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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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xt'akedegnęyh audio  I tripped, stumbled
perfective paradigmaudio
The Tanacross words imply a round trip (to somewhere and then back).
natihhá' audio I am going to take a trip
Seattle natihhá' audio I am going to take a trip to Seattle
Dihthâad natédhihhá' I am going to Mansfield
Dihthâad nâa'eltęyh audio she or he is making trips (back and forth) to Mansfield
Tats'áltęy ts'enh xâanítshah audio he went as far as Tanacross (and then returned)
Only used for four legged animals
sełdehtáak audio it trotted by
łii séłdahtéyh audio the dog is trotting
xexuntsaath audio there is trouble
xexuntsaath deh ní'edéltęę audio she or he got into trouble
łą́'ą' audio
łą́'ą sítdíhnih audio  I am telling the truth
ch'aachěnn' audio tree trunk, stump ALSO stump (tree)
wuk'aninek-'ah audio I trust him or her
me'ekndeyh audio  I am trying it
wuthǔul' audio
ch'ełiik audio
SYN song
dzenh tsědz' audio muskrat tunnel
niłk'edahteth audio he is turning, it back forth
niłk'edihhuuth audio I am turning it inside out
niłkedalthek audio it is turning around (rotating, turning over, swiveling around)
déktáatth audio I turn, twist it (faucet, handle, etc.)
dédhektáath audio I turned it (faucet, handle, etc.)
nakedelteex audio turn around
niłk'edelteex audio you turn aound!
niłk'edilteyh audio turn around
natnédhékdek audio I turned it off
nekdzeeyh audio  I turned on a light (flashlight, lamp)
kón' nanekdzeeyh audio I turned on the light
niłkedédhekchúuth audio I turned it (flat object) over
niłkedédhih'ąą audio I turned it (solid object) over
niłkedédhekchúut audio I turned it (food) over
niłkedédhéktęę audio I turned it (animate being) over
taanes audio
tl'ox chinaashéth audio
łdíikeyh wuk'et audio \de
łdíikeey detaan audio

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