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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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pack to pack a baby on one’s back, to place a baby to be carried on one’s back

she placed him on her back to carry him

He placed the baby on his back.
Iyaalugruuraq amaġaa.

2. to be packing or carrying someone on one’s back

He is packing the baby.
Paipiuraq amaaġaa.

3. to be packed on someone’s back -as of a baby or child-

she is being packed on back

He is being packed on his mother’s back.
Amaaqsigsuq aanamiñi.

4. to pack items, prepare to leave, to prepare

I am packing.

My older brother is packing.
Aniŋauraġa paqnaruq.

5. to carry a pack on one’s back

He is carrying a pack on his back.

6. packsack
see backpack
paddle paddle, propeller, fin
aŋuun, dl. aŋuutik, pl. aŋuutit

The paddle is made of spruce.
Aŋuun napaaqtumiñ piḷiaŋuruq.

to paddle with a single-bladed paddle

he is paddling

2. a double-bladed paddle
paaŋuutik, pl. paaŋuutit

to use such a paddle

He is paddling with a double-bladed paddle.
page, sheet of paper
makpiġñiq, dl. makpiġñaak, pl. makpiġñiġich

Turn your books to that page.
Makpiġḷugich makpiġaasri taavrumuŋa makpiġñiġmun.

Oh! The pain in my body can’t seem to disappear.
Arii! Atniġñaq timimni piitḷaiqsuq.

2. to have tooth or gum pain
tuuġiaksri- or tuuġiaksi-

There’s a pain in my tooth.
Kigutiga tuuġiaksriruq.

3. a pain that does not go away immediately

to obtain such an annoying pain, as from gas

The man has a pain in his back that does not disappear quickly.
Aŋun atniutaqtuqtuq.

4. to have a pain, to ache, of part of the body
-nŋu-, -ñŋu- after strong I


She has a sidepain.


She has a toothache.


Her arm is aching.
miñulġun, dl. miñulġutik, pl. miñulġutit

I bought paint.
Miñulġutmik tauqsiqsuŋa.

2. to paint
miñułiq-, miñuliq-

she is painting
miñułiqtuq, dl. miñułiqtuk, pl. miñułiqtut

The man is painting the boat.
Aŋun miñułiqtuq umiamik.

he is painting it
miñułiġaa, dl. miñułiġaak, pl. miñułiġaat

He is painting the house.
Tupiq miñułiġaa.

he is painting

he is painting it

He is painting his house.
Tuppi miñuliġaa.
kiluussaq, dl. kiluussak, pl. kiluussat [Russ.]

The padlock has a key.
Kiluussaq aŋmautiqaqtuq.
palate, roof of mouth
qiḷagaq, dl. qiḷagak, pl. qiḷagat

The palate is located in the mouth.
Qiḷagaq ittuq qanġum iluani.
to be pale

he is pale -lit. without juice-
misruitchuq, dl. misruitchuk, pl. misruitchut

She is pale because of illness.
Misruitchuq sakniuqhuni.
palm of hand
aġvak, dl. aġvaak, pl. aġvaich

He has a cut on the palm of his hand.
Aġvaŋmigun kiḷḷiqaqtuq.
siḷaavyak, dl. siḷaavyaak, pl. siḷaavyaich
[Eng. from flapjack]

I love to eat pancakes.

2. to make pancakes

In the morning my mother makes pancakes.
Aanaga siḷaavyiuġaqtuq uvlaami.

The pancreas is inside of our body.
Mapsaq ittuq iḷuptitni.
to panic, to rush

he is in a panic, is excited
uiruq, dl. uiruk, pl. uirut

The person leaving is in a panic. or
The person is leaving in a rush. -depends on circumstances-
Iñuk aullaġniaqtuaq uiruq.
pants pants, trousers
kamikłuuk, pl. kamikłuich

The pants are dirty.
Kamikłuuk puyauruk.
kaliikkaq, dl. kaliikkaak, pl. kaliikkaich [Russ.]

There was paper strewn all over the floor.
Kaliikkaich siaminniqsut natiġmun.

2. writing paper, writing material
aglagviksraq, dl. aglagviksrak, pl. aglagviksrat

There is lots of writing paper in the school.
Aglagviksrat iñugiaktut aglagviŋmi.

3. towel, paper towel
ivgun, dl. ivgutik, pl. ivgutit

A paper towel is very useful.
Ivgun atuġnallapiaqtuq.
parable, example, demonstration
urrakusraun, dl. urrakusrautik, pl. urrakusrautit

One can learn from parables.
Urrakkusrautit iḷisaaqaġviginaqtut.
a parasitic worm such as a tape worm
qumak, dl. qumaak, pl. qumaich

The fish had parasitic worms.
Qaluk qumaqaqtuq.
to become parched, dry

It has become parched.

The leaf is parched.
Akutuqpalik paliġaa.
dl. aŋayuqaak, pl. aŋayuqaat

Parents raise children.
Aŋayuqaak iñuguqtitchiraqtuk iyaalugruaġnik.
parka atigit

parka cover
nasralik, dl. nasrallak, pl. nasralgich

The parka cover has fancy trimming.
Nasralik qupagiksuq.

2. parka cover, shirt
atikłuk, dl. atikłuuk, pl. atikłuich

I washed my parka cover.
Iġġukkaġa atikługa.

3. pullover parka
[A parka is spoken of in a plural form because it is made of more than one animal skin.]

That parka is made from caribou skin.
Taapkua atigit iñiqsimarut tuttum amianiñ.
paatnaq, dl. paatnaak, pl. paatnat [Eng.]

2. to be partners, also in the sense of a special friendship between people who trade items and are loyal friends to each other

They -2- are partners.

My such partner.
to meet and pass each other

they -2- pass each other
paaqsaaġutiruk, pl. paaqsaaġutirut

The two men passed each other.
Malġuk iññuk paaqsaaġutiruk.

2. to pass, to grow taller than someone else

he passed it

He passed me. or
He grew taller than me.

3. to pass overhead

it is passing overhead
qulauttuq, dl. qulauttuk, pl. qulauttut

The plane is flying above us.
Tiŋmisuutim qulautkaatigut.

4. to pass by via waterways, frozen or melted

The barge is slowly passing by.
Umiaqpak sarġutchaaqtuq.

There is the dog musher passing by on the river.
Taunna uniaġaqtuaq sarġuttuq.

5. to pass by outside of tent, house or building

He went past the house outside of us.
the past

2. distant memorable past, further away in time than ikpaksraavak

In the distant memorable past, long ago

3. recent past, at a particular time

4. in the past, before this time, before

We used to do that in the past.
Sivuani uvva taatnaġuuruani.
pastor, missionary
aŋaayyuliqsi or agaayyuliqsi, dl. aŋaayyuliqsik, pl. aŋaayyuliqsit

The pastor is a preacher in the village.
Aŋaayyuliqsi quliaqtuaqtauruq nunaaqqimi.
a path cut through brush or trees

The path is open.
Kiksrat aŋmarut.

2. the path, the way
apqun, dl. apqutik, pl. apqutit.

Follow the path.
Apqun malguraġlugu.
to be patient

She is patient.

to become patient

She became patient and watched the children.
Qatmiiqhuni qaunagigai iyaalugruich.
uuktuun, dl. uuktuutik, pl. uuktuutit

I used a pattern to make the mukluks.
Atuġiga uuktuun kammi’ama.

2. peace

Peace to all people.
Qiñuiññaq iluqaitñun iñuŋnun.
to be peaceful, to be calm

it is peaceful, is calm
qiñuitchuq, dl. qiñuitchuk, pl. qiñuitchut

The man is peaceful.
Aŋun qiñuitchuq.

2. to be a calm, peaceful person, -lit. one who does not nag or complain-

She is peaceful and calm.

The pelvic girdle is big.
Kuutchiñaak aŋiruk.
pencilaglaun, dl. aglautik, pl. aglautit

The pencil is used for writing.
Aglaun atuġaqtuq aglaktuni.

The penis is part of a man’s body.
Usruk aŋutim timaani ittuq.

There are many people.
Iñuich iñugiaktut.

2. young people
nutaat, nutaqqat

3. younger people, teenagers
nutaġaurat, nutaat

Young people will also become old.
Nutaat utuqqanaaġuġisikmiut.

4. old people

The old people are many.
Utuqqanaat iñugiaktut.
papa, dl. papak, pl. papat [Eng.]

Pepper can also be added to a stew.
Papaliġñaqmiuq imiġaurriugaq.
-lit. a means of causing good odor-, incense
tipigiksaun, dl. tipigiksautik, pl. tipigiksautit

Perfume is yellow.
Tipigiksaun suŋaqpaluuruq.
to persecute, to torture

He was persecuted for his beliefs.
Nagliksaaqtitkauruq ukpiqsriiġmigun.
to be persevering, to be confident

he is persevering, does not give up, is confident, has hope
nikaitchuq, dl. nikaitchuk, pl. nikaitchut

My sister doesn’t give up when she picks berries.
Aniqatiga nikaitchuq aullaqsruġniaqami.

2. to persevere, to keep on going

he is persevering, keeps on going

He is persevering in spite of temptations.
Sivutmuuruq nikasraaġutit itkaluaŋŋaitñik.
iñuk, dl. iññuk, pl. iñuich

That person is good.
Iñuk taamna nakuuruq.

2. a person born in the same year as self or others
iñuuqan, dl. iñuuqatik, pl. iñuuqatit

She is the same age as I. lit., There is the one who is the same age as I am. Iñuuqatiga tara.
auksruaq, dl. auksruak, pl. auksruat

Phalarope is the name of a bird.
Auksruaq atqa tiŋmiuram.

2. northern phalarope
qayyiiġun, dl. qayyiiġutik, pl. qayyiiġutit

The northern phalarope is small.
Qayyiiġun mikiruq.
to pick up many items

he is picking up again and again, he is gathering
pukuktuq, dl. pukuktuk, pl. pukuktut

he is picking them up, he is gathering them

He is picking up clothes.
Pukuktuq atnuġaanik.

She is picking up wood chips.
Pukukkai ulimmakut.
pick berries
2. to pick berries

she is picking berries
aullaqsruġniaqtuq, dl. aullaqsruġniaqtuk, pl. aullaqsruġniaqtut

The woman is picking blueberries.
Aġnaq aullaqsruġniaqtuq asriaviŋñik.

3. to pick up, to take hold of something

she has taken hold of something
tigusriruq, dl. tigusriruk, pl. tigusrirut

He has picked up a pencil from the floor.
Aglautmik tigusriruq natiġmiñ.
ivruqsiñ, dl. ivruqsisik, pl. ivruqsisit

The pick axe is sharp.
Ivruqsiñ ipiktuq.
agliutraq, dl. agliutrak, pl. agliutrat

The picture is hanging on the wall.
Agliutraq naktisrimaruq katchimi.
a piece
iḷaviñiq, dl. iḷaviññak, pl. iḷaviñġich

The piece of the meat dropped.
Niqim iḷaviñġa kataktuq.
puttun, dl. puttutik, pl. puttutit

Men use a piercing tool when making things.
Aŋutit atuġaġigaat puttun suliuqamiŋ.
kuniaq, dl. kuniak, pl. kuniat

The pig has short legs.
Kuniaq niukitchuq.
siulik, dl. siullak, pl. siulgich

Pike is good to eat.
Siulik niġiruni nakuuruq.
iiraġaq, dl. iiraqqak, pl. iiraqqa

A pill is swallowed with water.
Iiraġaq iiñaqtuq imikun.
pillowakiñ, dl. akisik, pl. akisit

A pillow is to lay your head on when sleeping.
Akiñ niaqum tunŋavigigaa siñiktuni.
ship’s pilot, tillerman
aquti, dl. aqutik, pl. aqutit

The pilot of the ship is steering the boat south.
Aquti umiaqtuqtuq uŋallatmun.
qaqquliktaq, dl. qaqquliktaak, pl. qaqquliktat

He eats crackers often.
to pinch

he is pinching him
putyukkaa, dl. putyukkaak, pl. putyukkaat

The man pinched the ugly bug.
Aŋutim putyukkaa qupilġuaqłuk.
kakkitvik, dl. kakkitviik, pl. kakkitviich

There are needles on the pincushion.
Kakkitvik mitqutiqaqtuq.
ivugaq or kurugaq, dl. ivukkak, pl. ivukkat

The pintail duck comes early in the spring.
Ivugaq aggiġñaġiayuktuq.
to pitch -of boat-
qaiḷḷiuq- or qaiḷḷiuqsraaq-

The strong wind causes the boat to pitch to and fro.
Anuġiġruum qaiḷḷiuqsraaqtitkaa umiaq.
to pity

he is feeling pity
nagliksraqtuq, dl. nagliksraqtuk, pl. nagliksraqtut

My father is feeling pity for the injured person.
Taataga nagliksraqtuq atniqsuamik.

2. to feel sorry for, to pity another

he is feeling sorry for her
nagligigaa, dl. nagligigaak, pl. nagligigaat

She felt sorry for him when he lost his wife.
Nagligigaa iḷaqataiqman.

3. to be pitiful

he is pitiful
nagliŋnaqtuq, dl. nagliŋnaqtuk, pl. nagliŋnaqtut

The orphan was pitiful because he did not have parents.
Iḷiappak nagliŋnaqtuq takku aŋayuqaaŋitḷuni.
place, room
ini, dl. inik, pl. init

The room has three lights.
Ini naniqaqtuq piñasrunik.

2. place for, occasion for., time for

a place for meetings, a meeting place

a church, a place for prayer
agaayyuvik or aŋaayyuvik

a school, lit., a place for writing, schooling
to make a plan, to decide
sivunniq-, sivunniuq-

he has made plans, he has made a decision
sivunniqsuq, dl. sivunniqsuk, pl. sivunniqsut

The man is making plans to go to school.
Aŋun sivunniuqtuq aglagiaġukhuni.

2. plan, purpose, decision

They did as planned. They followed the plan.
Sivunniun atuġaat.
nautchiaq or nauriaq, dl. nauriak, pl. nauriat

to plant a garden

she is planting a garden
nautchiiruq, dl. nautchiiruk, pl. nautchiirut

My father is planting a garden.
Taataga nautchiiruq.

2. she is setting out, is planting
niŋitchiruq, dl. niŋitchiruk, pl. niŋitchirut

My mother is planting seeds.
Aanaga niŋitchiruq nautchiaksranik.

He is setting a net in the river.
Niŋitchiruq kuvramik kuuŋmun.
play to play ball

he is playing ball
aqsraaqtuq, dl. aqsraaqtuk, pl. aqsraaqtut

The little boy is playing ball.
Nukatpialugruaq aqsraaqtuq.

2. to play with toys

he is playing with toys
iŋŋuaqtuq, dl. iŋŋuaqtuk, pl. ŋuaqtut

He is playing with the toys.
Iŋŋuaqtuq iŋŋuanik.

3. to play with toys

He is playing with toys.
Inattuaqtuq inattuanik.

4. to play an instrument

he is playing an instrument
atuqtuuraqtuq, dl. atuqtuuraqtuk, pl. atuqtuuraqtut

The man is playing an instrument.
Aŋun atuqtuuraqtuq.

5. to play in water or with water

she is playing with water
immiqiruq, dl. immiqiruk, pl. immiqirut

He is playing with water in the river.
Immiqiruq kuuŋmi.

6. to play outside

she is playing outside
aniiqsuaqtuq, dl. aniiqsuaqtuk, pl. aniiqsuaqtut

Go play outside!
to plead -for forgiveness-
uqavsaaq- or uqapsaaq-

he is pleading
uqavsaaqtuq or uqapsaaqtuq, dl. uqavsaaqtuk, pl. uqavsaaqtut

The wrongdoer is pleading for forgiveness.
Killiqiruaq uqavsaaqtuq.

she is pleading with him
uqapsaaġaa or uqavsaaġaa, dl. uqavsaaġaak, pl. uqavsaaġaat

She is pleading with him not to do that again.
Uqavsaaġaa taatnatqiqunġitḷugu.
to be pleased, to be very happy

She was pleased to be in school.
Pipikaqtuq aglagiaqami.

The stars of the Pleiades constellation are up in the sky.
Siqupsiqqat uvluġiat ittut qiḷaŋmi.
plenty, abundant, a lot

She caught plenty of fish.
Atqunaq qaluktuq.

2. plenty! enough!

There are plenty of berries.
Apai asriat.
kiggisik, pl. kiggisit

The pliers are lost.
Kiggisik tammaqtuk.
black-bellied plover
tullikpak, dl. tullikpaak, pl. tullikpaich

The black-bellied plover can fly.
Tullikpak tiŋmitḷaruq.

2. golden plover
tullik, dl. tulliik, pl. tulliich

The golden plover is a bird.
Tullik tiŋmiurauruq.

3. semipalmated plover
qurraquraq, dl. qurraqurak, pl. qurraqurat

A semipalmated plover is also a bird.
Qurraquraq tiŋmiuraukmiuq.

4. upland plover
nunam kanaaqturuaŋa, dl. nunam kanaaqturuaŋak, pl. nunam kanaaqturuaŋat

The upland plover is a bird.
Nunam kanaaqturuaŋa tiŋmiurauruq.
to pluck fowl

he is plucking fowl
iġitchaqtuq, dl. iġitchaqtuk, pl. iġitchaqtut

She is plucking a goose.
Iġitchaqtuq tiŋmiamik.

she is plucking it
iġitchaġaa, dl. obj. iġitchaġik, pl. obj. iġitchaġai

He is plucking the duck.
Iġitchaġaa tiŋmiaġruk.
aiñiq, dl. aiññak, pl. aiñġich

The pocket has a hole.
Aiñiq allaqaqtuq.
point, promontory
nuvuk, dl. nuvuuk, pl. nuvuich

2. to point with finger

to keep on pointing

he is pointing
tikkuaqtuqtuq, dl. tikkuaqtuqtuk, pl. tikkuaqtuqtut

The teacher is pointing at me.
Aglakti tikkuaqtuqtuq uvamnun.
to poke at with a stick, to break up pieces of ice with a sharp pointed metal tool
tuggaq-, or tugak-

The woman poked at the mouse’s hole with a stick.
Aġnam tuggaġaa -or tugakkaa- aviññaum sigauraŋa.

2. to poke with a sharp object; to sting, of an insect

it poked her
tuuqtiġaa, dl. tuuqtiġaak, pl. tuuqtiġaat

The wasp stung her.
Tuggayuum tuuqtiġaa.

poking stick
tuggaun, dl. tuggautik, pl. tuggautit

The man’s poking stick is long.
Aŋutim tuggautaa takiruq.
pole, pillar, post
ayak, dl. ayyak, pl. ayaich

The pole is in the house.
Ayak tupiġmi ittuq.

2. a pole

Maniiḷaq used to have a pole with him at all times.
Maniiḷaq napaqsraqaġuuniqsuaq.

3. a pole, a grave marker
nappaqutaq, dl. nappaqutak, pl. nappaqutat

There were many poles by their house.
Nappaqutat iñugiaktut siḷataatni.
common red poll, hoary red poll
saksakiq, dl. saksakik, pl. saksakich

The common red poll stays during winter.
Saksakiq ittaqtuq ukiumi.
iḷuqutaq, dl. iḷuqutak, pl. iḷuqutat

The porcupine tastes good when you eat it.
Iḷuqutaq niġiruni kayumiktuq.
cooking pot
utkusrik, dl. utkusriik, pl. utkusriich

My cooking pot is big.
Utkusriga aŋiruq.
potatomasru, dl. masruk, pl. masrut

plant of Eskimo potato
masruqutaq, dl. masruqutak, pl. masruqutat

We search for the stems of Eskimo potatoes when gathering them.
Masruqutanik pakigaqtugut masrunniaqapta.
pour to pour

it is pouring
kuviuraaqtuq, dl. kuviuraaqtuk, pl. kuviuraaqtut

It is pouring onto the floor.
Kuviuraaqtuq natiġmun.

he is pouring it
kuviuraaġaa, dl. kuviuraaġaak, pl. kuviuraaġaat

He is pouring the water.
Kuviuraaġaa imiq.
praise, honor

They sang the song of praise.
Atuun nanġaun atuġaat.

2. to praise, to brag about

he is praising him
nanġaġaa, dl. nanġaġaak, pl. nanġaġaat

He praised the one who sang.
Nanġaġaa atuqtuaq.
pray to pray
aŋaayyu-, agaayyu-

she is praying

She is praying for her children.
Aŋaayyutigai qitunġani.

2. to ask for, to pray

she is asking for something, he is praying
iŋiqsruqtuq, dl. iŋiqsruqtuk, pl. iŋiqsruqtut

He is praying for help.
Iŋiqsruqtuq ikayuqupluni.

3. prayer
iŋiqsrułiq, pl. iŋiqsrułhich or
aŋaayyułiq, pl. aŋaayyułhich

Prayer is to be said at all times.
Aŋaayyułiq atuumaruksrauruq ataramik.
to preach

he is preaching

he is preaching about it

The pastor gave a sermon.
Aŋaayyuliqsi quliaqtuaqtuq.
preacher, pastor
aŋaayyuliqsi, agaayyuliqsi, quliaqtuaqti, uqaqti

The preacher came.
Aŋaayyuliqsi aggiqsuq.
to be pregnant

she is pregnant
naaqturuq, dl. naaqturuk, pl. naaqturut

The woman is pregnant.
Aġnaq naaqturuq.

2. to be pregnant, to have a fetus inside

She is pregnant.

Are you pregnant?

3. to be pregnant, to be bloated from overeating

she is pregnant, he is bloated from overeating
tiŋŋiqsiruq, dl. tiŋŋiqsiruk, pl. tiŋŋiqsirut

Her belly is bloated.
Narraak tiŋŋiqsiruk.
to prepare, to get ready, to pack

she is preparing
paqnaruq, dl. paqnaruk, pl. paqnarut

She is preparing to sing.
Paqnaruq atuġukhuni.
to be, to be present

she is present
ittuq, dl. ittuk, pl. ittut

He is present at the meeting.
Ittuq katimaruani.

2. at the present moment, now

She is here at present.
Pakma uvaniittuq.

3. a present, a gift

a present not yet given
pressure appliance stove, camp stove
siiġruk, dl. siiġruuk, pl. siiġruich

The camp stove uses gasoline.
Kaasliimik uqsruqtuġuuruq siiġruk.
to pretend
-ŋŋuaq- [v-v]

He is pretending that his arm is hurt.
Atniŋŋuaqtuq taliġmigun.

2. to pretend

he is pretending
piŋŋuaqtuq, dl. piŋŋuaqtuk, pl. piŋŋuaqtut

3. to pretend to believe, to be hypocritical

she is a hypocrite
ukpiŋŋuaqtuq, dl. ukpiŋŋuaqtuk, pl. ukpiŋŋuaqtut

A hypocrite is in danger.
Ukpiŋŋuaqti navianamiuruq.
to be pretty, good, nice to look at

she is pretty
qiñiyunaqtuq, dl. qiñiyunaqtuk, pl. qiñiyunaqtut

She is pretty when she dresses up.
Qiñiyunaqtuq paqnallakami.

2. to be pretty, fancy

it is pretty

The Christmas lights are pretty.
Aŋaayyuniqpaum naniŋi piññaqnaqtut.

3. to be pretty -of a female- to be cute or precious looking of children and animals and small, cute inanimate objects

she is cute

The puppy is cute.
Qipmiuraq anaŋŋaaŋuruq.

The girl is pretty.
Aġnauraq anaŋŋaaŋuruq.

4. How cute! How pretty! How precious looking!
to prick

she pricked herself
kakiruq, dl. kakiruk, pl. kakirut

The woman pricked her finger with the needle.
Aġnaq kakiruq -or kapiruq- mitqutmik.

2. to stab, prick, pierce, puncture; to get a shot with a hypodermic needle

He accidentally stabbed himself with a knife.
Kapliġniqsuq saviŋmik.

The nurse gave her a shot.
Mairitchiqirim kapigaa.

He is filled with self-pride.
Pigiłiġmik imaqaqtuq.

She is proud of herself.
Pigiruq iŋmiñun.
prison, jail
isiqtauvik, dl. isiqtauviik, pl. isiqtauviich

He is not in jail.
Isiqtauviŋmi piitchuq.
do it, say it, proceed, go ahead
ki, kii-kii or kii-kaa

Go ahead. Show me the way.
Kii-kii. Iḷisautiŋŋa tumimik. or
Ki! Iḷisautiŋŋa tumimik.
a promise, covenant
akiqsruun, dl. akiqsruutik, pl. akiqsruutit

We had heard the promise.
Akiqsruun tusraakkaqput.
prophet, apostle -lit. God’s speaker-
uqaqtaa Godŋum

2. prophet, one who foretells the future

The prophet tells about the future.
Sivuniksriqiri uqaqtuq sivuniksramik.
to shield, to protect
tuvluaq-, tugluaq-

she is shielding him, he is protecting him
tuvluaġaa, tugluaġaa

She is protecting him from harm.
Tuvluaġaa suviksraŋaniñ.

He protects us at all times.
to be proud, to think oneself worthy

he is proud of himself

She was proud when she completed her work.
Pigiruq pianikami savaaġmiñik.
to provoke, to tease

she is provoking him
pisaayugaġaa, dl. pisaayugaġaak, pl. pisaayugaġaat

2. to provoke
uumisaaq-, or uumisaaġuraq-

he is provoking her
uumisaaġuraġaa, dl. uumisaaġuraġaak, pl. uumisaaġuraġaat

The boy is provoking his older brother.
Nukatpialugruum uumisaaġuraġaa aniŋani.

3. to provoke, to bother, to tease

she is provoking him

Don’t tease!
prowler -unknown person who is sometimes seen from afar and is blamed for otherwise unexplained occurrences-
uliqqan, iññuqutaq, iqsiuq, dl. uliqqatik, iññuqutak, iqsiuk, pl. uliqqatit, iññuqutat, iqsiut

The prowlers can be noticed in early fall.
Uliqqatit uliġnaqsiraqtut ukiaksraaqman.
ptarmigan rock ptarmigan
niksaaktuŋiq, dl. niksaaktuŋik. pl. niksaaktuŋich

The rock ptarmigan lives on the tundra.
Niksaaktuŋiq natiġnami itchuuruq.

2. willow ptarmigan
aqargiq, dl. aqargik, pl. aqargich

The ptarmigan is white in winter.
Aqargiq qatiġaqtuq ukiumi.
immiñauraq, dl. immiñaurak, pl. immiñaurat

The puddle is muddy.
Immiñauraq maqatlauruq.
puffin common puffin, tufted puffin
qiḷaŋŋaaq, dl. qiḷaŋŋaak, pl. qiḷaŋŋaat

Puffins live at sea.
Qiḷaŋŋaat taġiumi itchuurut.
to pull -of an animal-

it is pulling -of an animal-
qimuktuq, dl. qimuktuk, pl. qimuktut

The dog is pulling a sled.
Qipmiq qimuktuq qiḷġiñik.

2. to pull a boat along the shore with a rope

He is pulling my boat along the shore.
Ukammaġaa umiaġa.

3. to pull

he has pulled it
nuqitkaa, dl. nuqitkaak, pl. nuqitkaat

The man has pulled the trigger of the gun.
Aŋutim nuqitkaa supputim nuqirrutaa.

4. to pull from opposite ends, to play tug-of-war

They -2- are playing tug-of-war.
to punish, to teach a lesson to

to punish oneself

She is punishing him.

2. to learn one’s lesson, to feel the effects of punishment

He learned his lesson.
takkuvik, dl. takkuviik, pl. takkuviich

The pupil is in the eye.
Takkuvik irimi ittuq.
qipiniuraq, dl. qipmiurak, pl. qipmiurat

Puppies are cute.
Qipmiurat anaŋŋaaŋurut.
purity, holiness

Holiness is told of in the Bible.
Ipqiiq uqautauruq Bible-luni.
to push

he pushes her t
inugaa, dl. tinugaak, pl. tinugaat

She pushed the chair.
Tinugaa aquppiutaq.

2. to push repeatedly

Don’t push her!

3. to push a sled

He is pushing the sled.
Kaivḷuuqtuq qiḷiġñik.
to put away, to store
tuvvaq- or tugvaq-

he puts it away, stores it
tuvvaġaa, dl. tuvvaġaak, pl. tuvvaġaat

She puts away the watch that she likes.
Tuqtuqtauraq anniġikkani tuvvaġaa.

2. to put somewhere, to place, to lay
iḷi-, iḷiḷḷak-

He puts it there.
Iḷigaa taruŋa.

Just put it there.
Iḷiḷauŋ taruŋa.
to putter, to tinker

she is puttering

Oh, I was just puttering.
Tamaani suliqiuraqtuami.
iḷisuġaq, dl. iḷisuqqak, pl. iḷisuqqat

Puzzles are entertaining.
Iḷisuqqat quvianaqtut.

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