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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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snowshoe rabbit, varying hare
ukalliuraq, dl. ukalliurak, pl. ukalliurat

The rabbit is good to eat.
Ukalliuraq niġiruni nakuuruq.

snowshoe rabbit
ukalliatchiaq, dl. ukalliatchiak, pl. ukalliatchiat

There are many snowshoe rabbits this year.
Iñugiaktut ukalliatchiat ukiuvak.

2. jack rabbit
ukallisugruk, dl. ukallisugruuk, pl. ukallisugruich

Jack rabbits are also edible.
Ukallisugruich niġiñaqmiuttuuq.

3. to have a rabbit drive, to drive any animal toward a waiting hunter

The people are having a rabbit drive.
Iñuich uŋuraqtut ukalliñun.
to be rabid

it is rabid

a rabid animal

They saw a rabid fox.
Qiñiqtuat malukaktuamik kayuqtumik.
to race, hold a contest

They are having a contest.

2. to race, hold a contest
-qqautraq- [v-v]

He is racing.

The young boys are racing.
Aŋugaurat tikitqautraqtut.

They are racing to see who will finish eating first.

They are having a dog race.

3. to run a race

They had a mini-marathon on the Fourth of July.
Fourth of July-qmata aqpaliutraqtut.
a drying rack
iññisaq, dl. iññisak, pl. iññisat

Hang them on the drying racks.
Naktillugich iññisanun.
qitqaniñ amiññiqsraq, dl. qitqaniñ amiññiqsrak, pl. qitqaniñ amiññiqsrat

Follow the radius from the center.
Maliglugu qitqaniñ amiññiqsraq.
raft -of logs-
umiaġluk, dl. umiaġluuk, pl. umiaġluich

2. to go logging, to arrive with a log raft

They went logging up the river.
Umiaġlugiaqtut qavuŋa.
rafters on a log cabin
igḷiq, dl. igḷak, pl. igḷiġich

The rafters are always on the ceiling of a house.
Igḷiġich ittaqtut tupqum qiḷaŋani.
a washrag, a wash cloth
ivgugauraq or iġġuugauraq

2. a dishrag

3. a floor rag

4. any other rags, towels

to rain

it is raining

It rains during summer.
Siḷalugaqtuq auraġmi.

2. rain coat
siḷaluksiun, dl. siḷaluksiutik, pl. siḷaluksiutit
nigaq, dl. nigak, pl. nigat

Rainbows are pretty.
Piññaqnaqtut nigat.
to raise up by pulling , to pull

he is raising an object by pulling up
nuqitchiruq, dl. nuqitchiruk, pl. nuqitchirut

My mother is pulling her net.
Aanaga nuqitchiruq kuvraġmiñik.

2. to raise up

he is raising it

She raised her clothesline.
Qulvaqtaaġaa paniqsiutani.

3. to raise one’s hand, to extend one’s hand

He raises his hand because he wants to say something.
Israktuq nipliġukhuni.

The rake is in the house.
Kumŋutit tupiġmi ittut.

2. to rake

she is raking

He is raking outside.
Kumigaqtuq qaani.
trailing raspberry -lit. devil’s berry-
tuunġaum asriaq, dl. tuunġaum asriak, pl. tuunġaum asriat

The trailing raspberry grows upriver.
Tuunġaum asriaq qavani nauraqtuq.
tulugaq, dl. tulukkak, pl. tulukkat

The raven stays in Alaska all winter.
Tulugaq Alaska-mi itchuuruq ukiuq naatlugu.
to reach for

he reached for it
israkkaa, dl. israkkik, pl. israkkai

He reached for the cup.
Qallun israkkaa.

2. to reach for something

She has reached for something.

3. to reach one’s destination, to arrive

They reached Ambler.
Tikitchut Ivisaappaanun.
read to read

she is reading
agliqiruq, dl. agliqiruk, pl. agliqirut

She is reading at school.
Agliqiruq aglagviŋmi.

he is reading it
agliqigaa, dl. agliqigaak, pl. agliqigaat

He is reading his assignment.
Agliqigaa agliqiaksrani.

Don’t read in the dark.
Agliqinak taaġmi.
now? ready?

2. to be ready

It is ready.

3. to be ready
-łhiñaaġuq-, hiñaaġuq- after strong I [v-v]

He is ready to go.

She made it ready for sewing.
real, true, genuine, original
-piaq [n-n]

real person
iñupiaq [an Eskimo]

real food
niqipiaq [Native food]

real speech
uqapiaq, uqapiaraaq [to speak Eskimo]

real song
atuutipiaq [a traditional Iñupiaq song]

real dog

2. to really be doing something
-piaq- [v-v]

He truly is that way.

Did she really sew it?
to be experienced, to become reality, to take place, to come to pass

it is experienced, it becomes reality
atuummiruq, dl. atuummiruk, pl. atuummirut

Much of Maniiḷaq’s prophesy has become reality today.
Apai, taivruma Maniiḷam uqautigikkaŋa atuummiruq pakma uvluvak.
to realize, to find it out, to become acquainted with

she has realized, has found out, has become acquainted with
iḷitchuġiruq, dl. iḷitchuġiruk, pl. iḷitchuġirut

he realized it
iḷitchuġigaa, dl. iḷitchuġigaak, pl. iḷitchuġigaat

He has realized that he has many relatives.
Iḷitchuġiruq iḷaukkałiġmiñik.
to recall, to remember

he recalled
itqaqtuq, dl. itqaqtuk, pl. itqaqtut

He recalled his old story.
Itqaqtuq iŋiḷġaan unipchaaġmiñik.

she recalled it
itqaġaa, dl. itqaġaak, pl. itqaġaat

They recalled their funny experiences.
Itqaġaich tipsiñaqtuat suraġałitiŋ.

2. to recall -something or someone-

she has recalled -something or someone-

She has recalled them.
Itqairuq taipchuniŋa.
to receive something

she has received -something-
akuqtuiruq, dl. akuqtuiruk, pl. akuqtuirut

He has received a gift.
Akuqtuiruq aatchuusriamik.

2. to receive

he has received it
akuqtuġaa, dl. akuqtuġaak, pl. akuqtuġaat

They received the letters.
Akuqtuġaich aglaich.
to recognize

he recognizes her

She recognized the coat which she had lost.
Iḷisaġigaa tammakkani qupigaani.

2. to recognize someone or something

he recognizes something or someone

She recognizes her friends.
Iḷisaqsriruq iḷannaġmiñik.

3. to not be able to recognize

He cannot recognize his own relatives.
Iḷisaqsritlaitchuq iḷamiñik.
to recover from sickness, to feel in a better condition, to be in working condition

he has recovered, it has gotten better
nakuqsiruq, dl. nakuqsiruk, pl. nakuqsirut

My mother has recovered from her headache.
Aanaga nakuqsiruq niaqunŋułiġmiñiñ.

2. to recover from illness; to fix

she has recovered
iłuaqsiruq, dl. iłuaqsiruk, pl. iłuaqsirut

He has recovered from his sickness.
Iłuaqsiruq sakniułiġmiñiñ.
the color red, a red thing
kaviqsaaq, dl. kaviqsaak, pl. kaviqsaat

I found a red box.
Paqitkiga kaviqsaaq suluun.

to be of a red color

It is red.

2. to be red

it is red

Your face is red.
Kigiññan kaviqsuq.
common redpoll
saksakiq, dl. saksakik, pl. saksakich

The common redpoll is small and has a red head.
Saksakiq mikiruq, kaviqsaaligauraq niaquġmigun.
to regret

she is regretful
saiñġisuktuq, dl. saiñġisuktuk, pl. saiñġisuktut

he regrets it, regrets the loss of
saiñġigigaa, dl. saiñġigigaak, pl. saiñġigigaat

He regrets doing badly.
Saiñġigigaa sułłułłi.

2. to reproach one, to regret
nunuuraq-, nunuuraqataq-

he is remorseful, regrets, reproaches himself
nunuuraqtuq or nunuuraqataqtuq

He regrets that he went.
Nunuuraqtuq supman aullaqtilaaġmiñik.

She reproaches another, she is talking him as if to make him regret his previous action or speech

He reproaches her for doing that.
Nunuuraqataġaa taatnałhagun.
reindeerqunŋiq, dl. qunŋik, pl. qunŋich

A reindeer looks almost like a caribou.
Qunŋiq tuttutun qiññaqaqqayaqtuq.
to reject something

he has rejected something
ayairuq, dl. ayairuk, pl. ayairut

He has rejected his gift.
Aatchuusriaġmiñik ayairuq.

2. to reject

he has rejected it
ayakkaa, dl. ayakkaak, pl. ayakkaat

He has rejected the drink.
Taaŋŋaq ayakkaa.
a relative by blood, marriage or name, a companion, a friend or partner
iḷa, dl. iḷak, pl. iḷat

That relative of mine is cute.
Iḷaga taamna anaŋŋaaŋuruq.

My relatives are many.
Iḷatka iñugiaktut.

2. to be related

He is related to her.

3. relatives
dl. iḷagiik, pl. iḷagiich

The relatives have gathered together.
Iḷagiich katirut.
to rely on or to trust a person; to lean; to be relaxed

he is relying on someone, he is relaxing
tunŋaruq, dl. tunŋaruk, pl. tunŋarut

She is relying on the person who is watching her.
Qaunaksrimiñun tunŋaruq.

It is leaning on the box.
Suluutmun tunŋaruq.
to remember something or someone -continuously-

he remembers -continuously-
itqaksriruq, dl. itqaksriruk, pl. itqaksrirut

They remember their younger sibling.
Itqaksrirut nukatchiaġmiknik.

2. to remember -continously-

she remembers it
itqagigaa, dl. itqagigaak, pl. itqagigaat

He remembers her birthday.
Itqagigaa annivia.

3. the act of recalling, to remember

she remembered
itqaqtuq, dl. itqaqtuk, pl. itqaqtut

He remembered to pray.
Itqaqtuq aŋaayyułiksraġmiñik.

She remembered what she had forgotten.
Itqaġaa taimña puuyukkani.
to remove

it removed itself, it has disappeared

It disappeared from there.
Piiqsuq tamaakna.

he has removed it
piiġaa, dl. piiġaak, pl. piiġaat

He removed a sliver from his hand.
Piiġaa qauqutani argaŋmiñiñ. or
Qauqutaiġaa argani.
to rescue, to save, to help

he rescued -others-
anniqsuiruq, dl. anniqsuiruk, pl. anniqsuirut

My father rescued a person who fell in the water.
Taataga anniqsuiruq nakkaqtuamik iñuŋmik.
resin drop -of spruce trees used as chewing gum-
puvliġniq, dl. puvliġnik, pl. puvliġniġich

It is good to chew a resin drop.
Puvliġniq kutchuqtuqtuni nakuuruq.

She is respectful of others.
Iłuaġitchiułiq ittuq ilaani.

2. respect

Respect for elders is a must today.
Kamaksriugałiq utuqqanaanik inuqnaqsiruq uvluvak.
to respond, answer, reply
kiu-, kiusri-

he is responding
kiusriruq, dl. kiusriruk, pl. kiusrirut

she responded to him
kiugaa, dl. kiugaak, pl. kiugaat

I responded with a smile.
Kiugiga iglaŋapluŋa.

2. she is responding negatively by wrinkling her nose
iqsuktuq, dl. iqsuktuk, pl. iqsuktut

He had asked her -for it- but she wrinkled her nose -responding negatively-. Apiqsrukkaŋa iqsuktuq.
to rest

she is resting
iñiqtuiqsiqsuq, dl. iñiqtuiqsiqsuk, pl. iñiqtuiqsiqsut

He rested for one hour.
Iñiqtuiqsiqsuq sassaġniġmi.

2. to rest -lying down-

she is lying down
nalauraaqtuq, dl. nalauraaqtuk, pl. nalauraaqtut

My father is resting because he is tired.
Taataga nalauraaqtuq iñiqtuqhuni.

3. to lay over, to rest between periods of travel or other activity, to rest for a day, to spend the day

she spent a day
uvliruq, dl. uvliruk, pl. uvlirut

She spent a day at our place.
Uvliruq iniptitni.
to return

he has returned; she has come back

He has returned from Kotzebue.
Utiqtuq Qikiqtaġruŋmiñ.

2. to allow to return; to return something

he returned it
utiqtitkaa, dl. [obj.] utiqtitkik, pl. [obj.] utiqtitkai

She has returned the pair of pants.
Utiqtitkik kamikłuuk.

3. to return in exchange; to return something borrowed

She has returned something borrowed.

He has returned the money to the store.
Simmiḷiġaa manik tauqsiġñiaġviŋmun.
to have a reunion, to be very glad to see one another after being gone for a long time

she is having a happy visit, reunion
takupqaŋaruq, dl. takupqaŋaruk, pl. takupqaŋarut

The two girls were glad to see each other after not having seen each other for a long time.
Aġnaurak takupqaŋaruk.

she was happy to see him; she was having a pleasant visit with her
takupqaŋagaa, dl. takupqaŋagaak, pl. takupqaŋagaat

She is happily reunited with her mother.
Aanani takupqaŋagaa.
to be reunited

they have been reunited
dl. katitqiksuk, pl. katitqiksut

The relatives were reunited.
Iḷagiich katitqiksut.
to reveal, appear

he has revealed, she has appeared
sagviqsuq, dl. sagviqsuk, pl. sagviqsut

The moon has appeared from behind the cloud.
Sagviqsuq tatqiq nuviyamiñ.

He revealed her secret.
Sagviġaa uqautiginġisani.
to become revitalized

it [as engine] is revitalized, works better, works more diligently
saummaktuq, dl. saummaktuk, pl. saummaktut

The wind has gotten stronger.
Anuġi saummaktuq.

The worker is now working more diligently after getting a raise.
Savakti saummaktuq akitchuqtaaqmatni.
akiḷiusriaksraq, dl. akiḷiusriaksrak, pl. akiḷiusriaksrat

Is your reward going to be big?
Akiḷiusriaksran aŋiniaqpa?
wild rhubarb
qusrimmaq, dl. qusrimmak, pl. qusrimmat

Wild rhubarb is green.
Qusrimmaq suŋaaqtuq.
tulimaaq, dl. tulimaak, pl. tulimaat

We have ribs.

2. boiled ribs
igaapiaqtaq tulimaaq, dl. igaapiaqtak tulimaak, pl. igaapiaqtat tulimaat

Boiled caribou ribs taste good.
Igaapiaqtat tulimaaŋi tuttum kayumiktut.

3. to break a rib or ribs

he has broken his own rib or ribs

The boy has broken his own rib or ribs.
Nukatpialugruaq tulimarraaqtuq.
qimiġaaq, dl. qimiġaak, pl. qimiġaat.

The ridge has lots of trees.
Qimiġaaq napaaqtuuruq.

2. perpendicular pressure ridge

3. little pressure ridge
ivuniġauraq, dl. ivuniġaurak, pl. ivuniġaurat

I had seen the two at the little pressure ridge.
Ivuniġaurani tautukkaka.

4. ridge beam
tuutraq, dl. tuutraak, pl. tuutrat

There is a long ridge beam inside the house.
Tupiġmi tuutraq takiruaq ittuq.

5. ridge between eyebrows

His eyes are set wide apart.
The ridge between his eyebrows is wide.
right side, right hand
taliqpik, dl. taliqpiik, pl. taliqpiich

He is sitting to her right.
Taliqpiani aquppiruq.

2. to be right-handed, to be on the right side

he is right-handed, she is on the right side

There are many right-handed people.
Iñugiaktut taliqpiuruat iñuich.
ring finger ring
qitiqłiġun, dl. qitiqłiġutik, pl. qitiqłiġutit

Your ring is beautiful.
Qitiqłiġutin piññaqnaġniqsuq.
mikiliġaq or mikilġaq, dl. mikiliġak, pl. mikiliġat

People wear rings on their ring fingers.
Iñuich qitiqłiġutituġaqtut mikiliġaġmikni.
to rip at the seams

it is ripped
killuaqtuq, dl. killuaqtuk, pl. killuaqtut

The shirt’s sleeve is ripped at the seam.
Killuaqtuq atikłuum aiŋa.

she is ripping it
killuaġaa, dl. killuaġaak, pl. killuaġaat

She is ripping her coat.
Killuaġaa quppiġaani.

2. to rip out stitches

Rip out the stitches of this mukluk.
Kiluiyaġuŋ una kamik.
rippled surface of snow
qayuqłak, dl. qayuqłaak, pl. qayuqłaich

The rippled snow is hard.
Qayuqłak siqquqtuq.

2. to make ripples on water

The beaver dove and made ripples on water.
Pałuqtaq miñiktiqtuq.
to rise, of bread dough -lit. to swell-

Your bread dough has risen.
Qaqqiaksran puviġniqsuq.
kuuk, dl. kurrak, pl. kuugich

The river current flows at all times.
Kuuk satġvaqtuq ataramik.

2. rivulet linking a lake to a river
kuugaatchiaq, dl. kuugaatchiak, pl. kuugaatchiat
to roast on a roasting spit or in an oven

she is roasting something
argiqsuq, dl. argiqsuk, pl. argiqsut

he is roasting it
argiġaa, dl. argiġaak, pl. argiġaat

She is roasting a fish.
Argiqsuq qaluŋmik.

She is roasting the fish.
Argiġaa qaluk.

2. roast, food that has been roasted
argiq, dl. argik, pl. argich

Roasted pike is delicious.
Argiq siulik kayumiktuq.
robinkanayuuraq, dl. kanayuurak, pl. kanayuurat

The robin has a red breast.
Kanayuuram aqiaŋa kaviqsuq.
-lit. ceiling’s top-
qiḷaum qaaŋa, tupqum qaaŋa

The roof of the house is green.
Tupqum qaaŋa suŋaaqtaaŋuruq.

2. to put roofing on a house

he is putting the roofing on the house
qaaliqsiruq, dl. qaaliqsiruk, pl. qaaliqsirut

My father is putting roofing on a house.
Taataga qaaliqsiruq tupiġmik.
a dwelling, a room, a home

a small room

2. to have room

there is room

There is room at our house.
Iniqaqtuq tupiptitni.

3. to have no room

there is no room

There is no room here.
Inaitchuq uvani.
rootamaaq, dl. amaak, pl. amaat

The root is used for making a basket.
Amaaq atuġnaqtuq aimmiruni.
rope, tie-downs, hitch
naqitaġvik, dl. naqitaġviik, pl. natiqitaġviich or
naqitaġun, dl. naqitaġutik, pl. naqitaġutit

The hitch is on the sled.
Naqitaġvik qiḷġiñi ittuq.

2. rope
akłunaaq, dl. akłunaak, pl. akłunaat

Tie it with a rope!
Akłunaamik qiḷiġuŋ!

3. rope for pulling
ammun, dl. ammutik, pl. ammutit

The net rope is long.
Ammun takiruq.

net rope -for future use-
qimiksraq, dl. qimiksraak, pl. qimiksrat

I bought rope for my net.
Kuvramnun qimiksramik tauqsiqsuŋa.
igruŋnaq, dl. igruŋnak, pl. igruŋnat

The rose hip is a berry.
Igruŋnaq asriaŋuruq.
to rot

it has rotted
auruq, dl. auruk, pl. aurut

The fish has rotted.
Qaluk auruq.

2. that which has rotted, as a rotten or aged fish
auruq, dl. auruk, pl. aurut

Give the dogs old fish.
Aatchukkich qipmich aurunik.

3. rotten spot, rotting substance

The apple has a rotten spot.
Asriaqpak auniqaqtuq.
to be rough -of surface-

it is rough, not smooth
qaiġiitchuq, dl. qaiġiitchuk, pl. qaiġiitchut

Tundra is rough, not smooth.
Qaiġiitchuq natiġnaq.

2. to be rough, having large waves -of water-

it is rough -of water-
qaiḷḷiqsuq, dl. qaiḷḷiqsuk, pl. qaiḷḷiqsut

The water is rough when it is windy.
Qaiḷḷiqsuq anuqłiqman.

3. to mistreat, to handle a person or something roughly

he treats -others- roughly
aŋallaqłuiruq, dl. aŋallaqłuiruk, pl. aŋallaqłuirut

He is mishandling the dogs.
Aŋallaqłuiruq qipmiñik.

4. to mistreat, to handle roughly

she is treating him roughly
aŋallaqłukkaa, dl. anallaqłukkaak, pl. aŋallaqłukkaat

Don’t treat your younger sibling roughly.
Aŋallaqłuknagu nukatchian.
round to be round

it is round
aqsravaluqtuq, dl. aqsravaluqtuk, pl. aqsravaluqtut

The ball is round.
Aqsraaq aqsravaluqtuq.

2. to round a bend, to go around in a half-circle

he is rounding a bend
iivaqsaaqtuq, dl. iivaqsaaqtuk, pl. iivaqsaaqtut

The man went around the bend.
Aŋun iivaqsaaqtuq.

3. to be rounded -of a shape, lit. to be bent-

The front of the sled is rounded.
Qiḷġim sivua piġiaqtuq.
to row

he is rowing
iputtuq, dl. iputtuk, pl. iputtut

He is rowing in the boat.
Iputtuq umiami.

2. oarlock

row boat
umiayauraq, dl. umiayaurak, pl. umiayaurat

A rowboat is used in summer.
Umiayauraq atuġnaqtuq auraġmi.
to rub

he is rubbing himself

She is rubbing lotion on herself.
Nanuktuq iŋmiñun nanuutmik.

he is rubbing it

She is rubbing melted duck fat on her baby’s chest for his chest cold.
Nanukkaa qitunġaurani qatigaakkun tiŋmiaġruum uqsruanik nuvaksikman.

My father is rubbing seal oil on his throat.
Taataa nanukkaa iggiani uqsrupiamik.

2. to rub, twist to soften an animal pelt

she is rubbing and twisting hide to soften it
uluktuq, dl. uluktuk, pl. uluktut

She is rubbing and twisting a skin.
Uluktuq ammimik. or
Ulukkaa amiq.
rubber boot -hip boot-
imaqsiun, dl. imaqsiutik, pl. imaqsiutit

Rubber boots are worn when fishing.
Imaqsiutik atuġnaqtuk qaluŋniaqtuni.
tulligauraq, dl. tulligaurak, pl. tulligaurat

The ruddy turnstone is hopping on the sandbar.
Tulligauraq tirrami nuttaqaqtuq.
rule, reign

to manipulate, supervise others or dogs

She is ruling the country.
Aŋalatchiruq nunaaqqimik.

2. to rule

she is ruling

3. to rule over others, to give commands to others

He ruled with an iron hand.
Atanniqsuiruq taluġnaqsipḷuni.

4. ruling power, leadership

Leadership of young people is fun.
Sivulliuqtaułiq nutaani quvianaqtuq.
rulerruler, measuring device
uuktuun, dl. uuktuutik, pl. uuktuutit

The ruler is old.
Uuktuun utuqqauruq.

2. ruler -of a country-
ataniq, dl. atannak, pl. atanġich

David was a ruler.
David atanġuruaq.
to run -of person-

he is running
aqpaqsruqtuq, dl. aqpaqsruqtuk, pl. aqpaqsruqtut

The young man is running.
Nukatpiaq aqpaqsruqtuq.

2. to run in a race

she is running in a race
aqpaliutraqtuq, dl. aqpaliutraqtuk, pl. aqpaliutraqtut

The little boy is running in a race.
Nukatpialugruaq aqpaliutraqtuq.

3. to run out of, to be depleted
-iq [n-v]

to run out of water

There is no more water.

to run out of caribou

There are no more caribou.

to run out of wood

He ran out of wood.

My mother ran out of wood.
Aanaga qiruiqsuq.

4. runner rod, runner base for sled
sikuq, dl. sikuk, pl. sikkut

The runner is used for the sled.
Sikuq qiḷġiñun atuġaqtuq.

5. to run, to gallop -of a four-legged animal

it is running, it is galloping

The dogs ran.
Qipmich paŋaliktut.

The deer galloped away.
Tuttu paŋalikhuni pikiaqtuq.
to rush, to panic

she is rushing
uiruq, dl. uiruk, pl. uirut

They packed in a rush.
Uiŋŋaġmiŋ paqnaliqtuqtut.

2. to rush because of, to have as the cause of rush or panic

She rushed because of Christmas.
Uggisigigaa Aŋaayyuniqpałiq.

a rusted area or rusted object

Take its rusted part off.
Qałiġniŋa taamna piiġḷugu.

2. to rust

it has rusted, it is rusty

The tools have rusted.
Qałiġniġai savalġutit.

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