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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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wutsénn' audio her vagina, birth canal
dach'á'él'ęh audio  she or he is vain
ch'etl'aa audio ALSO canyon, headwaters
SEE expensive
maa de'ihtsí'i something valuable, something I value
wuk'adekt'eyh it's valuable, I depend on it
SEE disappear
taatl'ia (lxoreus naevius)
niłch'á'éltsiin xúnłęę audio there are a variety of different things
nah'ôg nesheegh audio
SYN car
natet-łeg audio
wuch'ųųdh' his veins
ch'edé' théth audio
noxłuu tah xuudé' théth ehgį́įyh ts'į́' xa'ech'ek audio in the fall the velvet on their antlers dries and it falls off
Words may be translated as 'very' or 'really'.
łą́'ą t'êey audio
łą́'ą t'êey dihtsįį audio I am very hungry
łoot'ée' audio
łoot'ée' łéech'aak xúnłęę audio it is very muddy
łoot'ée' xníik'aath \au it was very cold
SEE shake
keey audio
SYN settlement
keey k'ée xúghinłé' deh ts'axnih'ę́ę' audio we saw an old village site
mexdínt'ęę audio  it is visible
shtlęę sh'éł éedah audio my friend is visiting me
shundaagh neegha ninshah audio my older brother visited us
soojee audio
xeltthaan audio
The same word is used for voice and throat.
shthéeg' audio my voice ALSO throat
shchǒl' audio my voice box
SYN Adam's apple, larynx

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