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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Yidavo dingit'a. JD+ED He's waiting for him.
Sidavo dengit'a. JD+ED Wait for me.
Ngidavo ditast'ał.JD+ED I'll wait for you.
Nt'ux xiyozr. ED+JD Wait a moment. lit. In a little while

Wake, awake
Tr'antithidhit. JD+ED He is waking up.
Chel tr'antithidhit. JD+ED The boy is waking up.
Vinxiłts'eg tr'inedhitJD+ED He woke up very early.
Tr'ixineganh tr'andidhit. KH+LH The baby woke up.
Tr'ansidhit. KH+LHI'm awake. I woke up.
Tth'e tr'anisidhed ts'in'.KH+LH I'm not fully awake yet.

Tr'anyititldhit. JD+ED He is waking him up.
Go idał tr'anyititldhit. JD+ED Right now he's waking him up.
Tr'aniłdhet.JD+ED Wake him up.
Tr'antatldhił. JD+ED I'm going to wake him up.

Ghuhoł. JD+ED She is walking. Also means "going", not necessarily by foot.
Xiyiq ghuhoł. JD+ED She is walking in the woods.
Deloy Chet xit'si xodił.JD+ED They are going to Holy Cross.
Gidiqad xits'i tehoł, he'? Gidiqad ts'i xitehoł, he'? JD+ED Are you going to the store?

Wall Nginegh JD+ED lit. Back, behind
Ngiyeg nginegh xoghdelo. JD+ED Your pictures are hanging on the wall.

Want Q'at JD+ED
Noya' tthing' q'at. JD+ED I want beaver meat.
Toł q'at, he'? JD+ED Do you want tea?
Vav q'at.JD+ED I'm hungry. lit. I want food.

War Noy JD+ED
Noy ts'i xitathdatl. JD+ED They went to war.
Yidong noy dixaghił'an' deg. JD+ED Long ago they had war around here.

Xedhił. JD+ED It is warm.
Got xedhił. JD+ED It is warm in here.
Dhisdhił.JD+ED I'm warm.
Ngi'egh nixitithidheł. JD It is starting to get warm outside.

Tonyilax. JD+ED She is washing them.
Dilo' ton'ilax. JD+ED She is washing her hands.
Ngilo' tongilax.JD+ED Wash your hands. Commanding one person
Yuxlo' ton'uxlax. JD+ED Wash your hands. Commanding more than one person

Wash basin Viye dinalo' tontr'ilagh JD+ED lit. In it we wash our hands
Viye dinalo' tontr'ilagh nda'. JD+ED Give me the wash basin.

Wash tub Viye ton-galyagh HM+KH lit. In it we wash
Sigiviye ton-galyagh sitl'ongiteyh. HM+KH Give me my washtub back.

Watch, wristwatch Dinalochin viye xigighidl. JD+ED lit. Our wrist, inside it ticks
Dinalochin viye xigighidl ixidhitlnix. JD I lost my watch.

Water Te JD+ED
Te naq'uddh q'at. JD I want cold water.

Water hole Tiginiq'at JD+ED
Tiginiq'at xits'i te diqondhisiqonh. JD+ED I carried water up from the water hole.

Waterfall Te nighelinghdi JD+ED lit. Water pouring down place
Te nighelinghdi xingosin tr'inadhoł. JD+ED We camped across from a waterfall.

Waves Totth JD+ED
Yeqin xigitotth getiy ngichox. JD+ED Yukon waves are really big.

Weak Tiyh qul. JD+ED lit. Strength none
Ngogh tiyh qul, he'? JD+ED Are you feeling weak?

Vogh tiyh idiniso. JD+ED I'm too weak to do it. lit. I have no strength for it.


Xiye dhi'ath. Ye dhi'atth. HM+KH She is wearing it. This verb is for clothes that the wearer puts on by inserting feet.
Giqałchin neg ye dhi'ath. Giqałchin neg ye dhi'atth. HM+KHShe's wearing nice boots.
Dak ngizren ndałcheth.AJ She's wearing a nice blouse. This verb is for clothes that the wearer puts on by pulling down over the head.
Viye tr'idivizr ngizren ndałcheth. HM+RD She is wearing a nice sweater.

Wear out 'oxo dithiggisr. HM+RD lit. ... is wearing out.
Sitth'ol oxo dithiggisr. HM+RD My pants are wearing out.  
Sitth'ol oxo didiggisr. HM+RD My pants wore out.  

See "Ermine"

Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a? HM+KH What's it doing outside?
Ttheting ndadz dixet'a? KH+HM What's it doing outdoors?
Gits'anxitodoł.HM+KH The weather is going to change.
Tr'anxutidit'ix. HM+KH The weather is going to get bum for a while.

Nughit. RD+HM She is weaving.
Edna xuyh tth'ok nughit. HM+RD Edna is weaving a root basket.

Web Ivisoghluq gituxvel HM+RD lit. Spider net
Tuxveł tritr gho diłcheth. HM+RD A (spider) web is hanging on the tree.
Ivisoghluq dituxvel xitux dinthitl'enh. HM+KH Spider made its web amongst the trees.

Wednesday Toxdi nixinithdoł HM+RD lit. Three nights after Sunday

Week Q'inodle qighitiq HM+RD lit. Between Sundays

Q'inodle tl'ogh HM+RD Next week lit. After Sunday
Q'inodle tl'ogh ngogh tr'itodił. HM+RDNext week somebody is coming to visit you.

Well Xełedz HM+RD
Xełedz dist'a. HM+RD I am well.  
Xełedz dixet'a. HM+RD They are well.

See "Neat"

Well, water well Te dili'anhdi HM+RD lit. Water flowing place
Te dili'anhdi nadhiyo. HM+RD He went to the well.

West Dong thedz HM+RD
Dong tthedz xidetr'iyh. HM+RD Wind is coming from the west.

Itlt'iq. Xitlt'iq. HM+RD It is wet.
Ngi'egh getiy xitlt'iq. HM+RD It's really wet out.
Nidhitlt'iq.HM+RD I got wet.

What Gan HM+RD
Gan iy? HM+RD What? What is it?  
Ndadz HM+KH What  
Ndadz dingit'anh? HM+RDWhat are you doing? 
Ndadz dixi'ne?HM+RD What are they saying?

See "How"

When Ndada' HM+RD
Ndada' yi'odz tehoł? HM When are you coming over?

Whenever Ixindada' HM+RD
Ixindada' nixidizrenda'. HM+RD Whenever the weather gets good.

Where Ndagh AJ+ES Asking about an activity
Ndagh dhedo? HM+RD Where are you? Where are you staying?

Xiday HM+RD Where Asking about non-human things
Xiday sigigizr? Xiday sigizr? ED+KHWhere are my mitttens?
XidanhHM+RD Where Asking about humans
Xidanh singonh? HM+RD Where is my mother?

Which one Gan nagh HM+RD
Gan nagh q'at? HM+RD Which one do you want?

Which way Ndałts'idz HM+RD
Ndałts'idz tehoł? HM+RD Which way will you go?

Whirlwind Iłtr'evay HM+KH lit. It takes things into the air
Nod iłtr'evay naghitl-'an'. HM+KH Twice I saw a whirlwind.

Yetr duggutth. HM+KH He is whistling. lit. He is blowing breath.
Viyetr duggutth idistth'onh. HM+KH I heard his whistle.

White Luq'uł. HM+RD lit. It is white.
Yix xudhith luq'ul ist'anh. HM+RD I have a white tent.

White person Tetl'ot HM+RD lit. Headwaters Drifter, one who came down the river.
Q'iydong tetl'ot neqanh. HM+RD A white man came paddling yesterday.

Gishagh HM White person From Yupik "kas'aq", 'white man' from Russian "kazak", 'Cossak'.
Gishagh xit'an HM+RDWhite person
Sanhdong gishagh xit'an enedz neqanh. HM+RD Last summer a white man paddled from upriver.

Whitefish Łegg HM+KH Also the word for fish in general.
Tth'egho łegg nelaxda', dinghdongiy tast'oth. HM When whitefish are running, I'm going to cut spring fish.

Who Diva HM+RD
Diva anh? HM+RD Who is that?
Diva go dhido? HM+RD Who is here?
Diva xidoy ndidhit.HM+RD Who is at the door?

Whose Diva ... iy? lit. Whose ... is this?
Diva giqałchin iy? HM+RD Whose boots are these?

Why Ndadz xo'in? HM+RD lit. Because of what?
Ndadz xo'in, "On," sidene? HM+RD Why are you telling me,"Come"?

Wide Diyuq. HM+RD lit. It is wide.
Getiy diyuq iy. HM+RD It is too wide.

Widow Vi'ot dixidiyogginh HM+RD lit. His wife, the one who died
Vi'ot dixidiyogginh tthuxdi dhido. HM+RD The widow lives alone.

Wife -'ot
Vi'ot q'ongidiłqon' xineg. HM+RD His wife sews nicely.

Wild, mischievious, crazy
Viye gididhet. HM+RD He's wild. lit. Inside he is wild.
A godanh getiy viye gididhet. Godanh getiy viye gididhet ED+KH This one is really mischievious.

Vitthe ye gits'i nixinedhit. HM+RD+JD He's crazy. lit. In his head something bad has come.
Viyen q'atithidhit. HM+RDHe's starting to get wild.
Tthidangith viye gidighedhit.HM+RD Last night he was wild.

Willow Tritl HM+RD sci. Salix
Tritl xiditth'ixdi tux niso. HM+RD I went amongst thick willows.

Xugalyayh. HM+RD She is winning it.
Den-gi xu'alyayh. HM+RD He is winning money.
Q'iydong xiłts'in' xuginigiyo.HM+RD I won last evening.

Xidetr'iyh. HM+RD It is windy.
Iłt'e xidetr'iyh. HM+RD It's always windy.

Window Yotig ES+AJ lit. Sky brittle/hard Window glass
Yotig gholq'at xinitl-'anh. AJ+AJ I'm looking through the window.  
Yolq'at HM+RD Window Kashim window covered with canvas or skin
Yolq'at xinitl-'anh. HM+RDI'm looking at the window.

See "Glass"

Wing Gits'in HM+RD Wing of something
Vits'in diggiditik. HM+RD Its wing is broken.

Winter Xiyh HM+RD
Xiyh tux izre ngichox. HM+RD It's really cold in the wintertime.

See "Hope"

With Yił
Chay q'at shaxil yił. HM+RD I want tea with sugar.
Dinayił dingit'anh. HM+RD Go with us.

Axa With, by means of
Łek axa niso. KH+LHI came by dogteam. lit. I came with dogs.
VaxaLH+KH With it, by means of it
Vaxa xiditsed. LH+KH Broom lit. With it an area is swept

Without Adinh HM+KH
Da'ak adinh tthineyo. HM+RD He went out without a coat.

Wolf Nigughun HM+RD
Nigughun long q'u'ididał. HM+RD Lots of wolves are walking around.

Wolverine Niłtreth HM+RD
Niłtreth toniy ist'anh. HM+RD I have a wolverine ruff.

Woman, girl Nq'ołonh HM+RD
Nq'ołonh neg ghuhoł. HM+RD A nice woman is coming.
Nq'ołdałin q'on-gixidiłqon'. HM+RD The women are sewing.
Nq'ołonh neg itltthonh.AJ+ES I'm looking at a nice girl.
Tr'an HM+RD Old woman
Tr'an long inxuniyh. HM+RDOld women know a lot.

Wood Tritr HM+RD
Tritr didhigging xodhiso. HM+RD I went for dry wood.

Q'el tritr HM+RD Dry willow Called old woman's wood because it is easy to get
Yixgitsiy q'el tritr xodhiyo, itsa'a oxo. HM+RDRaven went for old woman's wood for grandma.

Woodpecker Xiłqol HM+RD
Xiłqol yitot'a xiłqoł tux, yitot'a dixatodhił. HM+RD When the woodpecker pecks early, it is going to be an early breakup.

Xiyiq ghuhoł. JD+ED She is walking in the woods.

Q'u'idineyh. ED+KH She is working.
Gidinałdikdi q'u'idineyh. ED+KH He is working at the school.
Atthing Qay Xichux q'u'isineyh.ED+KH I work in downtown Anchorage. lit. Down there big village I work.
Ithe q'ungidineyh. KH+ED You should work.

Worm, maggot Ggex KH+ED
Yigentlyaxdi ggex ngith xelanh. ED+KH There are earthworms in my garden. Long worms
Ggex getiy longh, sanh yix. RD+JD There are lots of maggots in the smoke house.

See "Rice"

Giniłdik. Diniłdik. ED+KH She is writing.
Deg Xinag diniłdik. ED+KH She is writing Deg Xinag.
Ndadz dindldik?ED+KH How is it written?

Gits'i, he'? ED+KH Is that wrong?  

See "Mistake"

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