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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Pour Diyegingił. HM+RD lit. She's pouring something into it.
Te diye'ingił. HM+RD She's pouring water into it.
Ngoxo diyegitasngił. AJ+ES I'll pour it for you.

Pray Q'an'idle. HM+RD lit. She's praying.
Idiyan' q'an'idle. HM+RD He's praying alone.
Niłyił q'anxidle. HM+RD They're praying together.


Vogh sraqay HD+RD With child
Sozra vogh sraqay. HD+RDMy niece is pregnant.
Sraqay dodz dingit'a.HM+ED She is expecting a child.
Gits'i dingit'a. HM+RD Pregnant lit. There is something wrong with her.
Sozra gits'i dingit'a. HM+RD My niece is pregnant.

See "Good"

Priest Tiginlayinh HM+RD lit. One who puts people in the water
Tiginlayinh tohoł. HM+RD The priest is going to come.  

See "Baptize", "Bishop"

Viq'angine. HM+ED Protect him.  
Yiq'a'ine. HM+ED He's protecting it.
Viq'a'isne.HM+ED I'm protecting him.  
Xiyiq'a'ine. HM+ED They're protecting him.

See "Dragonfly"

Ptarmigan Q'uyałdal HM+RD
Q'uyałdal qul q'odet. HM+RD There are no ptarmigan around now.

Puddle Totrił RD
Totrił longh ting. HM+RD Lots of puddles on the trail.

Giyił tiniyh. HM+RD He is pulling something.
Xutl yił tiniyh. HM+RD He's pulling a sled.
Tl'eł yił xitonik.HM+RD They will pull the rope.

Punk Nigidinałt'oy HM+RD
Nigidinałt'oy oqo tasoł. HM+RD I'm going to go for punk.
Nigidinałt'oy ginaggad q'udithijit. HM+RD Punk smoke kept mosquitoes away.

Pup Łeggoy HM+RD
Łeggoy detsan'. HM+RD The pup is hungry.

Gi'iłniyh. HM+RD He is pushing it.
Xutl'oy iłniyh. HM+RD He's pushing the back of the sled.
Giloy iłniyh xingo ghihoł.RD+HM He's pushing the back while he's walking.

Pussy willow Q'ololeg RD+HM
Q'ode q'ololeg daghitl-'an'. RD+HM A while ago I picked pussy willows.

Dhi'onh. HM+RD It is in a location.
Yashik yeyighe'onh. HM+RD He put it in the box.
Go nine'oyh.HM+RD Put it here.
Viqon-gidine'oyh. KH+HM Put the cover back on. Like the loose cover on a jar.
Giyengila. HM+RD Put them in.
Gidegh nonela. HM+RDPut them away.
Nalyagh etho yengila.HM+RD Put the potatoes in the pot.
Nigidentlnik.RD He's starting to put something out.
Ndiniłnix. HM+RD Put it out. Light or fires

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