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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Stamp, stomp
Xidiłdingh. JD+ED He is stamping.  
Ngi'egh xidiłdingh. ED+JD He's stamping outside.
Diniyhdi xixidiłdingh.JD+ED They stamp four times. At a funeral people stamp their feet 4 times the last thing when the coffin is still open, before they close it. They lift the person's spirit up so they don't bury the spirit with them. It's a spirit sending. There's always somebody there by the coffin that's supposed to be lifting the spirit up. You just tell the person "Diggi ts'in'!", 'up' in Native. If you don't do that, they hang around all the time. But if you do that, they go up. [According to Hannah Maillelle, 2/26/2002]
Atthet xatołdingh, xi'ne. JD+ED Down here they are going to stamp, they said.

Ndidhit. ED+JD He is standing.
Dineg dasr q'idz ndidhit. JD+ED A moose is standing on the sand bar.
Ay'on dengdhit.JD+ED Stand over there. Commanding one person
Diggandidhit. JD+ED He is standing up.
Go idaghił diggandidhit. JD+EDHe's standing up right now.
Diggandengidhit.JD+ED Stand up. Commanding one person
Diggandidhuxliyo.JD+ED Stand up. Commanding more than one person

Star Tthen' JD+ED
Tthen' getiy longh ngidixi. JD+ED There are lots of stars up there.

Dhido. JD+ED He stays there.  
Marilyn Deloy Chet dhido. JD+ED Marilyn is staying at Holy Cross.
Łegg Jitno' dhisdo.JD+ED I'm in Shageluk.  
Niq'ołonh ditse gho dhido. JD+ED The girl stays with her grandma.

See "Sit"

Gini'eyh. JD+ED He steals.
Niłtreth dangan xał ye gini'eyh. JD+ED Wolverines steal from the trap.
Dlen yeno'eyh.JD+ED The mice will steal it.

Steam, steambath Tthał KH+AJ
Tthał ditr'itl-'an. KH+AJ Let's take a steam bath.

Tthał yix KH+AJ Steam bath house

Xididlingh. AJ+ES It is steep.
Ting getiy xididlingh. AJ+ES The trail is very steep.
Deloy viq'idz xididlingh.ES+AJ It's steep on the mountain.

Tidlidhit. ED+JD He is being still.
Tidlidhit ts'i dhido. ED+JD She's sitting still.
Q'iydong taghgidhit.JD+ED Yesterday I was still. Yesterday I never did anything.
Telet! ED+JD Keep still!

Tidhuxlidaq.JD+ED You guys be still. Settle down.

Niginditex. LH+KH He is stirring something.
Łegg tol yił niginditex. ED+JD She's stirring fish soup.
Gitr'athdloy yił niginditex.LH+KH She's beating eggs.
Viyił niginditex iy. ED+JD Stir it.
Gidegh viyił niginditex. KH+LHBeat it.

Stomach -vit LH+KH
Sivit ye gidilighusr distsan' dixo'in. LH+KH My stomach is growling because I'm hungry.

See "Rock"

Xatadhnek. HM+ED He is starting to stop.
Go idaghił xatadhnek. HM+ED Right now she's starting to stop.
Xidiłneyh iy.HM+ED Stop it!
N-gi'ene didhi'on xidiłneyh! Nigi'enedz didhi'on xidiłneyh! HM+ED Stop your motor!

Store Gidiqad HM+ED
Soxo gidiqad ning-ho. HM+ED Go to the store for me.
Viyix gidiqad xi'ogh xidhi'onh. ES+AJ His house is close to the store.

Storm Gatałtthet HM+ED lit. Really strong wind.
Gatałtthet xingo neyo. HM+ED He came during the storm.

Story Xidhoyh HM+ED
Dinats'i xiłdhoyh. HM+ED She's telling us a story.  

See "Tell"

Stove, steamboat Viye xididhiq'un HM+ED lit. In it there is fire.
Ngi'in viye xididhiq'un yet xintthan-gidela. HM+ED Put wood in the stove over there. In another house

Stranger Tr'i'iłtth'edin HM+ED lit. People we don't know
Tr'i'iłtth'edin nedatl. HM+ED Strangers have come.

Strips Nałtrod LH+KH
Ggath nałtrod getiy ngizrenh. LH+KH King salmon strips are sure good.
Nałtrod oyh axa ethtl'inh. LH+KH He laced snowshoes with babiche.

Ngitl'itth. HM+ED He's strong.
Dina getiy ngitl'itth. HM+ED The man is really strong.
Martin Buser vileg getiy yidetl'itth.ED Martin Buser's dogs are really strong.

Stump Gichin HM+ED The stem of anything strong. Could be a stem of tobacco.
Gichin q'ididhisdo ts'i xiq'adist'a. HM+ED I like to sit on a stump.

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