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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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see wind
fox sparrow
ikłiġvik, dl. ikłiġviik, pl. ikłiġviich

A fox sparrow is a small bird.
Ikłiġvik tiŋmiurauruq.

2. Gambel’s sparrow, white-crowned sparrow
nuŋŋaqtuaġruk, dl. nuŋŋaqtuaġruuk, pl. nuŋŋaqtuaġruich

The Gambel’s sparrow is a bird.
Nuŋŋaqtuaġruk tiŋmiurauruq.

3. golden-crowned sparrow
qianaratuuq, dl. qianaratuuk, pl. qianaratuut

The golden-crowned sparrow sings.
Qianaratuuq qalġuqtuq.

4. savaanah sparrow
akitchiasrkhaq or akitchiaksraq

The savaanah sparrow is a bird.
Akitchiasrkhaq tiŋmiurauruq.

5. tree sparrow

A tree sparrow is a bird.
Pisiqpisiqpiisrkhaq tiŋmiurauruq.
to speak, to talk

he is speaking
uqaqtuq, dl. uqaqtuk, pl. uqaqtut

The preacher is speaking of love.
Agaayyuliqsi uqaqtuq nagliktamik.
spear spear; two-edged cutting tool; porcupine quill

The spear has a two-sided edge.
Pana avatmun kigiñaqaqtuq.

2. a harpoon, a spear
nauligaq or nauligaun

Where is your harpoon?
Naami nauligan?

3. to spear

He speared a seal.
Natchiq naulikkaa.

4. three-pronged spear
aasrivak, dl. aasrivaak, pl. aasrivaich

The spider carries her eggs.
Aasrivak akiyaġuuruq manniŋmiñik.
kiyupigaq, kiyipigaq or kiipigaq, dl. kiyupikkat, pl. kiyupikkat
see backbone

2. to have a backache
kiyupiqanŋu- or kiyipiganŋu-

She has a backache.
or Kiyupiganŋuruq.
or Kiipiganŋuruq.
uiḷuaqtaq, dl. uiḷuaqtak, pl. uilḷuaqtat

The spinster is there.
Uiḷuaqtaq tarani ittuq.
spirit, behavior
irrusriq, dl. irrutchik, pl. irrutchich

His behavior has improved.
Irrusria nakuqsiḷaaqsimaruq.

spirit governor of the atmosphere, lit. person of the air or sky
Siḷam iñua

They speak of the spirit of the air.
Siḷam iñua uqautigiraġigaat.
to spit
tuvvuaq-, tivvuaq-, or tuvvuq-

he is spitting
or tuvvuqtuq

she spits it out
or tuvvudaa

The person is spitting outside.
Iñuk tuvvuaqtuq siḷami.

He spits out his gum.
Tuvvuġaa kutchuni.
to splash

he splashed her
siqiyaa or siqiqaa, dl. obj. siqiyik, pl. obj. siqiyai

They splashed me.

2. to splash repeatedly

I repeatedly splashed them.

3. to splash someone

She is splashing others repeatedly.
qauqutaq, dl. qauqutak, pl. qauqutat

A splinter hurts.
Qauqutaq atniġñaqtuq.

2. to get a splinter

she has a splinter
qauqiruq, dl. qauqiruk, pl. qauqirut

My son got a splinter from a piece of wood.
Iġñiġa qauqiruq qiruŋmik.
to split, to crack

it is split, it is cracked
qupiruq, dl. qupiruk, pl. qupirut

The ground has cracked.
Qupiniqsuq nuna.

2. to split, divide in two

she splits it in two
avikkaa, dl. avikkaak, pl. avikkaat

it has been split in two
aviktuq, dl. aviktuk, pl. aviktut
spoonaluutaq, dl. aluutak, pl. aluutat

Give me the spoon.
Aluutaq qairruŋ uvamnun.

2. little spoon
aluutauraq, dl. aluutaurak, pl. aluutaurat

The little spoon is used when eating.
Aluutauraq niġiruni atuġnaqtuq.
to spread, to scatter

it is spreading, it is being scattered
siamittuq, dl. siamittuk, pl. siamittut

The fire is spreading.
Iki siamittuq.

he is spreading them

She is spreading the papers on the floor.
Siamitkai kaliikkaich natiġmun.
-lit. potential summer-
upinġaksraq or upinġaksraaq, dl. upinġaksraak, pl. upinġaksraat

last spring

We went camping last spring.
Upinġaksraq aullaaqtugut.
upinġaksralliq, dl. upinġaksrallik, pl. upinġaksrallich

Spring skins are not good for clothing.
Upinġaksrallich amiġiitchut atnuġarriuqtuni.
mapsuksaaq, dl. niapsuksaak, pl. mapsuksaat

Give me that spring snare.
Qairruŋ taamna mapsuksaaq.
-lit. spruce’s puppy-
napaaqturn qipmiuraŋa, dl. napaaqtum qipmiuraŋik, pl. napaaqtum qipmiuraŋich

The spruce cone grows on the spruce tree.
Napaaqtum qipmiuraŋa nauraqtuq napaaqtumi.
spurts out -of liquids under pressure- to spurt water or food from the mouth. For instance when a person cannot control it but laughs, therefore spurting out what he has in his mouth.
suppuqtuq or sippuqtuq, dl. suppuqtuk, pl. suppuqtut

The stove oil spurts out.
Ikniġvium uqsrua suppuqtuq.

The whale breathes when it spouts.
Aġviq suppuqami aniqsaaġaqtuq.
to watch critically or carefully, to spy on

The girl is spying.
Aġnauraq naipiqtuuraqtuq.

he is spying on him, watching him carefully

She kept looking at her daughter to make sure she wouldn’t fall.
Naipiqtuġaa paniurani nallaqsraaqunġitḷugu.

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