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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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tableniġiñiaġviich or niġġiviich

The table is big.
Niġiñiaġviich aŋirut.
to be taboo

it is taboo, it is forbidden to be eaten or done for religious reasons, it must be abstained from, it must be avoided

In the old days, they avoided direct contact with anyone they considered taboo.
Agliġnaqtuaq taimani quŋuġigaat.
taiguraq, dl. taigurak, pl. taigurat [Eng.]

The tack is sharp.
Taiguraq ipiktuq.
pamiuq, dl. pamiuk, pl. pamiut

The fox’s tail has a white tip.
Kayuqtum pamiuŋa qatiqtaamik nuvuqaqtuq.

2. bird’s tail
papik, dl. pappak, pl. papkich

Ducks and birds have tails.
Tiŋmiaġruiḷḷu tiŋmiurallu, papiqaqtut.
pamiałłuk, dl. pamiałłuuk, pl. pamiałłuich

The tailbone is a part of the body.
Pamiałłuk timimi ittuq.
to take along inadvertently, to take in, to include

he has taken it along inadvertently, she has included it
taputigaa, dl. taputigaak, pl. taputigaat

He has taken along the mate of my glove.
Argaaġma igḷua taputigaa.

2. to take away from someone

he has taken it away from her
aatkaa, dl. aatkaak, pl. aatkaat

They have taken his belongings away from him.
Aatkaat suuraiñik.

3. to take back something

he is taking back -something- indirect object
satuiruq, dl. satuiruk, pl. satuirut

She got back what she gave.
Aatchuutmiñik satuiruq.

4. to take back

He took it back.

5. Take it to her/him.
Ilaanuutiuŋ or Ilaanuuttuuŋ.
to talk, speak

he is talking, he said
uqaqtuq, dl. uqaqtuk, pl. uqaqtut

The person is talking.
Iñuk uqaqtuq.

2. to be talking, conversing

She is talking.
to get a tan; to become bleached by the weather

she has gotten a tan
siḷaliruq, dl. siḷaliruk, pl. silalirut

She got a tan from being outside.
Siḷaliruq aniiqami.
to be tangled

It is tangled
iḷḷaktuq, dl. iḷḷaktuk, pl. iḷḷaktut

The thread is tangled.
Iḷḷaktuq ivaluksraq.
to taste, to try something

he is tasting
uuksiruq, dl. uuksiruk, pl. uuksirut

He tasted the food I cooked.
Uuksiruq nikniagamnik.

Let me have a taste.

2. to taste, to try

He is tasting it.
He has tried it.
facial tattoo lines

There are many tattoo lines on the woman’s face.
Aġnam tupii iñugiaktut kigiñaŋani.
saiyu, dl. saiyuk, pl. saiyut [Russ.]

The tea is boiling.
Saiyu qalattuq.

2. Hudson’s bay tea
tilaaqqiuq, dl. tilaaqqiuk, pl. tilaaqqiut

Hudson’s bay tea blends well with regular tea.
Tilaaqqiuq saiyumun avugiksuq.
tea kettleuunaqsiivik, dl. uunaqsiiviik, pl. uunaqsiiviich

The tea kettle is used to heat water.
Uunaqsiivik atuġaqtuq imiġmik uunaqsiiruni.

2. tea kettle
saiñik, dl. saiññak, pl. saiñŋich

Where is the kettle?
Naami saiñik?
to teach, to instruct someone

he is teaching someone
iḷisautriruq, dl. iḷisautriruk, pl. iḷisautrirut

He is teaching piano.
Iḷisautriruq atuqtuurałiġmik.

2. to teach, to instruct

she is teaching him
iḷisautigaa, dl. obj. iḷisautigik, pl. obj. iḷisautigai

He is teaching him how to make a sled.
Iḷisautigaa qiḷġiḷiiġmik.
teacher, instructor
iḷisautri, dl. iḷisautrik, pl. iḷisautrit

The teacher is teaching reading.
Iḷisautri iḷisautriruq agliqiłiġmik.

2. teacher
aglakti, dl. aglaktik, pl. aglaktit

The teachers have left.
Aglaktit aullaqtut.
green-winged teal
qaiŋiq, qaiŋiuraq, qaaŋiuraq, dl. qaiŋik, pl. qaiŋich

The green-winged teal is a small duck.
Qaiŋiq uvva una tiŋmiaġruurauruq.
teapotsaiyutuġvik, dl. saiyutuġviik, pl. saiyutuġviich

The teapot is used when making tea.
Saiyutuġvik atuġaqtuq saiyyiuqtuni.
qulvi, dl. qulvik, pl. qulvich
[see also weep]

Her tears fell one by one.
Qulvii katagataarut.
to tear

It has been torn.

He tore his own coat.
Alikkaa quppiġaani.

2. to accidently tear, to tear quickly

Oh! Oh! I have torn it!
Iitya! Aliktiġiga!
teethkigun, dl. kigutik, pl. kigutit

The teeth are for chewing food.
Kigutit tamuutaurut niqimun.

2. cutting teeth

The women use the cutting teeth when crimping mukluk soles.
Sivuqqat atuġuugaich aġnat kigiraqamiŋ.

3. lower teeth

There are sixteen lower teeth.
Atlimġaat akimiaq atausriuraqtut.

4. to have food particles between teeth; to clean between teeth, as with a toothpick

he has food particles between his teeth; he is cleaning between his [own] teeth
kukkiḷiruq, dl. kukkiḷiruk, pl. kukkiḷirut

He is cleaning his own teeth after eating.
Kukkiḷiruq niġianikami.
to tell

she told him
uqautigaa, dl. uqautigaak, pl. uqautigaat

He told her what to do.
Uqautigaa sułiksraŋanik.

2. to tell about something

he is relating an experience, he is telling about
uqaaqtuqtuq, dl. uqaaqtuqtuk, pl. uqaaqtuqtut

The man is telling about what happened in the past.
Aŋun uqaaqtuqtuq taimani suraġałhatnik.
igurvik, dl. igurviik, pl. igurviich

The temple is in front of the ear.
Igurvik ittuq sivuġaani siutim.
to tempt
piyuaq-, aŋiqusraaq-

he is tempting her
piyuaġaa or aŋiqusraaġaa, dl. piyuaġaak, pl. piyuaġaat

The devil is tempting the person.
Tuunġaum iñuk piyuaġaa. or
Tuunġaum aŋiqusraaġaa iñuk.

2. to become tempted, to become induced to want something

she is tempted -lit. induced to want the other-
ikłitchaktuq, dl. ikłitchaktuk. pl. ikłitchaktut

He now wishes to have the jacket.
Ikłitchaktuq quppiġaamik.

Here are ten balls.
Uvva ukua qulit aqsraat.

2. to be ten

There are ten of them.
uliutim niqaa

The tenderloins are located on the sides of the back bone.
Tunumi, kiyupikkat avataatni, uliutim niqaa ittuq.
tendon, ligament
nukik, dl. nukiik, pl. nukigich

People and animals have tendons.
Iñuiḷḷu aŋŋugaurallu nukiqaqtut.

2. back tendon, the large internal muscle of the loin
uliun, dl. uliutik, pl. uliutit
see also sinew

The back tendons of caribou are used as thread.
Tuttum uliutik ivaluuraqtuk.
tentpalapkaaq, dl. palapkaak, pl. palapkaat

A tent can be used during the summer.
Palapkaaq atuġnaqtuq auraġmi.

2. eight foot by four foot wall. tent -lit. with four, meaning four panels long-
sisamalik, dl. sisamallak, pl. sisamalgich

My father is setting up the four-paneled tent.
Taataa nappaġaa sisamaligauraq.

3. ten foot by twelve foot wall tent lit. with five, meaning five panels long
tallimalik, dl. tallimallak, pl. tallimalgich

There is a five-paneled tent is up at our summer camp.
Tallimalik palapkaaq ittuq qamani auriviptitni.

4. twelve foot by fourteen foot wall tent -lit. with six, meaning six panels long-
itchaksralik, dl. itchaksrallak, pl. itchaksralgich

A six-paneled tent is large.
Itchaksralik palapkaaq aŋiruq.

5. winter tent made of animal skins

Where is the winter tent?
Itchalik nani itpa?
arctic tern
mitqutaiḷaq, dl. mitqutaiḷak, pl. mitqutaiḷat

The arctic tern fishes for small fish from the lake.
Mitqutaiḷaq qaluŋniuraġuuruq qaluayaanik narvamiñ.
to be terrible, to be frightening

it is terrible, it is very frightening

An earthquake is frightening.
Nuna iḷiqsraqman tatamnaqtuq.
to test something, to try something on

he is testing something, he is trying something
uuktuaqtuq, dl. uuktuaqtuk, pl. uuktuaqtut

He is trying to see if he can get way across there.
Uuktuaqtuq taakmuŋa tikihiñaukmaŋaaġmi.

He tested it.

She tested the snowmachine.
Uuktuaġaa igliġutnaq.
igruk, dl. igruuk, pl. igruich

2. taiku or taikuu [Eng.]

Thank you for taking me here.
Taikuu mauŋautiluġikma.

3. to be thankful, grateful, happy

he is thankful
quyaruq, dl. quyaruk, pl. quyarut

The man was thankful when the fire was extinguished.
Aŋun quyaruq iki qamipman.

4. to be cause for thanks

it is the cause for thanks
quyanaqtuq, dl. quyanaqtuk, pl. quyanaqtut

Having food is cause for thanks.
Quyanaqtuq niqiqaqtuni.
that, closer to the listener than to the speaker, is not lengthy and not in motion
taamna, dl. taapkuak, pl. taapkua

That man is friendly.
Taamna aŋun iḷammaġiksuq.

Those -2- girls are friendly.
Taapkuak aġnaurak iḷaminaġiksuk.

Those -3 or more- women are friendly.
Taapkua aġnat iḷamnaġiksut.

2. at the location of that, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible to the listener but not necessarily to the speaker, and not in motion
taavrumani, dl. taapkuŋnaŋni, pl. taapkunani

Let him stay in that place which is his.
Taavrumani inimiñi inŋuraġli.

3. from that, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible and not in motion
taavrumakŋa, dl. taapkuŋnakŋa, pl. taapkunakŋa

I got it from those people.
Taapkunakŋa iñuŋniñ pitchaġa.

4. like, similar to that, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible to the listener but not necessarily to the speaker, and not in motion
taavrumatun, dl. taapkuŋnaktun, pl. taapkunatitun

I want one like that.
Taavrumatun piqaġruktuŋa.

5. to, for that one, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible to the listener, but not necessarily to the speaker and not in motion
taavrumuŋa, dl. taapkuŋnuŋa, pl. taapkunuŋa

Give it to that one!
Taavrumuŋa qairruŋ!

6. with or about that one, closer to the listener than to the speaker, visible to the listener but not necessarily to the speaker, and not in motion
taavrumiŋa, dl. taapkuŋniŋa, pl. taapkuniŋa

He is playing with those.
Taapkuniŋa qitiktuaqtuq.

7. that is true, that is really it

8. that one; the one -of whom we spoke-; the one whose identity is clear but whose whereabouts is not specified
imña, dl. ipchuak, pl. ipchua

How is it pronounced now?
Qanuq imña taiñaqpa ki?

I thought I saw it somewhere.
Nani imña qiñiġniñiġiga?

Which one did he want now?
Nalliak imña pisukkaŋa ki?

Who wants to eat now?
Kiña imña niġisukpa ki?

What did you want [now]?
Sua imña pisukkan?

Where did the one [already mentioned] go?
Napmuktiqpa imña?

9. A more specific term for the above definition is
taimña, dl. taipchuak, pl. taipchua

Where is the one you spoke of?
Taimña uqautigikkan naami?

There is my mukluk.
Itcha kamiga.

2. -that one- over there, away from the speaker and the listener, in a limited area, not in motion, visible
iñña, dl. itchuak, pl. itchua

Those over there are leaving.
Itchua aullaaqsirut.

3. the one on the other side of a barrier, or in another building or structure, not visible
amna, dl. apkuak, pl. apkua

We will fetch that woman who is at the hospital.
Amna aġnaq naŋirviŋmiittuaq aiñiaġikput.
weather thermometer
itrisriun, dl. itrisriutik, pl. itrisriutit

The thermometer tells how cold it is.
Itrisriun itritutilaaġutauruq.

2. body thermometer
uunnaqłuksiun or uunnaġluksiun
see this
dl. plus tuk, pl. plus tut [used with verb stems with no strong I in semifinal position]
dl. plus ruk, pl. plus rut [used with verb stems which end in a vowel]
dl. plus suk, pl. plus sut [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in k or q]
dl. plus chuk, pl. plus chut [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in a t]

They have left.

They are eating

They have come.

They have arrived.

2. they
dl. iliŋik, pl. iliŋich

They left with the boat.
Iliŋich ayaktut umiamik.
to be thick -of consistency-

It is thick.
Kiniqtuq. or

The soup is thick.
Kiniġniqsuq imiġaurriugaq.

2. to be thick -of measurement-

it is thick
mapturuq, dl. mapturuk, pl. mapturut

The cloth is thick.
Nukihaaq mapturuq.
[of human]
quptuġaq, dl. quptuqqak, pl. quptuqqat

The thigh is wider than the leg.
Quptuġaq siḷitluktuq niumiñ.
[of animal]
kiniġniq, dl. kiniġnaak, pl. kiniġniġich

The thighbone is broken.
Kiniġniq naviktuq.
tikiq, dl. tikkik, pl. tikiġich

A thimble is used for sewing.
Tikiq atuġnaqtuq killaiyaqtuni.
to be thin, watery -of consistency-

it is watery
piaktuq, dl. piaktuk, pl. piaktut

The gravy is thin, watery.
Qayusraaq piaktuq. or
Qayusraak piaktuq.

2. to be thin -of measurement-

it is thin
saattuq, dl. saattuk, pl. saattut

The paper is thin and tears easily.
Saattuq kaliikkaq suli aliyaruq.

3. to be thin, skinny

The caribou is skinny.
Tuttu pannauruq.

to become thin, dry

He has gotten skinny.
thing, wealth, possession
suuraq, dl. suurak, pl. suurat

The house has things.
Tupiq suuraqaqtuq.

2. things washed ashore, driftwood
tipraq, dl. tiprak, pl. tiprat

Small pieces of wood are washed ashore along the river.
Qiruurat tiprat tipiniġai kuugum siñaanun.
to think
isruma-, isrumagi-

she is thinking
isrumaruq, dl. isrumaruk, pl. isrumarut

He is thinking about what to teach for tomorrow.
Isrumaruq qanuq iḷisautriiksraġmiñik uvlaakun.

he is thinking of her
isrumagigaa, dl. isrumagigaak, pl. isrumagigaat

They thought of the person that they left behind.
Isrumagigaat taimña iñuk unisaqtiŋ.
to be thirsty lit. to want to drink

he is thirsty
imiġuktuq, dl. imiġuktuk, pl. imiġuktut

He is thirsty for cold water.
Imiġuktuq nigliñaqtaamik imiġmik.
qulit piñasrut

Here are thirteen plates.
Uvva qulit piñasrut puggutat.
iñuiñaq qulit

Over there are thirty people.
Iñña iñuiñaq qulit iñuich.
this one, near the speaker, visible; not covering a large area, and not in motion
una, dl. ukuak, pl. ukua

This one is hungry.
Una niġisuktuq.

2. this one around here, near the speaker, visible, covering a large area, and not in motion
manna, dl. makuak, pl. makua

Pick these -around here- up!
Makua pukukkich!

3. at the location of this, near the speaker, visible, not covering a large area, and not in motion
uumani, dl. ukuŋnaŋni, pl. ukunani

It is at the location of this.
It is in/on this.
Uumani ittuq.

4. from this, near the speaker, visible, not covering a large area, and not in motion
uumakŋa, dl. ukuŋnakŋa, pl. ukunakŋa

Take one from these.
Ukunakŋa piksraġiñ.

5. like, similar to this, near the speaker, visible, not covering a large area and not in motion
uumatun, dl. ukuŋnaktun, pl. ukunatun

Make it like these.
Iñiġuŋ ukunatun.

6. to, for this, near the speaker, visible, not covering a large area and not in motion
uumuŋa, dl. ukuŋnuŋa, pl. ukunuŋa

Give it to this one.
Uumuŋa qairruŋ.
kakitḷaŋnaq, dl. kakitḷaŋnak, pl. kakitḷaŋnat
kakitḷaġnaq, dl. kakitḷaġnak, pl. kakitḷaġnat

The thorn is sharp.
Kakitḷaŋnaq ipiktuq.
see that
thread commercial thread
ivaluksraq, dl. ivaluksraak, pl. ivaluksrat

Thread is used for sewing cloth.
Ivaluksraq killaiyautauruq nukihaamun.

2. sinew thread

My three children are at school.
Qitunġatka piñasrut aglaktut.

2. three days ago

It rained three days ago.
Ippaksraaqqamiq siḷaluktuq.
iggiaq, dl. iggiak, pl. iggiat

My throat is red.
Iggiaġa kaviqsuq.

2. she is clearing her throat
iggiaġiksaaqtuq, dl. iggiaġiksaaqtuk, pl. iggiaġiksaaqtut

He cleared his throat before he sang.
Iggiaġiksaaqtuq atuġaluaqani.

3. to have a sore throat
iggianŋu-, iggiaġiit-

he has a bad sore throat
iggiaġiitchuq, dl. iggiaġiitchuk, pl. iggiaġiitchut

She has a sore throat today.
Iggiaġiitchuq uvluvak.

He has a sore throat.
to throb

it is throbbing -as of the heart or the pulse-

Her veins are throbbing.
Taqaŋi tigliqtaqtut.

through or along down there, not visible

A fish is moving under the water.
Samuuna imġum ataagun qaluk igliqtuq.

2. through or along there, in or along the ocean, visible and covers a large area

We will travel on the ice.
Unuuna sikukun igliġisirugut.

3. through right here, by way of here

Go out through here.
Anniiñ uvuuna.

4. through around here

There is a trail through here.
Mauna samma tumiqaqtuq.
to throw something or someone away, to discard, to leave someone or something [no longer caring]

he is throwing -something or things- away
igitchiruq, dl. igitchiruk, pl. igitchirut

He threw away the trash.
Igitchiruq iktaksranik.

2. to throw, to discard, to leave [no longer caring]

she throws it away, discards it
igitkaa, dl. igitkaak, pl. igitkaat

He threw it away when it became empty.
Igitkaa imaiqman.

3. to throw -the immediate action-

he threw something
miḷuqsaqtuq, dl. miḷuqsaqtuk, pl. miḷuqsaqtut

he threw at it
miḷuqsaġaa, dl. [obj.] miḷuqsaġik, pl. [obj.] miḷuqsaġai

He threw it.

4. to hit, to throw repeatedly

he is throwing things repeatedly
miḷḷuuqtuq, dl. miḷḷuuqtuk, pl. miḷḷuuqtut

He is throwing rocks.
Iyaġaŋnik miḷḷuuqtuq.
gray-cheeked thrush
piiġaq, dl. piiġak, pl. piiġat

This thrush has gray cheeks.
Piiġaq iqsraġutiqaqtuq qirġiaqtaaŋnik.

2. varied thrush
siŋutluluuq, dl. siŋutluluuk, pl. siŋutluluut

The varied thrush is a bird.
Siŋutluluuq una tiŋmiurauruq.
thumbkuvlu, dl. kuvluk, pl. kuvlut

He has accidently cut himself on his thumb.
Kuvlumigun kiḷiqsiġniqsuq.

The thunder is noisy when it’s close.
Kalluk nipituruq qanitnami.
thus, like this, this way

This is the way to tie it.
Itna qiḷiġñaqtuq.

2. that way
kanagaq, dl. kanakkak, pl. kanakkat

He broke his tibia when he fell.
Kanaqani piiyaqtiġniġaa katakami.
to tickle

he is experiencing the sensation of being tickled
qaallaktuq, dl. qaallaktuk, pl. qaallaktut

The big man is being tickled.
Qaallaktuq iñukpak.

2. to be ticklish
qaallaktu-, qaallaya-

she is ticklish
qaallakturuq, dl. qaallakturuk, pl. qaallakturut
qaallayaruq, dl. qaallayaruk, pl. qaallayarut

The child is ticklish.
Qaallakturuq iyaalugruaq.

3. to tickle another

he is tickling her
qaallaksaaġaa, dl. qaallaksaaġaak, pl. qaallaksaaġaat

They tickled her till she couldn’t laugh anymore.
Qaallaksaaġaat iglatlaiqsilġataqługu.
tie to tie boot or mukluk straps or shoelaces

he is tying his to tie mukluk straps or shoe laces
siŋiqsuq, dl. siŋiqsuk, pl. siŋiqsut

The girl is tying her own mukluk straps.
Aġnauraq siŋiqsuq.

she is tying his boot straps or shoelaces -of footwear-

The woman tied my mukluk straps.
Aġnam siŋiġik kammaka.

2. to tie up as of a dog or something to a rope

He tied it to something.

He tied the boat’s rope to its pole.
Pitukkaa umiayauraq pitugvianun.

3. to be tied

It is tied.

The dog is tied, chained.
Qipmiq pituksimaruq.

Tie the dog!
Pituguŋ qipmiq!

4. to tie a knot

He tied it.

He tied it without much trouble or he tied a small knot.

5. to tie something down, to tie in knots, to bind

He tied the box, he bound the box.
Qiḷiqsruġaa suluun.
the time to, for
-naqsi, -ñaqsi- after strong I [v-v]

It is time to eat.

It is time for you to speak.

2. to overstay on a trip, to be gone too long

he is overstaying
muluruq, dl. muluruk, pl. mulurut

He stayed a long time when he went caribou hunting.
Tuttuliaqtuaq muluruq.

3. What time is it?
Sassaq qanuq iḷiva?
Tuqtuqtaq sumun iḷiva?
to tingle

his body is tingling because of emotional stimulus
ikiaqsaalaaqtuq, dl. ikiaqsaalaaqtuk, pl. ikiaqsaalaaqtut

His body tingled because he became so pleasantly surprised.
Ikiaqsaalaaqtuq quviġutchaktiqpagitḷuni.
to be tiny, to be few

it is tiny
uuttukuuŋuruq, dl. uuttukuuŋuruk, pl. uuttukuuŋurut

The shrew is tinier than all of the animals.
Ugruŋnaq uuttukuuŋutluktuq aŋŋugaurapayaaniñ.

How tiny!
to become tired

she is tired
iñiqtuqtuq, dl. iñiqtuqtuk, pl. iñiqtuqtut

He is tired after a long walk.
Iñiqtuqtuq pisruvaałłaqqaaqhuni.

He is still tired.

2. to become tired, weary, fatigued

he is tired
minġuqtuq, dl. minġuqtuk, pl. minġuqtut

She became tired after working.
Savaqqaaqhuni minġuqtuq.

3. to be one who does not tire easily

she does not tire easily
naŋiitchuq, dl. naŋiitchuk, pl. naŋiitchut

My father does not tire easily when he walks long distances.
Taataga naŋiitchuq pisrukami uŋasriksaamun.

We are happy today.
Quviasruktugut uvluvak.
toe big toe
putuguq, dl. putukkuk, pl. putukkut

The big toe is part of the foot.
Putuguq isigaŋni ittuq.

2. little toe, digit of foot [not big toe]
iñugauraq, dl. iñugaurak, pl. iñugaurat

A person has eight smaller toes.
Iñuk tallimat piñasrunik iñugauraqaqtuq.

3. joints of toes
isigaich napyaaŋich

Toes have many joints.
Isigaich napyaaŋich iñugiaktut.

We are going together.
Atunim aullaqtugut.

2. to do together, to do as a team, as partners

they -2- are together

The two women are seining together.
Aġnak piqatigiiksuk qaaktuqtuak.

3. to bring together

he brings them together
dl. [obj.] katitkik, pl. [obj.] katitkai

He is putting two things together.

they have come together
dl. katiruk, pl. katirut

The people have gathered together.
Katirut iñuich.

4. to be with, to be a part of

he is together with, being with someone
iqatauruq, dl. iqatauruk, pl. iqataurut

She is with her relatives.
Iqatauruq iḷamiñi.

5. to do together, to all do at the same time

Let us leave together.
Atautchikun aullaqta.
toilet toilet, outhouse
anaġvik, dl. anaġviik, pl. anaġviich

There is a toilet in the house.
Anaġviqaqtuq samma tupiġmi.
iquutiksraq, dl. iquutiksraak, pl. iquutiksrat

Toilet paper is soft.
Iquutiksraq niġummaġiksuq.
uugaq, dl. uukkak, pl. uukkat

The tomcod is a fish from the sea.
Uugaq taġium qalugigaa.
-lit. by way of morning-

Tomorrow we will finish our work.
Uvlaakun itqanaiġisigivut savaavut.
uqaq, dl. uqqak, pl. uqqat

Caribou tongue is delicious.
Tuttum uqaŋa kayumiktuq.
tonight, this evening

He is coming tonight.
Anaqavak aggiġñiaqtuq.

2. tonight, all during the night

I will sleep well tonight.
Siñiigluataġisiruŋa unnuavak.
savalġun, dl. savalġutik, pl. savalġutit

The tool is under the box.
Savalġun suluutim ataani ittuq.
savalġutiqaġvik, dl. savalġutiqaġviik, pl. savalġutiqaġviich

The tool box is full of tools.
Savalġutiqaġvik immaukkaqtuq savalġutinik.
kigun, dl. kigutik, pl. kigutit

Teeth need good care.
Qaunagimmaaġigaksraurut kigutit.

2. to lose one’s tooth or teeth, to extract tooth

She has had a tooth pulled [extracted]
Kigutaiqsittuq atautchimik.

3. to have a toothache

she has a toothache
kigutinŋuruq, dl. kigutinŋuruk, pl. kigutinŋurut

She had a toothache for two days.
Kigutinŋuruq malġuŋni uvluŋni.

4. to brush teeth

I am brushing my teeth.
Kigusriqiruŋa uvva pakma.

The toothbrush is for brushing teeth.
Kigusriqutit salummautaurut kigutinun.
kukkiḷiñ, dl. kukkiḷisik, pl. kukkiḷisit

Where are the toothpicks?
Naami taipchua kukkiḷisit?
to topple, to fall over

it is toppling, it is falling over
ulġuruq, dl. ulġuruk, pl. ulġurut

The tree has fallen down.
Napaaqtuq ulġuruq.

its topside, dorsal area, its cover, its surface

The top of the sod house has been covered with snow.
Sauligauram qaaŋa apillaŋniqsuq.
to land [not from flying] to touch bottom, to reach a hard surface

it has touched ground, bottom, lands
tuttuq, dl. tuttuk, pl. tuttut

The child landed on her head.
Iyaalugruaq tuttuq niaquġmiñiñ.

2. to touch, to feel

she touched him
aksikkaa, dl. aksikkaak, pl. aksikkaat

She touched him gently.
Iłuamik aksiḷḷakkaa.
to tow

he is towing it
kalitkaa, dl. kalitkaak, pl. kalitkaat

The man is towing the boat.
Aŋutim kalitkaa umiaq.
towards back there, distant

Go back there to the tundra.
Pavuŋa nunaviŋmun kilvaġiñ.

2. towards down there, downstairs
samuŋa, tasramuŋa

I’m going downstairs.
Samuŋa atqaġniaqtuŋa.

3. towards over there, in another house or structure, usually not visible

He went over to the school.
Amuŋa aglagviŋmun aullaqtuq.

4. towards over there, a large area, visible

The man went over there.
Aŋun avuŋa aullaqtuq.
see paper
inattuaq, iŋattuaq or iŋŋuaq

He is playing with toys.
Inattualiqiruq; Iŋattualiqiruq or Iŋŋualiqiruq.
tumi, dl. tumik, pl. tumit

The trail going up and down the hill is smooth.
Tumi mayuġiami qaiqsuq.

The animal’s tracks can be seen.
Aŋŋutim tumiŋi tautuŋnaqtut.
tracks to track an animal, to find tracks
tuvsi- or tupsi-

he has found an animal track
tupsiyaa, dl. tupsiyaak, pl. tupsiyaat

He has found the wolf tracks.
Amaġuq tupsiyaa.

2. to follow tracks; to copy

she is tracking
tuvraqtuq, dl. tuvraqtuk, pl. tuvraqtut

he is tracking it, he is copying her
tuvraġaa, dl. [obj.] tuvraġik, pl. [obj.] tuvraġai

A man is following the wolverine’s track.
Aŋun tuvraqtuq tumiañik qapvium.
Aŋutim tuvraġai qapvium tumai.
trail, path
apqun, dl. apqutik, pl. apqutit

There is his trail.
Tamarra apqutaa.

2. trail
tumitchiaq, dl. tumitchiak, pl. tumitchiat

Follow the trail.
Malguraġlugich tumitchiat.
[A long trail is spoken of in plural form because it consists of many trails]
to translate something
mumiksi-, mumik-

he is translating
mumiksiruq, dl. mumiksiruk, pl. mumiksirut

She has translated it.

He is translating the books.
Mumikkai makpiġaat.

2. to translate, to interpret

he is interpreting for another
uuyuuġaa, dl. [obj.] uuyuuġik, pl. [obj.] uuyuuġai

She is interpreting her speech.
Uuyuuġaa uqagman.

3. a translator

4. an interpreter
trapnaniġiaq, dl. naniġiak, pl. naniġiat

My father is using a trap.
Naniġiaq taataa atuġaa.

2. to be trapped

it is trapped
naniqtuq, dl. naniqtuk, pl. naniqtut

The wolf is caught in a trap.
Amaġuq naniqtuq naniġiamun.

3. to trap

he is trapping
naniġiaqtuqtuq, dl. naniġiaqtuqtuk, pl. naniġiaqtuqtut

My father is trapping for foxes.
Taataga naniġiaqtuqtuq kayuqtunun.

4. trap entrance

The fox went into the trap entrance.
Kayuqtuq isiqtuq maunamun.
to travel, to move, to run [of an engine]

he is traveling, moving
igliqtuq, dl. igliqtuk, pl. igliqtut

He is traveling toward the south.
Igliqtuq tuŋaanun uŋallam.

2. to travel by boat

He traveled by boat on the river.
Umiaqtuqtuq kuuŋmi.

3. to travel by dog team

The man is traveling with dogs and a sled.
Aŋun uniaġaqtuq qipmiñik.

4. to journey downriver by boat

she is traveling downriver by boat
ataaqtuq, dl. ataaqtuk, pl. ataaqtut

The boat is going down river.
Umiaq ataaqtuq unuŋatmun.

5. People who have traveled, journeyed [a long distance] downriver by boat atarraat

6. to travel -quite a distance- upriver by boat

he has traveled -quite a distance- upriver by boat
tagraqtuq, dl. tagraqtuk, pl. tagraqtut

During spring after break-up, one can travel upriver by boat.
Upinġaami sikuiqman tagraġnaqtuq.

7. to go towards downriver

The man going downriver.
Aŋun uqquġmuktuq.

8. to go towards upriver

it is traveling up-river
argumuktuq, dl. argumuktuk, pl. argumuktut

The barge is heading up the river.
Umiaqpak argumuktuq.

9. to travel straight out from the shore

it is heading straight out from shore
avallaktuq, dl. avallaktuk, pl. avallaktut

The boat is heading straight out from the bank of the river.
Umiaq avallaktuq kuugum siñaaniñ.
traveler, stranger, visitor
iglaaq, dl. iglaak, pl. iglaat

The traveler had become cold.
Iglaaq qiqillaŋniġaa.
tree cottonwood tree
ninŋuq, dl. ninŋuk, pl. ninŋut

When you use a piece of cottonwood for smoke, it lasts for a long time.
Ninŋuq puyuġiruni nuŋutchiġiitchuq.

2. birch tree
urgiiḷiq, dl. urgiiḷik, pl. urgiiḷich

The birch tree can be used to make snowshoes or a sled.
Urgiiḷiq tagluuraqtuq suli qiḷġiuraqtuq.

3. spruce tree, [any tree of the pine family] fir tree
napaaqtuq, dl. napaaqtuk, pl. napaaqtut

The spruce tree is green in winter and in summer.
Napaaqtuq suŋaaqtuq ukiumiḷu, auraġmiḷu.

4. young tree growing from old root
naunġaq, dl. naunġak, pl. naunġat

The young tree grows from an old root.
Naunġaq nauraqtuq kaŋiġruaġmiñ.

5. tree stump
mumiġnaq, dl. mumiġnak, pl. mumiġnat

A tree stump makes good floats.
Mumiġnaq puptautaġiksuq.

6. an irregular hard section in tree rings, also vertebra
ikkiq, dl. ikkiik, pl. ikkiich

The hard tree ring bends.
Ikkiq piġitchuuruq.
to go on trial

When a person does wrong, he goes on trial.
Uqaqsitaaġuuruq iñuk savvaġlukami.
kuuġuq, dl. kuuqquk, pl. kuuqqut

There are many tributaries in Alaska.
Kuuqqut iñugiaktut Alaska-mi.
to be troubled

he is troubled, has a bad conscience
iłuiḷḷiuqtuq, dl. iłuiḷḷiuqtuk, pl. iłuiḷḷiuqtut

She was troubled when her daughter got lost.
Iłuiḷḷiuqtuq panni tammaqman.
trouttrout, lake trout, arctic char
qalukpik, dl. qalukpiik, pl. qalukpiich

People catch many trout in Kivalina.
Iñuich qalukpigaqtut Kivalliñiġmi.
to be true

it is true
iḷumutuuruq, dl. iḷumutuuruk, pl. iḷumutuurut

What he said is true.
Taamna uqautigikkaŋa iḷumutuuruq.

2. truthfully, truth

He is speaking the truth. or
He speaks truthfully.
Iḷumutun uqaqtuq.

3. the truth, that which is true
to be trustworthy

He is trustworthy.
tug of a sled
qitiġaġun, dl. qitiġaġutik, pl. qitiġaġutit

The tug is used on a sled.
Qitiġaġun atuqtuq qiḷġiñi.
flat tundra
natiġnaq, dl. natiġnak, pl. natiġnat

There are many plants on the flat tundra.
Nauriat iñugiaktut natiġnami.

2. undulating tundra
nunavik, dl. nunaviik, pl. nunaviich

The tundra has lots of berries.
Nunavik asriaŋuruq.
nautnaq, dl. nautnak, pl. nautnat

Tundra cotton grows on the tundra.
Nautnat nausruurut natiġnami.
to turn head

she turned her head
kiŋiaqtuq, dl. kiŋiaqtuk, pl. kiŋiaqtut

He turned his head when he heard something behind.
Kiŋiaqtuq tusraa’ami tunumiñiñ.

2. to turn the head to look

He turned his head to look.

She turned her head briefly and quickly.

3. to turn one’s back on a person, to turn around to face the other direction

she has turned around
tunuttuq, dl. tunuttuk, pl. tunuttut

They turned to face the other direction when told to do so.
Tunuttut tunutqukmatiŋ.

he has turned his back on him
tunutkaa, dl. tunutkaak, pl. tunutkaat

He has turned his back on his wife.
Aġnaqtiŋ tunutkaa.

4. to turn off, extinguish a light, fire

he has turned it off, extinguished it
qamitkaa, dl. qamitkaak, pl. qamitkaat

He has extinguished the fire.
Qamitkaa iki.

5. to become extinguished

It has extinguished itself or it has been extinguished.

The fire is out.
Ikniq qamiruq.

6. to turn over, to flip, to change

she has turned over, changed, repented
mumiksuq, dl. mumiksuk, pl. mumiksut

He turned over in his sleep.
Siñiktuaq mumiksuq.
maniq, dl. mannak, pl. manġich

There is a tussock on the tundra.
Maniq nunaviŋmi ittuq.
qulit malġuk

I bought twelve cups.
Tauqsiġitka qulit malġuk qallutit.

Where are the twenty boxes?
Iñuiñaq suluutit naniitpat?

[for there to be twilight]
to twist

He is twisting the knob.
Qipitkaa tiguġiq.

2. to twist sinew for thread

she is twisting sinew for thread

My mother is twisting sinew to use for sewing.
Aanaga qipriruq ivalumik killaiyautiksraġmiñik.

3. to be twisted

it is twisted
qipŋaruq, dl. qipiŋaruk, pl. qipiŋarut

The tree is twisted.
Qipiŋaruq napaaqtuq.

Two people are walking.
Malġuk iññuk pisruktuk.
aglautitaun, dl. aglautitautik, pl. aglautitautit

The typewriter is used to type letters.
Aglautitaun atuġnaqtuq tuyuksriuqtuni.

2. aglaksuutitaun, dl. aglaksuutitautik, pl. aglaksuutitautit

Where is my typewriter.
Aglaksuutitautitka naami?
aglakti, dl. aglaktik, pl. aglaktit

The typist is writing a letter.
Aglakti tuyuksriuqtuq.

2. typist

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