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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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ugruŋnaq, dl. ugruŋnak, pl. ugruŋnat

The shrew is the smallest of all the animals.
Ugruŋnaq mikitluktuq aŋŋugaurapayaaniñ.
-lit. eye extractor-
iraiyayuuq, dl. iraiyayuuk, pl. iraiyayuut

The shrike chases small birds.
Iraiyayuuq malikataisuuruq tiŋmaiuranik.
-lit. going for big toe-

People catch shrimp from the ocean.
Taġiumiñ putuguqsiuġayuŋniaġaqtut iñuich.
to be shy, bashful
kanŋusruu- or kanŋusruk-

she is shy
kanŋusruuruq, dl. kanŋusruuruk, pl. kanŋusruurut

2. to be shy of strangers, to feel others are different

he is shy of strangers

My baby is scared because of the strange people.
Paipiuraġa atlayuaqtuq.

3. to be shy, bashful
qiki-, qikisu-

she is shy
qikiruq, dl. qikiruk, pl. qikirut

she is shy -by nature-
qikisuruq, dl. qikisuruk, pl. qikisurut

My daughter is shy.
Paniga qikisuruq.

my sibling
aniqatiga, dl. aniqatika, pl. aniqatitka

My sister is younger than I am.
Aniqatiga nutautluktuq uvamniñ.

2. two siblings

The two siblings left.
Aniqatigiik aullaqtuk.

3. younger sibling
nukatchiaq, dl. nukatchiak, pl. nukatchiat

My younger siblings are mischievous.
Nukatchiatka iñunŋunaqtut.

4. my older sister

my older brother

5. a sibling who shares the same paternal parent as self
qataŋun, dl. qataŋutik, pl. qataŋutit
sick to be sick, to be in pain, to suffer

he is sick
naŋittuq, dl. naŋittuk, pl. naŋittut

My brother is sick at the hospital.
Aniqatiga naŋittuq naŋirviŋmi.

2. to be ill, to be sick

she is ill, is sick

People are ill again.
Iñuich atniġñalgitchut.
saniġaq, dl. saniqqak, pl. saniqqat

my side

your side

it’s side

A girl is sitting beside me.
Saniġamni aġnauraq aquppiruq.
to put siding

he has put siding on it

My father has put siding on the new house he is building.
Saniqqiġaa taataa tuppiani.
iḷitchuqqun, dl. iḷitchuqqutik, pl. iḷitchuqqutit

They have put a sign by the road.
Iḷitchuqqun iḷiñiġaat apqutim saniġaanun.
to be quiet, silent, not talkative
nipait- or iñuksruit-

she is silent
nipaitchuq, dl. nipaitchuk, pl. nipaitchut

The girl is quiet.
Aġnauraq nipaitchuq or iñuksruitchuq
to be of the same kind

Those [2] persons look alike.
Itchuak iññuk atrigiiksuk.

2. to be similar, like someone or something

You are like me.
Uvaptun ittutin.

You are like your mother.
Aanaptun ittutin.

It looks like a boat.
Umiatun ittuq.

It is similar to mine.
Uvaŋa pipsun ittuq.

A sin is a wrong doing.
Killuqsaun nalaunŋaitchuq.

2. sinner, wrongdoer
killiqiri, dl. killiqirik, pl. killiqirit

If a sinner doesn’t repent, he will be punished.
Killiqiri mumiñġitchumi anasriŋŋuqsakkaugisiruq.

3. to sin, to do wrong, to err

he has sinned, he has erred

In spite of his striving, he has erred.
Sakuuguraġniallaġmi killuqsaqtuq.
sinew, thread
ivalu, dl. ivaluk, pl. ivalut

Sinew is used for sewing.
Ivalu atuġnaqtuq killaiyaqtuni.

sinew used for thread

2. arm sinew or from hind legs
tallim ivalua - siŋŋiq

3. back tendon
uliun, dl. uliutik, pl. uliutit

The back tendon is used to make thread.
Uliutik ivaluksriuġaġigaich.

4. to twist sinew for thread

She is twisting sinew for thread.
sing to sing

he is singing
atuqtuq, dl. atuqtuk, pl. atuqtut

They are singing at church.
Atuqtut agaayyuviŋmi.

She is singing the song.
Atuun atuġaa.
to sink

it has sunk
kiviruq, dl. kiviruk, pl. kivirut

The boat has sunk in the river.
Umiaq kiviruq kuuŋmi.
net sinker, traditionally made of antlers
saatqun, dl. saatqutik, pl. saatqutit

2. heavier sinker, weight, usually medium sized rock
kivviqun, dl. kivviqutik, pl. kivviqutit
older sister

my older sister

My older sister is silent.
Aakauraġa nipaitchuq.

2. sister-in-law

my sister-in-law, my daughter-in-law
ukuaġa, dl. ukuaka, pl. ukuatka

My sister-in-law is my brother’s wife.
Ukuaġa aniŋauraġma aġnaat.
sit to sit

she sat down
aquvittuq, dl. aquvittuk, pl. aquvittut

The boy sat down.
Nukatpialugruaq aquvittuq.

2. to be sitting

she is sitting
aquppiruq, dl. aquppiruk, pl. aquppirut

They are sitting in the church.
Aquppirut agaayyuviŋmi.

3. to sit -of an animal-

it is sitting
qusrauktuq, dl. qusrauktuk, pl. qusrauktut

The bear is sitting.
Pisruktuaq qusrauktuq.

4. to sit in a huddled, hunched position -as of an old woman

She is sitting in such a position.

The six houses are big.
Itchaksrat tupqich aŋirut.
akimiaq atausriq

I have turned sixteen.
Ukiuniktuŋa akimiaq atausrimik.

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