4. to be lonely, boring, sad -of atmosphere-

it is lonely

It is lonely in jail.
Isigtauviŋmi alianaqtuq.
to be long; to be slow -of time-

it is long
takiruq, dl. takiruk, pl. takirut

The piece of wood is long.
Qiruk takiruq.

The day was long today.
Uvluq takiruq uvluvak.

Alaska longspur
putukkiułuk, dl. putukkiułuuk, pl. putukkiułuich

The Alaska longspur is a bird.
Putukkiułuk tiŋmiurauruq.

2. Smith’s longspur
putukkiułukpak, dl. putukkiułukpaak, pl. putukkiułukpaich

The Smith’s longspur is a bird.
Putukkiułukpak una tiŋmiurauruq.

to see, to look

she is looking
tautuktuq, dl. tautuktuk, pl. tautuktut

They are looking at dancers.
Tautuktut aġġiruanik.

he looked at him
tautukkaa, dl. tautukkaak, pl. tautukkaat

He looked at her writing.
Tautukkai aglaaŋi.

2. to see, to look

Look at it.

3. Look!

4. to stare

he is staring
tautukpaktuq, dl. tautukpaktuk, pl. tautukpaktut

Don’t stare!

common loon
taatchiŋiq, dl. taatchiŋik, pl. taatchiŋich

The common loon lays eggs.
Taatchiŋiq manniḷiraqtuq.

2. Pacific loon
malġi, dl. malġik pl. malġich

The Pacific loon likes to dive.
Malġi nakkaaġaġuuruq.

3. red-throated loon
qaqsrauq, dl. qaqsrauk, pl. qaqsraut

The red-throated loon has a mottled gray head.
Qaqsrauq niaquqaqtuq aġraqtaamik.

4. yellow-billed loon
tuutlik, dl. tuutliik, pl. tuutligich

The yellow-billed loon is swimming in the middle of the lake.
Tuutlik narvam qitqani puuvraqtuq.
to be loose

it is loose

The rope is loose around the pole.
Qasruŋaruq akłunaaq paukkami.

2. to be loose, to be untied

it is loose, untied
pituitchuq, dl. pituitchuk, pl. pituitchut

The dog is loose.
Qipmiq pituitchuq.
to lose, to be lost

it is lost
tammaqtuq, dl. tammaqtuk, pl. tammaqtut

The ball got lost in the grass.
Aqsraaq tammaqtuq iviŋnun.

he lost it
tammaġaa, dl. tammaġaak, pl. tammaġaat

He lost his cap at school.
Nasrautni tammaġaa aglagviŋmi.

2. to lose something

she lost something
tammairuq, dl. tammairuk, pl. tammairut

They -2- lost the letters.
Tammairuk aglaŋnik.

3. to lose -as in a game-

he lost
akiitchuq, dl. akiitchuk, pl. akiitchut

The boasters lost the basketball game.
Uqaviguuruat akiitchut aqsraaqamiŋ.
louse; larva of the caribou bot fly
kumak, dl. kummak, pl. kumaich

Lice make you itch.
Kumaich kumaksruŋnaqtut.

2. louse egg, nit
itqiq, dl. itqik, pl. itqich

A nit can turn into a louse.
Itqiq kumagutlaruq.

piqpaksriiq, nagliktaq, nakuaqsriiq

to love
piqpaksri-, piqpagi-

he loves
piqpaksriruq, dl. piqpaksriruk, pl. piqpaksrirut

The man loves his family.
Aŋun piqpaksriruq qitunġamiŋik.

she loves him
piqpagigaa or nakuaġigaa, dl. piqpagigaak, pl. piqpagigaat

The woman loves her child.
Aġnam piqpagigaa qitunġauri.
to be low -of water, of tide-

it is low -water in river-
imaiqsuq, dl. imaiqsuk, pl. imaiqsut

The river is low.
Imaiqsuq kuuk.

2. to be low -of height

it is low
naqittuq, dl. naqittuk, pl. naqittut

The ceiling of the house is low.
Tupqum qiḷaŋa naqittuq.
lumber framing lumber

Trees which are made into framing lumber are few.
Napaaqtut avattaaqtat iñugiakitchut.
noon meal, lunch
aiḷiiq, dl. aiḷiik. pl. aiḷihich

We eat when it is lunch time.
Aiḷiiq tikitman niġiraqtugut.

2. noon meal, lunch

3. to have lunch, to eat lunch
aili-, qitiqquutchiq- or qitiqquusriq-

They two are eating lunch.
Ailiruk. or

puvak, dl. puvaak, pl. puvaich

The lungs function all the time.
Puvaich ataramik atuqtut.

nuutuuyiq, dl. nuutuuyik, pl. nuutuuyich

A trapped lynx is dangerous.
Nuutuuyiq naniqtaq iqsiñaqtuq.

SL. lynx
niutuuyiq, dl. niutuuyik, pl. niutuuyich

Lynx pelts can be used for parka trim.
Niutuuyiq suġusriġinaqtuq quppiġaanun.

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