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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Table Viq'igalnon HM+ED lit. On top of it we eat These speakers delete the final -dz from "viq'idz" 'on top of it'.
Viq'idz galnon q'idz xinthitsitl. HM+ED The table is messy.

Tail Gicha' HM+ED lit. Something's tail
Noya' vicha' dit'its. HM+ED Beavers have flat tails.

Yititlchet. ED She's taking it.
Goga ditlchet. HM+ED He took the baby.
Ingiłchet.HM+ED Take it.

Xinayh. HM+ED She is talking.
Getiy xinayh. HM He talks too much.
Deg xiq'i dinayił xinehayh.HM Talk Deg Xinag with us.
Deg xiq'i xinatr'ididlighuzr. HM Let's talk Deg Xinag.
Gan a yuxinay? HMWhat's he talking about?
Xithag ts'in'.HM+RD She doesn't talk.
Ngistl'idong xits'i xithag ts'in'. HM+RD Since she was small she didn't talk.

Tall Ngith HM+ED
Didlang gan ngith iy. HM What a tall spruce.  

See "Long"

Tamarack Tot'ighidh HM+ED lit. Water cottonwood sci. Larix laricina
Tot'ighidh shinh qogg yineyax. HM+ED Tamarack grow on the flats.

Yiłniyh. HM+ED She is tasting it.
Vanhgiq iłniyh. HM+ED She is tasting the ice cream.
Ganhdlit ngiłniyh.HM+ED Taste the cooked berries.
Ndadz dighałniyh? HM+ED How does it taste?

Tea Chay HM+ED In Anvik, "chay" means just the tea leaves. In Shageluk "chay" is both the leaves and the brewed beverage.
Ngoxo chay nidhitltsenh. HM+ED I made tea for you.

Toł HM+ED Tea Hot liquid
Soxo toł ningiłtse. HM+EDMake tea for me.
Toł q'at, he'?HM+ED Do you want tea?
Giliq'uy, deliq'oyHM+ED Labrador or mountain tea sci. Ledum palustre
Soxo giliq'uy dingił'anh. HM+ED Get some labrador tea for me.

Xindigixidinił'an'. AJ She is teaching them.
Sraqay andixidinił'an'. HM+ED She's teaching those children.

Teacher Xandigixidinił'an HM lit. One who teaches them
Xandigixidinił'an tolał. HM+ED She's going to be a teacher.

Idiydeleł. KH+ED She's teasing.  
Voghda' idiydeleł. KH His cousin is teasing him.

See "Joke"

Telephone Viyiq tr'ixinay. KH lit. That which we talk into
Viyiq tr'ixinay xandalning'. KH+ED The telephone is ringing.

Tell stories
Sinoghł xiłdhoyh. KH+ED Tell me a story.  
Yidong ghidhilin xidhoyh getiy ngingadh ixaghłdhuk. KH The elder told a very long story.

See "Say"

Ten Niłq'osnal KH lit. Two sides, two hands

Tent Yix xudhith LH+KH lit. Skin house
Yix xudhith q'idong xindiłcheth. KH+ED The tent is already up.
Yix xudhith tr'itłse. KH+LH We're making a tent.

Thank you Dogidinh KH+ED
Dogidinh vidaghsne'. KH I said thank you to her.
Getiy dogidinh. KH Thanks very much.
Xisrigidisddhinh.KH I am thankful.

Thanksgiving Day Xisrigitr'ididdheyhdi Dranh KH lit. The day we are thankful There are several variations of the name for this holiday.

That one

A'iy ED+KH That one right here

Ay'oyED That one way over there
Ay'oy nda'. KH+ED Give me that one.
Ang'oy KH+ED That one lit. That one over there
Yiggin ED+KH That one. Person

That way Ang'in KH+ED
Ang'in ts'i tehoyh. KH+ED Go over that way.

Their, theirs Xiviye KH+ED
Xiviye an'iy. KH+ED That is theirs.
Xivileg idhitlanh. ED+KH I caught their dog.

Then, and then, and so Yitots'in' KH+ED Used frequently in story telling
Yitots'in' ntithiyo. KH+ED Then he left.
Yitots'in' vił xandldaq. HM+KH And then he went to sleep.

There Yit KH+ED lit. That place
Yit ne'oyh. KH Put it there.

These Go deg iy KH+ED lit. These things
Go deg iy yił inetox. KH+ED Try some of these.

Thick Diditonh. KH+ED lit. It is thick. Size
Tinh diditonh. ED+KH The ice is thick.

Ditth'inh. HM+KH It is thick. Consistency
Ganhdlit getiy ditth'inh. HM+KHThe cooked berries are too thick.

Thin Tr'idadilisgi. HM+KH lit. It is thin. Size
Tinh tr'idadilisgi. HM+KH The ice is thin.
Tinh tr'adilisgi. KH+ED The ice is thin.

Dltinh. HM+KH It is thin. Consistency
Ganhdlit dltinh. HM+KHThe cooked berries are thin/runny.

Think, worry
Inedhinh. KH+ED She thinks.  
"Ado' ntasoł," inedhinh. ED+KH I'll go down there, he is thinking.
Inaghedhin'.ED He was thinking.  
Xiyo dił'anh. ED+KH She is thinking/worrying.  
Gan at yogh xiyo dił'an? KH+EDWhat is he thinking/worrying about? 
Gan at vogh xiyo dingił'an?ED+KH What is it that you are thinking /worrying about?  
Idogh xiyo dingili'anh. KH+ED Are you thinking about yourself? This is said to caution someone who is about to do or say something harmful.

See "Mind"

Thirsty Te q'at. KH+ED lit. I want water.

This one Gon KH+ED
Gon iy. KH+ED This one.
Gan gon? ED+KH What's this?
Gon, he'?ED+KH Is it this one?

This way Go dadz ED
Go dadz dingił'anh. KH+ED Do it this way.

Thread Qon' KH+ED
Qon' tl'idz ixidisnek. KH+ED I used all the black thread.

Three Togg KH+ED

Throat -dhagg
Sidhagg KH+ED My throat
Sidhagg xighath. KH+ED My throat is itchy.

Yatitlningh. HM+KH He is throwing it. Compact object
Daxiłdheyh. HM+KH Throw it. Compact object.
Yałdzodl sits'i iy ditiłdheyh. Yałdzodl sits'i dixełdheyh.HM+KH Throw me the ball.
Tl'eł sits'i ditiłdał. HM+KH Throw me the rope. String-like or loose objects
Tritr sits'i tiłghuł. HM+KHThrow me the stick. Sticklike object
Ts'id sits'i te'ox.HM+KH Throw me the blanket. Fabric

Thumb -lochitth
Dilochitth ditldhiyh. KH+ED He hit his own thumb.

Thunder Niłtin KH+ED
Niłtin dilughusr. HM+KH It's thundering.

Thursday Diniyhdi nixinithdołdi ED+KH lit. Where they camped four nights (from Sunday)

Diyiłchith. HM+KH He is tying it.
Xi'itlchith. ED+KH I am tying it.
Ngileg xangiłcheth iy. Ngileg xangiłcheth. KH+ED Tie up your dog.
Atthing valgats xi'iłchith, he'? ED+KH Is he down there tying up the boat?

Ndanixinedhit? KH+ED What time is it?

Xinthidong JD+JD First time
Xinthidong dixidighene' ts'in' JD+JDThe first time they said it
-da' marker of time
Venhdida' HM+KH Tomorrow
Tthonh silda'. HM+KH Tomorrow morning
Ndada' HM+RD When
Tth'egho łegg nelaxda', dinghdongiy tast'oth. HM When whitefish are running, I'm going to cut spring fish.

O, o, yigganditidhighith. HM+KH Oh, oh. It's tipping over.

Tr'eyh yigganditidhighith.HM+KH The canoe is tipping over.
Yiggandidhighith. HM+KH He tipped over.

Tip Giloy HM+KH lit. The tip or top of something
Q'eyh diloy KH+ED Tip of birch branches
Yixgitsiy didlang loy dathdo. HM+KH Raven is sitting on the tip of the spruce.

Xogh entlnik. HM+KH He is tired.
Sileg xogh entlnik. HM+KH My dog is tired.
Xogh enatlnik.HM+KH I'm tired.

To Xits'in' HM+KH In a direction
Diniyhdi xinihił yoyet xits'in'. RD It takes 4 days to get to heaven.  
Gidiqad xits'i tasoł. HM+KH I'm going to go the store.

See "From"

Tobacco Git'on' didljid JD+KH lit. Smoking leaves
Git'on' didljid ingit'anh, he'? JD+KH Do you have any tobacco?

Dhotr'idli'on JD+KH Chewing tobacco lit. What we leave in our mouth

Today Go dran HM+KH lit. This day
Gidinałdikdi nidhiso go dran. HM+KH I went to school today.  

See "Day"

Toe Qiligheg HM+KH
Viqiligheg yididiq'isr. HM+KH His toes are red.

Together Niłyił HM+KH
Niłyił ditr'itht'an. HM+KH Let's do it together.

Tomorrow Venhdida' HM+KH
Venhdida' ton-gitatlax. HM+KH Tomorrow I'll wash clothes.

Tthonh silda' HM+KH Tomorrow morning This is in the olden language, known as "high language" or "Indian high language."
Tthonh silda' uxidiniy diggangidox. HM+KHGet up early tomorrow morning.

Tongue Tthel HM+KH
Ditthel tr'inetthiyh. Tthel tr'inetthiyh. HM+KH He stuck out his tongue.

Sidedig. HM+KH Me, too.
Uxidedig. HM+KH You guys, too.
Go deg xiyił.HM+KH Around here, too.

Tooth -ghe'
Sighe' HM+KH My tooth
Sighe' ndaldhiyh. HM+KH My tooth is loose.
Vighe'KH His teeth
Vighe' imo. KH He's has a toothache.

Top Xiq'idz HM+RD lit. On top of a place
George yix xiq'idz dadhiyo. HM+KH George went on top of the house.

Ghidinoyh. HM+KH He is touching something.
Ditthegh ghidinoyh. HM+KH She's touching her hair.
Vogh dinginoyh.HM+KH Touch it.
Vogh dighenolniyh. HM+KH Don't touch it.
Tałdhit iy. Vogh digenolniyh. HM+KHLeave it alone. Don't touch it.

Towards Vits'its AJ+ES lit. Towards it
Vits'idz tehoyh. HM+KH Go towards him.
Dineg sits'idz ghuhoł. HM+KH The moose was coming towards me.

Towel Vaxa gidalyagh HM+KH lit. With it something is wiped
Vaxa xigidalyagh. HM+KH With it things are wiped up. Towel for general wiping up.
Vaxa tth'ok igidalyagh. HM+KH Dish towel lit. With it plates/bowls are wiped
Vaxa dina gidalyagh.HM+KH Bath towel. lit. With it we are wiped.
Dina vaxa gidalyagh chux ist'anh. HM+KH I have a big towel.
Loghined KH+HM Hand towel

Toys Vaxa nixindlighon HM+KH lit. With it they play
Vaxa nixindlighon axa yił ntr'ixeniłghon'. Vaxa nixindlighon yił ntr'ixeniłghon'. HM+KH We're going to play with toys.

Tracks Giting HM+KH lit. Trail of something
Getiy dineg ting xilongh. HM+KH There are lots of moose tracks.

Trail Ting HM+KH
Ting getiy xołtl'isr. HM+KH The trail is really muddy/soft.

Trap Xał HM+RD
Nodog ghonet xał dhitltsenh. HM+KH I set a trap for lynx.

Dangan xał HM+KH Metal trap
Choghlugguy idhitlanh, dangan xał ye. HM+KHI caught a fox in a trap.

Trapline Gi'andila'di HM+KH lit. Where someone traps
Gi'andila'di xits'antithiyo. HM+KH He went back to the trapline.

Trash Ts'egid HM+RD
Ts'egid tthinela. HM+KH Take out the trash.  

See "Dust"

Truth Ło' ED+JD
Ło' ts'i didene. ED+JD You better tell the truth.
Agide ło'. ED+JD That's true.

Ło' ts'i, he'? HM+KH Is it true?
Ade' dzi'at? HM+RD Oh, is that it? Is that right?

Tuesday Gan-git'oxdi dranh HM+KH lit. Ironing day

Tundra Toqogg ES+AJ
Dandhi'on toqogg yineyax. HM+KH Salmonberries grow on the tundra.

Gits'andehoyh. HM+KH Turn around.
Gits'andadhiyonh. AJ The one who turned around. The name given to Joe Frank when he recovered from a serious illness.
Gits'an-ghingalnoł ts'i ngighal sits'i ditiłdheyh.AJ Turn over and throw me your pack. Asking raven to turn over in flight to drop his pack, giving you good luck.
Gits'andehoyh ts'i ntedoyh. AJ Turn around and go back.

Ngide chenh. HM+KH Your turn.
Ngidedig iy. HM+KH It's your turn.

Twenty Giłigginh dina HM+KH lit. One person All the fingers and toes

Twins Niłq'idh doghłtth'in HM lit. They sat on top of each other
Tina niłq'idh doghłtth'in t'anh. HM+KH Tina has twins.

Two Teqa HM+KH

Notin HM+KH Two people

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