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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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Sunday is a day of rest.
Minġuiqsiiq iñiqtuiqsiaġviuruq.
sunglasses old style goggles or sunglasses

2. modern sunglasses
siqiñiqsiutik irigaak
to be sunny

There is sunshine.

The sun is shining today.
Siqiññaaġiksuq uvluvak.

2. to be shining brightly, of the sun; bright sunshine

There is bright sunshine.

to eat supper

My father ate his supper.
Taataga nullautchiqsuq.

2. it is supper time

It is supper time, let us go home.
Nullautchiġñaqsiruq, aŋiḷaaqta.
tuunġaaġruk, dl. tuunġaaġruuk, pl. tuunġaaġruich

The surf scoter is black.
Tuunġaaġruk qiġñiqtuq.
to surface from underwater

The seal surfaced.
Natchiq puiruq.
to have surgery

he is having surgery
piḷaksiiruq, dl. piḷaksiiruk, pl. piḷaksiirut

My mother had surgery at the hospital.
Aanaga piḷaksiiruq naŋirviŋmi.
to surpass, pass in rank

Do not go beyond this.
Una qaaŋiqñagu.
something left over, surplus
sippaq, dl. sippak, pl. sippat

He gave me the dollar which was left over.
Tamałhuq sippaq qaiḷḷakkaa uvamnun.
to be surprised

she is surprised, amazed, astonished
quviġusruktuq, dl. quviġusruktuk, pl. quviġusruktut

My mother was surprised when she received berries.
Quviġusruktuq aanaga aatchuusriaqaqami asrianik.

2. to be surprised

she was surprised
niġiiḷḷaqtuq, dl. niġiiḷḷaqtuk, pl. niġiiḷḷaqtut

She was surprised when he came.
Niġiiḷḷaqtuq aggiqman.

she surprises him
niġiiḷḷaġaa, dl. niġiiḷḷaġaak, pl. niġiiḷḷaġaat

He surprised them with a song.
Niġiiḷḷaġai atuutmik.
to surround

They have surrounded him.

The dogs surrounded him.
Qipmich avataŋiġaat.
to suspect

he suspects
iḷimasruktuq, dl. iḷimasruktuk, pl. iḷimasruktut

He suspects that they might steal.
Iḷimasruktuq tiglikkasrugalugich.

2. she suspects him, blames him
pasriyaa, dl. pasriyaak, pl. pasriyaat

He suspects him of stealing.
Pasriyaa tigliŋnipḷugu.

3. to be suspect, to be suspicious

He is suspicious.

4. to become suspicious

He became suspicious.
bank swallow, tree swallow
tulugaġnaq, dl. tuluqaġnak, pl. tulugaġnat

The bank swallow makes a hole in a steep river bank.
Tulugaġnaq sisiliuġuuruq qipaluami.

2. barn swallow
tulugaġnauraq, dl. tulugaġnaurak, pl. tulugaġnaurat

The barn swallow hunts for insects.
Tulugaġnauraq niqiksraqsiuġaqtuq qupilġunik.

3. cliff swallow
qikum tulugaġnaŋa

The cliff swallow can fly a lot.
Qikum tulugaġnaŋa tiŋmiḷguruq.
to swallow something

he has swallowed
iisiruq, dl. iisiruk, pl. iisirut

He swallowed his gum.
Iisiruq kutchumiñik.

2. to swallow

he has swallowed it
iiyaa, dl. iiyaak, pl. iiyaat

He has swallowed the food.
Iiyaa niqi.

Don’t swallow it!
imahak, imaġniq
swanqugruk, dl. qugruuk, pl. qugruich

Swans are white and they can fly.
Qugruich qatiqtut suli tiŋmitḷarut.
to swear, to speak angrily

he is complaining
uqaalaruq, dl. uqaalaruk, pl. uqaalarut

The woman is speaking angrily, complaining.
Aġnaq uqaalaruq.

2. to swear, to curse
suviaq- [Eng.]

He swore.
He cursed.

He is swearing.
to sweat

he is sweating
siiqsukkaqtuq, dl. siiqsukkaqtuk, pl. siiqsukkaqtut

The man chopping wood is sweating.
Aŋun qirriuqtuaq siiqsukkaqtuq.
sweep to sweep

she is sweeping
sanŋiyaqtuq, dl. sanŋiyaqtuk, pl. sanŋiyaqtut

The woman is sweeping the floor.
Aġnam natiq sanŋiyaġaa.

2. to sweep

he is sweeping
salikuqtuq, dl. salikuqtuk, pl. salikuqtut

You can use geese wings for sweeping.
Israġuurat salikuutiginaqtut.
to be sweet, tart
siiġñaaq-, siiġñaq-

It is sweet
siiġñaaqtuq or siiġñaqtuq, dl. siiġñaaqtuk, pl. siiġñaaqtut

The ripe berry is sweet.
Siiġñaaqtuq asriaq.

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