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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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gah ts'ǐig' audio LITERALLY 'rabbit guts'
SEE angry
nindáayh audio
nindaagh audio
saxatnę́y audio
tsaxatndiik (Pica pica)
Different Tanacross words are used for making one or more than one thing.
yehtseyh audio he is making, building, constructing it
imperfective paradigm audio
ektseyh its'ehtseyh
įhtseyh ahtseyh
yehtseyh xiyehtseyh

\tb dhektsįį ts'ehtsįį dhįhtsįį dhahtsįį yíhtsįįxiyíhtsįį
shax xahtseyh audio he is making, building a house
yíhtsįį audio she or he made it
Making more than one thing
yinxąą audio he made them ALSO kill (several)
perfective paradigm audio
perfective paradigm audio
ghihxąą ts'inxąą
ghinxąą ghahxąą
yinxąą xeyinxąą

yexąą he is making them
k'įį tth'áak xéxąą audio they are making baskets

t'aay chox audio (Anas platyrhynchos)
nûun audio
nûun ká'ehá'  he is hunting LITERALLY 'he is fetching animals'
The Tanacross word can refer to a man in particular or a person in general depending on context
dendeh audio man, person
dendeey audio men, people
tsiil audio young man, older boy
ch'etey audio old man
jah dée' sųų audio (do it) in this manner, this way
Dihthâad audio Mansfield Village
Ch'enaa Ndêdh old Mansfield Village
Dihthâad Xt'een Iin audio Mansfield People
Mesiin Tsiits'iig audio
ndlâan audio many, lots (of something)
wudzih ndlâan nek-'ęh audio I see lots of caribou
SYN lots, much
ndlâan iin audio many people, lots of people
xtíitl gha ndlâan iin nindeetl audio lots of people came for the potlatch
xindlą́ą audio there are many (people)
Fairbanks xt'een iin xghindlą́ą audio there are lots of Fairbanks area people
Ch'eshǎan' Sǎa' \de LITERALLY 'eagle month'
k'ąąy audio (Marmaota caligata)
SYN ground hog
wushǎagh' audio  its marrow
yundíik audio  he married her
k'ôd niłxútdíik audio they are already married
xuht'ęę audio  I am married
Fairbanks tah ts'axunt'ęę audio we are married and make a home in Fairbanks
gah daaxeeł northern harrier (Circus cyaneus)
nah daax audio marsh hawk
tsûug audio (Martes americana)
SEE amazed
téeł audio
mattress, rug, bedding
kón' audio ALSO fire
téeł audio
bedding, rug, mat
Ch'egaay Sǎa' LITERALLY 'baby animal month'
súle' audio
SYN possible
kadándé' Dihthâad ts'į́' tíhhaał súle' audio maybe I'll go to Mansfield tomorrow
shint'ah audio
shint'ah, ihsųų audio me too, I'm fine
chenh audio meadow; flat, unforested area
medats'axdihthen sínt'eh audio she or he is a mean person
wushíi xnét-thet audio he or she is mean
mets'adaxdiht'eey \au she or he is a mean person
xech'udehsá' audio he is measuring it
mech'unéedhék-'ąą audio  I am measuring it, sizing it up
shí' audio meat, general term for food
tthį́į' audio meat, flesh
nłeen audio cooked meat
shí' tnetlog well cooked meat
shí' éhtsel freshly cut meat
nat-ttheg audio strips of meat
wuká'éegęy audio partly dried meat
ch'óndéyh audio medicine, usually a traditional remedy given by medicine man
etshen audio he is making medicine
deshen audio
SYN shaman
naniłts'étnal'íił audio we will meet again (on purpose)
k'ahdąądé' naniłts'étnal'íił audio we will meet again tomorrow
niłts'į́' xâats'atdeetl audio we accidentally met, we ran into each other
There are several words used to refer to melting ice or snow. See 'thaw' for more examples
ta'udeełet audio it (ice) is melting, thawing
na'elxęę audio
shétth na'elxęę audio the snow is melting
tuu gha shétth na'ekxęę' audio I am melting snow for water
SEE remember
mech'edhekką́ą' audio  I mended it, patched it (by sewing)
wukéjédhįhką́ą' audio you mended them (moccasins)
wukéjelką́ą' audio the moccasins were resoled
nadhektsįį audio  I mended it
SEE tell
tsoth audio (Mergus serrator)
SEE crazy
xdek nadatde'aag audio LITERALLY 'someone who carries news'
ts'íitsiy audio ALSO steel
sén' tsáan' audio
SYN shooting star, falling star
dzeen taatl'ed audio  midday
dzeen ts'į́' deg audio  towards noon
dzeen taandîidz audio  noon
taandîidz audio
dendeh keey taandîidz xetlaatiił audio a man is driving a sled to the middle of the village
Tohchenh Menh \de
SEE move (animals)
ch'et'úu' audio breast milk
shiiní' audio my mind
stsen audio  mine, my own
jâan ch'e stsen audio  this is mine
jâan ch'e sts'en sínt'eh audio this one is mine too \de
giihii audio audio
SYN preacher
tehts'ųųdz audio (Mustela vison)
łuug shíig' audio minnows, fish fry
wushíi na'ets'etnel'een audio
et-súuk audio she or he is mischievous
et-sûug audio mischievous person
wuk'et ts'axokdęyh audio I miss him or her
jeyh audio  mittens
jeyh shíi degndíik audio I put my hand in the mittens
deshoz jeyh audio old time mittens with fur inside
niłtah net-tsįį audio mixed together
jêg niłtah net-tsiin sínt'eh audio berries are mixed together
kentsįįth audio  moccasins, shoes, slippers
ch'ekent'ǎag' audio moccasin tops
k'ah dú' xá'áltsiin audio modern things
SEE damp
shxostl'axú' audio my molar
xą́ą'  mold
u'atxą́ą' audio it is moldy
shí' u'alxą́ą' audio  the meat became moldy
etchetth audio  it is molting
lsaaz audio
saa audio
gheldzeey audio  moon
gheldzeey na'ít-'ąą audio waxing moon (first quarter)
gheldzeey k'énélshąą' audio full moon
gheldzeey nâa'at-'ąą audio waning moon (last quarter)
Taaxod \de
ch'aldzeey audio
dendîig audio general term for moose (Alces alces)
detsîig audio calf moose
deshaaz audio cow moose
ninchûun audio bull moose
ch'eshiidz audio big bull moose
tl'ach'aakáal audio old moose with curved horns
Parts of a moose that have a special name
ch'inxǎann' audio hump on a moose's back
wutthéet'ǎag' audio moose "bell"
ch'inchěnn' audio rump
ch'ekelaagę̌y' audio hoof
ch'egáan' audio forelegs
ch'exǒl' audio hind legs
ch'endaag k'ée audio area where moose regularly go to feed
těey' audio
k'áhmén' audio morning
k'á k'áhmén' xúułé́ey audio it's not morning
k'áhmén' dé' audio tomorrow morning
k'áhmén' dé' Fairbanks ts'į́' natihdaał audio I am going back to Fairbanks tomorrow morning
k'áhmén' dą́'ą audio this (past) morning
k'áhmén' dą́'ą xesaghin'ąą audio this morning it was sunny
tth'êy audio
dlaat audioALSO algae
shnąą audio my mother
náa' audio  mommy
Tanacross has different words for a man's versus as women's mother-in-law
stsųų audio my mother-in-law (man's)
shkę́y' wunąą audio  my mother-in-law (woman's)
Naaxęy Xú' audio
SYN Tanacross Mountain LITERALLY 'frog tooth'
ddheł audio mountain(s)
łuu ddheł audio mountain range, snow or glacier covered mountain(s)
ddheł tthiit'aag audio mountain top
xdaagh  area above tree line, alpine tundra
teth audio
łuudh audio
SYN buckbrush, dwarf birch
teltsêdz audio mouse (general term)
ché' ndeedh mouse with long tail
tsudaakeey  shrew
shthaa audio my mouth
taacheeg audio river mouth
nindah audio he or she moves, travels with household goods, travels nomadically
Anchorage ts'enh Fairbanks tah ninihdah audio I moved from Anchorage to Fairbanks
stanindah audio she or he moved away
naxtetndeek audio they are moving from place to place
ghihndeł audio I am traveling around (with my family and possessions)
ya'ehaak audio she or he is moving about, always on the go
ah'és audio animals move, migrate, walk as a group
Refers to overall movement of more than one animal. Used not only for herd animals such as caribou or sheep but also, for example, of a bunch of loose dogs running around.
nûun natel'és audio animals are moving around
wudzih ndlaan xúh ah'és audio a lot of caribou are moving around there
Chedzǎagh' Ndîig ts'enh wudzih na'al'és audio caribou are migrating from the Fortymile River
altl'eeł herd of animals moves quickly
wudzih naltl'éy áltl'eeł a herd of caribou is moving quickly
xah natedaak audio the goose is walking around
łii atdetth audio The dog is running
deltheeyh audio it (compact object) is moving, in motion
naa tuutiił stádénín'aay audio move the cup there!
naa tuutiił nanénį́htsiit audio move the cup aside!
SEE push, carry
SEE many
łéech'aak audio mud
nah'ôg łéech'aak xúnłęę audio it's muddy outside
łéech'aak na'alják audio there was a mud slide LITERALLY 'mud slid down' ALSO clay
łeet'ot audio mud, quicksand ALSO quicksand
keech'ótl audio
ch'edzaathéth keech'ótl caribou legging mukluks
deljók audio she or he is mumbling
dadeljók audio she or he is mumbling angrily
tanát-t'uut audio  liquid is murky, thick (e.g. muddy water, gravy)
łeech'aak tanát-t'uut audio mud is thick, murky
najalt'enh audio  it (weather) is murky (due to fog, ice fog, smoke)
naxetltihtiik audio I am driving a sled
ch'enę̌yy' audio a mushroom (any kind)
ch'enę̌yy' tthishǔuz' audio cap of a mushroom
łuudh nę̌yy' audio yellow or light brown mushroom
t'aath nę̌yy' audio King Bolete mushroom (red headed mushroom) (Boletus edulis)
k'įį nę̌yy' audio birch bolete (black headed mushroom) (Leccinum scabrum)
dzenh audio  muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
níhts'îil audio  muskrat food (watermilfoil) (Myriophyllum spicatum)
dzenh kę̌ę' audio muskrat lodge
dzenh tsědz' audio muskrat tunnel
tl'aas audio
shdaayáan' audio my mustache
wutháa kôl audio mute person

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