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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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He is drawing near his sixtieth birthday.
Anniviḷirviksraġmi piñasrukipiaŋat patlikkaa.

its size
aktilaaŋa, dl. aktilaaŋak, pl. aktilaaŋat

The man is six feet tall.
Aŋun aktilaaqaqtuq itchaksrat isigaksaġniqtun.

Her size is small.
Aktilaaŋa mikiruq.
to be skillful

she is skillful
sanaturuq, dl. sanaturuk, pl. sanaturut

The woman is skilled in making things.
Aġnaq sanaturuq suli’ ami.
uviñik, dl. uviññak, pl. uviñŋich

Skin can be washed.
Uviñik iġġuġnaqtuq.

2. skin of animal; outer layer of plant
amiq, dl. ammik, pl. ammich
see also hide

3. to remove skin, as to skin an animal
amiiq-, amiiqsi-

She is skinning it.

She is skinning [something]

4. to skin an animal without cutting the belly section

He is skinning the muskrat without cutting the belly.
Iqquliruq kigvaluŋmik.

5. to skin the surface; to have an abrasion

He skinned himself on a nail.
Kiḷiigruktuq kikiaŋmun.

6. bleached seal skin
naluaq, dl. naluak, pl. naluat

Bleached seal skin is quite white.
Naluaq qattiġiksuq.

7. bleached caribou or reindeer skin
[first stage]

[final stage. leather]

8. winter animal hide

9. summer animal hide

10. old caribou or reindeer hide, used for a mat

my skirt

2. the skirt of a flared calico parka cover

its skirt
sky, heaven, ceiling

The sky is high.
Qiḷak qutchiksuq.
skylight, window
igaliq, dl. igallak, pl. igalġich

The window lets light in.
Igaliq qaummatauruq.
to slap

he slaps it
patikkaa, dl. patikkaak, pl. patikkaat

He slaps the mosquito.
Patikkaa kiktuġiaq.

2. it slaps the water with its tail -beaver-
mapqatittuq, dl. mapqatittuk, pl. mapqatittut
tow sled

A tow sled is used to haul freight.
Uniaġruich usriaqtuutaurut.

2. a tow sled

Where is my tow sled?
Paamġuatka naami?

3. a basket sled
[It is spoken of in the plural sense because it is comprised of many pieces.]

Sleds are good on snow.
Qiḷġich nakuurut aputmi.

4. a small basket sled, mainly for dog mushing

5. sled handle
kaivḷuutaq, dl. kaivḷuutak, pl. kaivḷuutat

The sled handle is on the sled.
Kiavḷuuqtaq qiḷġiñi ittuq.

6. sled bag
aquġun, dl. aquġutik, pl. aquġutit

The sled bag hangs between the handles of a sled.
Aquġun naktisrimaraqtuq akunġakni kaivḷuutak.

7. sled runner
aglu, dl. agluk, pl. aglut

The sled runner is very strong.
Aglu saŋŋiruq.
sleep to sleep

she is sleeping
siñiktuq, dl. siñiktuk, pl. siñiktut

My grandfather is sleeping.
Siñiktuq taataruaġa.

2. to fall asleep

she has fallen asleep
siñiktukkaqtuq, dl. siñiktukkaqtuk, pl. siñiktukkaqtut

The child has fallen asleep.
Siñiktukkaqtuq iyaalugruaq.

3. to be sleepy

he is sleepy
siñiŋnialiqsuq, dl. siñiŋnialiqsuk, pl. siñiŋnialiqsut

The child is sleepy.
Siñiŋnialiqsuq iyaalugruaq.

4. to sleep on it’s back -of seal in water-

The seal sleeps on his back in the water.
Natchiq qavaqtuq imiġmi.
puuksraaq, dl. puuksraak, pl. puuksraat

It is warm when you sleep in a sleeping bag.
Puuksraaq siñiqvigiruni uunaqtuq.

Sleet comes in early spring.
Upinġaksrami misruligruaġuuruq.
sleeveaiq, dl. aik or atchik, pl. ait or atchich

The sleeve is long.
Aiq takiruq.

Her sleeve is short.
Aiŋa naitchuq.
to slice

he is slicing it, divides it up
avguġaa, dl. avguġaak, pl. avguġaat

Here, slice this!
Uvva, una avguġuŋ!

2. to slice something

He slices the bread.
Avguiruq qaqqiamik.

3. slicing knife
slide to slide, to glide down

it is sliding
sisuruq, dl. sisuruk, pl. sisurut

The baby’s diaper is sliding down.
Paipiuram makkaŋa sisuruq.

2. to slide down, to sled

she is sliding
sisuraġaaqtuq, dl. sisuraġaaqtuk, pl. sisuraġaaqtut

The boy is sliding.
Nukatpialugruaq sisuraġaaqtuq.
itlu, dl. itluuk, pl. itlut

The boy is using a sling.
Nukatpiaġruum atuġaa itlu.
to slip

she has slipped and fell
qayuutchikaktuq, dl. qayuutchikaktuk, pl. qayuutchikaktut

The man slipped and fell.
Aŋun qayuutchikaktuq aasrii nallaqsraaqhuni.
to be slippery
quayaġnaq-, quuyaġnaq-

It is slippery.
Quayaġnaqtuq. or

The path is slippery.
Watch out now!
Apqun piaktuq.
qatchiraaq, dl. qatchiraak, pl. qatchiraat

The slope is higher than the ground.
Nunamiñ kiŋitluktuq qatchiraaq.
to be sloppy

he is sloppy
ichaŋaruq, dl. ichaŋaruk, pl. ichaŋarut

He is sloppy in his work.
Ichaŋaruq savaaġmiñi.

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