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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be reunited

they have been reunited
dl. katitqiksuk, pl. katitqiksut

The relatives were reunited.
Iḷagiich katitqiksut.
to reveal, appear

he has revealed, she has appeared
sagviqsuq, dl. sagviqsuk, pl. sagviqsut

The moon has appeared from behind the cloud.
Sagviqsuq tatqiq nuviyamiñ.

He revealed her secret.
Sagviġaa uqautiginġisani.
to become revitalized

it [as engine] is revitalized, works better, works more diligently
saummaktuq, dl. saummaktuk, pl. saummaktut

The wind has gotten stronger.
Anuġi saummaktuq.

The worker is now working more diligently after getting a raise.
Savakti saummaktuq akitchuqtaaqmatni.
akiḷiusriaksraq, dl. akiḷiusriaksrak, pl. akiḷiusriaksrat

Is your reward going to be big?
Akiḷiusriaksran aŋiniaqpa?
wild rhubarb
qusrimmaq, dl. qusrimmak, pl. qusrimmat

Wild rhubarb is green.
Qusrimmaq suŋaaqtuq.
tulimaaq, dl. tulimaak, pl. tulimaat

We have ribs.

2. boiled ribs
igaapiaqtaq tulimaaq, dl. igaapiaqtak tulimaak, pl. igaapiaqtat tulimaat

Boiled caribou ribs taste good.
Igaapiaqtat tulimaaŋi tuttum kayumiktut.

3. to break a rib or ribs

he has broken his own rib or ribs

The boy has broken his own rib or ribs.
Nukatpialugruaq tulimarraaqtuq.
qimiġaaq, dl. qimiġaak, pl. qimiġaat.

The ridge has lots of trees.
Qimiġaaq napaaqtuuruq.

2. perpendicular pressure ridge

3. little pressure ridge
ivuniġauraq, dl. ivuniġaurak, pl. ivuniġaurat

I had seen the two at the little pressure ridge.
Ivuniġaurani tautukkaka.

4. ridge beam
tuutraq, dl. tuutraak, pl. tuutrat

There is a long ridge beam inside the house.
Tupiġmi tuutraq takiruaq ittuq.

5. ridge between eyebrows

His eyes are set wide apart.
The ridge between his eyebrows is wide.
right side, right hand
taliqpik, dl. taliqpiik, pl. taliqpiich

He is sitting to her right.
Taliqpiani aquppiruq.

2. to be right-handed, to be on the right side

he is right-handed, she is on the right side

There are many right-handed people.
Iñugiaktut taliqpiuruat iñuich.
ring finger ring
qitiqłiġun, dl. qitiqłiġutik, pl. qitiqłiġutit

Your ring is beautiful.
Qitiqłiġutin piññaqnaġniqsuq.
mikiliġaq or mikilġaq, dl. mikiliġak, pl. mikiliġat

People wear rings on their ring fingers.
Iñuich qitiqłiġutituġaqtut mikiliġaġmikni.
to rip at the seams

it is ripped
killuaqtuq, dl. killuaqtuk, pl. killuaqtut

The shirt’s sleeve is ripped at the seam.
Killuaqtuq atikłuum aiŋa.

she is ripping it
killuaġaa, dl. killuaġaak, pl. killuaġaat

She is ripping her coat.
Killuaġaa quppiġaani.

2. to rip out stitches

Rip out the stitches of this mukluk.
Kiluiyaġuŋ una kamik.
rippled surface of snow
qayuqłak, dl. qayuqłaak, pl. qayuqłaich

The rippled snow is hard.
Qayuqłak siqquqtuq.

2. to make ripples on water

The beaver dove and made ripples on water.
Pałuqtaq miñiktiqtuq.
to rise, of bread dough -lit. to swell-

Your bread dough has risen.
Qaqqiaksran puviġniqsuq.
kuuk, dl. kurrak, pl. kuugich

The river current flows at all times.
Kuuk satġvaqtuq ataramik.

2. rivulet linking a lake to a river
kuugaatchiaq, dl. kuugaatchiak, pl. kuugaatchiat
to roast on a roasting spit or in an oven

she is roasting something
argiqsuq, dl. argiqsuk, pl. argiqsut

he is roasting it
argiġaa, dl. argiġaak, pl. argiġaat

She is roasting a fish.
Argiqsuq qaluŋmik.

She is roasting the fish.
Argiġaa qaluk.

2. roast, food that has been roasted
argiq, dl. argik, pl. argich

Roasted pike is delicious.
Argiq siulik kayumiktuq.
robinkanayuuraq, dl. kanayuurak, pl. kanayuurat

The robin has a red breast.
Kanayuuram aqiaŋa kaviqsuq.
-lit. ceiling’s top-
qiḷaum qaaŋa, tupqum qaaŋa

The roof of the house is green.
Tupqum qaaŋa suŋaaqtaaŋuruq.

2. to put roofing on a house

he is putting the roofing on the house
qaaliqsiruq, dl. qaaliqsiruk, pl. qaaliqsirut

My father is putting roofing on a house.
Taataga qaaliqsiruq tupiġmik.
a dwelling, a room, a home

a small room

2. to have room

there is room

There is room at our house.
Iniqaqtuq tupiptitni.

3. to have no room

there is no room

There is no room here.
Inaitchuq uvani.
rootamaaq, dl. amaak, pl. amaat

The root is used for making a basket.
Amaaq atuġnaqtuq aimmiruni.
rope, tie-downs, hitch
naqitaġvik, dl. naqitaġviik, pl. natiqitaġviich or
naqitaġun, dl. naqitaġutik, pl. naqitaġutit

The hitch is on the sled.
Naqitaġvik qiḷġiñi ittuq.

2. rope
akłunaaq, dl. akłunaak, pl. akłunaat

Tie it with a rope!
Akłunaamik qiḷiġuŋ!

3. rope for pulling
ammun, dl. ammutik, pl. ammutit

The net rope is long.
Ammun takiruq.

net rope -for future use-
qimiksraq, dl. qimiksraak, pl. qimiksrat

I bought rope for my net.
Kuvramnun qimiksramik tauqsiqsuŋa.

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