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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'enîin él' audio literally 'with the child '
SYN afterbirth
nesheegh audio plants
xt'ach'ihłeeyh audio I am planting a garden
tth'áak audio
xdelxos audio they're playing
imperfective paradigmaudio
degxos dzelxos
dilxos dalxos
delxos xdelxos

shchel łii chox éł délxos audio my younger brother is playing with a big dog
dexos k'ée audio playground, a place for fun

kón' tsêdl audio
dach'udelkét audio she or he is pleading, begging
shí' gha dach'udelkét audio he or she is begging for food
dets'inkeey gha dach'udelkét audio he or she is praying for the well-being of his children
nadayutnelsú' audio she or he is pleading with him/her
theen ch'enelzhaay semi-palmated_plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
ihdots I am plucking it
dets'ên ghihdóts tl'âan dé' tékłet audio I plucked the duck and then I will singe it
ch'et'ah audio  pocket
ch'etlé' t'ah audio pants pocket
point at
wuts'į́' ts'utédhék-'ah audio I am pointing at it
sts'į́' ts'utéh'ah audio he or she is pointing at me
point out with physical contact
mets'u'ihttheyh audio I'm pointing at it
mets'u'inttheyh audio you are pointing at it
shets'u'ettheyh audio she or he is pointing at me
mets'u'ts'ettheyh audio we are pointing at it
mets'u'ahttheyh audio you all are pointing at it
nets'uxettheyh audio they are pointing at you
wuchíi audio point or tip of something
SYN end
łdaachíi audio
yihts'ok audio he poked it
perfective paradigm
ekts'ok ts'ehts'ok
įhts'ok ahts'ok
yihts'ok xiyehts'ok

shinlaats'ógh maa ittets audio my finger poked through it

gés audio stick used for stirring campfire
dints'eeg audio
SYN rack poles
nach'udah'ę́'ę audio ALSO guard
menh audio pond ALSO lake
tl'aas k'ée audio LITERALLY 'clam place'
ch'ehdenh détłęę audio she or he is without necessities

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