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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ch'etnedhegdek \au I strangled it
ch'e'aał audio snowshoe strap
ts'enîin tl'ǔul' audio strap for carry a baby
ch'iithuul' audio a straw
ts'íisuul audio a willow straw
SEE creek
nenint'eyh audio it (rope, cloth) is stretched
néníhhuuth audio I stretched it, strung it across (a rope)
tl'uuł xunâan néníhhuuth audio I stretched a rope across there
neduuth audio  it is stretchy, elastic
kón' tédhihthét audio  I struck a match
ih'ées audio I am stringing (it)
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'enih'ées ts'ine'ées
ch'enin'ées ch'enah'ées
ch'ene'ées ch'axne'ées

łuug ih'ées audio I am stringing fish

wuk'et nach'enéet'êey audio it is striped
Two different, but similar stems can be used to refer to physical strength.
nadint'eyh audio you are strong
imperfective paradigmaudio
nadiht'eyh nats'edet'eyh
nadint'eyh nadaht'eyh
nadint'eyh naxdint'eyh

dįhteyh audio it is really strong
ch'éliitthǒgh' dį́hteyh audio brown bears are strong
ldîil tatnínts'îig audio strong (bitter) tea
coffee net-ts'îig strong coffee

dekelaats'ǒgh' éł xékéch'énétthet audio he or she stubbed their toe
xech'udetkeey audio  he or she or it is stubborn
ch'ett'ónn' audio it is stubby, short
níidûuy ché' t'ónn' xúnłęę audio  lynx has a stubby tail
xnitnelgot audio  it is stuck in one place
ch'in'ěy' shaa xnitnelgot audio the axe is stuck for me
SEE belongings
shěg' nį́ht'enh audio stuff it in there
dahtsáa shíi xnektthúuk audio I am stuffing the cache
SEE trip
ch'aachěnn' audio ALSO trunk (tree)
This refers to overall mental ability and not inexperience with a topic.
ts'axninłuud audio she or he is stupid
SEE inexperience
eht'ók audio she or he is sucking
ts'enîin gaay dinlahchétth eht'ók audio the baby is sucking his or her own thumb

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