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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to wade [in water]
ipiġaq-, ipiġaaqataq-

he is wading
ipiġaaqataqtuq, dl. ipiġaaqataqtuk, pl. ipiġaaqataqtut

She quickly waded across.
Ipiġaqtuqhuni ikaaqtiqtuq.

2. to wade through snow

she is wading through snow
maugaaqataqtuq or maugaqtuq, dl. maugaqtuk, pl. maugaqtut

The snow on the path is deep and soft enough that one must wade through it. Apqun maugaġnaqsiyaa.
for something to wag its tail

It is wagging its tail.

The dog is wagging its tail.
Qipmiq pamiuruq.
wage, price, payment
akiḷiun, dl. akiḷiutik, pl. akiḷiutit

The person received the payment.
Iñuum akuqtuġaa akiḷiun.
yellow wagtail
iksriktaayuuq, dl. iksriktaayuuk, pl. iksriktaayuich

A yellow wagtail is a bird.
Iksriktaayuuq tiŋmiurauruq.
tavsiñiq or tapsiñiq

She has a pain around her waist.
Tapsiñiġmigun atniutaqtuqtuq.
to wait

she is waiting
taqqiruq, dl. taqqiruk, pl. taqqirut

My father is waiting for me.
Taataga taqqiruq uvamnik.

she is waiting for him
taqqiyaa or taqqigaa, dl. taqqigaak, pl. taqqigaat

They waited for him at the airport.
Taqqigaat mirviŋmi.

2. to wait a long time for a person or animal or bird to appear -usually when hunting-

he is waiting
itchuqtuq, dl. itchuqtuk, pl. itchuqtut

He is waiting for the beaver to come out of the water.
Itchuqtuq pałuqtamun puiruksramun.
to wake up

she has awakened
itiqtuq, dl. itiqtuk, pl. itiqtut

She woke up early this morning.
Itiqtuq uvlaatchiaq.

Wake him up!

2. to awaken another

He woke me up.

I will wake you up.
to walk

she is walking
pisruktuq, dl. pisruktuk, pl. pisruktut

The boy is walking on the tundra.
Nukatpialugruaq pisruktuq natiġnami.

2. to sleepwalk
itivli-, tivli-

he is sleepwalking, talking in his sleep
itivliruq, dl. itivliruk, pl. itivlirut

He was sleepwalking last night.
Itivliruq unnuaq.
katchiq, dl. katchik or katchiik, pl. katchich

The wall is high.
Katchi kiŋiktuq.
walrusaiviq, dl. aivvak, pl. aivġich

The walrus lives in the ocean.
Aiviq tagiumi itchuuruq.

2. a walrus on the ice
nunavak, dl. nunavaak, pl. nunavaich

There is a walrus herd on the ice by the island.
Nunavaich ittut qaaŋani sikum.

3. walrus skin -for food-
kauk, dl. kauk, pl. kaugich

Walrus skin is delicious to eat.
Kauk kayumiktuq niġiruni.

4. a large walrus bull
nukavlu or nukavlualuk

The large walrus bull has long tusks.
Nukavlauluk tuugaaqpaqaqtuq.
to want, to desire

she wants to, desires
pisuktuq, dl. pisuktuk, pl. pisuktut

What do you want?
Sumik pisukpich?

2. to want, to desire
susruk- [question]

What do you want to do?

3. to want to do:
plus sruk- [used with verb stems which end in a vowel other than a strong I]
plus suk- [used with verb stems which end in a strong I]
plus chuk- [used with verb stems which end in a t]
plus uk- [used with verb stems which end in a k or q; k becomes g and q becomes ġ] [v-v]

to pull up
Maybe she wants to pull it up. [as of net]

to eat
I am hungry. I want to eat.

to arrive, reach destination
They want to reach their destination.

to walk
Do you want to walk?

to drink water
He wants to drink water.

War is bad.
Aŋuyałiq pigiitchuq.
a group of fighters, war party

A long time ago a group of fighters fought small villages.
Iŋiḷġaan suġruich aŋuyyiġaqtut nunaaqqiuranik.
arctic warbler, yellow warbler
suŋaqpaluktuŋiq, dl. suŋaqpaluktuŋik. pl. suŋaqpaluktuŋich

2. myrtle warbler
siḷaluksiugauraq, dl. siḷaluksiugaurak, pl. siḷaluksiugaurat

A myrtle warbler is a bird.
Siḷaluksiugauraq tiŋmiurauruq.
to be warm, hot

it is warm or hot
uunaqtuq, dl. uunaqtuk, pl. uunaqtut

The water is hot.
Imiq uunaqtuq.

2. to become warm -of weather-

The weather has become warm.
Siḷa uunnaġuqtuq.

3. to warm one’s body near fire or stove

she is warming herself by the fire
pasriksiqsuq, dl. pasriksiqsuk, pl. pasriksiqsut

The man is warming himself by the fire.
Aŋun pasriksiqsuq ikniġum siñaani.
warning, that which has been told, a message of forewarning
kilgun, dl. kilgutik, pl. kilgutit

He listened to the warning.
Kilgun naalaġnigaa.

2. to forewarn, to tell, to inform

he warned her

he warned them -2-

he warned them -3 or more-
to warp

he has warped it
qikisitkaa, dl. [obj.] qikisitkik, pl. [obj.] qikisitkai

He has warped the lid of a box.
Qikisitkaa suluutim matua.

2. to be warped
qikiŋa-, ququŋa-

it is warped
qikiŋaruq or ququŋaruq, dl. qikiŋaruk, pl. qikiŋarut

The box is warped.
Qikiŋaruq suluun.

The give-gallon can is warped, bent out of shape.
Qaugrulik ququŋaruq.
utŋuq, dl. utŋuk, pl. utŋut

A wart has grown on his hands.
Utŋuq nauniqsuq argaiñi.
washto wash

he is washing himself
iġġuqtuq, dl. iġġuqtuk, pl. iġġuqtut

I am washing myself.

he is washing it
iġġuġaa, dl. [obj.] iġġuġik, pl. [obj.] iġġuġai

She is washing her son.
Iġġuġaa iġñi.

2. to wash dishes

he is washing dishes
puggutchiqiruq, dl. puggutchiqiruk, pl. puggutchiqirut

The girl is washing dishes.
Aġnauraq puggutchiqiruq.
wash floor
3. to wash the floor

she is washing, mopping the floor
natchiqiruq, dl. natchiqiruk, pl. natchiqirut

My daughter is washing the floor.
Paniga natchiqiruq.

4. to wash the laundry

She is washing her clothes.
Iġġuqsiruq atnuġaamiñik.
to watch, to see

he is watching
qiñiqtuaqtuq, dl. qiñiqtuaqtuk, pl. qiñiqtuaqtut

The man is watching the players.
Aŋun qiñiqtuaqtuq aġiunaqtuanik.

he is watching it
qiñiqtuaġaa, dl. qiñiqtuaġaak, pl. qiñiqtuaġaat

My father is watching the fish jump.
Taataa qiñiqtuaġai qaluich miñiktuat.

2. to watch, to care for

she is watching him, taking care of him
munaġigaa, dl. munaġigaak, pl. munaġigaat

He is taking care of the baby.
Iyaalugruaq munaġigaa.

3. to watch closely
naipit-, naipiqtuq-

he is watching it closely, testing it
naipitkaa or naipiqtuġaa, dl. naipitkaak, pl. naipitkaat

My father is watching the caribou closely to see where it will go.
Taataa naipitkaa tuttu napmun aullaġniaqmaŋaan.
imiq, dl. immak, pl. imġich

The water has spilled.
Imiq kuviruq.

2. puddle; wet spot, water on tundra
imaġniq, dl. imaġnaak, pl. imaġniġich

The stagnant puddle is stinky.
Imaġniq tipituruq.

3. puddle
immiñiq, dl. immiññak, pl. immiñġich
bucketimiqaġvik, dl. imiqaġviik, pl. imiqaġviich

The water container is empty.
Imiqaġvik imaitchuq.

2. water container, bucket
qattaq, dl. qattak, pl. qattat

The water container is filled with water.
Qattaq imaqaqtuq imiġmik.
quġluqtaq, dl. quġluqtak, pl. quġluqtat

Here is a waterfall.
Quġluqtaq uvva.
to wave or shake one’s hand

she is waving her hands
iḷaliruq, dl. iḷaliruk, pl. iḷalirut

He is waving his hand to his neighbor.
Iḷaliruq siḷalliġmiñun.
a big wave, swell
iŋiulik, dl. iŋiullak, pl. iŋiulgich

There are big waves this evening.
Iŋiulikpaktuq anaqavak.

2. to move in waves [of water]

There are waves on the water.
Bohemian waxwing bird -lit. with pretty wing feathers-
suluktatchialik, dl. suluktatchiallak, pl. suluktatchialgich

The Bohemian waxwing is eating.
Suluktatchialik niġiuraqtuq.
dl. plus tuguk, pl. plus tugut [used with verb stems with no strong I in semi-final position]
dl. plus ruguk, pl. plus rugut [used with verb stems which end in a vowel]
dl. plus suguk, pl. plus sugut [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in k or q]
dl. plus chuguk, pl. plus chugut [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in a t]

to speak, talk
We are speaking.
dl. Uqaqtuguk.
pl. Uqaqtugut.

to eat
We are eating.
dl. Niġiruquk.
pl. Niġirugut.

to be out of water
We are out of water.
dl. Imġiqsuguk.
pl. Imġiqsugut.

to arrive, to reach destination
We have arrived.
dl. Tikitchuguk.
pl. Tikitchugut.

2. we
dl. uvaguk, pl. uvagut

We are going.
dl. Uvaguk aullaġniaqtuguk. pl. Uvagut aullaġniaqtugut.
to be weak

he is weak
sayaitchuq, dl. sayaitchuk, pl. sayaitchut

The old man is weak.
Sayaitchuq aŋugaatchiaq.

2. to become weak

She has become weak.

He has become weak from hunger.
Sayaiqsuq niġisuliqhuni.

3. to be weak, incapable

He is weak.

4. to become weak, incapable

He has become weak.

My grandmother is becoming weak and old.
Aanaruaġa piḷguiḷiaqsiruq.
to wear; to use; to sing

he is wearing something
atuqtuq, dl. atuqtuk, pl. atuqtut

He is wearing a red parka.
Atuqtuq kaviqsaamik atigimik.
Kaviqsaamik atigituqtuq.
tiġiaq, dl. tiġiak, pl. tiġiat

The weasel is white in winter time.
Tiġiaq qatiġuuruq ukiumi.
weather, outside, atmosphere, air

The weather is bad today.
Siḷa qaŋna pigiitchuq uvluvak.

2. to become very cold [of weather]

it is now cold weather
itriŋuqtuq or itriŋuġaa

The weather is cold when the river freezes up.
Itriŋuqtuq siḷa sikupmagu kuuk.

3. to be bad, stormy weather
siḷagiit-, siḷaqłuk-

it is bad weather, stormy weather
siḷagiitchuq or siḷaqłuqtuq

The weather is bad today.
Siḷagiitchuq uvluvak.

4. to be clear, nice -of weather-

The weather is nice.

The weather is clear today.
Siḷagiksuq uvluvak.
water weed
nakaaq, dl, nakaak, pl. nakaat

There are many water weeds in the small lakes.
Narvaurat nakaaqaġuurut.
weepto weep, to shed tears

he is weeping
qulviruq, dl. qulviruk, pl. qulvirut

She is weeping from loneliness.
Aliasrukhuni qulviruq.
greeting, welcome [also in speech and song]
paġlan, dl. paġlatik, pl. paġlatit

The visitors heard nice welcome songs.
Iglaat paġlatilluatanik tusraarut.

2. to welcome

she welcomes him
paġlagaa, dl. paġlagaak, pl. paġlagaat

The father welcomes his son.
Taataŋan paġlagaa iġñi.
to be well, fine, good

he is well
nakuuruq, dl. nakuuruk, pl. nakuurut

2. to become well, to get better

He has become well.

3. to do well

He did well.
whalebeluga whale
sisuaq, dl. sisurrak, pl. sisurrat

People hunt beluga.
Iñuich sisuaġniaġaqtut.

2. bowhead whale
aġviq, dl. aġvak, pl. aġviġich

The bowhead whale is large.
Aġviq aŋiłallaktuq.

3. gray whale

The gray whale is also big.
Aġviġluaq aŋikmiuq.

4. killer whale
aaġlu, dl. aaġluk, pl. aaġlut

The killer whale is dangerous.
Aaġlu iqsiñaqtuq.

5. male whale
isiŋuatchauraq, dl. isiŋuatchaurak, pl. isiŋuatchaurat

The male whale is looking for a mate.
Isiŋuatchauraq pakaktuq tuvaaqatiksraġmiñik.

6. medium-sized whale
usiŋuatchiaq, dl. usiŋuatchiak, pl. usiŋuatchiat

The medium-sized whale is jumping out of the water.
Usiŋuatchiaq nutigaqtuq imiġmiñ.

7. large whale with rolled blubber on the back
iŋutuvak, dl. iŋutuvvak, pl. iŋutuvaich

The iŋutuvak lives in the ocean.
Iŋutuvak taġiumi ittuq.

8. whale skin with blubber, muktuk
maktak, dl. maktaak, pl. maktaich

Whale skin with blubber is good to eat.
Maktak niġiruni nakuuruq.

9. young female whale -choice whale, soft muktuk-

The maktak from the young female whale is very good to eat.
Iŋutum maktaŋa niġiruni nakuuruq.
What’s that on your hand?
Sua tamanna argapni?

2. What do you want?
Sua pisukpiuŋ?

3. What are you doing?

4. What do you want to do?

5. What am I doing?

6. What is he doing?

What is it?

7. I wonder what it was.
Suatai piva?
tiŋmiaqpauraq, dl. tiŋmiaqpaurak, pl. tiŋmiaqpaurat

The wheatear is a bird.
Tiŋmiaqpauraq tiŋmiurauruq.
qakugu, qakugun

When are you going hooking for fish?
Qakugu niksiksuġiaġniaqpich?
where, in what?

What is that thing in?
Sumi taimña itpa?

2. where

Where is your house?
Nani itpa tupqiñ?

3. where

Where is your mother?
Naami aanan?

4. where from

Where did you find your puppy?
Nakiñ paqitpiuŋ qipmiuran?

5. where to

Where are you going?
Napmun aullaġniaqpich?
by which way, how

By which way are we going?
Naukun igliġniaqpiñuk?

2. which one of these -2-
nalliak or naliak

which one of these -3 or more-
naliat or nalliat

Which one was left?
Nalliat kisiŋŋuġniqpa?

I wonder which one.
a short while ago

a long while ago

He went a short while ago.
Akku aullaqtuq.
[a bird]
siuttuvak, dl. siuttuvaak, pl. siuttuvaich

The whimbrel lives on the tundra.
Siuttuvak natiġnami itchuuruq.
to whine [of a dog]

he is whining
imŋaluktuq, dl. imŋaluktuk, pl. imŋaluktut

The dog is whining.
Imŋaluktuq qipmiq.

2. to whine

Quit whining!
Imŋaluuraġuiġiñ uumaa!
to whip, to beat

he is whipping it
ipiġaqtuġaa, dl. [obj.] ipiġaqtuġik, pl. [obj.] ipiġaqtuġai

He is whipping his dog with the rope.
Ipiġaqtuġaa qipmiñi akłunaamik.

2. to whip

He is whipping it.

Look! She is whipping it.
Takkua! Anaumikkaa.
iḷalulasraaq, dl. iḷalulasraak, pl. iḷalulasraat

The whirlwind is fast.
Iḷalulasraaq sukattuq.
to whisper
isivruk- or sivruk-

she whispered
isivruktuq, dl. isivruktuk, pl. isivruktut

He whispered so as not to be heard.
Isivruktuq tusraatqunġitḷuni.

2. to be whispering
isivruuraq- or sivruuraq-

They are whispering.
Isivruuraqtut. or
a white thing

to be white

it is white
qatiqtuq, dl. qatiqtuk, pl. qatiqtut

The swan is white.
Qugruk qatiqtuq.

2. to be of a white color

It is white.
naluaġmiu, dl. naluaġmiuk, pl. naluaġmiut

A white person is lighter in complexion than an Eskimo.
Naluaġmiu qatitluktuq Iñupiamiñ.

2. half white
naluaġmiuyaaq, dl. naluaġmiuyaak, pl. naluaġmiuyaat

There are many half-whites today.
Naluaġmiuyaat iñugiaksirut uvluvak.
qalupiaq, dl. qalupiak, pl. qalupiat

The whitefish has scales.
Qalupiaq kavisiqaqtuq.

2. whitefish -sharp pointed head-
qaaliġiq or qaalġiq dl. qaaliqqik, pl. qaaliqqich

Whitefish is good for roasting.
Qaalġiq argiġiksuq.

3. whitefish -big round nose-
qausriḷuk, dl. qausriḷḷuk, pl. qausriḷuich

Big whitefish has scales.
Qausriḷuk kavisiqaqtuq.

4. whitefish -small sharp nosed-
quptik, dl. quptiik, pl. quptigich

Small whitefish taste different than regular whitefish.
Quptik tipiqaqtuq atlamik qaalġimiñ.

5. whitefish -smallest-
qalusraaq, dl. qalusraak, pl. qalusraat
qalutchaaq, dl. qalutchaak, pl. qalutchaat

A qalusraaq is smaller than a qalupiaq.
Qalusraaq mikiruq qalupiamiñ.

6. whitefish of Selawik Fish River
ikkuiyiq, dl. ikkuiyik, pl. ikkuiyich

People catch ikkuiyiq from Fish River.
Iñuich ikkuiyiġñiaġaqtuq Ikkuiyimiñ.

7. whitefish -small head which is not sharp pointed-
siyyuiḷaaq, dl. siyyuiḷaak, pl. siyyuiḷaat
it is whiteout -of weather-

It was whiteout yesterday.
Ikpaksraq qupyuġaġniqsuq.
kiña, dl. kisuk, pl. kisut

Who is the tallest?
Kiña aŋitlukpa?
kia, kisum

Whose pencil is this?
Kia aglautaa una?

Whose is it?

I don’t know whose.
supman, sukman, suvaata

Why didn’t you bring him here?
Supman uvva aggiutinġitpiuŋ?
to be wide [as of a river]

it is wide
ikiqturuq, dl. ikiqturuk, pl. ikiqturut

Some part of the river is wide.
Ikiqturuq kuugum iḷaŋa.

2. to be wide

it is wide
niġuturuq, dl. niġuturuk, pl. niġuturut

My new parka is wide.
Atigitchiaġa niġuturuq.
uiḷigaġnaaq or uiḷġaġniq, dl. uiḷigaġnaak, pl. uiḷigaġnaat

The widow is sad.
Uiḷigaġnaaq aġnaq iḷaqataiqsuaq aliasruktuq.

2. widow, widower
iḷaqataiqsuaq, dl. iḷaqataiqsuak, pl. iḷaqataiqsuat

The widow needs help.
Iḷaqataiqsuaq ikayuġnaqtuq.

3. widower
nuliiqsuaq, dl. nuliiqsuak, pl. nuliiqsuat

The widower is mourning.
Nuliiqsuaq kiñuvġuruq.
nuliaq, iḷaqan

my wife

My wife went berry picking.
Nuliaġa aullaqsruġiaqtuq.
uqpik, dl. uqpiik, pl. uqpiich

Willows have long branches.
Uqpiich akiġuqpaqaqtut.

2.diamond willow
kanuŋŋiq, dl. kanuŋŋiik, pl. kanuŋŋich

Diamond willow is stronger than willow.
Kanuŋŋiq atchuitḷuktuq uqpiŋmiñ.

3. pussy willow
palliksraq, dl. palliksrak, pl. palliksrat

Pussy willow buds early in the spring.
Palliksrat akutuqpaliksraŋich sagviġñaġiaġuurut upinġaksrami.
to win -in competition-

He has won
akimaruq, dl. akimaruk, pl. akimarut

I won the game.
Akimaruŋa aġiunauraqapta.

2. to win a prize, to be correct, right

he has won a prize, to be correct
nalauttuq, dl. nalauttuk, pl. nalauttut

I won a can opener at a carnival.
Nalauttuŋa carnival-laqmata aŋmautmik qattautchikanun.

He was right when he said that.
Nalauttuq taatna uqaqami.

The wind is blowing strongly.
Anuġi saŋŋiruq.

2. east wind

The east wind is warmer than the west wind.
Kivaknaq itraitḷuktuq kanaknamiñ.

3. south wind

The storm comes when the southerly wind is strong.
Uŋallaq anuġi saŋŋikman siḷaunġiġaqtuq.

4. west wind, from down river, from ocean

The west wind is cold.
Kanaknaq alappaaŋuruq.

5. north wind

The north wind is now blowing.

6. north, northwesterly wind
niġiqpak or niġiqpaq

The north/northwesterly wind is cold.
Niġiqpak alappaaŋuruq.

7. to be windy

It is windy today.
Anuqłiqsuq uvluvak.
uqquutaq, dl. uqquutak, pl. uqquutat

A windbreak is used when the wind blows hard.
Uqquutaq atuġaqtuq anuqłiqpakman.
window, skylight
igaliq, dl. igallak, pl. igalġich

The window gives light.
Igaliq qaummatauruq.
tuqłuk, dl. tuqłuuk, pl. tuqłuich

The windpipe is to breath through.
Tuqłuk aniqsalugviuruq.
wingisraġuq, dl. israqquk, pl. israqqut

Sweep the floor with a goose wing.
Israġunik sanŋiyaġiñ.
to wink

he is winking
sikutniġaqtuq, dl. sikutniġaqtuk, pl. sikutniġaqtut

The man is winking.
Sikutniġaqtuq aŋun.
winter, year
ukiuq, dl. ukiuk, pl. ukiut

The winter is cold.
Ukiuq itriliqsuq.

2. all winter, this winter, this year

3. to spend the winter

she spent the winter
ukiiruq, dl. ukiiruk, pl. ukiirut

They spent the winter alone.
Ukiirut kisimiŋ.
ukiulliq, dl. ukiulliik, pl. ukiullich

A caribou winter skin is also good as a bed mat.
Ukiulliaġruk qaatchiaġikmiuq.
to be smart, wise

she is quick to learn, is wise, is smart
puqiksuq, dl. puqiksuk, pl. puqiksut

My brother is smart at school.
Aniqatiga puqiksuq aglagviŋmi.

2. to be wise

she is wise
isrumaturuq, dl. isrumaturuk, pl. isrumaturut

He is wise about living the right way.
Isrumaturuq iñuuniallautałiksraġmigun.
with this one, near the speaker, visible and not in motion
uumiŋa, dl. ukuŋniŋa, pl. ukuniŋa

Use this one.
Uumiŋa atuġiñ.

2. with this, near the speaker, lengthy, covering a large area or in motion, visible
marrumiŋa, dl. makuŋniŋa, pl. makuniŋa

Go and feed these to the dog?
Makuniŋa qipmiq niġipchaġiaġuŋ.
to become withered, loose, not tight

it is withered

The man is withered because he is old.
Aŋun qasruruq utuqqaġuqhuni.

2. to wither, die -of a plant-

It has withered.
or Tuqullaktuq.
wolfamaġuq, dl. amaqquk, pl. amaqqut

A wolf is dangerous when he is hungry.
Amaġuq iqsiñaqtuq niġisukami.
wolverineqapvik, dl. qapviik, pl. qapviich

A wolverine skin can be used for a ruff on a parka.
Qapvik siñautlaruq atigini.
womanaġnaq, dl. aġnak, pl. aġnat

You are a woman.

2. a good woman
aġnalluataq, dl. aġnalluatak, pl. aġnalluatat

There is a good woman.
Aġnalluataq tara.

3. old woman
aaquaksraatchiaq, dl. aaquaksraatchiak, pl. aaquaksraatchiat

The old woman makes nets with twine.
Aaquaksraatchiaq qiḷaguuruq kuvraksramik.

4. to begin reaching elderly age -of a woman-

She has become elderly.
qaksrugaun, dl. qaksrugautik, pl. qaksrugautit

The woman uses the woman’s belt when carrying the baby on her back.
Qaksrugaun atuġaġigaa aġnam amaaqami iyaalugruuramik.
woodqiruk, dl. qiruuk, pl. qiruich

It is made of wood.
Qiruŋmiñ piḷiuqsimaruq.

2. green wood
uummaq, dl. uummaak, pl. uummaich

The green wood is used for firewood.
Uummaq qiruuraqtuq.

3. block of wood, vertebra
ikik, dl. ikkik, pl. ikiich

The block of wood is split up for fire wood.
Ikik qupiplugu qiruginaqtuq.

4. block of wood
kipniqutaq, dl. kipniqutak, pl. kipniqutat

He is splitting the blocks of wood.
Qupluġai kipniqutat.
Alaska three-toed woodpecker, hairy woodpecker
tuuyuqpak, dl. tuuyuqpaak, pl. tuuyuqpaich

The Alaska three-toed woodpecker is a small bird.
Tuuyuqpak tiŋmiurauruq.

2. downy woodpecker
tuuyuq, dl. tuuyuk, pl. tuuyut

The downy woodpecker is on the tree.
Tuuyuq napaaqtumi ittuq.
to work

she is working
savaktuq, dl. savaktuk, pl. savaktut

He is working outside.
Savaktuq qaani.

he is working on it
savakkaa, dl. savakkaak, pl. savakkaat

He is working on the house.
Savakkaa tupiq.

2. to do hard work

he is working hard
sakuuktuq, dl. sakuuktuk, pl. sakuuktut

The one who is working on the house is working hard.
Sakuuktuq tuppiruaq.

3. a good worker
savaktilluataq, dl. savaktilluatak, pl. savaktilluatat

The good worker was praised for his work.
Savaktilluataq quyagitchiuruq savaaġmigun.
to worry

he is worried
isrumaaluktuq, dl. isrumaaluktuk, pl. isrumaaluktut

He worries about anything.
Isrumaaluguuruq supayaamik.
it does not have any worth
suksraunġriqsuq, dl. suksraunġiqsuk, pl. suksraunġiqsut

The dog is not worth keeping.
Suksraunġiqsuq qipmiq.

2. to become useless, worthless

it is worthless
atuġuiqsuq, dl. atuġuiqsuk, pl. atuġuiqsut

The house is worthless.
Tupiq atuġuiqsuq.

That is worthless.
Taamna sumun atuġnianġitchuq.

You have become worthless.
a wound
ikiniq or iki

His wound is hurting.
Ikiniŋa atniġñaqtuq.

His wound is big.
Ikia aŋiniqsuq.

2. wounded animal
ikiḷik, dl. ikiḷḷak, pl. ikiḷgich

The wounded animal is running away.
Ikiḷik aullaqtuq.
to wrap

she is wrapping it
puuġaa, dl. puuġaak, pl. puuġaat

My mother is wrapping it with giftwrap.
Aanaa puuġaa puuksramik.

2. to wrap something

she is wrapping something
puuqsiruq, dl. puuqsiruk, pl. puuqsirut

They are wrapping presents.
Puuqsirut aatchuutiksranik.

3. to be wrapping something

They are wrapping the candy packages.
Puuqtuirut qummiaqataanik.
to wrestle

he is wrestling
suġuktuq, dl. suġuktuk, pl. suġuktut

The boy and girl are wrestling.
Aŋugauraġlu aġnauraġlu suġuktuk.

he is wrestling with her
suġukkaa, dl. suġukkaak, pl. suġukkaat

The boy is wrestling with her.
Aŋugauram suġukkaa.
tayaġnaun, dl. tayaġnautik, pl. tayaġnautit

The woman fell on the ice and she broke her wrist.
Aġnaq tayaġnauttaaqtuq sikumun qayuutchikakhuni.

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