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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'axuntleeg audio
ts'axnildę'ę ts'į́' ts'áxúntleeg ts'į́' kentsįįth ehtsįį audio  she or he is inexperienced so made poor quality moccasins
teejuh audio  poor thing!
te'injuh audio you poor thing! (I feel sorry for you)
dzéex nekk'éts audio I am popping, snapping gum (as I chew)
t'áath audio (Populus sp.) ALSO cottonwood, aspen
shos tsǎadh' audio (Boschniakia rossica)
ts'iit audio (Erethizon dorsatum)
ch'ox audio porcupine quill
Ts'induul Ndiig \de
SYN belongings
súle' audio
SYN maybe
ts'íitsiy tth'áak audio ALSO dishpan
tsaath audio Indian Potato
SYN carrot, roots (Hedysarum alpinum)
teediiz audio potatoes
xtíitl audio potlatch
ch'ąą audio potlatch food
jąą' audio gifts given at potlatch
ją́ąy' audio personal potlatch gift
soojee audio invited potlatch guest
łeghaas neltl'uun old time potlatch tripod
dzeteex ch'ełiik audio sorry song sung at potlatch
xtéetíitl audio he or she is going to make a potlatch
ldîil téhtsįį audio he or she is going to make a potlatch literally 'he or she is going to make tea'
this is a metaphorical way of talking about potlatch
xaxotíitl audio they made a potlatch
nítthéynintthéet audio  she or he pounded it in
de'ihdiił audio I'm pouring (it)
imperfective paradigmaudio
de'ihdiił dets'indiił
de'indiił dedhahdiił
deyindiił dexiyindiił

ldîil tuutiił shíi dé'índiił audio pour the tea into the cup

SEE poor
daydįhcháax audio  she or he praised him or her LITERALLY 'she/he made him/her look or sound large'
xexnindeyh audio he or she prayed
imperfective paradigmaudio
xexnihdeyh xets'axnindeyh
xexnindeyh xexnahdeyh
xexnedeyh xexaxnindeyh
giihii audio audio
SYN minister
shaa xdint'eh audio  she or he is precious to me
ts'enîin éł nt'eh audio she is pregnant
wugaay xtéełé' a pregnant animal

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