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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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teth audio
mejédhekką́ą' audio  I patched it, put a patch on it
tęy audio ALSO trail, road
wuk'éetáa ch'eltsîig audio a pattern, guide
wuk'éetáa ch'į́htseeyh audio make it like this (using this as a guide or pattern)
wuké' audio it's paw ALSO foot
mexughihkéet audio I paid him or her
nexuteghihkéet audio I'm going to pay you
SEE repay
súu' xúu'ąą audio it is peaceful (right here)
ddheł tthit'aag audio mountain peak
SYN summit
shax tthit'aag audio peak of a house, roof peak
ch'edzǎagh' audio
wuk'et nách'ekt'áatth audio I peeled it (with a knife)
wuk'et nâach'ekt'áatth I peeled them
dekts'ek audio I am peeling birch or willow
nat'u'ekt'įį I usually peel it
wuk'et naxokch'uuł audio I am peeling it (orange, package)
ch'elaat'ûudz dekt'uuts I peeling bark
yehts'el she or he is peeling it
ch'ethéth audio its pelt
SYN hide, skin
shk'ę́yy' tth'ěn' audio my pelvic bone
shk'ę́yy' my pelvis
ch'etnetl'ědz' audio
łdaa audio
wutsóg' audio  his penis
dendeey iin audio
koxt'een iin audio
ch'ilkeey audio young people, adolescents
SEE maybe
The Tanacross word can refer to a man in particular or a person in general depending on context.
dendeh audio person, man
koxt'een audio people
is the usual word used; used
SEE sweat

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