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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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SEE go
Different words are used depending on the degree of wetness.
ehtseł audio it is wet
nadhįhtseł audio you are wet
chąą ts'enh nadhektseł audio I am wet from the rain
shinłá' éhtseł audio my hands are wet
elsox audio it is damp
na'ehts'ół audio it is soaking wet
nadhekts'ół audio I am soaking wet
SEE damp
díi audio
díi ín'áał? audio what are you eating?
díi chíh? audio what else?
nts'é' audio
nts'é' t'índę́'ę? audio what are you doing?
ęę audio what?
degtthéek audio I am wheezing
Tanacross has slightly different words for distinguishing between 'when in the future' and 'when in the past'.
ndée dé' audio when (future)
ndée dé' tínhaał? audio when are you leaving?
ndée dą́'ą audio when (past)
ndée dą́'ą nínshah? audio when did you arrive?
Different words are used depending partially on the kind of information being asked for.
ndée audio where (what place)
ndée dhíndah? audio where do you live?
chenhtiił ndée nínín'ąą? audio where did you put the box?
nt'í́h? where is it (a specific person or thing)
éeł nt'í́h? audio where is the trap?
ttheech'iik'agh audio
ndée êyninthenh? audio which do you want?
tah audio
shchąą tah ts'enîin dâa'itshah audio while I was sleeping the child arrived
k'ahdíidą́'ą audio a while ago
k'ahdíidą́'ą nach'ih'áatl audio I ate a while ago
k'ahdíidé' audio after a while (in the future)
k'ahdíidé' tâatihdaał audio after a while I'm going home
dindah audio a while
wukól díndah na'ilsheyh audio you rest while she or he is gone
ch'uhdlogn (Numenius phaeopus)
SEE yelp
ok audio whirlpool, eddy in water
SYN eddy
ehts'eyh mâay audio
xaghints'eyh maay
SYN dust devil
shdaaxá' audio my whiskers
SYN beard
minch'ědl xá' audio whiskers on dog or lynx
degdziit audio I am whispering
imperfective paradigmaudio
degdziit dzeldziit
dildziit daldziit
deldziit xdeldziit

sts'į́' díldziit audio whisper to me

ch'udehshíis audio he or she is whistling
imperfective paradigmaudio
ch'udekshíis ts'uyidehshíis
ch'udįhshíis ch'udahshíis
ch'udehshíis ch'uxdehshíis
xuhshîiz audio
delgeyh audio it is white
xey tah gah delgeyh audio rabbits are white in winter
delgey audio the white one
jâan tthíishúus délgey sínt'eh audio this is a white hat
dąąxêd audio (Anser albifrons)
Nondlêed audio

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