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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Xiłqol HM+RD
Xiłqol yitot'a xiłqoł tux, yitot'a dixatodhił. HM+RD When the woodpecker pecks early, it is going to be an early breakup.  

Xiyiq ghuhoł. JD+ED She is walking in the woods.  

Q'u'idineyh. ED+KH She is working.  
Gidinałdikdi q'u'idineyh. ED+KH He is working at the school.
Atthing Qay Xichux q'u'isineyh.ED+KH I work in downtown Anchorage. lit. Down there big village I work.
Ithe q'ungidineyh. KH+ED You should work.  

Ggex KH+ED
Yigentlyaxdi ggex ngith xelanh. ED+KH There are earthworms in my garden. Long worms
Ggex getiy longh, sanh yix. RD+JD There are lots of maggots in the smoke house.

See "Rice"

Giniłdik. Diniłdik. ED+KH She is writing.  
Deg Xinag diniłdik. ED+KH She is writing Deg Xinag.
Ndadz dindldik? ED+KH How is it written?  

Gits'i, he'? ED+KH Is that wrong?

See "Mistake"

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