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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ch'inshǔ' audio lichen, caribou moss (Cladonia rangiferina)
syn caribou moss
yehtth'eex audio  he, she or it is licking it
łii detth'áag' éhtth'eex audio  the dog is licking its plate
ch'edaadîid audio  lid
ldîil tiił daadîid audio tea pot lid
dadelshék audio  he or she is lying
imperfective paradigmaudio
dadegshék dats'elshék
dadilshék dadalshék
dadelshék daxdelshék
shshěey' audio my life
SEE pick up
dekk'aayh audio I'm lighting it (fire), starting it up
imperfective paradigmaudio
dekk'aayh dzihk'aayh
dįhk'aayh dahk'aayh
yidihk'aayh xiydih'aayh

kón' nádį́hk'aayh audio you light a fire
natet-łeg nadįhk'aayh audio  start the car up

neldzeey audio a lamp, a lightbulb or a candle; any artificial light
yitehkąą it is just beginning to become light
xútgaay audio dawn, daylight
ndzâag audio  light, not heavy
ntsûudl ts'į́' ndzâag audio  it's little so it is lightweight
nahtên kónn' audio LITERALLY 'thunder fire'
nahtên nanint'ek audio  lightning strikes
shaa nsų́ų audio I like it LITERALLY 'it's good for me'
tuutheł shaa nsų́ų audio I like soup
shí' eegęyh shaa nsų́ų audio  I like dried meat
k'eh audio
tiikaan łii k'eh t'êey eltsįį audio wolves look like dogs
xúu' audio that way, like that
xúu' díinii audio he said it like that
naxęy tth'áadl' audio
kelt'addh audio
nach'etnet-'étth audio she or he is limping around
nachegt'ų́ų' audio  I am walking with one foot (using crutches)
tl'uuł audio rope, line
SYN rope
ts'aan audio lingcod, burbot
SYN burbot (Lota lota)
shdaaměl' audio my lips
The same Tanacross word is used to refer to rendering animal fat.
echees audio it is liquefying, rendering
Irene, ntl'ét nį́hchees audio Irene, cook the cranberries (to liquefy them).
shétth denadh'aay shíi xéhchees audio they melt snow in a bucket
dziitédhék-'ah audio  I am listening
wuts'į́' dzíitédhék-'ah audio I am listening to him or her or it
xá' xuh audio little, small amount
xá' xuh xnéek'etth audio it's a little cold
xá' xuh xunhéeyh audio talk a little bit (keep it short)
ntsîin audio little bit, few
tuutheł ntsîin ghishna' audio I drink a little bit of soup

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