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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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neldzeeyh audio it (light other than sun) is shining
shenįhdzeeyh audio shine the light on me
xesadin'ąą audio sun is shining
ch'esek audio shirt, blouse
eek audio shirt, dress, coat
ch'et'aa eek undershirt
dlaat eek shirt
dissiis audio I am shivering (from cold)
imperfective paradigm audio
dissiis ts'etsiis
ditdsiis dat-siis
det-siis xdet-siis

SEE shake
edzíi' audio \de
nondlêed kentsįįth modern shoes
kentsįįth audio shoes ALSO slipper, moccasin
Two different words can be used to refer to shooting a gun or bow.
dhekdeyh audio I shot it
maydegdék audio I shoot and missed it
ká' tedhekdeyh audio I fired a gun
dedhehk'ax audio I shot it
k'á' téldek audio a gun fired, went off
sén' tsáan' audio
SYN meteor, falling star
taamâagh audio
SYN beach
menh mâagh audio lake shore audio
dink'odl audio short (e.g. any plant material, hair)
tsets dink'odl shęę t'įh'ęh audio pick out only short wood
nink'odl audio short (e.g. rope-like objects, mountains)
tth'éex nink'odl ts'į́' inxąą audio make short pieces of sinew
xnink'odl audio short distance (short time)
nihkodl dą́ą' audio short time ago
nihk'odl dé' tah audio in a little while
k'á níntthógh audio not long (temporal)
tetth dą́'ą k'á nín tthógh ihté́e' audio last night I didn't sleep much
xee audio
SYN grease, lard
shxěddh' audio my shoulder
shgaanchěnn' audio my shoulder blade
ihsek audio I'm shouting
imperfective paradigm audio
ihsek ts'esek
insek ahsek
esek xesek

Nah'ǒg ts'inkeey iin xesek audio The kids are outside shouting
wuts'į́' ihsek audio I am shouting to him or her
SEE shriek

SEE push
SEE sweep
daalemets audio (Anas clypeata)
nech'axnek-'ęh audio  I am showing it to you
shshax meech'axnek-'ęę' audio  I showed him her or her my house
tsudaakeey (Sorex arcticus)
ihseł audio  I am shrieking, screaming
shch'áa és audio he or she shrieked away from me
delts'ux audio an animal, bird shrieks, screams
dihtl'iis audio  I am shrieking (in terror)
jîiz maay audio
SYN northern shrike (Lanius excubitor)

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