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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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gah audio
SYN hare (Lepus americanus)
gah gaał audio
dahdzeł audio drying rack, bed
dints'eeg audio rack poles
SYN poles
xį̌įth audio
wugha dach'inch'eł audio  it (fabric) is ragged, tattered, worn out
chąą audio rain
chąą tǔ' audio rain water
ehchąą audio it is raining
nah'ôg ehchąą audio it's raining outside
ghįhchąą audio it was raining
tahchąą audio it will rain
chąą ttheg audio light rain
saamíił audio
yinelshąą audio he or she rasied him or her (themselves)
dechâay nelshąą audio she raised her grandchild herself
dayidíi'ąą audio she or he raised it above
níyidíi'ąą audio she or he raised it from below
yetálághíhttheyh audio I raised my hand
jêg gaay audio LITERALLY 'little berry'
tnít-tthúuk audio it is rancid, sour
tanint'eyh audio rapidly moving water
mexuntsîin audio  there us not very many of those (referring to a particular thing)
shí' élteł audio the meat is undercooked LITERALLY 'the meat is red'
danch'ǒg' audio (Rubus idaeus)
xkéen' audio
xkéen' unindiyh audio take some rations along
SYN snack
taatsą́ą' audio
SYN crow (Corvus corax)
shí' éhtsel audio  raw meat
xeyh audio
SYN babiche
unindiiyh audio  (you) reach for it, get it
nahděg' ts'enh ch'uténdíik audio she or he is going to get something from up there
tách'údegsí' audio I am reading
sudektthenh audio I have it ready
u'egshųų audio I am ready, prepared to act
u'ekshųų audio I have it ready, prepared
shk'áa' u'ekshųų audio I have my gun ready
súxúkłeex audio I am getting ready for an event
dzeen chox ts'į́' xátthel gha súxúkłeex audio Christmas is coming so I am getting ready
wuk'anegndíik audio I realized it
łą́'ą audio
łą́'ą ch'e le' audio it really is so
łą́'ą sitdíhnih audio I am really telling you the truth
łą'ą lah diinęy audio do you really mean it?
łą́'ą́́ audio really?
łoot'êe' audio really, very
nah'ôg łoot'êe' xunsųų audio it is really nice outside
nandîidz audio
SYN behind
SEE remember
tuu natet-tseth audio water dried up, receded, evaporated
shaa nindéek audio I received it
maa yínindéek audio she or he received it
xnihk'ôdl dą́'ą audio recently, not very long ago
xnihk'ôdl dą́'ą ghįhchąą audio recently it rained
xét'anédhégtęę audio  I am leaning against something (while sitting or standing)
SEE remember
niłk'édajełeeyh audio  she or he is recording
shtthel audio my rectum
SYN anus
delt'el audio the red one
delt'eł audio it is red
ntl'ét delt'eł audio cranberries are red
dįįts ney audio
ch'eshǐig' audio ALSO ghost, photograph
tuu shíi t'êey deshǐig' neh'ęh audio even on the surface of the water she or he sees her or his reflection
éna' medíhnih audio I refused it, told him no
wuts'į́' tnin'en audio you refuse it, leave it alone
SEE area
xdiitndeyh audio
dihthâad na'eltęy xdiitndeyh audio she or he regularly goes to Mansfield
niłts'udelken audio we are related to each other
wude'egken audio  I am related to him/her
wude'egken audio  relative
xuu'ude'egken iin audio relatives of mine
shudelken audio my relative
wude'egken sínt'eh audio that's my relative
shehłâad audio my relatives, family, tribe
SEE rest
medihndíik audio I released it, let it go, stopped doing it
yedindíik audio she or he released it, let it go
yaniidą́'ą tah lesgih chih edihndíik audio long ago I also stopped chewing tobacco
SEE quit
mets'udegnih audio  I am reluctant to start
jeyh nátnédhihtl'ûu ch'e mets'udegnii audio I was going to sew mittens but I am reluctant to start
wut'adekt'eh audio  I rely on him, her, it (physically, emotionally)
me'egndéyh audio I remember (it)
imperfective paradigmaudio
me'egndéyh mets'elndéyh
me'ilndéyh me'aldéyh
ye'eldéyh xiy'e'eldéyh

eshěg' níníh'aan me'egndéyh audio I remembered putting it there
naa dendeh meghegndíik audio I just remembered, recalled that man
jâan eghuldéyh de' audio you should remember this, memorize this

meshexghųhndéyh de' audio please remind me of it
staninłeeyh audio remove it, put it away
The same Tanacross word is used to refer to liquefying other foods (such as berries) or for melting snow (to use).
ekchaats audio I'm rendering it
ch'ek'ah ehchees audio he is rendering fat
nadh'âay shíi shétth ékchees audio I am melting snow in the bucket
wutsǎag' audio rennet, contents of the stomach or intestines
SEE fix
mêexughuhkêed audio let me repay him or her, make it up to him or her
mêexughihkéet audio I repaid him
SEE pay
těyy' xú' dínih audio  repeat it, say it again
sú'u xú' dîighutdę́'ę audio don't do that again
wuk'éetáa ních'éníhdlah audio  I replaced them
sts'į́' naxundeyh audio she or he is replying to me (speaking to me again)
yukah ch'udéhket audio she or he is requesting it, asking for it
miikah ch'udékket I am requesting her, him, it
This can be used as English 'looks like' or 'appears'.
n'ěeg' nts'é éltsįį? audio what does your shirt look like?
nts'é ná'éltsįį? audio what does it look like to you?
shos gaay łaan yíi łii k'e'elts̨įį audio a bear cub resembles a dog
SEE live (dwell)
diichâagh audio respected person
dekcháax audio  I respect him
stsęy iin dihcháax audio he or she respects my grandfathers
na'elshéyh audio he's resting
imperfective paradigmaudio
na'egshéyh nats'elshéyh
na'ilshéyh na'alshéyh
na'elshéyh naxelshéyh
ya'ehaak audio  she or he is moving about, always on the go
mech'etnehłah k'eh shę́ę' dę́'ę audio she or he is restless, acts like something is uncomfortable
Words for 'return' are modified forms of 'go'
na'itshah audio she or he is returning, just now came back
imperfective paradigm audio
nanishshah nats'itdeetl
nanitshah nanatdeetl
na'ithshah naxitdeetl

xâanitshah audio she or he returned, turned around
ndée dé' jah nîitindaał? audio when are you returning here?
k'á díxtethet ts'į́' t'êey dâa'itshah audio he or she returned early

niłk'éh dínłaak audio she or he got revenge
nayihsųų audio she or he revived him or her, made him or her well
gų́ųth audio ALSO fireweed
shshǎaddh' audio my ribs
saay audio rice (newer word)
nindaa gaay audio rice (older word) LITERALLY 'little maggots'
elxęę audio it is rich, greasy
xak'íig audio ridge
xak'íig łóoníhshah audio he or she walked around on the hill
xuk'iig audio sloping ridge
ch'aak'iig audio ridge-line on mountain
taandîidz deenii'aay audio
tthiindîidz denin'aay
k'á' audio
SYN gun
łáan ch'e lé' audio right on, that's correct
xú' ch'e le' audio that's right
k'ah dú' t'êey audio right away
SYN immediately
k'ah du t'êey stâninłeeyh audio put that stuff away right away
xunsųų ts'ęy audio \de
delttheeł audio  it is ringing
kelahdzemiil audio ring around sun
gheldzeey nakech'eneet'eyh audio there is a ring around moon
SYN halo
laatth'aax audio
SEE tear
nit-sįį' audio
łuug tǎaddh' audio ripples made by fish swimming near surface of water
děg' ni'ídhínhaayh audio rise!, get up! (from sitting or laying down)
dég déníltsiit audio get up (lift yourself up)
See 'creek' for other words used to refer to what English are termed 'rivers'
tth'iitú' audio major river (usually refers to the Tanana River)
meth audio audio river bank
taacheeg audio mouth of a river
taxnetlox audio  the river bank is eroding
tęy audio ALSO trail, path
SEE fry
SEE steal
ch'ene'îiy audio
SYN thief
Nįhtsiił Ndiig audio
súus audio (Turdus migratorius)
tthee audio
SYN stone
tthee dzǒnn' audio rock outcrop, tor
Kinds of rocks
tthee ch'ithogh audio slate or shale
ttheetsą́ą' audio copper
mehts'eyh audio flint, obsidian
ddheł k'aal audio (Lagopus mutus)
Different words are used for "something rolling" vs. "something rolled up".
ch'ukeg almeth audio a ball is rolling
niłkedalmeth audio it is turning over and over (like a wheel)
ihtth'aax audio I am rolling it up
yehtth'aax audio She or he is rolling it up
shax tthit'aag audio
chinxos audio tool for digging roots
xeyh audio spruce roots
k'ę́y xêyy' audio willow roots
tsaath audio Indian potato (Hedysarum alpinum)
SYN carrot, potato
tl'uuł audio rope, line
SYN line
tl'uuł natnełeek audio she or he is carrying a rope
tl'uuł mintl'á' ts'enh xanat-ts'eth audio rope slipped out of his or her hand
tl'uuł dinekcheth audio I am tying a rope
tl'uuł dinek-tsón' audio I am tying rope tightly
tl'uuł k'enéldox audio the rope broke
tl'uuł nétxots audio rope is coiled
xos t'ą̌ą' audio LITERALLY 'thorn leave' (Rosa acicularis)
nchųųth audio \de
ehjet audio it is rotting
ghįhjet audio it rotted, is rotten
SEE turn
tatníitthôgh audio
xulxos audio it is rough, uneven
wuk'et xdetgú'u audio it has pock marks on it
ch'etxees audio it is round
ch'exěez' audio round, spherical object ALSO egg
ch'elmaath audio it is round, circular
xełtįį' audio (Prosopium cylindraceum)
Round-the-world man is the main character in many traditional stories.
yaamaagh telch'eegh audio
yeshes audio she or he is rubbing it
taat'ôgh audio boat rudder ALSO paddle
téeł audio
bedding, mat, mattress
nahten xunheeyh audio thunder is rumbling
Different words are used for people running versus animals running versus fish running.
ghegttheł audio I'm running
imperfective paradigmaudio
ghegttheł ts'alttheł
ghilttheł ghalttheł
alttheł xalttheł

atdetth audio it (animal) is running

imperfective paradigm
- -
- -
atdetth xatdetth

łii gaay nah'og xa'atdetth audio the puppy is running around outside
łuug teełeek audio fish are running (refers to group movement of fish)

sta'ilthet audio he, she or it ran away
wuk'ét'áxdálneyh audio it ran out, is all used up
neetsědz' k'ét'áxdálneyh audio our firewood is used up
sh'éł xáttlet audio I am rushed
yits'į́' tét-tets audio he or she rushed at him or her
ts'íitsiiy wu'at-tl'iidz audio rusted metal
wughatl'iits audio it is rusty

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