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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tadaahaał audio he is wading
imperfective paradigm
tadihhaał tadzaadéł
tadinhaaL tadahde1L
tadaahaaL taxdaade1L

taadetmeek audio she or he is wading in and out of the water

łii deché' étiik audio the dog is wagging its tail
shtl'ed audio my waist
tthée' audio stop, wait!
needoogh eedah audio she or he is waiting for us
Different words are used for taking about one or more than one person.
ts'énihthíit audio I am waking up
perfective paradigmaudio
ts'éníhthet ts'éts'énindéek
ts'énínthet ts'énahdéek
ts'énínthet ts'éxnindéek

ts'éninthiit audio  wake up!

This same basic words are used with a meaning 'go', without referring to how. Different words are used for referring to one or more than one person.
aahaał audio she or he is walking
imperfective paradigm audio
ghihhaał ts'aadéł
ghinhaał ghahdéł
aahaał xaadéł

tth'iitú' k'eddh łóghíhhaał audio I am walking around by the river
gheggek audio I am walking fast and straight, 'power walking'
SEE move (animals) for animals (and birds) walking

tétth audio
SYN staff, cane
shax eekeh audio
There are two basic words for 'want'. It is injih to say that you want a material object. Words with -tląą imply an immediate desire for something.
shdéhtląą audio I want, crave it
ldîil shdéhtląą audio  I want tea
ldîil ndéhtląą? audio do you want tea?
meł shdéhtląą audio I am sleepy LITERALLY 'I want sleep'
imperfective paradigmaudio
shdéhtląą needéhtląą
ndéhtląą nuhdéhtląą
yidéhtląą xuudéhtląą

Words with -thenh can imply a less immediate desire for something than words with -tląą.
êy êynihthenh audio I want it
xiy'êyninthenh audio they want it
má' êynihthenh audio  I want fish
imperfective paradigm
êynihthenh êyts'iyininthenh
êyninthenh êynahthenh
êyninthenh êxiyininthenh
naamaax audio audio
k'elaxdihtsogh yellow warbler (Dendrocia petechia)
nelgón' audio it (an object) is warm
ldîil nelkón' t'o tishdiił audio the tea is lukewarm but I will drink it
xnelgón' audio it (the weather) is warm audio
nah'ôg xnelgón' audio it is warm outside
naxnelgón' audio it warmed up
medaxdekshaan audio  I warned him or her
naamaax audio
shéeth audio
Tanacross uses different words depending on what is being washed.
tth'ák k'éch'éktseł audio I am washing the dishes
imperfective paradigmaudio
k'éch'éktseł k'éyts'éhtseł
k'éch'į́htseł k'éch'áhtseł
k'éych'éhtseł k'éch'áxéhtseł

tth'áak eta'ihłeex I am washing the dishes
lach'egdeex audio I'm washing my hands

imperfective paradigmaudio
lach'egdeex layts'eldeex
lach'ildeex lach'aldeex
lach'eldeex lach'axeldeex

neech'egdeex audio I am washing my face
shch'ěl' na'ihgétth audio I am washing clothes

imperfective paradigmaudio
nach'ihgétth nayts'egétth
nach'ingétth nach'ahgétth
nach'egétth nach'axegétth
taatleex tth'áak audio
nayúdeh'ę́ę' audio she or he is watching him. her or it
ts'éhxeh gaay nayúdeh'ę́ę' audio the little girl is watching her
dendîig na'údek-'ę́ę' audio I am watching the moose
dendîig natdek-'íik audio I am watching the moose move around
ndaxdédhíshdah audio I am watching, observing (nothing in particular)
súu' dé'! audio  be careful, watch out
Included here are words referring to the movement of water as well as kinds of water.
tuu audio water
texninthaat audio deep water
texnįhk'ôdl audio shallow water
dees k'et déełęyh audio water flows over shallows
tuu tth'ų́ų' audio clear water
taak'étth audio clear, cold water
tuu kón' audio clear water
tuu tanat-t'uut audio water is muddy, dirty
Different words are used to describe water levels or changes in water levels.
tuu natet-tsetth audio the water went back down
tuu niihąą audio water has risen, flooded
tuu niltah audio water level is steady
k'ełndîidz \de
kelt'addh audio
tuu shíi nésheegh audio
tuu naghinłęyh audio water is flowing down, cascading down
tuu dak'ée audio a place to get water, water source
níhts'îil audio watermilfoil, "muskrat food" (Myriophyllum spicatum)
yała'et-'aak audio she or he is waving to him/her audio
nts'į́' łá'ísh'aak audio  I'm waving at you
taatth audio
tl'uuł nęy audio
A separate word for "we" or "us" is only used for emphasis or in set phrases, since who or what is involved is a necessary of the verb.
neexon audio we, us
sht'ěyy' kó́l audio I am weak (have no strength)
Different Tanacross words are used depending on what part of the body the clothes normally are worn over.
nádédhégshah audio I am wearing it (clothing)
náydélshah audio she or he is wearing it (clothing)
Used as a general term for 'wearing' as well as for clothes worn above the waist but not on the hands or head.
imperfective paradigmaudio
nádédhégshah nádzélshah
nádédhílshah nádédhálshah
nádélshah náxdélshah

díi nádédhílshah? audio what are you wearing?
eek nádédhégshah audio I am wearing a coat
O nadedheg'ąą audio I am wearing O (a hat)
Used for hats.

imperfective paradigmaudio
nádédhég'ąą nádzél'ąą
nádédhíl'ąą nádédhál'ąą
nádél'ąą náxdél'ąą

P shíi dédheg'éetth I am wearing P (pants, shoes)
Used for clothes worn from the waist to the feet. Derives from the Tanacross word meaning' move feet'. Note that shíi 'in', always is used before the main verb.

imperfective paradigmaudio
dédheg'éetth dzél'éetth
dédhil'éetth dédhal'éetth
dél'éetth xdé'éetth

ch'ehtlé' shíi dél'éetth audio he's wearing pants
P shíi dédhegdíik I am wearing P (mittens, gloves)
Used for clothes worn on the hands. Derives from the Tanacross word for 'move hands'. Note that shíi 'in' always is used before the main verb.

imperfective paradigmaudio
dédhegdíik dzéldíik
dédhildíik dédhaldíik
déldíik xdéldíik

nátthí'udédhíshtl'uu audio
Used for scarves or shoelaces. Derives from the Tanacross word for 'tie'.

imperfective paradigmaudio
náth'í'udédhíshtl'ųų nátth'ídzét-tl'ųų
nátth'í'udédhít-tl'ųų nátth'ídédháltl'ųų
nátth'ídét-tl'ųų nátth'íixidét-tl'ųų

k'onit'êy nátth'í'udéttl'ųų audio she's wearing a scarf on her head
O na'udédhísts'es I am wearing O (blanket, cape around shoulders)

nihmaay audio short-tailed weasel (Mustela erminea)
SYN ermine
tsuuy least weasel (Mustela rixosa)
There is no word in Tanacross that corresponds to English 'the weather'. Instead, Tanacross talks about the condition of the "outside".
nah'ôg nts'é xúnt'eh? audio how is the weather? LITERALLY 'How is it outside?'
nah'ôg nts'é xúltsįį? audio how's the weather out there? LITERALLY 'How does it look outside?'
nah'ôg xúnsųų audio the weather is nice, it is nice outside
ch'et-ts'iik audio nippy weather
nihxét audio  I am weaving
aayh nexét audio she or he is weaving snowshoes
kelahdzeey gǎal' audio
SYN spider web
ndeł audio
SEE cry
xtsiił audio fish weir, bridge
wuch'ěel' fish weir stakes
êy t'o audio you're welcome, it okay
SEE go
Different words are used depending on the degree of wetness.
ehtseł audio it is wet
nadhįhtseł audio you are wet
chąą ts'enh nadhektseł audio I am wet from the rain
shinłá' éhtseł audio my hands are wet
elsox audio it is damp
na'ehts'ół audio it is soaking wet
nadhekts'ół audio I am soaking wet
SEE damp
díi audio
díi ín'áał? audio what are you eating?
díi chíh? audio what else?
nts'é' audio
nts'é' t'índę́'ę? audio what are you doing?
ęę audio what?
degtthéek audio I am wheezing
Tanacross has slightly different words for distinguishing between 'when in the future' and 'when in the past'.
ndée dé' audio when (future)
ndée dé' tínhaał? audio when are you leaving?
ndée dą́'ą audio when (past)
ndée dą́'ą nínshah? audio when did you arrive?
Different words are used depending partially on the kind of information being asked for.
ndée audio where (what place)
ndée dhíndah? audio where do you live?
chenhtiił ndée nínín'ąą? audio where did you put the box?
nt'í́h? where is it (a specific person or thing)
éeł nt'í́h? audio where is the trap?
ttheech'iik'agh audio
ndée êyninthenh? audio which do you want?
tah audio
shchąą tah ts'enîin dâa'itshah audio while I was sleeping the child arrived
k'ahdíidą́'ą audio a while ago
k'ahdíidą́'ą nach'ih'áatl audio I ate a while ago
k'ahdíidé' audio after a while (in the future)
k'ahdíidé' tâatihdaał audio after a while I'm going home
dindah audio a while
wukól díndah na'ilsheyh audio you rest while she or he is gone
ch'uhdlogn (Numenius phaeopus)
SEE yelp
ok audio whirlpool, eddy in water
SYN eddy
ehts'eyh mâay audio
xaghints'eyh maay
SYN dust devil
shdaaxá' audio my whiskers
SYN beard
minch'ědl xá' audio whiskers on dog or lynx
degdziit audio I am whispering
imperfective paradigmaudio
degdziit dzeldziit
dildziit daldziit
deldziit xdeldziit

sts'į́' díldziit audio whisper to me

ch'udehshíis audio he or she is whistling
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'udekshíis ts'uyidehshíis
ch'udįhshíis ch'udahshíis
ch'udehshíis ch'uxdehshíis
xuhshîiz audio
delgeyh audio it is white
xey tah gah delgeyh audio rabbits are white in winter
delgey audio the white one
jâan tthíishúus délgey sínt'eh audio this is a white hat
dąąxêd audio (Anser albifrons)
Nondlêed audio
ch'echog tuu'
ts'est'ûud audio (Junco hyemalis)
ndêl audio (Melanitta fusca)
SEE fish
xák'áneksees audio  I am whittling (to a point)
dóo audio who
jâan dóo ch'e nt'eh? audio who is this?
dóo íin éł tínhaał? audio who (plural) are you going with?
łaaltth'ek audio
wudzih gǎan' łaaltth'ek ts'į́' wutl'ayghų́hchuut dé' audio make sure you give him or her the whole caribou arm
díi gha audio
díi gha ch'e t'inden? audio why are you doing that?
dintéeł audio  it is wide
tsá' ch'e dintéeł audio beaver has a wide tail
shahsęy audio American widgeon (Anas americana)
haashax audio widow or widower
sh'aat audio my wife, mate
wu'éł dhíhdaay audio my spouse, the one I stay with
et-t'aał audio she or he is wiggling, cannot sit still
ts'enîin et-t'aał audio the child is wiggling
ts'étl tah audio
gųų audio Brush Indian. Bogeyman. People in stories that lived apart from society and were often intent in capturing children.
SYN brushman ALSO bug, insect, worm
k'ę́y' audio willow
dahłiigaay audio pussy willow
k'aaz tsets audio dry willow or alder branches
łuudh audio mountain willow
SYN buckbrush, dwarf birch
k'ę́y' jiits willow sprouts, new growth
ch'ídhiht'éth audio  I won something
tsaał audio warm winter wind
sits'enal'een audio
shthuuł audio my windpipe ALSO tube
ehts'eyh audio it is windy
xaghįhts'eyh audio it became windy
tęy k'et det-ts'iik audio it (snow) is blowing on the trail
mints'ěn' audio
The same word is used for blinking.
nelts'ék audio he is winking audio negts'ékts'enelts'ék nilts'éknalts'ék nelts'ékxnelts'ék
yits'į́' nelts'ék audio he or she is winking at him or her
xey audio winter
xey taatl'ed audio mid-winter
Different words are used depending how thoroughly the action is performed.
mejektlet audio I am wiping it (quickly)
tth'aak ejektlet audio I am wiping (drying) the plate
mejekkét audio I'm wiping it (thoroughly)
tuu nee_h_el éł méjekkét audio I am wiping it with hot water
xunshąą audio he is wise ALSO clever
ndaxdinshaan sínt'eh audio that is a wise person
tsíixú'ék-'ęę I wish
nah'óg xneek'eddh éł, sheen úkah tsíixú'ék-'ęę audio when it is cold outside I wish for summer
tth'ek audio witch's broom (in spruce trees)
éł audio with
sh'éł dhíndah audio stay with me
shtá' éł audio with my father
gha audio
dendeey iin aanděg' gha ishndaa audio I work with Native languages
SEE dry
êy ehdenh audio without that thing
tiikâan audio (Canis lupus)
tiikâan théth audio wolf hide
Shós is an old word for 'wolf' that only occurs in placenames and in some stories.
Shós Menh audio
nahtsį́įth audio (Gulo gulo)
ts'éhxeh audio woman
ts'est'eey audio old woman
ts'éxeey iin audio women
ts'enîin théth \de
lé'e audio
díi lé'e ch'e nt'eh audio  I wonder what that is?
tsets audio  firewood
tsets ndeeth audio long length wood
tsets wuk'et det-tl'ęę audio sawed wood
ts'ôgh dehtsel audio wet, green wood
dechenh ch'etxeez audio
SYN burl
ch'etthěel' audio
chenhttheeł audio hoary or downy woodpecker (Picoides villosus, pubescens)
ishndah audio I'm working
imperfective paradigmaudio
ishndah ts'etndah
itndah atndah
etndah xetndah

ishndah shax ts'enh ghihhaał audio I'm coming from work
na'etdeyh audio she or he is working, keeping busy

nén' k'et audio
gųų audio
brushman, insect, bug
tthiiměnn' audio
dat-ts'iits audio it is worn out
tet-tsenh audio it is worn down, worn thin
shxú' tet-tsenh audio my teeth are worn down
shkentsį̌įdh' xanintleek audio my moccasins are worn out
xáních'ét-thiit audio  she or he is worried
SEE injure
nahkaay audio wounded animal
ch'ekaa k'ée audio a wound, injury
SYN sore
ts'ěd' na'udét-ts'es audio  she or he has a blanket wrapped around them
SEE break
łeet'eexel'ęh audio they are wrestling
na'ídhihgétth audio I am wringing it out
na'ídhíhgétth audio I wrung it out
na'úghédhíhgétth audio I wrung it out (a hide, by wringing around a stick)
nelch'ų́ųtth audio it is wrinkled
nach'ihgêddh ts'enh shinlaatsógh' nelch'ų́ųtth audio  my fingers are wrinkled from washing clothes
shilaachěn' \de
ch'etnihtl'éts audio I'm writing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'etnihtl'éts ts'eytnetl'éts
ch'etnintl'éts ch'etnahtl'éts
ch'etnetl'éts ch'axtnetl'éts
xu'én' la ha' audio not that way (direction)!
k'á xúu' wrong way!
dada'én' audio wrong way (verbally)
dada'én' ts'į́' sų́'ų naxxghuldeg audio don't tell that story the wrong way

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