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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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qipiniuraq, dl. qipmiurak, pl. qipmiurat

Puppies are cute.
Qipmiurat anaŋŋaaŋurut.
purity, holiness

Holiness is told of in the Bible.
Ipqiiq uqautauruq Bible-luni.
to push

he pushes her t
inugaa, dl. tinugaak, pl. tinugaat

She pushed the chair.
Tinugaa aquppiutaq.

2. to push repeatedly

Don’t push her!

3. to push a sled

He is pushing the sled.
Kaivḷuuqtuq qiḷiġñik.
to put away, to store
tuvvaq- or tugvaq-

he puts it away, stores it
tuvvaġaa, dl. tuvvaġaak, pl. tuvvaġaat

She puts away the watch that she likes.
Tuqtuqtauraq anniġikkani tuvvaġaa.

2. to put somewhere, to place, to lay
iḷi-, iḷiḷḷak-

He puts it there.
Iḷigaa taruŋa.

Just put it there.
Iḷiḷauŋ taruŋa.
to putter, to tinker

she is puttering

Oh, I was just puttering.
Tamaani suliqiuraqtuami.
iḷisuġaq, dl. iḷisuqqak, pl. iḷisuqqat

Puzzles are entertaining.
Iḷisuqqat quvianaqtut.

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