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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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wuts'į́' xáxáltsįį audio she or he had a premonition
SYN sign
SEE make
SEE ready
jah deh audio  right here
jah deh na'ethet audio  he or she is present, is standing right here
kǎay' audio
SYN gift ALSO souvenir, keepsake
cheejish'áał audio I am pretending to eat
cheejeldę'ę' audio she or he is acting, pretending to do something
cheejegnih audio I pretended I said that
This refers specifically to 'face'. It is injih to say that someone is pretty or handsome.
ninsųų audio she is pretty ALSO handsome
dą́'ą audio previously, in the past
This is used to indicate that a time period is in the past.
teddh dą́'ą audio  last night
k'ént'eh audio probably
Fairbanks ts'į́' natihdaał, k'ént'eh audio I'll probably go back to Fairbanks.
súle' audio probably
k'á shnį́h'îil súle' audio you probably won't see me
êy gha súu' audio probably
yidátl'áxdin'ąą audio she or he promised him/her, gave him or her their word
ch'udelnih audio it is being protective
This word implies that that someone or something is being protective by being aggressive
deshaaz degǎay' gha én' ch'udelnih audio  the cow moose protects its young
daa súu' él'ęh audio
daa súu' él'ęh ts'į́' ch'e aayh aaxaan audio she or he is proud of the snowshoes she or he made
jêg chox audio LITERALLY 'big berry'
yihtl'ek he pried it
k'étmah audio  willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)
ddheł k'aal audio rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus)
tuu tl'adéedlah audio  puddle
nateldliih frozen puddle with no water in it
The Tanacross words include the English meanings of "drag" as well as "pull".
ghihłuuth audio I am pulling it
imperfective paradigmaudio
ghihłuuth ts'aałuuth
ghinłuuth ghahłuuth
yaałuuth xiyaałuuth

xáyínłuuth audio he or she pulled it out
tl'uuł teełų́ųnin'ąą audio he or she pulled a rope
xaałų́ųghíh'ąą audio I pulled it out of the water (with a rope)
nanishłuuth audio I dragged it back
tsiil tsets nadatłuuth audio the boy is dragging wood

SEE hit
wuch'anekch'etth audio I punctured it, punched through it
ekts'eth audio I am punishing him or her
łii ch'udelneey ekts'eth audio  I am punishing the naughty dog (with a switch)

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