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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ch'elaak'ę́y' audio (Ledum sp.)
kentl'uuł audio shoe, boot laces
ch'egêddh' tl'ûul' audio  laces made from scraps of hide
xkédíi'aay audio
ts'ekaał audio old time wooden ladle
tuu tach'ihkaayh  I am ladling water
tuu tach'ishttheyh audio I am ladling water
ts'axt'een audio
menh audio ALSO pond
k'eetthiig' audio lake outlet
menh mâagh audio lake shore audio
Nxaal Měnn' \de
Dihthâad Měnn' audio
demee gaay audio
SEE crippled
neldzeey audio
nanint'ek audio  it (bird, airplane) landed (return to the ground)
ts'eyh kétl'á'eełáat audio the boat landed
nén' audio
shnénn' audio my land
nén' k'et audio on the land
nee'aanděg' audio our language
Dihthâad Xt'een Iin aanděg' audio Mansfield area people's language
sdzehdíi audio my lap
xee audio
SYN grease, shortening
ncháax audio it is large
shax xuncháax audio the house is large
The same basic words are used for 'deep' as in deep snow or water.
shchǒl' audio my larynx
SYN Adam's apple, voice box
teddh dą́'ą audio
teddh dą́'ą ghįhts'eyh audio  it was windy last night
tthé' de'ukah audio for later, until later
tthé' de'ukah xúh dhíndlah audio save it until later
edlóx audio he's laughing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ihdlóx ts'edlóx
indlóx ahdlóx
edlóx xedlóx

nadlókdách'énel'íik audio  she or he is giggling, laughing under their breath
yech'ehdlox audio  he or she is making him or her laugh

etxees audio it is laying eggs
dets'ên etxees audio  the duck is laying eggs
tth'í'elt'éeyh audio he's laying down
imperfective paradigmaudio
tth'ídhegt'éeyh tth1'its'elt'éeyh
tth'ídhilt'éeyh tth'ídhalt'éeyh
tth'í'elt'éeyh tth'íxelt'éeyh
ts'axdetdîig audio
tsets ts'į́' ts'axdetdîig audio  he or she is too lazy to bring in wood
nayitne'áak audio  she or he is leading him or her
ch'enaatthí' audio
ch'et'ą̌ą' audio
k'įį t'ą̌ą' audio birch leaf
del'éetl audio it (water) is leaking, dripping
ehchaan ts'enh shax shíi tuu del'éetl audio it is raining so water is leaking into the house
níihąą audio water level rose, flooded
tuu níihąą audio water flooded
ts'eyh shíi tuu níihąą audio water leaked into the boat
yikeneltąą audio  he is leaning against it
xékéxét'anédhégtęę audio I am leaning against (a wall)
łét'axnéltęę audio  they are against each other
wuteth tédheksháatl audio  I leapt over it
xdegdíix audio I am learning (a physical skill)
imperfective paradigmaudio
xdegdíix dzeldíix
xdildíix xdaldíix
xdeldíix xaxdeldíix

nach'enet-tl'ú'u xdegdíix ts'į́' sídíhdę'ę audio I am learning to sew
When referring to learning an oral skill (such as language or singing), an extra syllable 'da-' is added to the start of the word for "learn".
Dihthâad Xt'een iin aanděg' dadegdíix audio I am learning to speak Mansfield area people's language
nee'aanděg' dadzeldíix audio we are learning our language

The basic words for 'leave' are related to 'go'
natétshah audio she or he has left
perfective paradigm audio
natédhíshshah nats'étdeetl
natédhítshah natédhátdeetl
natétshah naxtétdeetl

shtlęę natétshah audio my friend has left
én' stâanindaay! audio leave, go away!
wuch'áa stánegkáak audio I went away from him or her in a hurry, I left unexpectedly

tl'ah ts'ęy audio
tl'axaas audio
tl'axaas ts'ęy éł ch'etnetl'ets audio he writes left-handed
ch'e'aa teedeeg audio  extra, leftovers
jâan ch'e'aa teedeeg tinxeeł yíninthenh? audio  can you pack this leftover stuff?
shxǒl' audio  my leg
shxothchěnn' audio my upper leg, thigh
sdzaad' audio my lower leg (shin)
SEE loan
łoch'ene'aag audio
shá' audio  lice
shá' ts'îil audio louse nits
tl'ěg' audio  animal lice, fleas
ch'inshǔ' audio lichen, caribou moss (Cladonia rangiferina)
syn caribou moss
yehtth'eex audio  he, she or it is licking it
łii detth'áag' éhtth'eex audio  the dog is licking its plate
ch'edaadîid audio  lid
ldîil tiił daadîid audio tea pot lid
dadelshék audio  he or she is lying
imperfective paradigmaudio
dadegshék dats'elshék
dadilshék dadalshék
dadelshék daxdelshék
shshěey' audio my life
SEE pick up
dekk'aayh audio I'm lighting it (fire), starting it up
imperfective paradigmaudio
dekk'aayh dzihk'aayh
dįhk'aayh dahk'aayh
yidihk'aayh xiydih'aayh

kón' nádį́hk'aayh audio you light a fire
natet-łeg nadįhk'aayh audio  start the car up

neldzeey audio a lamp, a lightbulb or a candle; any artificial light
yitehkąą it is just beginning to become light
xútgaay audio dawn, daylight
ndzâag audio  light, not heavy
ntsûudl ts'į́' ndzâag audio  it's little so it is lightweight
nahtên kónn' audio LITERALLY 'thunder fire'
nahtên nanint'ek audio  lightning strikes
shaa nsų́ų audio I like it LITERALLY 'it's good for me'
tuutheł shaa nsų́ų audio I like soup
shí' eegęyh shaa nsų́ų audio  I like dried meat
k'eh audio
tiikaan łii k'eh t'êey eltsįį audio wolves look like dogs
xúu' audio that way, like that
xúu' díinii audio he said it like that
naxęy tth'áadl' audio
kelt'addh audio
nach'etnet-'étth audio she or he is limping around
nachegt'ų́ų' audio  I am walking with one foot (using crutches)
tl'uuł audio rope, line
SYN rope
ts'aan audio lingcod, burbot
SYN burbot (Lota lota)
shdaaměl' audio my lips
The same Tanacross word is used to refer to rendering animal fat.
echees audio it is liquefying, rendering
Irene, ntl'ét nį́hchees audio Irene, cook the cranberries (to liquefy them).
shétth denadh'aay shíi xéhchees audio they melt snow in a bucket
dziitédhék-'ah audio  I am listening
wuts'į́' dzíitédhék-'ah audio I am listening to him or her or it
xá' xuh audio little, small amount
xá' xuh xnéek'etth audio it's a little cold
xá' xuh xunhéeyh audio talk a little bit (keep it short)
ntsîin audio little bit, few
tuutheł ntsîin ghishna' audio I drink a little bit of soup
Shos Ddheł Ndîig audio
Tth'iitú' Gaay audio
Different words are used for referring to one person or more than one person and use the same basic words as for 'sitting'.
eedah audio he's living (at a place)
imperfective paradigmaudio
dhihdah dzéltth'ih
dhindah dédhaltth'ih
eedah xdélttth'ih

Tok dhihdah audio I'm living in Tok
Fairbanks xdélttth'ih audio they are living in Fairbanks

perfective paradigmaudio
ghihdá' dzaltth'ii
ghindá' deghaltth'ii
ghindá' xdalttth'ii

nee'éł ghindá' audio he or she stayed with us
ndée índaax? audio where do you usually stay?
SYN reside, stay

shthét audio my liver
xuhłeeyh  I am loading (it)
ts'eyh shíi xółeeyh audio he's loading the boat
shaa dhindlah audio  loan it to me
njěyy' shaa dhindlah audio loan me your gloves
ch'eldlíi' audio
SYN padlock
wukę́ę' audio  its lodge, house, den
menh tadettiin tah tenh k'et dekę́ę' éhtsiik when the lake freezes over and they make their lodges on top of the ice
tsá' kę̌ę' audio beaver lodge
ndéeth audio  it is long
niidûuy xǒl' ndéeth audio  lynx have long legs
yaniidą́'ą audio  long ago times, olden days
ch'et'aathétl audio
xneh'ęh audio she or he is looking
mikah xnįh'ęh audio look for it
jâan nįh'ęh audio look at this
SEE see
SEE resemble
ndaxk'ée audio
taadziił audio common loon (Gavia immer)
ts'êlméet audio arctic loon (Gavia arctica)
ttheechaagh red-throated loon (Gavia stellata)
k'ąąy' ts'į́' ée'ąą audio
mexusháak audio it is lost, it disappeared
mexushâag gha lé'e ch'e wukó́l audio he must have gotten lost; that's why he's not here
mexudheksháak audio I lost it
stsųų yexúhshaak audio  my grandmother lost it
ndlâan audio
SYN many, much
see 'many' for examples
xunchâagh xedaxdetndeyh audio  it is loud
SEE lice
maa ihts'į́į audio  I love him/her
shaa nts'į́į' audio  she or he loves me
wuts'į́' xu' dee'ąą audio he's lucky
ghałíi' audio good luck
ghałíi' il'ęh audio keep it for good luck
daydelshaak he's lucky
naa su'eg'ęh audio I wish you good luck
sdzehdóg' audio my lungs
níidûuy audio (Lynx canadensis)

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