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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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a striped pattern

Do you like striped patterns?
Qupumuagich nakuaġivigich?
stroll to stroll

he is taking a stroll
pisruktuaqtuq, dl. pisruktuaqtuk, pl. pisruktuaqtut

My mother is taking a stroll on the tundra.
Aanaga pisruktuaqtuq natiġnami.
to be strong, healthy

she is strong, healthy
sayakturuq, dl. sayakturuk, pl. sayakturut

The young man is strong and healthy.
Sayakturuq nukatpiaq.

2. to be strong -physically or in taste-

she is strong
saŋŋiruq, dl. saŋŋiruk, pl. saŋŋirut

The boy is strong.
Nukatpiaġruk saŋŋiruq.

The coffee is strong.
Kuukpiaq tara saŋŋiñiqsuq.

3. to be mighty, aggressive, strong

he is strong, mighty
sapiġñaqtuq, dl. sapiġñaqtuk, pl. sapiġñaqtut

The man is a strong worker.
Aŋun sapiġñaqtuq, savalguruq.
to be stubborn, to persevere

he is stubborn, continues on regardless
sivutmuuruq, dl. sivutmuuruk, pl. sivutmuurut

The man is stubborn about leaving.
Sivutmuuruq aullaġukhuni aŋun.

2. to be stubborn, lit. to be hard

He is stubborn, he will not stop.
Siqquqtuq una, nutqaġnianġitchuq.
to be stuck, to be wedged in an opening, to be stranded

he is stuck
kalivittuq, dl. kalivittuk, pl. kalivittut
to be stuffy -of air-

it is stuffy

The house is stuffy.
Tupiq ipyanŋunaqtuq.

2. to have a stuffy nose

he has a stuffy nose
umiktatittuq, dl. umiktatittuk, pl. umiktatittut

3. He has a stuffy nose.
Qiŋŋak muliktuk.
to stumble and fall forward

he has stumbled, he has fallen forward
paallaktuq, dl. paallaktuk, pl. paallaktut

The little girl stumbled while running.
Aġnauraq paallaktuq aqpaqsruqtuaq.
stump tree, willow stump
kiggaq, dl. kiggaak, pl. kiggaich

The willow stump is by the river.
Kiggaq ittuq kuugum siñaani.
to subtract

it is subtracted, some part of it has been taken off
iḷaŋŋaqtaaqtuq, dl. iḷaŋŋaqtaaqtuk, pl. iḷaŋŋaqtaaqtut

Part of his bill is paid.
Akiqsruutaa iḷaŋŋaqtaaqtuq.
to suck, to suckle, to nurse

it is suckling

The fawn is sucking milk from its mother.
Nuġġaq miluktuq aanamiñiñ.

When the snake bit him, his mother quickly sucked the bite.
Nirniġiam kigikmauŋ, aanaŋan miluktuġaa kigiñġa.

Suddenly it began to rain.
Taimmaiñaq siḷaluktittuq.

2. suddenly, roughly
-niqłak-, -ñiqłak after strong I [v-v]

She left suddenly.

She came suddenly.
to suffer

he is suffering
nagliksaaqtuq, dl. nagliksaaqtuk, pl. nagliksaaqtut

She is suffering from the disease.
Nagliksaaqtuq atniġñautmiñ.
to be suffocated

it is suffocating him, smothering him, drowning him
ipitkaa, dl. ipitkaak, pl. ipitkaat

The smoke is suffocating him.
Ipitkaa itchim.

2. to suffocate, to drown

He has suffocated.
Ipiruq. or
qapsittaaq, dl. qapsittaak, pl. qapsittaat

The sugar is sweet.
Qapsittaaq siiġñaqtuq.
suitcase suitcase, handbag
ikpaatchiaq or ikpaitchiaq, dl. ikpaatchiak, pl. ikpaatchiat

Find the new suitcase!
Ikpaatchiaq nutaaq paqirruŋ!
mamaiḷaq, dl. mamaiḷak, pl. mamaiḷat
to sulk, to walk off in a huff, to act insulted

He is sulking.

She became angry and is sulking.
Uumitchakhuni qivittuq.

2. to be sulking

He is sulking.
upinġaaq, auraq, dl. upinġaak, aurak, pl. upinġaat, aurat

The summer is a time for fishing.
Auraq qaluŋniaġviuruq.

2. summer before last

I went to Anchorage summer before last.
Anchorage-chaqtuami upinġaatqik.
-of animals-
auralliq, dl. aurallik, pl. aurallich

Summer skin is thin.
Auralliq amiq saatchuuruq.

The sun is hot.
Siqiñiq uunaqtuq.

2. to set -of sun, moon-

it -sun, moon- is setting

The sun is setting.
Siqiñiq nipiruq.

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