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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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SEE wash
There are several species of gulls found the Tanacross area. See 'gull' for the details.
mehk'ą̂ąy audio mew gull (Larus canus)
SYN gull
SEE glued
ch'eką́ą' k'ée audio  seam in sewing
mikah naxtegsheek audio  I am searching, rummaging around for it
mikah nats'eneta' audio we are searching, looking for him or her
T'ees K'en' Chox Ndiig
Xk'ann' Nda' \de
daxtneedhįh'įį audio keep it secret
ch'enǎasheg tah daaninshah audio she or he came into the house secretly, came in unnoticed
Words for 'see' and 'look' are the same.
nek-'ęh audio I see (it)
imperfective paradigm audio
nek-'ęh ts'eneh'ęh
nįh'ęh nah'ęh
yineh'ęh xiyneh'ęh

perfective paradigm audio
nek-'ę́' ts'eneh'ę́'
nįh'ę́' nah'ę́'
yineh'ę́' xiyneh'ę́'

díi nį́h'ęh? audio what do you see?
ch'enasheg tah dendeh dendîig neh'ęh audio Down below the man sees a moose
nnek-'ęh audio I see you
shnįh'ęh audio you see me
SEE look

natnalsheegh seeds
SEE search
SEE grab
niłch'eduug tah audio rarely, seldom
niłch'eduug tah shęę shéł etdaax audio he or she seldom visits me
xaatáa tah audio seldom
xaatáa tah shęę sh'éł éedaax audio he or she seldom visits me ALSO scattered
én' tedhihdlah audio  I sold it
theen ch'enelzhaay \de (Charadrius semipalmatus)
níníh'ąą audio  I sent it
k'ahdan dą́'ą wuts'į́' níyíníh'ąą audio  I sent it to him or her yesterday
wuk'éníghíhthet audio  I sensed its presence
ekketl I am separating it
ch'emet ehketl audio he or she is separating the stomach lining
This word is only used for this action.
niłts'edíndlah audio it is separated
niłk'exughihdlah I separated them
łeexetxaan gha niłchedenh níxú'inihdlah audio I separated them because they were fighting
wunenh ch'et'ą̌ą' dit-tsiig LITERALLY 'month when the leaves turn yellow'
wutl'ách'ekchuut audio I served him or her food
keey audio
SYN village

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