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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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There are different Tanacross words for different kinds of spears and actions.
tiiged audio bear spear
tiigóg' audio fish spear
yihchéth audio she or he speared it
imperfective paradigm
ekchéth ts'ehchéth
įhchéth ahchéth
yehchéth xiyehchéth

łuug xehchéth audio they are spearing fish

deltêdl audio speech maker, one who makes a potlatch speech
deltéł audio he is making a potlatch speech
SEE camp
kelahdzeey audio spider
kelahdzeey gǎal' audio spider web
SYN cobweb
tuu nadét-tl'îid audio  spilled water
tuu nadédhéktl'íit audio  I spilled the water
shtǔu' dáladegnęyh nadehtl'íit audio  I bumped my water with my hand and it spilled
SEE turn
shnehts'ųų audio my spinal cord
shinchenn' audio my spine
shnehts'ųų audio my spinal cord
SYN backbone
shshíits audio my spirit, breath
SYN soul
mink'âadz audio ghost, spirit of someone deceased
séek audio spit, saliva
SYN saliva
tédhihséek audio I spat
tinsaax audio you are spitting
tuu tétshos audio water splashed
niłdzeydįht'ox audio he split it (wood)
imperfective paradigmaudio
niłdzedekt'ox niłdzedzeht'ox
niłdzedįht'ox niłdzedaht'ox
niłdzeydet'ox niłdzexiydeht'ox

tsets niłk'eydeht'ox audio he or she is splitting wood
tsets dalt'ogh audio wood that has been split

wunitnaldox audio  it split open, dented
yinehtthed éł wúnítnáldox audio  he hit on the head and it broke the skin, split open
SEE rot
deldlųųts audio it is spongy
k'áhtsêdl audio spoon
demee dé' k'áhtsêdl audio sheep horn spoon
ts'ekaał audio old time wooden ladle
wu'éł dhíhdaay audio my spouse
shké' télget audio  I sprained my ankle
wukáhch'íhłeeyh audio  I'm spreading (it)
imperfective paradigmaudio
wukáhch'íhłeeyh wukáyíts'ełeeyh
wukáhch'1inłeeyh wukách'áhłeeyh
yikáhch'éłeeyh xiykáhch'éłeeyh

masdlah wukáh'íhłeeyh audio  I'm spreading butter on it

used to refer to a flat object, but not, for instance, sand
xedetmets audio it is spread out

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