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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Vidhuxdiy gidhik HM+RD He's sad.  
Ang'onh getiy vidhuxdiy gidhik. HM+RD That person over there is very sad.

See "Sorry"

Salmon Ggath HM+RD King salmon
Ggath ghist'oth. Ggath ghist'otth. HM+RD I cut king salmon.

NelaghHM+RD Dog salmon
Nalay ED+HM Dog salmon Anvik word
Nodithiq'izr HM+RD Red salmon lit. Fish meat which is red
Lighan HM+RD Silver salmon lit. That which is fat Silvers look fatter than other salmon.

Salmonberry, cloudberry Dandhi'on HM+RD sci. Rubus chamaemorus
Dandhi'on xitr'athdatl. HM+RD We went for salmon berries.

Salt Dughiyiq, dughiyuq HM+RD
Dughiyiq nda'. HM+RD Pass the salt.

Same Niłq'a HM+RD
Niłq'a dixidit'a. HM+RD They (people) look the same.
Niłq'a didit'a. RD+HM They (things) look the same.
Teqa niłq'a didit'ay ist'anh.HM+KH I have two of the same kind.
Go deg che yuxudz dixet'a. HM+KH Same around here. Referring to the weather

Sand Thoyh HM+RD
Thoyh qogg xelanh. HM+RD It's a sandy place.

Sand bar Dasr HM+KH
Dasr qogg q'utr'ixinitlyet. HM+KH We ran around on the sand bar.

Sandbank Thoyh vith HM+RD
Ado' thoyh vith xelanh. HM+RD There are sand banks down there.

Saturday Yix tonxalyaxdi dranh HM+RD lit. House cleaning day

Vaxa diggan-gidit'odh axa tritr diggandist'oth. HM+RD I'm sawing. lit. I'm cutting wood with a saw.

See "Cut"

Saw Vaxa diggan-gidit'odh HM+RD lit. With it we cut something off
Viq'ast'idh HM+KH Saw

Di'ne. HM+RD She says.
Ndadz di'ne? HM+RD What is she saying?
Ndadz didighene'?HM+RD What did she say?
Che yuxudz didene. HM+RD Say it all again.

See "Afraid"

School Gidinałdikdi JD+ED lit. The place things are written
Gidinałdikdi q'u'isineyh. JD+ED I work at the school.

Scissors Tidizr JD+ED
Diva tidizr iłchet? ED Who took the scissors?

Scold, bawl out
Ałtitl. JD+ED She's scolding.

Go idał yingonh yits'i ałtitl.JD+ED Right now his mother is scolding him.
Q'idong yits'i ghałtetl. KH She already got scolded.

Yidhux. JD+ED She's scraping it.
Gidhith idhux. JD+ED He's scraping a skin.
Nt'uxda' xiyitodhux.JD+ED They're going to scrape it later on.

Scraper Vaxa gididhugh JD+ED lit. With it something is scraped
Vaxa gididhugh idaghgi'an'. JD+ED I borrowed the scraper.

Ditthe' itr'it. JD+ED He's scratching his head.
Xiditthe' yixe'itr'et. JD+ED They're scratching their heads.

See "Holler"

Yiłtthonh. JD+ED She saw it.
Nigughun iłtthonh. JD+ED He saw a wolf.
Nigughun xiłtthonh.JD+ED They saw a wolf.
Segha uxłtthonh, he'? JD+ED Did you guys see my older brother?

September Vinginh gitr'inihay HM+KH lit. The month we pick berries
Vinginh git'on' deq'oy HM+KH September lit. The month the leaves burn Turn colors
Vinginh git'on' ni'idax HM+KH September lit. The month the leaves fall

Set a net
Tiginiłcheth. HM+KH He's setting a net. lit. He's setting a clothlike thing in water.
Q'iydong eq'it tigitr'iniłcheth. HM+RD Yesterday we set the net in the eddy.

Seven Dongan teqa JD+ED lit. Across 2 The fingers of 1 hand with 2 more across them
Dongan teqa gilqoy idhitlanh; idogh tr'inasidhit. JD+ED I caught seven pike; I surprised myself.

Q'on-gidiłqon'. JD+ED She is sewing.
Qałchin q'ondiłqon'. JD+ED She is sewing boots.
Marilyn didagg q'ondititlqon'.JD Marilyn started sewing her own dress.

Shageluk Łeggi Jitno' JD+ED
Łeggi Jitno' tr'idltth'e. JD+ED We live in Shageluk.

Didinenh. HM+KH He's shaking.  
Nałjit ts'i didinenh. HM+KH She's scared and she's shaking.

See "Nervous"

Shake something
Yidighot. HM+KH She is shaking something.
Deghot iy. HM+KH Shake it. Commanding one person
Q'idong daghisghot.HM+KH I already shook it.

Sharp Viq'u JD+ED lit. Its blade
Sigidiggadhi'oy viq'u qul. JD+ED My knife is not sharp. lit. My knife its edge none.

See "Arrow", "Blade"

Sigidiggadhi'oy q'u nixuq'o. Sigidiggadhi'oy nixuq'o. JD+ED He is sharpening my knife.
Tedzeł nixuq'o. JD+ED They are sharpening ice picks.

Sheefish Sresr JD+ED
Nelson tuxveł tiniłcheth. Sresr yiyet dititl-'an'. JD+ED Nelson set a fishnet. He's getting sheefish in it.

Shelf Vidixathdloy, viq'idixathdloy JD+ED lit. What things are up on
Vidixathdloy getiy longh gidinałdikdi. JD+ED There are lots of shelves in the school.  
Viq'idixathdloy getiy longh gidinałdikdi.
Dux HM+KH Shelf lit. Up high
Yashik dux dathtonh. HM+KH The box is on the shelf. 

See "Arrow"

See "Dress"

Shoes, boots Dangan qa JD+ED lit. Iron foot From steel shanks in work boots
Ndagh dangan qa angqat? JD+ED Where did you buy the shoes?

Gidiłtitl. HM+KH He's shooting.
Nanhdal ts'i gidiłtitl. HM+ED He's shooting at ducks.
Q'iydong gixidiłtitl.HM+ED They were shooting yesterday.

See "Edge"

Ngiggudz. HM+KH It is short.
Sidag ngiggudz. HM+KH My dress is short.

Shoulder -ghiddh
Dighiddh axa tritr q'udalayh. HM+KH He carried wood on his shoulder.

See "Holler"

Shovel Viłiqay HM+KH
Viłiqay sitl'oghditonh Stebbins. HM+KH I was given a shovel in Stebbins.

Sinoghł tr'iginiłcheth. HM+KH Show me it. For something clothlike
Yitltsen sinoghł tr'iniłcheth. HM+KH Show me what she made.

Xidiyix sinoghł tr'ixine'onh. HM+KH They showed me their house.

Xidon-gidineteyh. HM+KH Shut the door.

Nałtritl. HM+KH He has his eyes shut.

Sickness, pain Imo HM+KH
Imo ngilanh. HM+KH He is sick.
Imo itlanh. HM+KH I'm hurt. I'm sick.
Imo ingilanh, he'?JD+HM+ED Are you sick?

Tsondli'anh. HM+KH She is acting silly.  
Tsondli'anh xitlagg. HM+KH She is acting silly or crazy. Said about someone when you're mad at them for being silly.
Tsondhili'an!HM+KH Don't be silly!

See "Joke", "Funny"

Sinew Tth'ex HM+KH
Tth'ex axa q'on-gidiłqon'. HM+KH She is sewing with sinew.

Sing Gidile. HM+KH lit. She is singing.
Gidalyayh. HM+KH He is singing something.
Q'oded gilek idalyayh. HM+KH She is singing a new song.
Gidelyayh.HM+KH Sing something. Commanding one person
Che vandelyayh. HM+KH Sing it again.
Giduxliyayh. HM+KHSing something. Commanding more than one person
Ałixi gitr'idalyayh.HM+KH We are singing all together.
Yuxudz ałixi gitr'ididlyag. HM+KH Let us all sing together.

See "Drink"


Voda HM+KH His or her older sister
Voda Qay Xichux dhido. HM+KHHis older sister lives in Anchorage.
Soda Mary vi'ezre'.HM+KH My sister's name is Mary.
Ila'aHM+KH Older sister Addressing her.
Ila'a, on. HM+KH Older sister, come.
Vidadr HM+KH His or her younger sister
Vidadr ngido' qay dhido. HM+KH Her younger sister lives in a downriver village.
Dadr yozr HM+KH Younger sister Addressing her
Dadr yozr, on. HM+KH Come, younger sister.

Dhido. JD+ED He's sitting or staying.  
Viq'iditr'athdoy q'idz dhido. HM+KH He's sitting in a chair.
Go dhedo.HM+KH Sit here. Commanding one person
Adhedo. ED+JD Sit there. Commanding one person
Go dhisdo ts'in' silogheg tuxosał. KHI'm just sitting here counting/reading my fingers. I'm not doing anything.
Deg tr'ididltth'e.HM+KH We're just sitting around here.

See "Stay"

Six Dongan giłiq HM+KH lit. Across 1 The fingers of 1 hand with 1 more across them.

Skin Qogg HM+KH lit. Covering
Vina qogg xiditr'etr. HM+KH Her face is rough. lit. Her face skin is rough.
Silo' qogg xidhiggingh. HM+RD My hands are dry. lit. The skin of my hands is dry.

See "Hide" for animal skin.

Sky Yo HM+KH
Yo yan' xelanh. HM+KH The sky is clear. lit. Sky only there is.

Sled Xutl HM+KH
Raymond xutl neg iłtse. HM+KH Raymond is making a nice sled.

Sleep Vił HM+KH
Vił axa dengit'a, he'? HM+KH Are you sleepy?
Xełedz vił aghngałtingh, he'? HM+KH Did you sleep well?

Dlen xit'ontałjiyh. HM+KH The mouse is sliding down.
Sraqay xit'onxitałjiyh. HM+KH The kids are sliding down.

Slime Gitl'isrgi HM+KH
Silo' gitl'isrgi yan'. HM+KH I've got slime on my hands.

Xidliqit. HM+KH She slipped.
Tinh q'idz xidliqit. HM+KH He slipped on the ice.
Imk'i xidhigiqit.HM+ED I nearly slipped.
Ting xidhigiqit. ED+KH I slipped on the trail.
Q'utagiqik. HM+EDI'm going to slip.
Xiliqik.HM+KH It's slippery.
Ting xiliqik! HM+KH The road is really slippery. The road is very icy!

Slipper Viyenqaghtr'idaldhiy HM+KH lit. In them we slip our feet
Soda viyenqaghtr'idaldhiy iłtse. HM+KH My older sister is making slippers.

Slough Tochagg ED+KH
Tochagg tiginingiłcheth. ED+KH Put a net in the slough.

Slowly Xot ED+KH
Xot ghing-hoł. ED+KH Walk slowly.

Istl'i ED+KH I'm small.  
Istl'i dong. ED+KH When I was small.
Ngistl'i iy sitl'odetret.ED+KH Serve me just a small piece.

See "Few"

Yiłtsinh. HM+ED He smells it.
Louise xizrugh iłtsinh. HM+ED Louise smells blackfish.
Gan a itltsinh hiy?HM+ED What do I smell?
Vuxidithiddh'aq. HM+ED It smells.
Ngitil uxidithiddh'aq. HM+EDYour socks are smelly.
Gan a vuxidithijid?HM+KH What smells?

Givisr tl'ogh xiyił tithinek. ED She is smiling. lit. Corner of her mouth pulled.
Ngivisr tl'ogh xiyił tithinek. HM You are smiling.
Diane visr tl'ogh xiyił tithinek.HM+ED Diane is smiling.
Nigiq'en'. HM+ED She's smiling. What they say when a baby smiles in its sleep. This is "Indian high language".

Giditljit. ED+KH He is smoking.
Didljid ditljit. ED+KH He is smoking a cigarette.
Gixididljid ts'in'.ED+KH They aren't smoking.

Smoke Łit ED+KH
Łit ixitltsinh. ED+KH I smell smoke.

Smokehouse Sanh yix ED+KH lit. Summer house
Sanh yix nixidingiłjet. ED+KH Make smudge in the smokehouse.

Snare Q'aveł ED+KH
Q'aveł itltse. HM+ED I'm making a snare.
Q'aveł yet noghiniy dił'anh. ED+KH He's snaring rabbits.

Yił'isr. ED+KH He is sneezing.
Yi'itl-'isr. ED+KH I keep on sneezing.

Yix xidina' tr'idilighith. HM+ED The house spirit gets startled. Say this when someone sneezes.

Xxx. Yix xidina' yi'idituq.ED+HM The house spirit jumps up. Say this when someone sneezes.

Sneeze Yi'isr ED+KH lit. A sneeze

Giłghex. ED+KH He's snoring.
Barbara getiy giłghex. ED+KH Barbara really snores.
Barbara, gaghłgheghan.ED+KH Barbara, don't snore.

Iłyoth. ED+KH It's snowing.
Che ntidliyotth. ED+KH It has started to snow again.

Snow Yith HM+ED
Yith ntidlighanh. ED+KH The snow is melting.
Doł'tol yith xoqoł. ED+KH The moon is holding snow. When the outline of the full moon appears above the crescent moon.

Snowmachine Yith q'idz q'u'idughul ED+KH lit. It goes around on top of the snow.
Sigiyith q'idz q'u'idughul niłtothitik. ED+KH My snow machine is broken down.

Snowshoes Oyh ED+KH
Oyh axa ting xitltse. ED+KH I'm breaking trail with my snowshoes.

Soap Veliq ED+KH From Russian "mylo", 'soap'
Sigiveliq ixidhitlnix. ED+KH I lost my soap.

Viyił q'anxididhit. ED+JD He is sober. lit. He woke up.
Xidigał viyił q'anxididhit. ED+JD He's finally sober.

Socks Tił ED+KH
Tił idaghsiqat. ED+KH I bought socks.
Xiday sitil? ED+KH Where are my socks?

Sodapop Yi'edizrezr AJ+ED+KH lit. The things we drink
Yi'edizrezr getiy vidiłghoy ngichux. ED+KH Pop costs a lot.

Diketth. ED+JD It is soft.
Gidhith getiy diketth. ED+JD Really soft fur.

Some Viluxdong' HM+KH
Viluxdong' xitl'o ngila. ED+JD Give some of it away.  

See "Rest"

Someone Ixidiva ED+JD
Ixidiva sigichay iłchet. ED+JD Someone took my tea.

Something Ixin-gan ED+JD
Ixin-gan uxidithijit. ED+JD Something stinks.

Sometimes Q'idughtux HM+RD
Q'idughtux sogh'odz ni'idoyh. ED+JD Sometimes she comes over to see me.
Q'idughtux ngi'egh q'utr'ididał. HM+RD Sometimes we walk around outside.

Somewhere Ixindagh ED+JD
Ixindagh xits'i tadhiyo. ED+JD He went somewhere.

Son -ya', -yozr

Siya' JD My son Man's son

SiyozrED My son Woman's son
Siyozr gits'i'in tadhiyo. ED My son went hunting.

Song Gilek JD+ED
Sraqay oxo gilek yitr'i'ehoyh. HM+KH We're making songs for the children.
Gilek ditltsenh. HM+KH He made his own song.
Srel gileg dit'anh ngine'. ED+JD Stick dance songs are happening upriver.

Soon Nt'ux ED+JD lit. After a while
Nt'ux gasriłnoł. JD+ED We'll eat soon.

Vidhuxdiy gidhik. JD+ED He is sorry about it.  
Chel k'idz getiy vidhuxdiy gidhik. JD+ED The little boy is awfully sorry about it.

See "Sad"

Soup, stew Gitol JD+ED lit. Hot liquid made from something
Gitol q'at. JD+ED I want some soup.
Singonh łegg tol itltsenh. ED+JD My mother made fish soup.

South Edodz JD+ED lit. Coming from the south
Edodz xandithitr'iyh. Edodz xanxidithitr'iyh. JD+ED The south wind is starting to blow.

Spider Ivisoghluq JD+ED lit. My dear grandfather
Ivisoghluq ngidixi q'u'edoyh. JD+ED There's a spider walking around up there.

Ginditth. ED+JD She is twisting something.
Gałtim xułts'eg yił ginditth. ED+JD She's spinning willow bark with nettles. These two fibers together make tough twine for fishnet web.

Spirit Viyeg JD+ED lit. His spirit
Viyeg itltthonh. JD+ED I saw his spirit.

Spoon Tigitth'o ED
Tigitth'o axa viyił niginsitex. ED I'm stirring it with a spoon.

Vaxa digiliqoy HM+RD Spoon lit. With it something is dipped up A flat, wooden spoon with holes for dipping out cooked fish
Te vaxa di'iliqoy HM+RDWater dipper
Gitol vaxa di'iliqoyHM+RD Soup dipper

Spring Xilegg JD+ED
Xilegg nonxididhit. JD+ED Spring has come.

Spring Xitenighelinghdi JD+ED lit. A place where water is flowing out of the ground
Xitenighelinghdi xits'i te yi'odz ni'igiyayh, tingił yet. ED+JD He's packing water from the spring in pails.

Spruce Didlang ED+JD sci. Picea
Didlang ngith denast'otth. ED+JD I cut down a tall spruce tree.

Spruce bough Ts'ivi'il JD+ED
Ts'ivi'il daghitl-'an' yix xudhith yet xonet. JD+ED I looked for spruce boughs for inside the tent.


Tsodlig ED+JD Tree squirrel
Tsodlig didlang ye xitl-'onh. ED+JDThe tree squirrel is nesting in a spruce tree.
TiliED+JD Mountain squirrel
Deloy q'idz tili vixelan. JD The squirrel that lives on the mountains.
Deloy q'idz tili vixelanh. ED The mountain squirrel lives up on the hills.

Stamp, stomp
Xidiłdingh. JD+ED He is stamping.  
Ngi'egh xidiłdingh. ED+JD He's stamping outside.
Diniyhdi xixidiłdingh.JD+ED They stamp four times. At a funeral people stamp their feet 4 times the last thing when the coffin is still open, before they close it. They lift the person's spirit up so they don't bury the spirit with them. It's a spirit sending. There's always somebody there by the coffin that's supposed to be lifting the spirit up. You just tell the person "Diggi ts'in'!", 'up' in Native. If you don't do that, they hang around all the time. But if you do that, they go up. [According to Hannah Maillelle, 2/26/2002]
Atthet xatołdingh, xi'ne. JD+ED Down here they are going to stamp, they said.

Ndidhit. ED+JD He is standing.
Dineg dasr q'idz ndidhit. JD+ED A moose is standing on the sand bar.
Ay'on dengdhit.JD+ED Stand over there. Commanding one person
Diggandidhit. JD+ED He is standing up.
Go idaghił diggandidhit. JD+EDHe's standing up right now.
Diggandengidhit.JD+ED Stand up. Commanding one person
Diggandidhuxliyo.JD+ED Stand up. Commanding more than one person

Star Tthen' JD+ED
Tthen' getiy longh ngidixi. JD+ED There are lots of stars up there.

Dhido. JD+ED He stays there.  
Marilyn Deloy Chet dhido. JD+ED Marilyn is staying at Holy Cross.
Łegg Jitno' dhisdo.JD+ED I'm in Shageluk.  
Niq'ołonh ditse gho dhido. JD+ED The girl stays with her grandma.

See "Sit"

Gini'eyh. JD+ED He steals.
Niłtreth dangan xał ye gini'eyh. JD+ED Wolverines steal from the trap.
Dlen yeno'eyh.JD+ED The mice will steal it.

Steam, steambath Tthał KH+AJ
Tthał ditr'itl-'an. KH+AJ Let's take a steam bath.

Tthał yix KH+AJ Steam bath house

Xididlingh. AJ+ES It is steep.
Ting getiy xididlingh. AJ+ES The trail is very steep.
Deloy viq'idz xididlingh.ES+AJ It's steep on the mountain.

Tidlidhit. ED+JD He is being still.
Tidlidhit ts'i dhido. ED+JD She's sitting still.
Q'iydong taghgidhit.JD+ED Yesterday I was still. Yesterday I never did anything.
Telet! ED+JD Keep still!

Tidhuxlidaq.JD+ED You guys be still. Settle down.

Niginditex. LH+KH He is stirring something.
Łegg tol yił niginditex. ED+JD She's stirring fish soup.
Gitr'athdloy yił niginditex.LH+KH She's beating eggs.
Viyił niginditex iy. ED+JD Stir it.
Gidegh viyił niginditex. KH+LHBeat it.

Stomach -vit LH+KH
Sivit ye gidilighusr distsan' dixo'in. LH+KH My stomach is growling because I'm hungry.

See "Rock"

Xatadhnek. HM+ED He is starting to stop.
Go idaghił xatadhnek. HM+ED Right now she's starting to stop.
Xidiłneyh iy.HM+ED Stop it!
N-gi'ene didhi'on xidiłneyh! Nigi'enedz didhi'on xidiłneyh! HM+ED Stop your motor!

Store Gidiqad HM+ED
Soxo gidiqad ning-ho. HM+ED Go to the store for me.
Viyix gidiqad xi'ogh xidhi'onh. ES+AJ His house is close to the store.

Storm Gatałtthet HM+ED lit. Really strong wind.
Gatałtthet xingo neyo. HM+ED He came during the storm.

Story Xidhoyh HM+ED
Dinats'i xiłdhoyh. HM+ED She's telling us a story.  

See "Tell"

Stove, steamboat Viye xididhiq'un HM+ED lit. In it there is fire.
Ngi'in viye xididhiq'un yet xintthan-gidela. HM+ED Put wood in the stove over there. In another house

Stranger Tr'i'iłtth'edin HM+ED lit. People we don't know
Tr'i'iłtth'edin nedatl. HM+ED Strangers have come.

Strips Nałtrod LH+KH
Ggath nałtrod getiy ngizrenh. LH+KH King salmon strips are sure good.
Nałtrod oyh axa ethtl'inh. LH+KH He laced snowshoes with babiche.

Ngitl'itth. HM+ED He's strong.
Dina getiy ngitl'itth. HM+ED The man is really strong.
Martin Buser vileg getiy yidetl'itth.ED Martin Buser's dogs are really strong.

Stump Gichin HM+ED The stem of anything strong. Could be a stem of tobacco.
Gichin q'ididhisdo ts'i xiq'adist'a. HM+ED I like to sit on a stump.

Stupid Gits'itadhit. HM+ED lit. He thinks badly.
Yigginh gits'itadhit. HM+ED That one is stupid.

Giłtth'eth. HM+KH She is sucking it.
Gog dilochith iłtth'eth. HM+KH The baby is sucking its thumb.

Suddenly Xunh xiyił HM+ED
Xunh xiyił ggagg k'idz net'uq. HM+ED Suddenly a bird flew up.

Sugar Shaxil HM+ED From Russian "sakhar"
Shaxil ngichux axa dist'anh. HM+ED I use lots of sugar.

Summer Sanh HM+ED
Sanh nonxatidilningh. HM+ED It's becoming summer.

Sun No'oy ED+HM
Vinixiłyiggi tux no'oy dithiq'isr. HM+ED Early in the morning the sun is red.

Xigide'on'. HM+ED Sun is shining.
Deg xigide'on'. HM+EDThere's sunshine around here.

Sun dog No'oy gisr ye didilnek. HM+ED lit. The sun has its mittens on. These are bright spots on either side of the sun. If there's one on the right it means it's going to be cold. The one on the left means it's going to be bad weather. Both mittens together mean it's going to be very cold, like -60.

Sunrise Xigighe'on'. HM+ED lit. The sun rose.
Q'idong xigighe'on' xiyił tr'inisdhit. HM+ED The sun was already up when I woke up.

Tr'inasidhit. HM+ED I was surprised.
Xivogh tr'inasidhit. HM+ED I was surprised at them.

Gidaghisdhit. AJ I survived.
Yuxudz xoghod gidaghisdhit. AJ Only for that reason I survived.
Gidaghedhit.AJ He survived.
Getiy imo ghela'. Dred gidaghedhit. AJ He was very sick. He barely survived.

Gitalnix. HM+ED He is swallowing it.
Gag te' talnix. ED+HM She is swallowing juice.
Nelang tidlniq.HM+ED She swallowed some meat.

Swallow Viting' ggudz HM+ED lit. Short beak
Viting' ggudz ginaggad ye'eheyh. HM+ED Swallows eat mosquitoes.

Swamp Totriłqogg HM+ED
Totriłqogg q'udhisiyo. HM+ED I walked around in the swamp.

Xułiłtux JD+JD Swamp lit. Sink among
Dichiyedimh xułiłtux yineyax. JD+JDWater hemlock grows in swamps.

Swan Tavo HM+ED
Tavo tth'ithgi axa doyigha yi'idighoyh. HM+ED Dance fans are made with swan feathers.

Sweater, jacket Viye tr'idivizr AJ+ES lit. In it we wrap up
Viye tr'idivizr neg ndałcheth. AJ+ES She's wearing a nice sweater.
Viye tr'idivizr dhidhidhiłiy nondiłcheth. ES Put on your warm sweater.
Xiday sigiviye tr'idivizr.HM+KH Where is my jacket?

Xitset. HM+ED He is sweeping.
Gits'in axa xitset. HM+ED He's sweeping with a bird wing.
Yix yixudz xighetset.HM+ED She swept the whole house.

Sweet Liniyh HM+ED lit. Delicious
Sigichay getiy liniyh. HM+ED My tea is delicious.  

See "Candy"

Sweets Dlit'ay niy KH+LH lit. Sweet bread
Donna getiy dlit'ay niy q'adingit'a. KH+LH Donna really loves sweets.

Ghivał. HM+ED It is swimming.
Noya' nginedz ghivał. HM+ED The beaver is swimming downstream.
Xin engan noghivał.HM+ED He's swimming across the river.
Q'u'ithivanh. HM+ED He was swimming around.

Ałts'imitl. HM+ED She is swinging.
Mary gog k'idz iłts'imitl. Mary gog iłts'imitl. ED+HM Mary is swinging the little baby.

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