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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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dekets'éeg' éł áahaał audio she or he is walking on tiptoes
kech'ídhekts'ék audio I am standing on tiptoes
teghishdek audio  I'm tired
imperfective paradigmaudio
teghishdek tets'atdek
teghitdek teghatdek
te'atdek texatdek

ts'axnihthenh audio I am lethargic, have no energy
ts'axnihthenh há' k'ôd audio  I'm out of energy, so that's enough
shtée' shę́ę' dâa'iltthet audio I came back exhausted

SYN toward
ts'į́' audio to, toward
hên ts'į́' ghíhhaał audio I am going to the creek
lasgih audio chewing tobacco
lasgih chěnn' audio tobacco pouch or container
meth audio
dú' dzeen audio  today
shkelaats'ǒgh' audio my toe
shkelaachétth audio my big toe
shkelaagę̌y' audio my toenail
nił'éł ts'į́' audio
nił'éł náyits'u-'aał audio  let's eat together
Tth'iitiy Nda' \de
k'ahdą́ądé' audio tomorrow
shtthǔul' audio my tongue
teddh dé' audio
teddh dé' tahsháatth audio  tonight it will snow
shkáaddh' my tonsils
SEE also
ch'itêey audio  too much (of something)
sų́'ų ch'itêey ghunté'e audio  don't sleep too much
shxú' audio my tooth
shxostl'aaxú' audio my molar
shinchetthxú' audio my incisor
tthiit'aag audio top
ddheł tthiit'aag audio  mountain top
yigha ch'exdehtthiit audio she or he is tormenting him, her or it
ssék audio my torso

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