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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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Used for activities such as picking plants or berries or gathering firewood
jêg nektseyh audio I'm picking berries
imperfective paradigmaudio
nektseyh ts'enehtseyh
nįhtseyh nahtseyh
nehtseyh xnehtseyh

tsiil tsets nehtseyh audio the boy is gathering wood

Different words are used depending on what kind of object is being handled or if more than one object is handled.
nidihdlah audio I picked them up (more than one of any object)
perfective paradigmaudio
ni'idhíhdlah nidzíidlah
ni'idhíndlah ni'idháhdlah
nidéedlah nixiydíidlah

The plural forms below imply that more than one person is picking up a single object, not that each person is picking up an single object.
nidih'ąą audio I picked it up (a compact, solid object)
perfective paradigmaudio
nidíh'ąą nidzíi'ąą
nidín'ąą nidáh'ąą
niyidín'ąą nixiydíi'ąą

niditąą audio I picked it up (something long and skinny, like a pencil)

perfective paradigmaudio
nidíhtąą nidzíitąą
nidíntąą nidáhtąą
niydíitąą nixiydíitąą

nidihkąą audio I picked up it (something in a container, like a water jug)

perfective paradigmaudio
nidíhkąą nidzíikąą
nidínkąą nidáhkąą
niydíikąą nixiydíikąą

nidekchúuth audio I picked it up (something flat and flexible, like shirt or a book)

perfective paradigmaudio
nidekchúuth nidzihchúuth
nidįhchúuth nidahchúuth
niydihchúuth nixiydihchúuth

nidektęę audio I picked up it (a living animal or person, like a puppy or an infant)

perfective paradigmaudio
nidéktęę nidzíhtęę
nidį́htęę nidáhtęę
niydíhtęę nixiydíhtęę
ch'eshǐig' audio picture, photograph ALSO ghost, reflection
ch'ekanuhghuhłêel audio let me to take your (more than one) picture
xáan' audio part of, piece (of something), referring to a sizable piece
aayh xáan' éxdék-'ąą audio I found part of a snowshoe
ch'edǔul' audio small pieces, scraps
ch'edǔul' én' íntthet audio sweep those pieces out (for example, bits of broken glass)
see part for more examples of 'piece, part of something'
yixáningéet audio he pierced through it
dedzǎagh' xáningéet audio she pierced her own ear
uljaaddh audio northern pike (Esox lucius)
tsets xatnaldok audio wood is piled up in a heap
tthí'aał audio
łéegęyh audio
SYN cracker
wunę́ę' netgú' audio his or her face is pimpled, pock marked
wu'éł dádhíhtset audio I pinched it
shintsįį éł dádhíhtset audio I pinched my nose (for example to stop a nosebleed)
ch'elahdzôl audio
SYN spruce cones
kelahtuud audio (Pinicola enucleator)
SYN grosbeak
dzehndeedh audio (Anas acuta)
ts'íitsiy thǔul' audio
xosk'ée audio a hole in the ground
SYN hole ALSO ditch, gully
dzéex audio pitch
SYN gum
dzéex kón' audio hard outer spruce pitch
dzéex tl'ę̌y' audio soft white sticky pitch
teejuh kadįht'eh audio someone who looks pitiful (can apply to person or animal)
Used as an exclamation with meaning of 'poor thing' or 'that's too bad'
teejuh audio
eshěg' deh audio  that place, right there
na'atthíi eshěg' deh nek-'ę́ę' audio I saw it at that place down there (by the water)

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