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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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taakaatú' audio spring; overflow water on ice
niłk'etaa nîinét-tseth audio  it sprung back, rebounded
'Saa ndeeth' refers to the time of year when the days are getting warmer but snow has not started to melt. Dęy refers to the time of active snow melt.
saa ndeeth audio early spring
dę̂y audio spring
SEE blossom
ts'ôgh audio general term
ts'ôgh tl'eg audio white spruce, young straight spruce
taatthaayh audio black spruce
ch'elaats'eyh audio bark
éł audio spruce boughs
tth'êy audio dry spruce twigs or branches
ch'elahdzol audio spruce cone
SYN cone
éł géddh' audio needle of spruce tree
xeyh audio spruce root
ts'ôgh dehtsel audio green spruce
tatníitthôgh audio rotten spruce
deyh audio (Falcipennis canadensis)
SYN grouse
ch'etlets'eh'ąą audio she or he is squatting
ch'exeesdhék-'ąą audio she or he is squatting down, crouching
delch'ąąk audio squeal of a baby or rabbit
sh'éł xenintset audio squeeze me
sh'éł da'endeyh audio give me a gentle squeeze
dlêg audio red tree squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
tthel audio arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii)
ts'enal'eg audio flying squirrel (Glaucomys)
The same basic Tanacross word is also used for mosquitoes stinging, an injection or for digging in the ground.
yigot audio he stabbed it
imperfective paradigm audio
ihgot ts'egot
ingot ahgot
yegot xiyegot

dhekchéth audio I stabbed it

tsets xatnalts'ok audio wood is stacked (in an orderly manner)
tétth audio
SYN cane, walking stick
natnishkeyh audio  I am staggering
SEE thump
xetl dzaad' audio  sled stanchion
Different words are used for one or more than one person
ná'éthet audio she or he is standing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ná'íhthet náts'edéex
ná'ínthet ná'ahdéex
ná'éthet náxedéex

náts'udeex audio  let us stand

sén' audio
sén' ndlâan nek-'ęh audio I see lots of stars
sén' tsáan' audio falling star
shíhgeets audio she or he's staring at me
nidhékgeets audio I am staring at you
idhekgeets audio I am staring at him/her
shidhį́hgeets audio you are staring at me
shaxíhgeets audio they are staring at me
nadekk'ąą audio I started it up
applies to cars and other machines
shkár' nádį́hk'aay audio start my car!
kón' díik'ąą audio a fire started up

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