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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be sad, despondent, depressed

she is sad, is despondent
ipiqtusruktuq, dl. ipiqtusruktuk, pl. ipiqtusruktut

He was sad when he was alone.
Ipiqtusruktuq kisimiitnami.

2. to be saddened by a loss

he is saddened by a loss, mourns over a loss
qigḷuktuq, dl. qigḷuktuk, pl. qigḷuktut

His mother is saddened because she lost her daughter.
Aanaŋa qigḷuktuq paniuraiqami.

3. to be sad, to be depressed, -lit. to be without happiness-

he is sad
quviitchuq, dl. quviitchuk, pl. quviitchut

She is depressed today.
Quviitchuq uvluvak.
to be safe; to be the right time to do

It is safe to do.

2. It is safe.
Iqsiñaitchuq. or
Navianaitchuq. or
sail tiŋilġautaq, dl. tiŋilġautak, pl. tiŋilġautat

The sail of the boat is white.
Umiam tiŋilġautaŋa qatiqtuq.

2. to sail

he is sailing
tiŋilġaqsiqsuq, dl. tiŋilġaqsiqsuk, pl. tiŋilġaqsiqsut

The man is sailing a boat on a windy day.
Anuġimi tiŋilġaqsiqsuq iñuk umiamik.

Saliva aids in eating.
Innuq ikayuutauruq niġiruni.
salmon salmon, chum, humpback
qalugruaq, dl. qalugruak, pl. qalugruich

The salmon is good to eat.
Qalugruaq niġiruni nakuuruq.

2. humpback salmon
amaqtuq, dl. amaqtuk, pl. amaqtut

The humpback is a fish.
Amaqtuq qaluuruq.
salt salt; ocean

2. to salt

he is adding salt to it

Add salt to what is cooking.
Taġirriġlugu niqniagaq.
taġiuligaurat qaqquurat

Give yourself up while salvation is here.
Qaiñŋuraġiñ anniqsuġiaq pakma inŋaan.
to be similar, to be the same

it is the same, there is no difference
atiruq, dl. atiruk, pl. atirut

The weather is the same all over.
Siḷa atiruq nanipayaaq.

Those two are alike.
Taapkuak atiruk.

The children are playing with sand.
Iyaalugruurat qavialiqirut.

2. sandbar, mile -measure-
tirraq, dl. tirrak, pl. tirrat

The sandbar is big.
Tirraq aŋiruq.
aluġun, dl. aluġutik, pl. aluġutit

The little girl puts on the sandal.
Aġnauram atigaa aluġun.

Sanderling is a bird’s name.
Tiŋmiuram atqa aqpaqsruqti.
sandpiper least sandpiper
livilivillauraq, dl. livilivillaurak, pl. livilivillaurat

The least sandpiper landed on the rocks.
Livilivillauraq mitchaallaktuq iyaġauranun.

SL. a sandpiper
saavġauraq, dl. saavġaurak, pl. saavġaurat

The sandpiper’s egg is tiny.
Saavġauram mannia mikiruq.

2. Baird’s sandpiper
puviaqtuuyaaq, dl. puviaqtuuyaak, pl. puviaqtuuyaat

The Baird’s sandpiper is a bird.
Puviaqtuuyaaq tiŋmiurauruq.

3. pectoral sandpiper
puviaqtuuq, dl. puviaqtuuk, pl. puviaqtuut

A pectoral sandpiper is a bird.
Puviaqtuuq tiŋmiurauruq.

4. dunlin, red-backed sandpiper
siyyukpaligauraq, dl. siyyukpaligaurak, pl. siyyukpaligaurat

5. red-backed sandpiper
kaviqsaaq, dl. kaviqsaak, pl. kaviqsaat

The red-backed sandpiper is also a bird.
Kaviqsaaq tiŋmiuraukmiuq.

6. semi-palmated sandpiper
livilivillaqpak, dl. livilivillaqpaak, pl. livilivillaqpaich

The semi-palmated sandpiper is eating by the shore of the small lake. Livilivillaqpak narvauram siñaani niġiuraqtuq.

7. spotted sandpiper
tinisriun, dl. tinisriutik, pl. tinisriutit

The spotted sandpiper helps to tell about the water level in the river.
Tinisriun ilitchuġipkairaqtuq imġum qanuq iłhanik.
to save, to rescue

he has saved her, he has rescued her

She saved him from the dogs.
Anniqsuġaa qipmiñiñ.

2. to save for later use, to store, to put away for later
tuvvaqsiḷḷak-, tugvaqsiḷḷak- or tutquqsiḷḷak-

She saved some for later use.

3. to save some for others, to have something left over

There is some left over.

4. to save some for others

She saved some for others.
-one who gives help-
anniqsuqti, anniqsuun

God is a savior.
Agaayyun anniqsuqtauruq.
sawuluun, dl. uluutik, pl. uluutit

A saw is used for cutting wood.
Uluun kipluutauruq qiruŋnun.

2. cross-cut saw
kipluun, dl. kipluutik, pl. kipluutit

The cross-cut saw has to be sharp.
Kipluun ipiktuksrauruq.

3. rip saw
ikiaqsiñ, dl. ikiaqsisik, pl. ikiaqsisit

The rip saw is used to split lumber.
Ikiaqsiñ qupitmun uluutauruq.
to say, to speak, to utter

she said
nipliqsuq, dl. nipliqsuk, pl. nipliqsut

My mother said something at the meeting.
Aanaga nipliqsuq katimaruani.
fish scale
kavisiq, dl. kavitchik, pl. kavitchich

The fish scale is hard.
Kavisiq siqquqtuq.

2. weight scale
uqumaisilaaġun, dl. uqumaisilaaġutik, pl. uqumaisilaaġutit

The scale is heavy.
Uqumaisilaaġun uqumaitchuq.

3. to scale fish

She is scaling fish.

After fish are scaled, they are cut up and then dried.
Kavisiiqqaaqługich qaluich, siiŋñaqtut aasrii paniqtitlugich.

4. a fish scaler
kavisiiqsiñ, dl. kavisiiqsisik, pl. kavisiiqsisit

Traditional fish scalers are made of animal shoulder blade bones.
Kavisiiqsisipiat piḷiuġnaqtut kiasriŋñiñ.
-for blood letting-
kappun, kappugauraq, dl. kappugaurak, pl. kappugaurat
qiliġuq or qilġuq, dl. qiliġuk, pl. qiliġut

The boy’s scar is long.
Nukatpiaġruum qiliġua takiruq.

2. a burn scar
uutinniq, dl. uutinnak, pl. uutinniġich

A burn scar is from fire or from hot water.
Uutinniq ikniġmiñ naaggaqaa uunaqtaamiñ imiġmiñ piraqtuq.
a scarecrow, originally a pile of rocks simulating a person used to drive caribou iñutaq, dl. iñutak, pl. iñutat

We do not see the original scarecrows as commonly as they did in the old days. Iñutanik taimanisun tautukkalaanġiqsugut.
to be scared

He is scared.

She is scared of him.
sallisik, pl. sallisit

Hand me the scissors.
Sallisik qaitkik uvamnun.
to scold

she is scolding

she is scolding him

He scolded her not to do that again.
Saukataġaa taatnatqiqunġitḷugu.
American scoter
uviññuaġayuk, dl. uviññuaġayuuk, pl. uviññuaġayuich

The American scoter whistles.
Uviññuaġayuk uviññuaġayuktuq.

2. common scoter
nayaŋŋaaq, dl. nayaŋŋaak, pl. nayaŋŋaat

The common scoter can fly.
Nayaŋŋaaq tiŋmitḷaruq.

3. surf scoter
tuunġaaġruk, dl. tuunġaaġruuk, pl. tuunġaaġruich

The surf scoter is black.
Tuunġaaġruk qiġñiqtuq.

4. white-winged scoter
killalik, dl. killallak, pl. killalgich

The white-winged scoter is a duck.
Killalik tiŋmiaġruuruq.
scraper skin scraper, plane
ichuun, dl. ichuutik, pl. ichuutit

The skin scraper has a sharp blade.
Ichuun ipiktaamik kigiñaqaqtuq.
to scratch, leaving a mark

he scratched himself
qitchuktuq, dl. qitchuktuk, pl. qitchuktut

He scratched his arm.
Qitchuktuq taliġmigun.

she scratched him
qitchukkaa, dl. qitchukkaak, pl. qitchukkaat

He scratched his younger sister.
Qitchukkaa nukatchia.

2. to scratch on a surface, to scratch an itch

he is scratching himself
kumiktuq, dl. kumiktuk, pl. kumiktut

The man is scratching himself.
Aŋun kumiktuq.

he is scratching it

She is scratching the itch.
Kumikkaa kumaksruktuaq.
to scream and cry with pain

he is screaming, crying with pain
iḷasrialaruq, dl. iḷasrialaruk, pl. iḷasrialarut

He cried with pain when he broke his arm.
Iḷasrialaruq talliaqami.

2. to scream or shout

she is screaming, she is shouting
nipaalaruq, dl. nipaalaruk, pl. nipaalarut

The person is screaming because he is hurt.
Iñuk nipaalaruq atniqhuni.

3. to scream, shout

he is screaming, he is shouting

Shh! Don’t scream!
Ataa! Iġialanak!
taġium niġrutaa
ugruk hair seal
natchiq, dl. natchiik, pl. natchiich

There is one seal on top of the ice.
Atausriq natchiq ittuq sikum qaaŋani.

2. bearded seal
ugruk, dl. ugruuk, pl. ugruich

The skin of the bearded seal is used for the bottoms of mukluks.
Ugruum amia atuŋauraqtuq kamiŋnun.

3. ring seal
qayaġulik, dl. qayaġullak, pl. qayaġulgich

A ring seal is pretty.
Qayaġulik qiñiyunaqtuq.

4. spotted seal, harbor seal
qasrigiaq, dl. qasrigiak, pl. qasrigiat

The spotted seal has climbed out of the water and on to the beach.
Qasrigiaq qakiruq taġium siñaanun.

5. strong smelling bull seal -during mating season-

The strong smelling bull seal is on the ice.
Tiggaŋniq natchiq sikumi ittuq.
uqsruq, dl. uqsruk, pl. uqsrut

Seal oil is made from seal blubber.
Uqsruq piḷiuġaġigaat natchium nutaġġiñġaŋaniñ.
puuq, dl. puuk, pl. puut

Long ago food was preserved in sealskin pokes.
Aippaani niqinik puunun niqausriraqtut.
-suitable for placing net-
alluvak, dl. alluvaak, pl. alluvaich

The seal’s breathing hole can hardly be seen.
Alluvak qiñiġnapqauraqtuq.
to search for, to look for
pakak- or pakik-

she is searching
pakaktuq or pakiksuq

They are searching for the lost person.
Pakaktut tammaqtuamik.

she is searching for it
pakakkaa, dl. pakakkaak, pl. pakakkaat

The man is searching for his dog.
Aŋutim pakakkaa qipmiñi.
to add ingredients, to mix, to season food

he is seasoning it

She is seasoning the soup.
Avuuġaa suuq.
to become secure, safe, sheltered

it is secure, it is safe, it is sheltered

He is safe from the storm.
Aŋniġmiñ uqqitchuq.

2. to be secure, sturdy

It is sturdy and secure.

Make it secure and sturdy.
a security guard

qaunaksri iñuŋnik
to see, to look at

he is seeing, he is looking
tautuktuq, dl. tautuktuk, pl. tautuktut

They see people.
Tautuktut iñuŋnik.

he is seeing it
tautukkaa, dl. tautukkaak, pl. tautukkaat

He has seen the caribou.
Tautukkaa tuttu.

2. to see, to look at

she is seeing, he is looking
qiñiqtuq, dl. qiñiqtuk, pl. qiñiqtut

he is seeing it, he is looking at it
qiñiġaa, dl. qiñiġaak, pl. qiñiġaat

He is looking at the visitor.
Qiñiġaa iglaaq.

3. let’s see! where now?
naami kii!

Let me see! Let me have a look at it.
Naami kii! Tautullaglagu!

4. to be blind, to not be able to see
qiñitlait- or taututlait-

he cannot see
qiñitlaitchuq, dl. qiñitlaitchuk, pl. qiñitlaitchut

My brother is blind.
Aniqatiga qiñitlaitchuq.
to jump on a see-saw

he is jumping on a see-saw
ipuktaqtuq, dl. ipuktaqtuk, pl. ipuktaqtut

She is jumping on a see-saw over there.
Ipuktaqtuq iñani.
a seining net, seine
qaaktuun, dl. qaaktuutik, pl. qaaktuutit
qargun, dl. qargutik, pl. qargutit

They use the seining net in the summer.
Qaaktuun atuġaġigaat auraġmi.

2. to seine

he is seining
qaaktuqtuq, dl. qaaktuqtuk, pl. qaaktuqtut

The man is seining.
Aŋun qaaktuqtuq.
to sell something

she has sold -something-
tunisiruq, dl. tunisiruk, pl. tunisirut

He has sold wood.
Qiruŋnik tunisiruq.

2. to sell

he is selling it
tuniyaa, dl. [obj.] tuniyik, pl. [obj.] tuniyai

He has sold the fish.
Tuniyai qaluich.
to send
tuyuq-, tuyuġi-

she is sending something
tuyuqtuq, dl. tuyuqtuk, pl. tuyuqtut

She is sending berries.
Tuyuqtuq asrianik.

he has sent it
tuyuġigaa, dl. tuyuġigaak, pl. tuyuġigaat

She has sent the basket.
Aimmaq tuyuġigaa.

2. to send away, to cause to go away; to start an engine

she sent him away
aullaqtitkaa, dl. aullaqtitkaak, pl. aullaqtitkaat

He sent his son away.
Iġñi aullaqtitkaa.

Did you start the engine?
Aullaqtitpigich igliġutit?

3. something sent, mail
tuyuun, dl. tuyuutik, pl. tuyuutit

The letters which she sent arrived.
Aglaich tuyuutai aggiqsut.
to become senile, lit. to become slightly crazy-

he has become senile
kinnaŋaaqsiruq, dl. kinnaŋaaqsiruk, pl. kinnaŋaaqsirut

She became senile when she got old.
Kinnaŋaaqsiruq utuqqaġuqami.
to sense the future, to have a premonition

he senses a situation, he has a premonition
narġiatchaktuq, dl. narġiatchaktuk, pl. narġiatchaktut

My mother sensed that something was going to go wrong.
Aanaga narġiatchaktuq imma sua liilaa piḷḷuŋniaqtuaq.
to separate; divorce

she is separated, is divorced
avittuq, dl. avittuk, pl. avittut

The man is divorced from his wife.
Aŋun avittuq aġnaġmikniñ.

he has separated from her
avitkaa, dl. avitkaak, pl. avitkaat

He has separated from the woman. or
He has divorced the woman.
Avitkaa aġnaq.

2. to cause to separate

He caused the two to separate.

Separate the two who are fighting!
Avititkik aŋuyaktuak!

3. to separate into groups

they have separated into groups

After separating into groups, they proceeded to search.
Aviktuqqaaqhutiŋ pakkiaqtut.
lit. the time to fly away
[individuals and villages differ]

In September, young ducks and geese fly.
Tiŋŋiviŋmi paiyaat tiŋiraqtut.

2. also Amiġaiqsivik -caribou and reindeer lose velvet on antlers- see August
servant, messenger
kivgaq, dl. kivgak, pl. kivgat

The messenger brought the message.
Kivgaq tikiutriruq uqqamik.
to work for, to serve a master

she is serving him

The girl is working for her father.
Aġnauram savautigaa taatani.

2. to serve food, to distribute

He served the people at the potlatch.
Autaaġai iñuich niġiñiaqtuat.
to settle down, to put away

he is settled in -having moved-, is putting things away
tutquqtuiruq, dl. tutquqtuiruk, pl. tutquqtuirut

She is settling in. She is putting her things away.
Suuraġmiñik tutquqtuiruq.

2. to settle at a place for a night or longer

he has settled at a place for a night or longer
nullaqtuq, dl. nullaqtuk, pl. nullaqtut

She has settled with us to stay for a night or longer.
Nullaqtuq uvaptitnun.

3. to get settled -in new surroundings
inillak-, inillagataq-

He finally got settled.
seventallimat malġuk

Seven people came.
Tallimat malġuk iñuich aggiqsut.
akimiaq malġuk

There are seventeen fish.
Tara akimiaq malġuk qaluich.
piñasrukipiaq qulit

There are seventy strings of white fish in the cache.
Piñasrukipiaq qulit uuyuraatchiat qalupiat uŋaluni ittut.
sew to sew

she is sewing

She is sewing her mittens.
Killaiyaqtuq aatgatmiñik.

She is sewing it.

She is sewing her mukluks.
Killaiyaġik kammaŋni.
-lit. instruments for sewing-

She treasures her sewing machine.
Anniġigai killaiyautini.
taġġaq, dl. taġġaak, pl. taġġaich

That shadow can be seen.
Taamna taġġaq tautuŋnaqtuq.
shake to shake hands, to wave

she shakes his hand
iḷaligaa, dl. [obj.] iḷaligik, pl. [obj.] iḷaligai

He shakes hands with the visitor.
Iḷaligaa iglaaq.

Shaking hands is an Iñupiaq custom.
Iñupiat atuumaraġigaat iḷaliiq.
to be shallow

it is shallow
ikkattuq, dl. ikkattuk, pl. ikkattut

The river is too shallow for boats.
Ikkattuq kuuk umiaqtuqtuni.

2. a shallow spot
ikkalġuq, dl. ikkalġuk, pl. ikkalġut

There is a shallow spot in front of our village.
Ikkalġuq ittuq saaŋani nunaaqqipta.
shaman, medicine man
aŋatkuq, dl. aŋatkuk, pl. aŋatkut

The shaman was powerful in the old days.
Taimani aŋatkuq saŋŋiruq.

2. a shaman who casts spells
-considered stronger than aŋatkuq-

The shaman causes things to happen to people.
Iḷisiiḷaq qanuqtitchiraqtuq iñuŋnik.

3. shaman supplied with a helping spirit
tuunġaqtalik, dl. tuunġaqtallak, pl. tuunġaqtalgich

4. shaman’s power or familiar spirit, conjuring spirit, divining rod -used by deviners, e.g. to foretell death or life of a sick person-
to be sharp

it is sharp
ipiktuq, dl. ipiktuk, pl. ipiktut

The knife is sharp.
Savik ipiktuq.
shave to shave -whiskers-

he is shaving [off his whiskers]
umŋiyaqtuq, dl. umŋiyaqtuk, pl. umŋiyaqtut

My father is shaving.
Taataga umŋiyaqtuq.

she is shaving him
umŋiyaġaa, dl. umŋiyaġaak, pl. umŋiyaġaat

My mother shaved my grandfather.
Aanaa umŋiyaġaa taataruaġa.
see he
entrance hall, storm shed
qanisaq, dl. qanisak, pl. qanisat

The shed has a door.
Qanisaq taluqaqtuq.
sii, dl. siik, pl. siich

They hook for shee fish along the river and in the large lakes.
Siich niksiksuġniaġaġiqaich kuuŋmi suli imaġruŋni.
sheep sheep, dahl sheep
ipnaiq, dl. ipnaik, pl. ipnaich

The sheep is white.
Ipnaiq qatiqtuq.
qakirvik, dl. qakirviik, pl. qakirviich

The shelf is full of books.
Qakirvik imaqaqtuq makpiġaanik.

2. cupboards

The cupboard is full of dishes.
Quliġuat imaqaqtut puggutanik.
to shine brightly -of sun-

it is shining brightly -of sun-

The sun is shining brightly.
Siqiñiq kirratchiaqtuq.

2. to shine, glitter, sparkle

it is shiny, is glittery, is sparkly
qivliqtuq, dl. qivliqtuk, pl. qivliqtut
-also qivliarauraqtuq-

The ring is sparkly.
Qivliqtuq qitiqłiġun.

3. to shine, glitter, sparkle

It is shining, glittering or sparkling.

I saw something sparkling across there.
Qivliarauraqtuamik qiñiqtuŋa aani.
umiaqpak, dl. umiaqpaak, pl. umiaqpaich

The boat is big.
Umiaqpak aŋiruq.
shirt shirt, summer dress, summer parka cover
atikłuk, dl. atikłuuk, pl. atikłuich

The man is wearing the shirt.
Aŋutim atuġaa atikłuk.
shoot to shoot someone or something

he has shot -someone or something
sikniktuq, dl. sikniktuk, pl. sikniktut

He has shot a woman.
Sikniktuq aġnamik.

2. to shoot

he shot it, hit it with a bullet
sikkaa, dl. sikkaak, pl. sikkaat

The man shot the moose.
Aŋutim sikkaa tiniika.

2. to shoot around with a gun

he is shooting

the sound of gunshots

We hear gunshots.
Tusraarugut siktaaqsrularuamik.
-its edge-

There are rocks on the edge of the river.
Siñaa kuugum iyaġaqaqtuq.
to be short -of length or time-

it is short
naitchuq, dl. naitchuk, pl. naitchut

The post is short.
Ayak naitchuq.
saatkaaq, dl. saatkaak, pl. saatkaat [Eng.]

Here is a quick-loading shotgun.
Uvva saatkaaq igliġalik.
tui, dl. tuik, pl. tuich

The man broke his shoulder.
Aŋun tuiggaaqtuq.
kiasrik, dl. kiatchik, pl. kiasriich

The shoulder blade is on the back.
Kiasrik ittuq tunumi.

2. depression between shoulder blades
aaġiak, dl. aaġirrak, pl. aaġirrat

The depression between the shoulder blades is located on the back.
Aaġiak tunumi ittuq.
to shout, to cheer; to ring -of ears-
aviu-, aviumik-

she is shouting, is cheering; his ear is ringing
aviuruq, dl. aviuruk, pl. aviurut

My ear is ringing.
Siutiga aviuruq.

People shout and cheer at the games.
Iñuich aviuraqtut qitiktuani.

2. to shout, call

he is shouting, calling

he is calling her

The child is calling its mother.
Iyaalugruum aanani tuqłuġaġaa.

3. to holler, shout, scream

He is shouting.
piksrun, dl. piksrutik, pl. piksrutit

The shovel is used when one is going to dig for anything.
Piksrun atuġaqtuq supayaarnik paksraŋniaqtuni.

2. to shovel

he is shoveling
piksrutaqtuq, dl. piksrutaqtuk, pl. piksrutaqtut

The man is shoveling snow.
Aŋun piksrutaqtuq aputmik.
aluutaq, dl. aluutak, pl. aluutat

Shoveler is the name of a duck.
Aluutaq tiŋmiaġruum taggisigigaa.
ugruŋnaq, dl. ugruŋnak, pl. ugruŋnat

The shrew is the smallest of all the animals.
Ugruŋnaq mikitluktuq aŋŋugaurapayaaniñ.
-lit. eye extractor-
iraiyayuuq, dl. iraiyayuuk, pl. iraiyayuut

The shrike chases small birds.
Iraiyayuuq malikataisuuruq tiŋmaiuranik.
-lit. going for big toe-

People catch shrimp from the ocean.
Taġiumiñ putuguqsiuġayuŋniaġaqtut iñuich.
to be shy, bashful
kanŋusruu- or kanŋusruk-

she is shy
kanŋusruuruq, dl. kanŋusruuruk, pl. kanŋusruurut

2. to be shy of strangers, to feel others are different

he is shy of strangers

My baby is scared because of the strange people.
Paipiuraġa atlayuaqtuq.

3. to be shy, bashful
qiki-, qikisu-

she is shy
qikiruq, dl. qikiruk, pl. qikirut

she is shy -by nature-
qikisuruq, dl. qikisuruk, pl. qikisurut

My daughter is shy.
Paniga qikisuruq.

my sibling
aniqatiga, dl. aniqatika, pl. aniqatitka

My sister is younger than I am.
Aniqatiga nutautluktuq uvamniñ.

2. two siblings

The two siblings left.
Aniqatigiik aullaqtuk.

3. younger sibling
nukatchiaq, dl. nukatchiak, pl. nukatchiat

My younger siblings are mischievous.
Nukatchiatka iñunŋunaqtut.

4. my older sister

my older brother

5. a sibling who shares the same paternal parent as self
qataŋun, dl. qataŋutik, pl. qataŋutit
sick to be sick, to be in pain, to suffer

he is sick
naŋittuq, dl. naŋittuk, pl. naŋittut

My brother is sick at the hospital.
Aniqatiga naŋittuq naŋirviŋmi.

2. to be ill, to be sick

she is ill, is sick

People are ill again.
Iñuich atniġñalgitchut.
saniġaq, dl. saniqqak, pl. saniqqat

my side

your side

it’s side

A girl is sitting beside me.
Saniġamni aġnauraq aquppiruq.
to put siding

he has put siding on it

My father has put siding on the new house he is building.
Saniqqiġaa taataa tuppiani.
iḷitchuqqun, dl. iḷitchuqqutik, pl. iḷitchuqqutit

They have put a sign by the road.
Iḷitchuqqun iḷiñiġaat apqutim saniġaanun.
to be quiet, silent, not talkative
nipait- or iñuksruit-

she is silent
nipaitchuq, dl. nipaitchuk, pl. nipaitchut

The girl is quiet.
Aġnauraq nipaitchuq or iñuksruitchuq
to be of the same kind

Those [2] persons look alike.
Itchuak iññuk atrigiiksuk.

2. to be similar, like someone or something

You are like me.
Uvaptun ittutin.

You are like your mother.
Aanaptun ittutin.

It looks like a boat.
Umiatun ittuq.

It is similar to mine.
Uvaŋa pipsun ittuq.

A sin is a wrong doing.
Killuqsaun nalaunŋaitchuq.

2. sinner, wrongdoer
killiqiri, dl. killiqirik, pl. killiqirit

If a sinner doesn’t repent, he will be punished.
Killiqiri mumiñġitchumi anasriŋŋuqsakkaugisiruq.

3. to sin, to do wrong, to err

he has sinned, he has erred

In spite of his striving, he has erred.
Sakuuguraġniallaġmi killuqsaqtuq.
sinew, thread
ivalu, dl. ivaluk, pl. ivalut

Sinew is used for sewing.
Ivalu atuġnaqtuq killaiyaqtuni.

sinew used for thread

2. arm sinew or from hind legs
tallim ivalua - siŋŋiq

3. back tendon
uliun, dl. uliutik, pl. uliutit

The back tendon is used to make thread.
Uliutik ivaluksriuġaġigaich.

4. to twist sinew for thread

She is twisting sinew for thread.
sing to sing

he is singing
atuqtuq, dl. atuqtuk, pl. atuqtut

They are singing at church.
Atuqtut agaayyuviŋmi.

She is singing the song.
Atuun atuġaa.
to sink

it has sunk
kiviruq, dl. kiviruk, pl. kivirut

The boat has sunk in the river.
Umiaq kiviruq kuuŋmi.
net sinker, traditionally made of antlers
saatqun, dl. saatqutik, pl. saatqutit

2. heavier sinker, weight, usually medium sized rock
kivviqun, dl. kivviqutik, pl. kivviqutit
older sister

my older sister

My older sister is silent.
Aakauraġa nipaitchuq.

2. sister-in-law

my sister-in-law, my daughter-in-law
ukuaġa, dl. ukuaka, pl. ukuatka

My sister-in-law is my brother’s wife.
Ukuaġa aniŋauraġma aġnaat.
sit to sit

she sat down
aquvittuq, dl. aquvittuk, pl. aquvittut

The boy sat down.
Nukatpialugruaq aquvittuq.

2. to be sitting

she is sitting
aquppiruq, dl. aquppiruk, pl. aquppirut

They are sitting in the church.
Aquppirut agaayyuviŋmi.

3. to sit -of an animal-

it is sitting
qusrauktuq, dl. qusrauktuk, pl. qusrauktut

The bear is sitting.
Pisruktuaq qusrauktuq.

4. to sit in a huddled, hunched position -as of an old woman

She is sitting in such a position.

The six houses are big.
Itchaksrat tupqich aŋirut.
akimiaq atausriq

I have turned sixteen.
Ukiuniktuŋa akimiaq atausrimik.

He is drawing near his sixtieth birthday.
Anniviḷirviksraġmi piñasrukipiaŋat patlikkaa.

its size
aktilaaŋa, dl. aktilaaŋak, pl. aktilaaŋat

The man is six feet tall.
Aŋun aktilaaqaqtuq itchaksrat isigaksaġniqtun.

Her size is small.
Aktilaaŋa mikiruq.
to be skillful

she is skillful
sanaturuq, dl. sanaturuk, pl. sanaturut

The woman is skilled in making things.
Aġnaq sanaturuq suli’ ami.
uviñik, dl. uviññak, pl. uviñŋich

Skin can be washed.
Uviñik iġġuġnaqtuq.

2. skin of animal; outer layer of plant
amiq, dl. ammik, pl. ammich
see also hide

3. to remove skin, as to skin an animal
amiiq-, amiiqsi-

She is skinning it.

She is skinning [something]

4. to skin an animal without cutting the belly section

He is skinning the muskrat without cutting the belly.
Iqquliruq kigvaluŋmik.

5. to skin the surface; to have an abrasion

He skinned himself on a nail.
Kiḷiigruktuq kikiaŋmun.

6. bleached seal skin
naluaq, dl. naluak, pl. naluat

Bleached seal skin is quite white.
Naluaq qattiġiksuq.

7. bleached caribou or reindeer skin
[first stage]

[final stage. leather]

8. winter animal hide

9. summer animal hide

10. old caribou or reindeer hide, used for a mat

my skirt

2. the skirt of a flared calico parka cover

its skirt
sky, heaven, ceiling

The sky is high.
Qiḷak qutchiksuq.
skylight, window
igaliq, dl. igallak, pl. igalġich

The window lets light in.
Igaliq qaummatauruq.
to slap

he slaps it
patikkaa, dl. patikkaak, pl. patikkaat

He slaps the mosquito.
Patikkaa kiktuġiaq.

2. it slaps the water with its tail -beaver-
mapqatittuq, dl. mapqatittuk, pl. mapqatittut
tow sled

A tow sled is used to haul freight.
Uniaġruich usriaqtuutaurut.

2. a tow sled

Where is my tow sled?
Paamġuatka naami?

3. a basket sled
[It is spoken of in the plural sense because it is comprised of many pieces.]

Sleds are good on snow.
Qiḷġich nakuurut aputmi.

4. a small basket sled, mainly for dog mushing

5. sled handle
kaivḷuutaq, dl. kaivḷuutak, pl. kaivḷuutat

The sled handle is on the sled.
Kiavḷuuqtaq qiḷġiñi ittuq.

6. sled bag
aquġun, dl. aquġutik, pl. aquġutit

The sled bag hangs between the handles of a sled.
Aquġun naktisrimaraqtuq akunġakni kaivḷuutak.

7. sled runner
aglu, dl. agluk, pl. aglut

The sled runner is very strong.
Aglu saŋŋiruq.
sleep to sleep

she is sleeping
siñiktuq, dl. siñiktuk, pl. siñiktut

My grandfather is sleeping.
Siñiktuq taataruaġa.

2. to fall asleep

she has fallen asleep
siñiktukkaqtuq, dl. siñiktukkaqtuk, pl. siñiktukkaqtut

The child has fallen asleep.
Siñiktukkaqtuq iyaalugruaq.

3. to be sleepy

he is sleepy
siñiŋnialiqsuq, dl. siñiŋnialiqsuk, pl. siñiŋnialiqsut

The child is sleepy.
Siñiŋnialiqsuq iyaalugruaq.

4. to sleep on it’s back -of seal in water-

The seal sleeps on his back in the water.
Natchiq qavaqtuq imiġmi.
puuksraaq, dl. puuksraak, pl. puuksraat

It is warm when you sleep in a sleeping bag.
Puuksraaq siñiqvigiruni uunaqtuq.

Sleet comes in early spring.
Upinġaksrami misruligruaġuuruq.
sleeveaiq, dl. aik or atchik, pl. ait or atchich

The sleeve is long.
Aiq takiruq.

Her sleeve is short.
Aiŋa naitchuq.
to slice

he is slicing it, divides it up
avguġaa, dl. avguġaak, pl. avguġaat

Here, slice this!
Uvva, una avguġuŋ!

2. to slice something

He slices the bread.
Avguiruq qaqqiamik.

3. slicing knife
slide to slide, to glide down

it is sliding
sisuruq, dl. sisuruk, pl. sisurut

The baby’s diaper is sliding down.
Paipiuram makkaŋa sisuruq.

2. to slide down, to sled

she is sliding
sisuraġaaqtuq, dl. sisuraġaaqtuk, pl. sisuraġaaqtut

The boy is sliding.
Nukatpialugruaq sisuraġaaqtuq.
itlu, dl. itluuk, pl. itlut

The boy is using a sling.
Nukatpiaġruum atuġaa itlu.
to slip

she has slipped and fell
qayuutchikaktuq, dl. qayuutchikaktuk, pl. qayuutchikaktut

The man slipped and fell.
Aŋun qayuutchikaktuq aasrii nallaqsraaqhuni.
to be slippery
quayaġnaq-, quuyaġnaq-

It is slippery.
Quayaġnaqtuq. or

The path is slippery.
Watch out now!
Apqun piaktuq.
qatchiraaq, dl. qatchiraak, pl. qatchiraat

The slope is higher than the ground.
Nunamiñ kiŋitluktuq qatchiraaq.
to be sloppy

he is sloppy
ichaŋaruq, dl. ichaŋaruk, pl. ichaŋarut

He is sloppy in his work.
Ichaŋaruq savaaġmiñi.
to be slow

it is slow
sukaitchuq, dl. sukaitchuk, pl. sukaitchut

The porcupine is slow when it walks.
Iḷuqutaq sukaitchuq pisrukami.

Slush ice is cold.
Miġaliq alappaaŋuruq.
to be sly

he is sly, is foxy
pitqiksuq, dl. pitqiksuk, pl. pitqiksut
to be small

it is small
mikiruq, dl. mikiruk, pl. mikirut

The house is small.
Tupiq mikiruq.
iŋaluaq, dl. iŋaluak, pl. iŋaluat

The small intestines are full.
lŋaluat immaukkaqtut.
to be smart

She is smart.
to smell, to sniff

he smells something

he smells it
naiyaa or naigaa

to continue to smell

she is smelling something

2. to smell bad

it smells bad

When meat is rotten, it smells bad.
Niqi auruaq aaqqaaŋuruq.

Phew! It stinks!

3. to smell strong, foul

it smells strong, foul -in animals-

That smells strong, foul.
Taamna mamaitchuq.

4. to smell good

it smells good

It smells good in here.
Tipraġiksuq uvani.
rainbow smelt
iłhuaġniq, dl. iłhuaġnaak, pl. iłhuaġniġich

Rainbow smelt are tasty.
Iłhuaġniġich kayumiktut.
smile to smile

he is smiling
iglaŋaruq, dl. iglaŋaruk, pl. iglaŋarut

He is smiling at the people.
Iglaŋaruq iñuŋnun.

he smiles at her
iglaŋagaa, dl. iglaŋagaak, pl. iglaŋagaat

They smiled at him when he stood up.
Iglaŋagaat qichaqman.

The smoke smells strong.
Isiq tipituruq.

2. to become smoky

it has become smoky
isiqsiruq, dl. isiqsiruk, pl. isiqsirut

Our village has become smoky.
Isiqsiruq nunaaqqiqput.

3. to smoke a cigarette

he is smoking

he is smoking it

Don’t smoke.
to smolder

it is burning slowly, smoldering
ikualauraaqtuq, dl. ikualauraaqtuk, pl. ikualauraaqtut

The fire was burning slowly this morning.
Ikualauraaqtuq ikniq uvlaaq.
to be smooth, level, flat

it is smooth, level, flat
qaiqsuq, dl. qaiqsuk, pl. qaiqsut

The floor is level.
Qaiqsuq natiq.
puyuq, dl. puyuk, pl. puyut

The smudge pot is used when there are lots of mosquitoes.
Puyuq atuġnaqtuq kiktuġiupman.
trail snack, traveling provisions [food]
taquaq, dl. taquak, pl. taquat

I have left my trail snack.
Taquaksrautiga unisiġniġiga.

2. to take a trail snack, to take travelling provisions

he has taken food for his trail snack
taquaqtuq, dl. taquaqtuk, pl. taquaqtut

The man has taken food for his snack along the trail.
Aŋun taquaqtuq apqutmi niqiksraġmiñik.

3. to have a snack before main dinner

Have this for a snack.
Itnatchimik taqqiutchiḷḷaktiġiñ.
snare -for small game-
nigatchiaq, dl. nigatchiak, pl. nigatchiat

The snare is used for rabbits.
Nigatchiaq atuqtuq ukalliñun.

2. to trap with snares

he is snaring rabbits, ptarmigans

My mother is snaring for ptarmigan.
Aanaga nigatchiaqtuqtuq aqargiñun.

3. to be snared

it is snared
napittuq, dl. napittuk, pl. napittut

The rabbit has been caught in a snare.
Ukalliq napittuq nigatchiamun.
sneeze to sneeze

he sneezed
tagiuqtuq, dl. tagiuqtuk, pl. tagiuqtut

The boy sneezed from too much pepper.
Aŋugauraq tagiuqtuq pappitḷuni.
kuukukiaq, dl. kuukukiak, pl. kuukukiat

The snipe is flying.
Kuukukiaq tiŋmiruq.
to snore

she is snoring
qamŋuiruq, dl. qamŋuiruk, pl. qamŋuirut

My father is snoring.
Taataga qamŋuiruq.
snowapun, dl. aputik, pl. aputit

The snow is white.
Apun qatiqtuq.

2. to snow

it is snowing -no wind-

3. a snowflake

The snowflake is white.
Qanik qatiqtuq.

4. to be blowing snow, to be drifting along the ground, ice -of snow-

It is blowing snow.

5. fresh snow, powder snow

The fresh snow is clean.
Apun nutaġaq puyaitchuq.

6. glazed snow in thaw time

to be glazed -of snow-

The snow has become hard.
Apun qiqsruqqaqtuq.

7. hard crusty snow

Hard crusty snow is good to walk on.
Sitḷiq pisrugvigiksuq.

8. melting snow

to be melting -of snow-

The snow is melting.
Apun auksałaktuq.

9. soft snow
aqiḷḷuqqaq, dl. aqiḷḷuqqak, pl. aqiḷḷuqqat

Soft snow is hard to travel on.
Aqiḷḷuqqaq sukaiññaqtuq iglauruni.

10. sugar snow -bottom layer nearest ground-
pukak, dl. pukaak, pl. pukaich

Sugar snow is used for making tea on an open fire.
Saiyyiuġniaqtuni siḷakun pukaŋmik aniuksraġnaqtuq.

11. to cover by snowing

it is covering with snow

It snowed last night.
Unnuavak apillaŋniqsuq.

It has covered it with snow.
It is snow covered.

The ground is covered with snow.
Nuna apigaa.
anayuutyaq, dl. anayuutyak, pl. anayuutyat

Snow shelters are helpful when one is lost during winter.
Anayuutyat ikayuutauraqtut tammaqtuanun ukiumi.

The snowbank is high.
Aniuvak kiŋiktuq.
to have snowblindness, to be snowblind

he has snowblindness, he is snowblind
illuktuq, dl. illuktuk, pl. illuktut

He was snowblind for a week.
Illuktuq akunniqsaami.

2. to be the time of year when people can become snowblind, which is in the spring

It is the time of snowblindness.
katiqsruġniq, dl. katiqsruġnaak, pl. katiqsruġniġich

He jumped over the snowdrift.
Katiqsruġniq qulautlugu nutiktuq.

2. snowdrift overhang -ready to fall-
mapsaq or tału

I saw an overhanging snowdrift.
Mapsaġmik tautuktuŋa.

An overhanging snowdrift is dangerous.
Tału nuyuaġnaqtuq.

3. snowdrift blocking a trail or in lee of a building
qimuagruk, dl. qimuagruuk, pl. qimuagruich
snowshoetaglu, dl. tagluk, pl. taglut

The snowshoes are used on snow.
Tagluk aputmi atuġnaqtuk.

2. snowshoe webbing

They use snowshoe webbing when making snowshoes.
Nuluq atuġaġigaat tagluli’amiŋ.

A mountain avalanche is dangerous.
Sisuuq iñġimi iqsiñaqtuq.
miillaq, dl. miillaak, pl. miillaich [Russ.]

Soap which is used for washing smells good.
Miillaq puyaiyautauruaq iġġuqtuni tipraġiksuq.
socksa sock, caribou fur or otherwise
aliqsi, dl. aliqsik, pl. aliqsit

Socks are used inside mukluks.
Aliqsik atuġnaqtuk iluakkun kammak.
soda, baking soda
siiġñaiyaun, dl. siiġñaiyautik, pl. siiġñaiyautit

We use baking soda when we cook hotcakes.
Siiġñaiyaun atuġikput siḷaavyiuqapta.
to be flexible, soft

it is soft, flexible
qituttuq, dl. qituttuk, pl. qituttut

The skin is soft.
Qituttuq amiq.

2. to be soft [of surface or sound]

It is soft.

It is soft to the touch.
Niġumiktuq aktuqtuni.

She is soft-spoken.
Niġumiktaamik uqaġuuruq.
nuna, maġġaq

The plant’s soil is dry.
Nautchiam maġġaŋa paliġñiġaa.

2. to be soiled; to be dirty

it is soiled -e.g. of clothes-
puyauruq, dl. puyauruk, pl. puyaurut

Her blankets are soiled, dirty.
Ikkii! Ulitchiaŋi puyauniqsut.
aŋuyyiuqti, dl. aŋuyyiuqtik, pl. aŋuyyiuqtit

The soldier came.
Aŋuyyiuqti aggiqsuq.
sole of foot
aluq, dl. alluk, pl. allut

My soles are aching.

2. to sew the sole of a mukluk

she is sewing on the sole of the mukluk
atuŋaksiruq, dl. atuŋaksiruk, pl. atuŋaksirut

The woman is sewing soles on the mukluks.
Aġnaq atuŋaksiruq kammaŋnik.

3. sole patch
anŋik, dl. anŋiik, pl. anŋiich

The woman’s boots have sole patches.
Aġnam kammak anŋiqaqtuk.

4. hard or soft mukluk sole
atuŋak dl. atuŋaak, pl. atuŋaich

The two mukluk soles are black.
Atuŋaak giġñiqtuk.
soniġñiq, dl. iġñak, pl. iġñiġich

My son went fire fighting.
Iġñiġa ikiliaqtuq.
atuun, dl. atuutik, pl. atuutit

That song is an expression of thankfulness.
Taamna atuun quyyatauruq.
paula, dl. paulak, pl. paulat

The soot is black.
Paula qiġñiqtuq.
to be sore, to be tender to the touch
atniya-, atniyasria-

it is sore, is tender to the touch
atniyaruq, dl. atniyaruk, pl. atniyarut

The boil is sore.
Ayuaq atniyaruq.

2. to have a sore, to have an aching
-nŋu-, -ñŋu after strong I [n-v]

My arm is sore.

I have a sore throat.

Do you have a headache?

3. to be sore, to ache

What’s bothering you?

He went through much sorrow.
Atqunaqługu alianniułiq atuġraa.
-immortal-, spirit, one’s spiritual being
iñuusriq, dl. iñuutchik, pl. iñuutchich

The soul never dies.
Iñuusriq tuqutlaitchuq.

2. souls of the deceased going around and around -lit. rounding a bend-

its sound, his/her voice

it is loud [of sound]

it is low [of sound]

Its sound can now be heard.
Nipaa tusraġnaqsiaqsiruq.

2. to make a sound

The mouse is making a sound.
Aviññaq suvaluktaqtuq.

3. to pop, to make an exploding noise
mapqaq-, mapqatit-

His shotgun makes a loud pop.
Saatkaaŋa mapqaqtuq.

4. to make the sound of
+ sruktaq- [v-v]

It is the sound of walking.

It is the sound of people talking.

5. to make the sound of

plus paluktaq- [used with verb stems which end in a consonant]
plus valuktaq- [used with verb stems which end in a vowel]

She sounds like she is crying.

He sounds like he is getting out of bed.
-wild spinach-
quaġaq, dl. quaqqak, pl. quaqqat

Wild spinach is green.
Quaġaq suŋaaqtuq.
see wind
fox sparrow
ikłiġvik, dl. ikłiġviik, pl. ikłiġviich

A fox sparrow is a small bird.
Ikłiġvik tiŋmiurauruq.

2. Gambel’s sparrow, white-crowned sparrow
nuŋŋaqtuaġruk, dl. nuŋŋaqtuaġruuk, pl. nuŋŋaqtuaġruich

The Gambel’s sparrow is a bird.
Nuŋŋaqtuaġruk tiŋmiurauruq.

3. golden-crowned sparrow
qianaratuuq, dl. qianaratuuk, pl. qianaratuut

The golden-crowned sparrow sings.
Qianaratuuq qalġuqtuq.

4. savaanah sparrow
akitchiasrkhaq or akitchiaksraq

The savaanah sparrow is a bird.
Akitchiasrkhaq tiŋmiurauruq.

5. tree sparrow

A tree sparrow is a bird.
Pisiqpisiqpiisrkhaq tiŋmiurauruq.
to speak, to talk

he is speaking
uqaqtuq, dl. uqaqtuk, pl. uqaqtut

The preacher is speaking of love.
Agaayyuliqsi uqaqtuq nagliktamik.
spear spear; two-edged cutting tool; porcupine quill

The spear has a two-sided edge.
Pana avatmun kigiñaqaqtuq.

2. a harpoon, a spear
nauligaq or nauligaun

Where is your harpoon?
Naami nauligan?

3. to spear

He speared a seal.
Natchiq naulikkaa.

4. three-pronged spear
aasrivak, dl. aasrivaak, pl. aasrivaich

The spider carries her eggs.
Aasrivak akiyaġuuruq manniŋmiñik.
kiyupigaq, kiyipigaq or kiipigaq, dl. kiyupikkat, pl. kiyupikkat
see backbone

2. to have a backache
kiyupiqanŋu- or kiyipiganŋu-

She has a backache.
or Kiyupiganŋuruq.
or Kiipiganŋuruq.
uiḷuaqtaq, dl. uiḷuaqtak, pl. uilḷuaqtat

The spinster is there.
Uiḷuaqtaq tarani ittuq.
spirit, behavior
irrusriq, dl. irrutchik, pl. irrutchich

His behavior has improved.
Irrusria nakuqsiḷaaqsimaruq.

spirit governor of the atmosphere, lit. person of the air or sky
Siḷam iñua

They speak of the spirit of the air.
Siḷam iñua uqautigiraġigaat.
to spit
tuvvuaq-, tivvuaq-, or tuvvuq-

he is spitting
or tuvvuqtuq

she spits it out
or tuvvudaa

The person is spitting outside.
Iñuk tuvvuaqtuq siḷami.

He spits out his gum.
Tuvvuġaa kutchuni.
to splash

he splashed her
siqiyaa or siqiqaa, dl. obj. siqiyik, pl. obj. siqiyai

They splashed me.

2. to splash repeatedly

I repeatedly splashed them.

3. to splash someone

She is splashing others repeatedly.
qauqutaq, dl. qauqutak, pl. qauqutat

A splinter hurts.
Qauqutaq atniġñaqtuq.

2. to get a splinter

she has a splinter
qauqiruq, dl. qauqiruk, pl. qauqirut

My son got a splinter from a piece of wood.
Iġñiġa qauqiruq qiruŋmik.
to split, to crack

it is split, it is cracked
qupiruq, dl. qupiruk, pl. qupirut

The ground has cracked.
Qupiniqsuq nuna.

2. to split, divide in two

she splits it in two
avikkaa, dl. avikkaak, pl. avikkaat

it has been split in two
aviktuq, dl. aviktuk, pl. aviktut
spoonaluutaq, dl. aluutak, pl. aluutat

Give me the spoon.
Aluutaq qairruŋ uvamnun.

2. little spoon
aluutauraq, dl. aluutaurak, pl. aluutaurat

The little spoon is used when eating.
Aluutauraq niġiruni atuġnaqtuq.
to spread, to scatter

it is spreading, it is being scattered
siamittuq, dl. siamittuk, pl. siamittut

The fire is spreading.
Iki siamittuq.

he is spreading them

She is spreading the papers on the floor.
Siamitkai kaliikkaich natiġmun.
-lit. potential summer-
upinġaksraq or upinġaksraaq, dl. upinġaksraak, pl. upinġaksraat

last spring

We went camping last spring.
Upinġaksraq aullaaqtugut.
upinġaksralliq, dl. upinġaksrallik, pl. upinġaksrallich

Spring skins are not good for clothing.
Upinġaksrallich amiġiitchut atnuġarriuqtuni.
mapsuksaaq, dl. niapsuksaak, pl. mapsuksaat

Give me that spring snare.
Qairruŋ taamna mapsuksaaq.
-lit. spruce’s puppy-
napaaqturn qipmiuraŋa, dl. napaaqtum qipmiuraŋik, pl. napaaqtum qipmiuraŋich

The spruce cone grows on the spruce tree.
Napaaqtum qipmiuraŋa nauraqtuq napaaqtumi.
spurts out -of liquids under pressure- to spurt water or food from the mouth. For instance when a person cannot control it but laughs, therefore spurting out what he has in his mouth.
suppuqtuq or sippuqtuq, dl. suppuqtuk, pl. suppuqtut

The stove oil spurts out.
Ikniġvium uqsrua suppuqtuq.

The whale breathes when it spouts.
Aġviq suppuqami aniqsaaġaqtuq.
to watch critically or carefully, to spy on

The girl is spying.
Aġnauraq naipiqtuuraqtuq.

he is spying on him, watching him carefully

She kept looking at her daughter to make sure she wouldn’t fall.
Naipiqtuġaa paniurani nallaqsraaqunġitḷugu.
to squat
quvsuk- or- qupsuk-

he is squatting

The old woman is squatting on the floor.
Quvsuktuq aaquaksraatchiaq natiġmun.
ground squirrel
siksrik, dl. siksriik, pl. siksrigich

The ground squirrel has a burrow in the earth.
Siksrik nunarni sisiqaqtuq.

2. tree squirrel, red squirrel
saqalataayiq, dl. saqalataayik, pl. saqalataayich

The tree squirrel can jump from one tree to another.
Saqalataayiq nuttakataġuuruq napaaqtuni.
to stab, to poke

he stabbed -himself-

He stabbed himself on the leg with a knife.
Kapiruq niumigun saviŋmik.

2. to stab suddenly

The prowler stabbed the man.
Iññiqugaurani kapliġaa aŋun.
to stagger

she is staggering
sanipaktuqtuq, dl. sanipaktuqtuk, pl. sanipaktuqtut

The drunkard is staggering.
Imiqtuaq sanipaktuqtuq.

2. to stagger

He is staggering.
stain, spot

There are dirt stains on the clothes.
Atnuġaat miñugluksimarut.

2. it is stained, spotted
miñugluktuq, dl. miñugluktuk, pl. miñugluktut

The tablet is stained.
Aglagviksraq miñugluktuq.

3. stain

it is stained
kipittuq, dl. kipittuk, pl. kipittut

My skirt has been stained.
Yuukkaaġa kipinniġaa.

My pants have an oil stain.
Kamikłuuka kipittuk uqsrumiñ.

4. stain
kipinniq or kipitinniq
stairs, ladder, steps

The house has stairs.
Tupiq tutipqiqaqtuq.
tent peg, stake
paugaq, dl. paukkak, pl. paukkat

After the stakes are put in the ground, the tent is ready to be set up. Pauktuqqaaqługu palapkaaq nappaġaġigaat.
to stalk

he is stalking
puyuaqtuq, dl. puyuaqtuk, pl. puyuaqtut

The hunter is stalking towards a game animal.
Aŋuniaqti puyuaġuraqtuq aŋŋugauramun.
to be in an upright position -of an object-, to be standing

it is standing
naparuq, dl. naparuk, pl. naparut

The house is still standing.
Tupiq napasrugaaqtuq.

2. to stand proudly

he is standing proudly, erect
qiviŋaaqtuq, dl. qiviŋaaqtuk, pl. qiviŋaaqtut

3. to stand up -of a living thing-

she stood up
qichaqtuq, dl. qichaqtuk, pl. qichaqtut

The man stood up.
Qichaqtuq aŋun.

4. to be standing

she is standing

She is still standing.
uvluġiaq, dl. uvluġiak, pl. uvluġirrat

The star is bright in the sky.
Uvluġiaq qaummaġiksuq qiḷaŋmi.

2. three stars of the sword in the constellation Orion

3. shooting star
uvluġiam anaŋa

The shooting star can be seen at night.
Taaġmi uvluġiam anaŋa tautuŋnaqtuq.
to startle, to be startled

he is startled
tupaktuq, dl. tupaktuk, pl. tupaktut

The man is startled.
Aŋun tupaktuq.

she startled him
tupakkaa, dl. tupakkaak, pl. tupakkaat

The sound of a gun shot startled him.
Siksaqpaliqsuam tupakkaa.
to starve

she is starving
kakkaaqtuq, dl. kakkaaqtuk, pl. kakkaaqtut

A person starved to death.
Iñuk kakkaaqhuni taruŋaaglaalaktuq.
to stay behind, to remain with someone or something

he is staying behind, she is remaining
nayuutiruq, dl. nayuutiruk, pl. nayuutirut

My cousin is staying with us.
Iḷḷuġa nayuutiruq uvaptitni.

2. to stay behind, to remain with someone or something

she is living with him, she is staying with him
nayuġaa, dl. nayuġaak, pl. nayuġaat

The nurse stays with the one who is sick.
Iłuaqtitchiñiaqtim nayuġaa sakniuqtuaq.
to steal

he has stolen something
tigliktuq, dl. tigliktuk, pl. tigliktut

He has stolen a cap from the store.
Tauqsiġñiaġviŋmiñ tigliktuq nasrautmik.

She has stolen it.

He has stolen it from me.
Tiglikkaa uvamniñ.

2. to get, to obtain repeatedly, to steal more than once

The man is a thief.
The man steals often.
Aŋun piksraqtuyuktuq.
steep rise
uviŋŋaġiksaaq, dl. uviŋŋaġiksaak, pl. uviŋŋaġiksaat

A hill that is steep can be tiresome to climb.
Ikpik uviŋŋaġiksaaq mayuqtuni iñiqtuġnaqtuq.

2. steep undercut river bank
qipaluaq, dl. qipaluak, pl. qipaluat

The riverbank is steeply undercut.
Qipaluaq sikkiksuq.

3. to be steep

it is steep -lit. difficult to climb

that which is steep
to step on

she has stepped
tutiruq, dl. tutiruk, pl. tutirut

He has stepped on the ice.
Tutiruq sikumun.

she has stepped on it
tutigaa, dl. tutigaak, pl. tutigaat

She has stepped on the insect.
Tutigaa qupilġuq.

2. to step up

he has stepped up -from lower to higher place-
akpaktuq, dl. akpaktuk, pl. akpaktut

The man steps off from the ladder to the roof.
Aŋun tutipqiñiñ akpaktuq.

3. to step on a sharp object with the foot

he has stepped on a thorn or any sharp object with the foot

The child stepped on a nail when he was walking barefoot.
Iyaalugruaq kamiḷḷaaqtuaq sukkitchuq kikiaŋrnun.

4. to step on repeatedly

he is stepping on it
tutmaġaa, dl. tutmaġaak, pl. tutmaġaat

He is stepping on a toy.
Iŋŋuaq tutmaġaa.
paniksraq, dl. paniksraak, pl. paniksrat

My two stepdaughters have come.
Paniksraaka aggiqsuk.

my stepfather

The stepfather showed me how to hunt.
Taataksraġma iḷisautigaaŋa aŋuniałiġmik.

my stepmother

My stepmother is pretty.
Aanaksraġa anaŋŋaaŋuruq.
iġñiksraq, dl. iġñiksrak, pl. iġñiksrat

My stepson is building a house.
Iġñiksraġa tuppiruq.
to be stern, awesome, fearsome, respected

he is stern, unfriendly, noncommunicative
taluġnaqtuq, dl. taluġnaqtuk, pl. taluġnaqtut

The woman is stern faced.
Aġnaq taluġnaqtuq.

2. stern of boat

its stern

The boat’s stern is high.
Umiam aqua qutchiksuq.
lower tip of sternum
qayuuttauraq, dl. qayuuttaurak, pl. qayuuttaurat

The lower tip of the sternum is round.
Qayuuttauraq aqsravaluqtuq.
-lit. part of wood-,
-lit. small wood-

2. walking stick, cane
ayaupiuraq, ayaupiaq or ayauppiaq, dl. ayaupiak, pl. ayaupiat

The old man is using the walking stick.
Aŋugaatchiam atuġaa ayaupiuraq.

Give me my cane.
Qairruŋ ayaupiaġa uvamnun.

3. to stick

it is stuck

The tile is stuck on the floor.
Natiksraq nipittuq natiġmun.

4. to be sticky

it is sticky
nipinnaqtuq, dl. nipinnaqtuk, pl. nipinnaqtut

Yuck! It is sticky!
Ikkii! Nipinnaqtuq!
to be stiff

it is stiff
tikkaktuq, dl. tikkaktuk, pl. tikkaktut

His hands are stiff from being frozen.
Argai uvva tikkaktut qiqitiqtuqhutiŋ.

2. to become stiff -of dead body-

it becomes stiff -of dead body-
igruġaa, dl. obj. igruġik, pl. obj. igruġai

His body became stiff when he died.
Igruġaa timaa tuqupman.

3. to become stiff, not flexible

he has become stiff or it has become stiff -of muscle-
qiġġaqsiruq, dl. qiġġaqsiruk, pl. qiġġaqsirut

My back has become stiff.
Kiyipikkatka qiġġaqsiñiġai.
to be stingy

she is stingy
iġḷiktuq, dl. iġḷiktuk, pl. iġḷiktut

His wife is stingy.
Nuiaŋa iġḷiktuq.

2. he is extremely stingy
iġḷikturuq, dl. iġḷikturuk, pl. iġḷikturut

He is stingy all the time.
Iġḷikturuq ataramik.

3. to be stingy about something

he clings to it for himself, he is stingy with it
iġḷigigaa, dl. iġḷigigaak, pl. iġḷigigaat

He is stingy with his food.
Iġḷigiai niqautini.
to stink
tipitu-, aaqqaaŋu-

it stinks
tipituruq, dl. tipituruk, pl. tipiturut

A cigarette stinks.
Sikaaq tipituruq.

2. stinking caribou bull -after breeding-
nuliaġniq, dl. nuliaġnik, pl. nuliaġniġich

In the fall, you can notice a stinking caribou bull after it breeds.
Ukiaġmi nuliaġniq tuttu nalunaitchaqtuq.
kiluk, dl. killuk, pl. kiluich

Her stitches are small and neat.
aqiaġuq, dl. aqiaqquk, pl. aqiaqqut

He has a big stomach.

2. he has stomach cramps, stomach ache
ilunŋuruq, dl. ilunŋuruk, pl. ilunŋurut

He has had stomach cramps for three days.
Ilunŋuruq piñasruni uvluni.

3. it is growling -of stomach-

My stomach is growling because I am hungry.
Quluularuq iḷuga takku niġisuliquŋa.

4. first stomach -of a caribou, reindeer or moose-
qisraġuaq, dl. qisraġuak, pl. qisraġuat

The first stomach is the top layer of a stomach.
Qisraġuaq qaapquaġigaa aqiaqqum.

5. hard covering of small stomach
tunusrisaq, dl. tunusrisak, pl. tunusrisat

The hard covering of the caribou’s small stomach is good to eat.
Tuttum tunusrisaŋa niġiruni nakuuruq.
stone, rock
iyaġak, dl. iyaqqak, pl. iyaġaich

The stone is heavy.
Iyaġak uqumaitchuq.

2. red stone
ivisaaq, dl. ivisaak, pl. ivisaat

The red stone is used for painting snowshoes.
Ivisaaq miñuutigiraġigaat taglunun.
to stop

she has stopped, died
nutqaqtuq, dl. nutqaqtuk, pl. nutqaqtut

The outboard motor has stopped.
Iivarruut nutqaqtut.

2. to cause to stop, to stop something

he has stopped it
nutqaqtitkaa, dl. nutqaqtitkaak, pl. nutqaqtitkaat

He has stopped his dog which was trying to go.
Nutqaqtitkaa qipmiñi aullaġniaqtuaq.
to store something away
tugvaqsi- or tuvvaqsi-

she is storing something

She is storing her clothes.
Tuvvaqsiruq atnuġaaġmiñik.

2. to store away
tuvvaq- or tugvaq-

She has stored it.

She has stored away food.
Tuvvaġaa niqi.

3. storage place
tuvvaqsivik, dl. tuvvaqsiviik, pl. tuvvaqsiviich

The storage place is located in a cool area.
Tuvvaqsivik nigliñaqtaami ittaqtuq.

4. a store
tauqsiġñiaġvik, dl. tauqsiġñiaġviik, pl. tauqsiġñiaġviich

I am going to the store.
experience, happening, history, true story
uqaaqtuun or uqaaqtuaq, dl. uqaaqtuutik, pl. uqaaqtuutit

He told the story of the lives of the ancient people.
Uqaaqtuun taipchua iḷitqusriat uqautigigaa.

2. to tell a story
uqaaqtuaq-, unipchaaq-

She is telling a story.
Uqaaqtuaqtuq. or
ikniġvik, dl. ikniġviik, pl. ikniġviich

The stove is hot.
Ikniġvik uunaqtuq.
stovepipetuqłuaq, dl. tuqłuak, pl. tuqłuat
SL. puyuġvik, dl. puyuġviik, pl. puyuġviich

The stovepipe is black.
Ikniġvium tuqłuaŋa [or puyuġvia] qiġñiqtaaŋuruq.
it is straight -as of a board-
siatqiksuq or nalġuruq, dl. siatqiksuk, pl. siatqiksut

The tree is straight.
Napaaqtuq siatqiksuq or nalġuruq.

2. it sets a straight course
sivukkiqsuq, dl. sivukkiqsuk, pl. sivukkiqsut

The boat sets a straight course.
Umiaq sivukkiqsuq.
to stretch

it has stretched

she is stretching it
tasritchaa, dl. obj. tasritchik, pl. obj. tasritchai

She is stretching the skin.
Amiq tasritchaa.

Stretch it.

2. to stretch -something-

she is stretching something
tasritchiruq, dl. tasritchiruk, pl. tasritchirut

He is stretching a bearded seal skin.
Tasritchiruq ugruum amianik.
stretcher to carry things
akiyaun, dl. akiyautik, pl. akiyautit

My father uses the stretcher to carry fish.
Taataa atuġaa akiyaun qaluŋnun.

He has cut the string.
Kipigaa akłunauraq.

2. fish strung on a willow stick
nuviraq, dl. nuvirak, pl. nuvirat

There are five sticks of fish.
Nuvirat tallimaiŋurut.

3. to string, to pull a string, rope through a hole
nuvi-, nuviriuraq-

She is stringing beads.
Nuviriuraqtuq suŋauranik.

String the fish.
Nuviḷugich qaluich.

to play a string game

he is playing string figures
ayahaaqtuq, dl. ayahaaqtuk, pl. ayahaaqtut

The woman is playing a string game.
Aġnaq ayahaaqtuq.
central stringer
saiġuaq, dl. saiġuak, pl. saiġuat

The sleds have central stringers.
Qiḷġich saiġuaqaqtut.

2. outside stringer
kiigraq, dl. kiigraak, pl. kiigrat

The outside stringer is a part of the sled.
Kiigraq iḷaviñiġigaat qiḷġich.
a striped pattern

Do you like striped patterns?
Qupumuagich nakuaġivigich?
stroll to stroll

he is taking a stroll
pisruktuaqtuq, dl. pisruktuaqtuk, pl. pisruktuaqtut

My mother is taking a stroll on the tundra.
Aanaga pisruktuaqtuq natiġnami.
to be strong, healthy

she is strong, healthy
sayakturuq, dl. sayakturuk, pl. sayakturut

The young man is strong and healthy.
Sayakturuq nukatpiaq.

2. to be strong -physically or in taste-

she is strong
saŋŋiruq, dl. saŋŋiruk, pl. saŋŋirut

The boy is strong.
Nukatpiaġruk saŋŋiruq.

The coffee is strong.
Kuukpiaq tara saŋŋiñiqsuq.

3. to be mighty, aggressive, strong

he is strong, mighty
sapiġñaqtuq, dl. sapiġñaqtuk, pl. sapiġñaqtut

The man is a strong worker.
Aŋun sapiġñaqtuq, savalguruq.
to be stubborn, to persevere

he is stubborn, continues on regardless
sivutmuuruq, dl. sivutmuuruk, pl. sivutmuurut

The man is stubborn about leaving.
Sivutmuuruq aullaġukhuni aŋun.

2. to be stubborn, lit. to be hard

He is stubborn, he will not stop.
Siqquqtuq una, nutqaġnianġitchuq.
to be stuck, to be wedged in an opening, to be stranded

he is stuck
kalivittuq, dl. kalivittuk, pl. kalivittut
to be stuffy -of air-

it is stuffy

The house is stuffy.
Tupiq ipyanŋunaqtuq.

2. to have a stuffy nose

he has a stuffy nose
umiktatittuq, dl. umiktatittuk, pl. umiktatittut

3. He has a stuffy nose.
Qiŋŋak muliktuk.
to stumble and fall forward

he has stumbled, he has fallen forward
paallaktuq, dl. paallaktuk, pl. paallaktut

The little girl stumbled while running.
Aġnauraq paallaktuq aqpaqsruqtuaq.
stump tree, willow stump
kiggaq, dl. kiggaak, pl. kiggaich

The willow stump is by the river.
Kiggaq ittuq kuugum siñaani.
to subtract

it is subtracted, some part of it has been taken off
iḷaŋŋaqtaaqtuq, dl. iḷaŋŋaqtaaqtuk, pl. iḷaŋŋaqtaaqtut

Part of his bill is paid.
Akiqsruutaa iḷaŋŋaqtaaqtuq.
to suck, to suckle, to nurse

it is suckling

The fawn is sucking milk from its mother.
Nuġġaq miluktuq aanamiñiñ.

When the snake bit him, his mother quickly sucked the bite.
Nirniġiam kigikmauŋ, aanaŋan miluktuġaa kigiñġa.

Suddenly it began to rain.
Taimmaiñaq siḷaluktittuq.

2. suddenly, roughly
-niqłak-, -ñiqłak after strong I [v-v]

She left suddenly.

She came suddenly.
to suffer

he is suffering
nagliksaaqtuq, dl. nagliksaaqtuk, pl. nagliksaaqtut

She is suffering from the disease.
Nagliksaaqtuq atniġñautmiñ.
to be suffocated

it is suffocating him, smothering him, drowning him
ipitkaa, dl. ipitkaak, pl. ipitkaat

The smoke is suffocating him.
Ipitkaa itchim.

2. to suffocate, to drown

He has suffocated.
Ipiruq. or
qapsittaaq, dl. qapsittaak, pl. qapsittaat

The sugar is sweet.
Qapsittaaq siiġñaqtuq.
suitcase suitcase, handbag
ikpaatchiaq or ikpaitchiaq, dl. ikpaatchiak, pl. ikpaatchiat

Find the new suitcase!
Ikpaatchiaq nutaaq paqirruŋ!
mamaiḷaq, dl. mamaiḷak, pl. mamaiḷat
to sulk, to walk off in a huff, to act insulted

He is sulking.

She became angry and is sulking.
Uumitchakhuni qivittuq.

2. to be sulking

He is sulking.
upinġaaq, auraq, dl. upinġaak, aurak, pl. upinġaat, aurat

The summer is a time for fishing.
Auraq qaluŋniaġviuruq.

2. summer before last

I went to Anchorage summer before last.
Anchorage-chaqtuami upinġaatqik.
-of animals-
auralliq, dl. aurallik, pl. aurallich

Summer skin is thin.
Auralliq amiq saatchuuruq.

The sun is hot.
Siqiñiq uunaqtuq.

2. to set -of sun, moon-

it -sun, moon- is setting

The sun is setting.
Siqiñiq nipiruq.

Sunday is a day of rest.
Minġuiqsiiq iñiqtuiqsiaġviuruq.
sunglasses old style goggles or sunglasses

2. modern sunglasses
siqiñiqsiutik irigaak
to be sunny

There is sunshine.

The sun is shining today.
Siqiññaaġiksuq uvluvak.

2. to be shining brightly, of the sun; bright sunshine

There is bright sunshine.

to eat supper

My father ate his supper.
Taataga nullautchiqsuq.

2. it is supper time

It is supper time, let us go home.
Nullautchiġñaqsiruq, aŋiḷaaqta.
tuunġaaġruk, dl. tuunġaaġruuk, pl. tuunġaaġruich

The surf scoter is black.
Tuunġaaġruk qiġñiqtuq.
to surface from underwater

The seal surfaced.
Natchiq puiruq.
to have surgery

he is having surgery
piḷaksiiruq, dl. piḷaksiiruk, pl. piḷaksiirut

My mother had surgery at the hospital.
Aanaga piḷaksiiruq naŋirviŋmi.
to surpass, pass in rank

Do not go beyond this.
Una qaaŋiqñagu.
something left over, surplus
sippaq, dl. sippak, pl. sippat

He gave me the dollar which was left over.
Tamałhuq sippaq qaiḷḷakkaa uvamnun.
to be surprised

she is surprised, amazed, astonished
quviġusruktuq, dl. quviġusruktuk, pl. quviġusruktut

My mother was surprised when she received berries.
Quviġusruktuq aanaga aatchuusriaqaqami asrianik.

2. to be surprised

she was surprised
niġiiḷḷaqtuq, dl. niġiiḷḷaqtuk, pl. niġiiḷḷaqtut

She was surprised when he came.
Niġiiḷḷaqtuq aggiqman.

she surprises him
niġiiḷḷaġaa, dl. niġiiḷḷaġaak, pl. niġiiḷḷaġaat

He surprised them with a song.
Niġiiḷḷaġai atuutmik.
to surround

They have surrounded him.

The dogs surrounded him.
Qipmich avataŋiġaat.
to suspect

he suspects
iḷimasruktuq, dl. iḷimasruktuk, pl. iḷimasruktut

He suspects that they might steal.
Iḷimasruktuq tiglikkasrugalugich.

2. she suspects him, blames him
pasriyaa, dl. pasriyaak, pl. pasriyaat

He suspects him of stealing.
Pasriyaa tigliŋnipḷugu.

3. to be suspect, to be suspicious

He is suspicious.

4. to become suspicious

He became suspicious.
bank swallow, tree swallow
tulugaġnaq, dl. tuluqaġnak, pl. tulugaġnat

The bank swallow makes a hole in a steep river bank.
Tulugaġnaq sisiliuġuuruq qipaluami.

2. barn swallow
tulugaġnauraq, dl. tulugaġnaurak, pl. tulugaġnaurat

The barn swallow hunts for insects.
Tulugaġnauraq niqiksraqsiuġaqtuq qupilġunik.

3. cliff swallow
qikum tulugaġnaŋa

The cliff swallow can fly a lot.
Qikum tulugaġnaŋa tiŋmiḷguruq.
to swallow something

he has swallowed
iisiruq, dl. iisiruk, pl. iisirut

He swallowed his gum.
Iisiruq kutchumiñik.

2. to swallow

he has swallowed it
iiyaa, dl. iiyaak, pl. iiyaat

He has swallowed the food.
Iiyaa niqi.

Don’t swallow it!
imahak, imaġniq
swanqugruk, dl. qugruuk, pl. qugruich

Swans are white and they can fly.
Qugruich qatiqtut suli tiŋmitḷarut.
to swear, to speak angrily

he is complaining
uqaalaruq, dl. uqaalaruk, pl. uqaalarut

The woman is speaking angrily, complaining.
Aġnaq uqaalaruq.

2. to swear, to curse
suviaq- [Eng.]

He swore.
He cursed.

He is swearing.
to sweat

he is sweating
siiqsukkaqtuq, dl. siiqsukkaqtuk, pl. siiqsukkaqtut

The man chopping wood is sweating.
Aŋun qirriuqtuaq siiqsukkaqtuq.
sweep to sweep

she is sweeping
sanŋiyaqtuq, dl. sanŋiyaqtuk, pl. sanŋiyaqtut

The woman is sweeping the floor.
Aġnam natiq sanŋiyaġaa.

2. to sweep

he is sweeping
salikuqtuq, dl. salikuqtuk, pl. salikuqtut

You can use geese wings for sweeping.
Israġuurat salikuutiginaqtut.
to be sweet, tart
siiġñaaq-, siiġñaq-

It is sweet
siiġñaaqtuq or siiġñaqtuq, dl. siiġñaaqtuk, pl. siiġñaaqtut

The ripe berry is sweet.
Siiġñaaqtuq asriaq.
to swell; to inflate

it is swollen, inflated
puviqsuq, dl. puviqsuk, pl. puviqsut

My feet are swollen.
Isigatka puvinniqsut.

he inflates it
puviġaa, dl. puviġaak, pl. puviġaat

The boy blew up the balloon.
Nukatpiaġruum puviġaa puviġaaq.

2. balloon

3. swelling

A swelling hurts.
Puvinniq atniġñaġuuruq.
swim to swim

he is swimming
puuvraqtuq, dl. puuvraqtuk, pl. puuvraqtut

The boy is swimming in the river.
Nukatpialugruaq puuvraqtuq kuuŋmi.

2. to swim -of an animal-

it is swimming
naluktuq, dl. naluktuk, pl. naluktut

The moose is swimming in the water.
Tiniika naluktuq imiġmi.
swingaŋiłhisaun, dl. aŋiłhisautik, pl. aŋiłhisautit

The swing has a long rope.
Aŋiłhisaun takiruamik akłunaaqaqtuq.
to be swollen, to be puffed up

it is swollen
puvinŋaruq, dl. puvinŋaruk, pl. puvinŋarut

Your eyes are swollen.
Irrakiñ puvinŋaniqsuk.

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