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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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SEE throw
medédhégtset audio  I touched it
perfective paradigmaudio
medédhégtset medzéltset
medédhíltset medédháltset
yidéltset xiy'édéltset

yekedélttheyh audio he or she touched it with their foot

etch'ét audio it is tough
shí' detch'ét audio the meat is tough
dįhteyh audio it is tough, can not be broken
ts'į́' audio toward, to
ts'éhxeh kón' ts'į́' éedah audio  the woman is sitting toward the fire
yaatthúg audio area toward water (distant)
yaatthúg dendîig ah'es audio moose are walking around down by the river
na'atthûug tuu níihąą audio toward the water it flooded
yaatthîiz audio from the water, lowlands (distant)
yaatthîiz nanihshah audio I came back from Tanacross (said in Mansfield)
yaatthén' audio down toward the water (distant)
yaatthén' naxtétdeetl audio they went back down that way
nategkáax audio I am tracking it (animal)
dendîig natelkáax audio he or she is tracking a moose
ké' k'eh audio tracks (of an animal)
jâan dendîig ké' k'eh sínt'eh audio these are moose tracks
niłk'éyts'at-'ąą audio we traded, paid each other back
niłk'éyts'ut-łeeyh audio  let's trade them back
tęy audio trail, road ALSO road, path
tęy xúltlet audio the trail is slippery
tęy thǔul' audio main trail
tohłuu audio winter trail
tohłuu k'et ts'į́' xdelts'íits audio there is a sound on the winter trail
xetl tęy audio sled trail
yeghink'áatth audio he trained him (teaching him physical skills, stamina, endurance)
SEE exercise
SEE give
éeł audio trap
ts'íitsiy éel' audio steel trap
dechenh éeł audio deadfall trap
ní'éełníhłeeyh audio I am trapping, setting traps
maa ní'éełts'éłeek tl'âan wuthédh' én' dzełeek audio we set traps for the furs and sell the skins
éeł k'ée audio
SEE move
ts'ôgh audio general word for tree, also 'spruce tree'
dalaatth'aagh audio stunted tree (growing on the mountains)
ch'aachěnn' tneexêez audio uprooted tree
ch'aachěnn' détaan audio a windfallen tree
tachatne'aay audio a slanted tree
parts of a tree
ch'elaats'eyh audio bark (of any tree)
ch'elaa'éł audio tree branch
ch'aachěnn' audio stump, trunk of tree
ch'edełá' audio top of a tree
ch'ethuchěnn' audio stump of branch sticking out after a small branch is broken off or a knot in wood
SEE spruce
SEE shake
shehłâad iin audio people of my tribe
nashtnin'aayh audio he tricked me
SEE cut
ch'ekeechěnn' audio top trimming on mukluks

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