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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ndaxdinshąą audio he or she is smart
ndaxdinshá' audio he became smart, received an education
xatnekxotl audio  I smashed it
yinech'aak audio  she or he smeared him or her (with mud, jelly, googy stuff)
ektsenh audio I smell it
imperfective paradigm audio
ektsenh ts'ehtsenh
įhtsenh ahtsenh
yehtsenh xiyehtsenh

ndée ts'enh ch'e łet ts'ehtsen? audio where is the smoke we smell coming from?
mexaltsenh audio it smells

tsąąyinehthenh audio he's smiling
imperfective paradigmaudio
tsąąyinekhthenh tsąąts'iyinįhthenh
tsąąyinįhthenh tsąąyinahthenh
tsąąyinįhthenh tsąąxiyinįhthenh

shee' t'eey tsąąxiyinįhthenh audio they are smiling for no particular reason

łet audio smoke
wushax ts'enh łet xadetjut audio smoke is coming out of the house
jehłet audio he or she is smoking a skin (part of tanning processes)
jehk'én' audio he's smoking a cigarette
łet nadalt'enh audio it is smokey (for example from forest fires)
łet ndǔ' audio
má' shax audio LITERALLY 'dry fish house'
ts'edutthé' audio
yidehjut audio it is smoldering
tth'êy ch'aa łet detjut audio the smoldering fire keeps moquitoes away
natnét-tthet audio fire is smoldering
xiyehsees audio  he or she made it smooth
This refers to using a tool to smooth the surface of something solid like wood.
xkéen' audio snacks, rations
xkéen' unindiyh audio get some snacks
SYN rations
dałųų'delneyh audio it is snagged, stuck, hung up on something
sax dałųų'delneyh audio my gaff hook is snagged
tl'aas audio
clam, mussel
wuk'edénínshiits snap, break it off
nah'óg ts'enh k'ę́y' k'edínshiidz shtl'adintiiyh audio  give me a willow branch that you snapped off outside
gaał audio snare
míił audio caribou snare
xok spring type snare for rabbits
xoł audio snare barricade (used esp. for rabbits)
gaał k'ée audio area that snares are set
yiłųų' audio he or she snared it
perfective paradigmaudio
idhihłų́ų' ts'iiłų́ų'
ídhinłų́ų' ídhahłųų'
yiłų́ų' xíyiłų́ų'

gah eełų́ų' audio she or he snared a rabbit

nach'axtnel'iik audio she or he is sneaking around
nach'etneg'iik audio I am sneaking around
suu' eg'ęh I sneezed LITERALLY 'I had a premonition of something'
suu' el'ęh audio he or she sneezed
ch'ehtsenh audio  it is sniffing something
yáatthų̂ų audio common snipe

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