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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'axokdęyh audio I feel sad
dzeen uudíh díigha lé'e ts'axokdęy audio  for some reason all day I felt sad.
Sahcheeg audio
séek audio
SYN spit
Salmon do not run in any significant numbers in the immediate Tanacross area.
łuug delt'el audio sockeye salmon literally 'red fish'
łuug chox audio king salmon literally 'big fish'
nkáatl audio (Rubus chamemorous)
lsel audio
lsel tiił
Taak'etth Ndiig audio Sam Creek on the south side of the Tanana River
Sha' Theeg Ndiig Sam Creek that flows into Sam Lake from the northwest
Official USGS name is Sand Creek.
Ch'inchedl Měnn' audio
Official USGS name is Sand Lake
niłk'enel'ąą audio same amount
niłk'exnel'ąą ts'į́' xútl'ach'ųhchuut dé' audio give them the same amount of food.
thaayh audio ALSO gravel
thaayh téeł audio
deeł audio
SYN crane (Grus canadensis)
xunsųų nanich'etthet audio she or he is sane, rational
k'įįł audio birch sap
sheen tah shę́ę' k'įįł xołeex audio they only collect birch sap during the summer
ch'eketl'aagh' audio
dheksheyh audio  I saved him or her
ch'itl'ęy' audio  handsaw
tsets intl'ęyh audio saw the firewood
Maa Ch'et-tl'eeg Ndîig \de
diinih audio you say
imperfective paradigmaudio
dihnih xonih
dinih dahnih
nih xenih

perfective paradigmaudio
dihní' dziní'
diní' dahní'
diní' xdiní'

nedíhnih audio I say to you, I'm telling you
medíhnih audio I say to her or him
shedíinih audio you say to me, you tell me
medíinih audio you say to him/her
xuu'edíinih audio you say to them
yehnih audio she or he says to her/him
t'êey xú' díinih audio say it again

łuug ekguuth audio  I am scaling fish
imperfective paradigmaudio
ekguuth ts'ehguuth
įhguuth ahguuth
ehguuth xehguuth
shtthits'ědl' audio my scalp
shétth audio  scar
wunę́ę' k'et shétth ée'ąą audio his face is scarred
nintsîin audio it is scarce
sheen dą́'ą jêg nintsîin ts'į́' k'á jêg néktsí́il audio this past summer berries were scarce so I didn't pick berries
SEE few
nnekjíit audio I scared you
menegjet audio I am scared of it
naa łii diineltl'ûun menegjed sínt'eh audio I am scared of that dog tied up there
SEE afraid
ttheet'aał audio
naytetdek audio she is scattering it
staniłxnetdeetl audio they scattered, ran away in different directions
niłch'edûug tah audio scattered about
Jah keey niłch'edûug tah shax xuudlah audio  the houses are scattered about here and there
naltthogh audio (Aythya affinis)
xáxdeldiix shax audio
łétdeldôdz audio
eek tedhektsiin gha ch'ěl' ekdóts I'm cutting material to make a dress
yédadée'ah audio she or he is scolding him or her
ts'enîin etdzuug gha wunąą yédadée'ah audio  the mischievous child was scolded by his or her mother
łaadéłuut audio he or she scorched it, charred it (done by accident)
SEE crisp
ndêl audio white-winged scoter (Melanitta fusca)
taatsą́ą' ndêl surf scoter (Melanitta perscpicillata)
yehjeeyh audio she or he is scraping it
imperfective paradigmaudio
ekjeeyh yits'ehjeeyh
įhjeeyh ahjeeyh
yehjeeyh xiyehjeeyh

ihtthox audio I am scraping it

imperfective paradigmaudio
ihtthox ts'etthox
intthox ahtthox
yetthox xiyetthox

ch'ethéth étthox audio he or she is scraping a hide
ghįntthą́ą'ą audio scraped skin ready for tanning

ch'itthogh' audio scraper tool for tanning skins
náhttheł audio flesher; scraper tool for removing flesh from skin
ch'edǔul' audio scraps, bits and pieces
ch'egěddh' audio scraps, leftover pieces of moose or caribou skin
shits'ét audio she or he scratched me
nihts'ét audio you scratched me
edishts'ét audio I scratched myself
xoots'ét audio he, she or it is scratching an area
shłǐig' nah'âaz xoots'ét audio my dog is scratching over there (for example, to come in)
shk'ech'itxuts audio I got a scratch (on my skin)
SEE twist
SEE wash
There are several species of gulls found the Tanacross area. See 'gull' for the details.
mehk'ą̂ąy audio mew gull (Larus canus)
SYN gull
SEE glued
ch'eką́ą' k'ée audio  seam in sewing
mikah naxtegsheek audio  I am searching, rummaging around for it
mikah nats'eneta' audio we are searching, looking for him or her
T'ees K'en' Chox Ndiig
Xk'ann' Nda' \de
daxtneedhįh'įį audio keep it secret
ch'enǎasheg tah daaninshah audio she or he came into the house secretly, came in unnoticed
Words for 'see' and 'look' are the same.
nek-'ęh audio I see (it)
imperfective paradigm audio
nek-'ęh ts'eneh'ęh
nįh'ęh nah'ęh
yineh'ęh xiyneh'ęh

perfective paradigm audio
nek-'ę́' ts'eneh'ę́'
nįh'ę́' nah'ę́'
yineh'ę́' xiyneh'ę́'

díi nį́h'ęh? audio what do you see?
ch'enasheg tah dendeh dendîig neh'ęh audio Down below the man sees a moose
nnek-'ęh audio I see you
shnįh'ęh audio you see me
SEE look

natnalsheegh seeds
SEE search
SEE grab
niłch'eduug tah audio rarely, seldom
niłch'eduug tah shęę shéł etdaax audio he or she seldom visits me
xaatáa tah audio seldom
xaatáa tah shęę sh'éł éedaax audio he or she seldom visits me ALSO scattered
én' tedhihdlah audio  I sold it
theen ch'enelzhaay \de (Charadrius semipalmatus)
níníh'ąą audio  I sent it
k'ahdan dą́'ą wuts'į́' níyíníh'ąą audio  I sent it to him or her yesterday
wuk'éníghíhthet audio  I sensed its presence
ekketl I am separating it
ch'emet ehketl audio he or she is separating the stomach lining
This word is only used for this action.
niłts'edíndlah audio it is separated
niłk'exughihdlah I separated them
łeexetxaan gha niłchedenh níxú'inihdlah audio I separated them because they were fighting
wunenh ch'et'ą̌ą' dit-tsiig LITERALLY 'month when the leaves turn yellow'
wutl'ách'ekchuut audio I served him or her food
keey audio
SYN village
niłk'etaag wuk'ed audio
nâach'enihtl'ú' audio I am sewing
imperfective paradigmaudio
nâach'enihtl'ú' nâats'inetl'ú'
nâach'enintl'ú' nâach'ahtl'ú'
nâach'enetl'ú' nâach'axnetl'ú'

éth íntl'uh audio you are making (sewing) a dipnet
nanihtl'ú'u audio the sewing

t'ahxúdlâay audio
saa naat'aagh audio shade from the sun
wushǐig' audio it's shadow
saa naat'aagh audio shadow of the sun
detndiiyh audio it is shaking
SEE shiver
imperfective paradigm audio
dishdiiyh dzetndiiyh
ditndiiyh datndiiyh
detndiiyh xdetndiiyh

nejet ts'enh xadishndiiyh audio I am shaking from fright
ch'edzes éł shax detndiiyh audio the house is shaking from the dance
dihxaat audio I am shaking it (blanket) out
tuu ihtl'ek audio I am shaking water (in a container)

texnįhk'ôdl audio water is shallow
nadaxnink'odl audio depression in ground (hole, gully) is shallow, bank (of river) is not steep
dees shallows in creek
dees k'et dehłęęyh audio  water flows over shallows
deshen audio
SYN medicine man
niłts'i'alsheeyh audio share it
na'aa ts'enh tsets niłts'e'alsheeyh audio share some wood from the pile out there
dehk'eyh audio it is sharp
jah seey dehk'eyh audio this is a sharp knife
ts'iit ch'ox dehk'eyh audio porcupine quills are sharp
nak'á'éhtseyh audio  she or he is sharpening it
łatnaldox audio it shattered, broke to pieces
menh k'et łuut łatnaldox audio the ice on the lake shattered
xa'etnet-t'aath audio she or he is shaving (body hair)
xa'etnisht'aath audio I am shaving
eksees audio I am shaving, planning wood
kón' yi'éł naduh k'aay gha ch'esees audio he or she is shaving wood to make wood shavings for the fire
ch'esees audio
Tanacross does not have non-specific words that refer to the gender of 'that other' person. A separate word for 'he, she or it' 'is rarely used. Instead, who or what is involved is a necessary part of the verb. A separate word can be used to point out or emphasize a particular 'she' and is often translated as 'that person'.
nâan audio that one (person or thing)
naan nt'sé miisí'? audio what is that person's name?
SEE molt
demee audio Dall sheep audio (Ovis dalli)
Demee Ndaag LITERALLY 'sheep lick'
sdzaad' audio my shin
neldzeeyh audio it (light other than sun) is shining
shenįhdzeeyh audio shine the light on me
xesadin'ąą audio sun is shining
ch'esek audio shirt, blouse
eek audio shirt, dress, coat
ch'et'aa eek undershirt
dlaat eek shirt
dissiis audio I am shivering (from cold)
imperfective paradigm audio
dissiis ts'etsiis
ditdsiis dat-siis
det-siis xdet-siis

SEE shake
edzíi' audio \de
nondlêed kentsįįth modern shoes
kentsįįth audio shoes ALSO slipper, moccasin
Two different words can be used to refer to shooting a gun or bow.
dhekdeyh audio I shot it
maydegdék audio I shoot and missed it
ká' tedhekdeyh audio I fired a gun
dedhehk'ax audio I shot it
k'á' téldek audio a gun fired, went off
sén' tsáan' audio
SYN meteor, falling star
taamâagh audio
SYN beach
menh mâagh audio lake shore audio
dink'odl audio short (e.g. any plant material, hair)
tsets dink'odl shęę t'įh'ęh audio pick out only short wood
nink'odl audio short (e.g. rope-like objects, mountains)
tth'éex nink'odl ts'į́' inxąą audio make short pieces of sinew
xnink'odl audio short distance (short time)
nihkodl dą́ą' audio short time ago
nihk'odl dé' tah audio in a little while
k'á níntthógh audio not long (temporal)
tetth dą́'ą k'á nín tthógh ihté́e' audio last night I didn't sleep much
xee audio
SYN grease, lard
shxěddh' audio my shoulder
shgaanchěnn' audio my shoulder blade
ihsek audio I'm shouting
imperfective paradigm audio
ihsek ts'esek
insek ahsek
esek xesek

Nah'ǒg ts'inkeey iin xesek audio The kids are outside shouting
wuts'į́' ihsek audio I am shouting to him or her
SEE shriek

SEE push
SEE sweep
daalemets audio (Anas clypeata)
nech'axnek-'ęh audio  I am showing it to you
shshax meech'axnek-'ęę' audio  I showed him her or her my house
tsudaakeey (Sorex arcticus)
ihseł audio  I am shrieking, screaming
shch'áa és audio he or she shrieked away from me
delts'ux audio an animal, bird shrieks, screams
dihtl'iis audio  I am shrieking (in terror)
jîiz maay audio
SYN northern shrike (Lanius excubitor)
natelts'ųųts audio  it shriveled up, became smaller
jêg natelts'ųųts audio  the berries shriveled up
SEE close
nee'exų́hshąą audio it is shy, wary of us (like a fox)
sh'éł ts'enindêg iin audio my siblings
ehts'iik audio he is sick
imperfective paradigm audio

dhekts'iik ts'ehts'iik
dhįhts'iik dhahts'iik
ehts'iik xehts'iik

ehts'iig éł na'itshah xúu' xditndeyh ts'į́' sitdę́'ę audio she or he usually comes home sick

ts'iik audio
SYN ailment, disease
ts'iik t'ishíłáak audio I am ill, sick
wuts'ęy audio
dists'ęy taghinhaał audio walk on this side
wusts'ęy taghinhaał audio walk on this side (the outside) of the trail
niłk'eddh audio next to each other, side by side
niłk'eddh náxedéex audio  they are standing side-by-side
wuts'į́' xáxáltsįį audio she or he had a sign of something to come
SYN premonition
wuk'eh audio sign of an animal--can refer to things like a patch of fur, or a scent marking
SEE wave (hand)
daadehxetl audio  he, she or it is being silent
tsą́ą'el'ęę audio she or he is acting silly, clowning around
datnet-ttheey audio she or he is being funny, telling jokes
łéemah audio ALSO dust
nihmá' audio (Elaegnus commutata)
k'eh audio similar, like
shk'eh sitdę'ę audio she or he is doing it like me
niłts'į́' at-t'ęę audio they are similar in appearance
shée' k'et'êey audio simple
shée' k'et'êey maa t'iyíit'eh audio it is simple for him or her
It is injih to say something is simple or easy for yourself.
tth'éex audio
ch'edihłih audio  I am singing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'edihłih ts'edzełih
ch'dinłih ch'edahłih
ch'edełih ch'exedełih
dets'ên dzehłet audio we are singeing ducks
ts'iit ekłet audio I am singeing porcupine
ts'iit wunach'udéełed audio singed porcupine
dish_ę́ę' éedaay audio an unmarried person
tetayinin'ąą audio it sank (went to the bottom)
shinchit'ah my sinus
tedhegts'eek audio I sipped it
nategts'áax audio I am sipping it
wuts'enh ch'ilts'eex audio take a sip from this
nach'elts'eex audio he sipped it
Tanacross uses different words for older and younger sisters.
shaadeh audio my older sister
shdéedz' audio my younger sister
sh'aaz audio
Tanacross has different words for referring to a man's sister-in-law or a women's sister-in-law.
shxeh audio my sister in-law (man's)
shtlęę audio my sister-in-law (women's)
Different Tanacross words are used for when talking about one or more than one person.
didhihdah audio I am sitting
xdélttth'ih audio they are sitting
imperfective paradigmaudio
didhihdah didzéltth'ih
didhindah didédhaltth'ih
di'eedah dixdélttth'ih

xunsųų deh didhihdah audio I'm sitting here comfortably
dítl'ádédhíshdah audio I sat for a long time (without getting up)
dítl'ádédhishttháat audio I sat back down (quickly)

niłk'etaag audio
ndóxk'e ghįhchaax? audio what size is it?
nátéljeyh audio she or he is skating, sliding on ice, walking on ice by shuffling feet
luu k'et nátéljeyh audio  he or she is skating on the ice
dendeh tth'ěnn' \de
shthéth audio my skin
ch'ethéth audio it is hide, pelt, skin
ch'ethéth tatnit-tthogh audio a tanned skin
SYN pelt, hide
nat'u'ekte' audio I am skinning it (used only for small animals like a rabbit or muskrat)
gah nat'u'ekte' audio I am skinning a muskrat
nat'udhekch'eł audio I'm skinning it (small animal) by tearing the skin off
SEE flesh, tan
niimaal shax audio traditional skin house
ch'eshítadi'aay audio
nelgęyh audio he, she or it is skinny ALSO dry
ehts'iik dą́'ą ts'enh nelgęyh audio he or she is skinny because he or she was sick
yajehchék audio she or he is skipping (like skipping rope)
tedhek-k'eeyh audio I am skipping it (rocks across the water)
tthee ts'ehk'eeyh audio we are skipping rocks
ch'etl'áh théth audio
shtthitth'en2nn' audio my skull
shaa audio
shaa k'et cheltsonh audio the sky is clear
díi yaa k'et nį́h'ęh? audio What you see in the sky?
łdatneninsh audio she or he slammed the door
łdach'etneninsh audio she or he slammed it shut
naxk'ą́ąy tah di'ee'ąą audio it is slanted
nak'ą́ąy ts'į́' dídétaan audio a tree is slanted
k'ą́ąy ts'į́' táxk'éghíh'ąą audio I put it in slanted, sideways
nédhihkét audio  I slapped him or her
shneekét audio  he or she slapped me
yinekét audio she or he is slapping him or her
eldaax audio a slave, drudge
xetl audio sled, especially modern sled with a raised basket
łii xědl' ghá' ch'e jah níníhshaay audio I got here by dogsled
meth audio toboggan style sled
Parts of a sled
xetl théth sled cover
xetl keetl'aad sled runner
xeth daamaath brushbow
xetl tį́į' audio sled handlebars
xetl dzaad' audio sled stanchion
kexnats'éł audio sled brake (the brake anchored to the sled)
Three different Tanacross words are used when talking about 'sleep'. One refers to sleep as a thing, while two others words refer to sleep as an event.
meł shdehtląą audio I am sleepy audio
meł ndehtląą? audio are you sleepy?
xaameł yįhtęę audio she or he fell asleep
shch'aa meł delneyh audio I couldn't fall asleep
Different action words are used for talking about one or more than one person.

eetęę audio she or he is sleeping
xehteets audio they're sleeping
imperfective paradigm audio
dhihtęę ts'ehteets
dhintęę dhahteets
eetęę xehteets

perfective paradigm audio
ghihté' ts'įhteets
ghinté' ghahteets
ghinté' xghįhteets

xunsųų ghihté' audio I slept well
shíi nehté' audio he or she slept deeply
xeelach'uhté' audio he or she overslept
tneetęę audio she or he is going to sleep

ch'et-suux audio
shmǎad' audio my sleeve
shmǎad' xanektąą I'm rolling up my sleeves
ektsaat audio I am slicing it
yits'enh xach'éhtsaat audio he is slicing off a piece of it
SEE cut
SEE slippery
xda'eljeyh audio he or she is sliding down
ts'inkeey iin xetl shíi xdáxghéljeyh audio children were sliding down in a sled (repeatedly).
ch'etl'ěey' audio  something slimy
łuug tl'ěey' audio fish slime
łuut k'et keech'édhekjaak audio I slipped on the ice
tl'uuł mintl'á' ts'enh xanat-ts'eth audio rope slipped out of his or her hand
kentsįįth audio ALSO shoe, moccasin
xultlet audio it (area) is slippery
nah'og xúltlet audio it's slippery outside
teyh k'iig audio  slope of a hill
xá' tah audio slowly
xá' tah xninhéeyh audio talk slowly
xá' tah aahaał audio he or she is walking slowly
nach'egts'eex audio I'm slurping
naxnit-seex audio it is slushy
shétth nitdzeex audio snow is slushy
tsûug tsúugaay éł nûun gaay éł eldíił audio marten eat birds and small animals
díi gaay ch'e t'ih'en! audio what a small amount!
ntsûudl audio it is small
teltsedz ntsûudl audio mice are small
ndaxdinshąą audio he or she is smart
ndaxdinshá' audio he became smart, received an education
xatnekxotl audio  I smashed it
yinech'aak audio  she or he smeared him or her (with mud, jelly, googy stuff)
ektsenh audio I smell it
imperfective paradigm audio
ektsenh ts'ehtsenh
įhtsenh ahtsenh
yehtsenh xiyehtsenh

ndée ts'enh ch'e łet ts'ehtsen? audio where is the smoke we smell coming from?
mexaltsenh audio it smells

tsąąyinehthenh audio he's smiling
imperfective paradigmaudio
tsąąyinekhthenh tsąąts'iyinįhthenh
tsąąyinįhthenh tsąąyinahthenh
tsąąyinįhthenh tsąąxiyinįhthenh

shee' t'eey tsąąxiyinįhthenh audio they are smiling for no particular reason

łet audio smoke
wushax ts'enh łet xadetjut audio smoke is coming out of the house
jehłet audio he or she is smoking a skin (part of tanning processes)
jehk'én' audio he's smoking a cigarette
łet nadalt'enh audio it is smokey (for example from forest fires)
łet ndǔ' audio
má' shax audio LITERALLY 'dry fish house'
ts'edutthé' audio
yidehjut audio it is smoldering
tth'êy ch'aa łet detjut audio the smoldering fire keeps moquitoes away
natnét-tthet audio fire is smoldering
xiyehsees audio  he or she made it smooth
This refers to using a tool to smooth the surface of something solid like wood.
xkéen' audio snacks, rations
xkéen' unindiyh audio get some snacks
SYN rations
dałųų'delneyh audio it is snagged, stuck, hung up on something
sax dałųų'delneyh audio my gaff hook is snagged
tl'aas audio
clam, mussel
wuk'edénínshiits snap, break it off
nah'óg ts'enh k'ę́y' k'edínshiidz shtl'adintiiyh audio  give me a willow branch that you snapped off outside
gaał audio snare
míił audio caribou snare
xok spring type snare for rabbits
xoł audio snare barricade (used esp. for rabbits)
gaał k'ée audio area that snares are set
yiłųų' audio he or she snared it
perfective paradigmaudio
idhihłų́ų' ts'iiłų́ų'
ídhinłų́ų' ídhahłųų'
yiłų́ų' xíyiłų́ų'

gah eełų́ų' audio she or he snared a rabbit

nach'axtnel'iik audio she or he is sneaking around
nach'etneg'iik audio I am sneaking around
suu' eg'ęh I sneezed LITERALLY 'I had a premonition of something'
suu' el'ęh audio he or she sneezed
ch'ehtsenh audio  it is sniffing something
yáatthų̂ų audio common snipe
ch'utnehxonh audio she or he is snoring
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'utnekxonh ts'itnehxonh
ch'utnįhxonh ch'utnahxonh
ch'utnehxonh ch'axtnehxonh
wudzih sha'eh'ąą a bunch of caribou are making noise, snorting
minchedl' audio  its snout
Tanacross has similar but not identical words for 'snow falling' and 'snow on the ground'
shétth audio snow (on ground)
ch'inseex audio slushy snow
dahshêddh audio snow on trees
ched audio top layer of deep snow
ttheeyh audio coarse bottom snow (good for melting for water)
ch'et-suux audio snow grains, ice pellets
ch'ets'į́' dahkég audio snow drift
ch'udaaméet audio snow-free spot
xłuu audio ice crust on snow
words about 'snow the event' follow:
ehsháatth audio it is snowing
xunchaagh t'êey ehsháatth audio it's snowing really hard
ghįhsháatth audio it snowed
téhshatth audio it is starting to snow
xá'xuh ehsháatth audio snow flurry
tęy k'et det-ts'iik audio snow is blowing on the trail
Also known as a snow bunting
xgeek audio snowbird (Plectrophenax nivalis)
wugaał sęy black snow bunting
aayh audio snowshoe
The various parts of a snowshoe have special names.
aayh dechenh audio snowshoe frame
wu'éł níyíde'aayh crossbrace
ch'inch'a'aał audio footstrap
kehłęyh audio broad webbing
ch'inxet audio thin snowshoe webbing
shétth ch'emaa audio \de (Nyctea scandiaca)
gha audio
shos shtétkêey gha xâanishshah audio a bear surprised me, so I went back in.
éł audio
k'á náchíháadl éł díhts'įį audio I didn't eat so I'm hungry
na'ektseł audio I am soaking it, making it damp
na'ehts'ół audio it is soaking wet
nah'og ehchaan éł sh'ěeg' ná'ehts'ół audio my shirt got soaking wet because of the rain
taatleex audio
natelk'eyh audio it (bird, airplane) is soaring, gliding
shiineltséex audio she or he is sobbing
shiinedhegtséex audio I am sobbing
tsax éł téhteex audio she or he is sobbing
keetéł audio socks
téł audio old time foot wrappings
tuu elkęyh audio soda pop, any sweetened beverage LITERALLY 'sweet water'
det-tlog audio it is soft
SYN tender
shí' xnintthǒgh' éemeedz éł k'ôd det-tlog audio the meat cooked for a long time so now it's soft
yeshes audio she or he is softening a skin (by rolling skin between the hands).
gah théth éshes audio he or she is softening a rabbit skin
tuutlok audio it is soggy
shkeetl'áa' audio  sole of my foot
dįhteyh audio it is sturdy, tough
saa dzé'edeex de' audio LITERALLY 'when the sun divides'
ch'ehłaad audio some, part of
ch'ehłaad shę́ę' údhihdíik audio  I just took some of it.
díi lé'e audio  something
díi lé'e nek'ęh audio  I see something
xatáatah audio
SYN occasionally
xatáatah shę́ę' nek-'íix audio I sometimes see him or her
ndée lé'e audio  somewhere
ndée lé'e ts'enh me'egdęyh audio I know him or her from somewhere
Different words are for referring to a man's son or a women's son. The word to use is that appropriate for the parent, not the speaker.
shshé'e audio my son (man's)
shshaas audio my son (women's)
The same terms for grandchildren
shchâay audio women's son-in-law
shtthûuy audio man's son-in-law
ch'ełiik audio
SYN tune
xnihk'ôdl dé' audio  soon
xnihk'ôdl dé' nantneg'íił ha' audio  I will see you soon
ch'ekaa k'ée audio sore, wound
SYN wound
edzúu' audio
wutah naxtegsheek audio I am sorting through it
niłk'eh xultsįį ts'į́' wutah xaach'ihłeeyh audio  I am sorting based on appearance
shshíits audio my soul
SYN spirit
xuhts'į́' daxdelsok audio there is a sound
xdelts'íits audio there is a crunchy, rustling sound
tohłuu k'et ts'į́' xdelts'íits audio there is a sound on the winter trail
xdelsok audio there is a quiet sound
xdelsaas audio a quiet crunching, creaking sound, for example an animal moving in woods
medaxdínt'ęę audio a recognizable sound
tuuth audio
SYN broth
tnínts'íik audio it is sour
SYN bitter
ch'ondeyh tnínts'îig t'êey ghishná' audio medicine usually tastes bitter
kǎay' audio ALSO gift, present
SYN keepsake
kón' ts'îil audio
des nęy audio white crown sparrow
SEE splash
SEE say
There are different Tanacross words for different kinds of spears and actions.
tiiged audio bear spear
tiigóg' audio fish spear
yihchéth audio she or he speared it
imperfective paradigm
ekchéth ts'ehchéth
įhchéth ahchéth
yehchéth xiyehchéth

łuug xehchéth audio they are spearing fish

deltêdl audio speech maker, one who makes a potlatch speech
deltéł audio he is making a potlatch speech
SEE camp
kelahdzeey audio spider
kelahdzeey gǎal' audio spider web
SYN cobweb
tuu nadét-tl'îid audio  spilled water
tuu nadédhéktl'íit audio  I spilled the water
shtǔu' dáladegnęyh nadehtl'íit audio  I bumped my water with my hand and it spilled
SEE turn
shnehts'ųų audio my spinal cord
shinchenn' audio my spine
shnehts'ųų audio my spinal cord
SYN backbone
shshíits audio my spirit, breath
SYN soul
mink'âadz audio ghost, spirit of someone deceased
séek audio spit, saliva
SYN saliva
tédhihséek audio I spat
tinsaax audio you are spitting
tuu tétshos audio water splashed
niłdzeydįht'ox audio he split it (wood)
imperfective paradigmaudio
niłdzedekt'ox niłdzedzeht'ox
niłdzedįht'ox niłdzedaht'ox
niłdzeydet'ox niłdzexiydeht'ox

tsets niłk'eydeht'ox audio he or she is splitting wood
tsets dalt'ogh audio wood that has been split

wunitnaldox audio  it split open, dented
yinehtthed éł wúnítnáldox audio  he hit on the head and it broke the skin, split open
SEE rot
deldlųųts audio it is spongy
k'áhtsêdl audio spoon
demee dé' k'áhtsêdl audio sheep horn spoon
ts'ekaał audio old time wooden ladle
wu'éł dhíhdaay audio my spouse
shké' télget audio  I sprained my ankle
wukáhch'íhłeeyh audio  I'm spreading (it)
imperfective paradigmaudio
wukáhch'íhłeeyh wukáyíts'ełeeyh
wukáhch'1inłeeyh wukách'áhłeeyh
yikáhch'éłeeyh xiykáhch'éłeeyh

masdlah wukáh'íhłeeyh audio  I'm spreading butter on it

used to refer to a flat object, but not, for instance, sand
xedetmets audio it is spread out
taakaatú' audio spring; overflow water on ice
niłk'etaa nîinét-tseth audio  it sprung back, rebounded
'Saa ndeeth' refers to the time of year when the days are getting warmer but snow has not started to melt. Dęy refers to the time of active snow melt.
saa ndeeth audio early spring
dę̂y audio spring
SEE blossom
ts'ôgh audio general term
ts'ôgh tl'eg audio white spruce, young straight spruce
taatthaayh audio black spruce
ch'elaats'eyh audio bark
éł audio spruce boughs
tth'êy audio dry spruce twigs or branches
ch'elahdzol audio spruce cone
SYN cone
éł géddh' audio needle of spruce tree
xeyh audio spruce root
ts'ôgh dehtsel audio green spruce
tatníitthôgh audio rotten spruce
deyh audio (Falcipennis canadensis)
SYN grouse
ch'etlets'eh'ąą audio she or he is squatting
ch'exeesdhék-'ąą audio she or he is squatting down, crouching
delch'ąąk audio squeal of a baby or rabbit
sh'éł xenintset audio squeeze me
sh'éł da'endeyh audio give me a gentle squeeze
dlêg audio red tree squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
tthel audio arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii)
ts'enal'eg audio flying squirrel (Glaucomys)
The same basic Tanacross word is also used for mosquitoes stinging, an injection or for digging in the ground.
yigot audio he stabbed it
imperfective paradigm audio
ihgot ts'egot
ingot ahgot
yegot xiyegot

dhekchéth audio I stabbed it

tsets xatnalts'ok audio wood is stacked (in an orderly manner)
tétth audio
SYN cane, walking stick
natnishkeyh audio  I am staggering
SEE thump
xetl dzaad' audio  sled stanchion
Different words are used for one or more than one person
ná'éthet audio she or he is standing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ná'íhthet náts'edéex
ná'ínthet ná'ahdéex
ná'éthet náxedéex

náts'udeex audio  let us stand

sén' audio
sén' ndlâan nek-'ęh audio I see lots of stars
sén' tsáan' audio falling star
shíhgeets audio she or he's staring at me
nidhékgeets audio I am staring at you
idhekgeets audio I am staring at him/her
shidhį́hgeets audio you are staring at me
shaxíhgeets audio they are staring at me
nadekk'ąą audio I started it up
applies to cars and other machines
shkár' nádį́hk'aay audio start my car!
kón' díik'ąą audio a fire started up
tedhíshkeyh audio I was startled
díi ntéhkeyh? audio what startled you?
shdaadzeey nin'ąą audio it startled me literally 'it made my heart stop'
detsenh audio
SYN famine
detsenh ts'enh xghinłaak audio they died of starvation
SEE live (dwell)
teddh na'et-tth'ek audio he stays up late
teddh ghintth'et audio he or she stayed up all night
teddh uud1ih dég dhíhdah audio I stayed up through the night
ch'ene'íiyh audio he or she is stealing (something)
náhts'įįth éeł ts'enh ch'ene'íiyh audio wolverine steals from traps
needhíh'įį audio I stole it
ch'eneedhíh'įį audio I stole something
dząą audio
wuts'enh xadząąghįh'ah audio steam is coming out of it
k'áhmén tah tuu k'et dząą xołeex audio during the morning there is steam over the water
ttheeth audio
nech'in'áatl tl'âan ttheetheł dal'ę́ę' audio after he ate he took a steambath
ts'íitsiy audio ALSO metal
xnetch'ek audio  it is steep
SEE drive
wuchěnn' audio it's stem
ch'echěnn' stem, stump (of a plant) ALSO trunk
xudhih'étth audio I stepped (on it)
yiteth ghin'éetth audio he stepped over it
tídéneg'éetth audio I stepped out
ts'eyh tl'á' audio
ts'eyh tl'á' k'et shaa didhindah audio sit in the stern for me
dechenh audio stick, small piece of wood
gés audio stick used for stirring campfire
xetnelch'aak audio it is sticky
nedhegk'aas audio  I am stiff (from sitting or staying in one position)
shxǒl' nélk'aas audio my legs are stiff
tth'ihtah audio still, yet
tth'ihtah k'á tth'êy nek-'é́n audio I still haven't seen any mosquitoes
tth'ihtah wukó́l audio he or she is still not here
tth'iht'eey audio still, continue
tth'iht'eey Dihthâad xt'een iin aanděg' shaa dadint'eh audio Tanacross language still sounds good to me
daadhahdeen audio you all be still, sit quietly
For a bee or mosquito sting the same basic Tanacross word meaning 'stab' is used.
shíigot audio it stung me
tth'êy shíigot audio the mosquito stung me
gųų xǒz' audio
ch'adet-tsį́į' audio she or he is stingy
ch'enihtthek audio I am stirring (something)
imperfective paradigmaudio
wu'éł ch'éníhtthek wu'éł ts'ínétthek
wu'éł ch'éníntthek wu'éł ch'énáhtthek
yi'éł ch'énétthek xi'éł ch'énétthek
shmét audio my stomach (the organ)
SEE belly
wutsaamét audio it's (animal's) stomach
ch'etthíinikónn' stomach lining
ch'ech'ąąshú' stomach fat (moose or caribou)
wuk'et xúdhihtéł audio  I stomped on it
xotétl audio she or he is thumping, stomping their foot
tthee audio
SYN rock
stsą́ą' my stool, poop
SYN excrement
sų́'ų xú' díghundę́'ę audio stop that!, don't do that!
dadhindeen audio  be still!, stop what you are doing!
ch'utkeet shax audio
nínekchúut audio I stored food (put food up for the winter)
xnik'aatth de'ukah nínekchúut audio  I stored food for winter
xághints'eyh audio  it's stormy
naxaldêg audio story teller or news reporter
wushíi xdéek'énn' audio
sdoo thuuł audio
SEE put away
xtth'idee'ah audio  it is straight
jah ts'enh nâan tęy tth'ixdee'ah audio from here the trail is straight
yatth'iishég' audio
yatth'iishég' tuu ts'į́' tęy xtee'ah audio  there is a trail straight down to the water
yatth'iideg audio
yatth'iideg tęy shaa xexuntsaath audio  it is hard for me to go straight up the trail
tuu medaghxedhéktseth audio  I strained water
xeltthaan audio ALSO visitor
ch'etnedhegdek \au I strangled it
ch'e'aał audio snowshoe strap
ts'enîin tl'ǔul' audio strap for carry a baby
ch'iithuul' audio a straw
ts'íisuul audio a willow straw
SEE creek
nenint'eyh audio it (rope, cloth) is stretched
néníhhuuth audio I stretched it, strung it across (a rope)
tl'uuł xunâan néníhhuuth audio I stretched a rope across there
neduuth audio  it is stretchy, elastic
kón' tédhihthét audio  I struck a match
ih'ées audio I am stringing (it)
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'enih'ées ts'ine'ées
ch'enin'ées ch'enah'ées
ch'ene'ées ch'axne'ées

łuug ih'ées audio I am stringing fish

wuk'et nach'enéet'êey audio it is striped
Two different, but similar stems can be used to refer to physical strength.
nadint'eyh audio you are strong
imperfective paradigmaudio
nadiht'eyh nats'edet'eyh
nadint'eyh nadaht'eyh
nadint'eyh naxdint'eyh

dįhteyh audio it is really strong
ch'éliitthǒgh' dį́hteyh audio brown bears are strong
ldîil tatnínts'îig audio strong (bitter) tea
coffee net-ts'îig strong coffee

dekelaats'ǒgh' éł xékéch'énétthet audio he or she stubbed their toe
xech'udetkeey audio  he or she or it is stubborn
ch'ett'ónn' audio it is stubby, short
níidûuy ché' t'ónn' xúnłęę audio  lynx has a stubby tail
xnitnelgot audio  it is stuck in one place
ch'in'ěy' shaa xnitnelgot audio the axe is stuck for me
SEE belongings
shěg' nį́ht'enh audio stuff it in there
dahtsáa shíi xnektthúuk audio I am stuffing the cache
SEE trip
ch'aachěnn' audio ALSO trunk (tree)
This refers to overall mental ability and not inexperience with a topic.
ts'axninłuud audio she or he is stupid
SEE inexperience
eht'ók audio she or he is sucking
ts'enîin gaay dinlahchétth eht'ók audio the baby is sucking his or her own thumb
tats'aht'ôl audio
jah ch'e xenh audio all of a sudden
jah ch'e xenh ni'éeshah audio suddenly he or she got up
shíitneltéł audio she or he suffocated
sųgąąy audio
sheen audio
sheen taatl'ěd' audio mid-summer
saandîidz audio middle of the summer
ddheł tthit'aag audio summit of a mountain
SYN peak
saa audio
xesadin'ąą audio it is sunny
saa dintl'ak'eddh kón' déhken' audio sundog
xasaaghin'ąą audio sunrise
nasaghin'ąą audio sunset
taatsą́ą' ndêl (Melanitta perspicillata)
kaag audio  surface of something
wukaa inłeeyh audio spread it on the surface
shdadzenin'ąą audio I am surprised
ndadzenih'ąą audio I surprised you
nâan xú' udihn̨ey sínt'eh audio I suspect that person
shxétth niit'eey audio  my suspenders
ch'etédhekndék audio I swallowed it
tédhegtéts audio I swallowed it
negt'ų́ų' audio I swallowed something stringy
gah tsǐig' nilt'ų́ų' audio you swallowed macaroni
kets'iht'ón' audio swallow (general term)
kets'iht'ón' shax swallow nest
jahnęy barnhouse swallow
xaał audio swamp, muskeg, area of soft ground
SYN bog
taagos audio trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator)
SEE trade
shéetaníit'é' audio I am sweating
méetanét'eh audio he or she is sweating
The same word is used for sweeping or shoveling (snow).
dihthet audio I am sweeping it
nashog wu'éł jet-thîid éł naxdinthet audio sweep the floor with the broom
ahłet ní'ihthet audio I am sweeping it into a pile
maałii audio
Also means 'tasty' in general
elkęęy audio sweet, tasty
jêg elkęyh audio blueberries are tasty, sweet
ilshúutl audio it is swollen
wudǎagh' tsetl ilshúutl audio she or he has a swollen black eye
iltúuts audio it is swollen, bruised
tanint'eyh audio the water is swift
SEE fast
Words ending in -meeL refer to movement across from one point to another. Words ending in -'ok refer to floating or swimming in one place.
aameeł audio he is swimming
imperfective paradigm
ghihmeeł ts'aameeł
ghinmeeł ghahmeeł
aameeł xaameeł

natetmeek audio he or she swam
taats'el'ok audio we are swimming audio
dzenh aameeł audio a muskrat is swimming
tsá' natel'ok audio beavers are swimming
łuug natel'ok audio fish are swimming
SEE wade

dahmíił audio baby swing
egmíił audio I am swinging

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