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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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over there, outside, in another house or area
amma or taamma

They are singing over there at the church.
Amma agaayyuviŋmi atuqtut.

2. to fly over, to go over

He overshot the mark.
Qulautkaa sillaksakkani.

The ducks flew overhead.
Tiŋmiaġruich qulautchaaqtut.
owl barred owl
naataqpak, dl. naataqpaak, pl. naataqpaich

The barred owl flies at night looking for food.
Naataqpak tiŋmiraqtuq unnuami niqiksraqsiuqhuni.

2. boreal owl, Richardson's owl
takpiiḷaaġruk, dl. takpiiḷaaġruuk, pl. takpiiḷaaġruich

The boreal owl can see best at night.
Takpiiḷaaġruk unnuami takpitḷugaqtuq.

3. great gray owl
naataq, dl. naatak, pl. naatat

The owl flies at night.
Naataq tiŋmiraqtuq unnuami.

4. hawk owl
niaquqtuaġruk, dl. niaquqtuaġruuk, pl. niaquqtuaġruich

The hawk owl feeds on small mice.
Niaquqtuaġruk niġisuuruq mikiruanik aviññiaġnik.

5. horned owl
nukisaġaq, dl. nukisiqqak, pl. nukisiqqat

The horned owl looks like it has horns.
Nukisaġaq naataq nagruqaqmatun ittuq.

6. short-eared owl
nipaiuktaq, dl. nipaiuktak, pl. nipaiuktat

The short-eared owl eats small mice.
Nipaiuktaq niġisuuruq aviññaġnik.

7. snowy owl
ukpik, dl. ukpiik, pl. ukpiich

The snowy owl is white.
Ukpik qatiqtuq.

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