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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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woo2 (2) fair-skinned
fair-skinned, fair complexioned
O-d-l-wóo (Ø state) for O to be fair-skinned, fair complexioned
powder one's face
ya-ka-S-d-l-wóo (Ø act) for S to powder one's face
geet1 (7) fall, wake up, lost
fall into it
P-dé O-d-s-geet~ (na motion) for O (live creature) to fall into P
fall, trip
P-náx̲ yei O-d-s-geet~ (ø motion) for O (live creature) to fall down, trip over P
fall into, against it
P-t~ O-d-s-geet~ (ø motion) for O (live creature) to fall into, against P
fall (esp. off of something)
daak O-d-s-geet~ (ø motion) for O to fall (esp. off of something)
wake him/her up; rouse him/her from sleep
kei O-S-s-geet~ (ø motion) for S to wake O up, rouse O from sleep
wake up
kei O-s-geet~ (ø motion) for O to wake up
k̲ut O-d-s-geet~ (ga motion) for O to lose oneself, be lost, usure of one's location
xeex (19) run (singular subject), fall, drop, rise, end, happen, blow
fall on it (of small, compact object) IX
ø-xeex~ (g̲a motion) for an object (usually small, compact) to fall
fall, drop through it IX
P-náx̲ ka-ø-xeex~ (g̲a motion) for something (usually a round object) to fall, drop through P
hit it, fall against it, drop into it (esp. round object)
P-t~ ka-ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for something (usually a round , spherical object such as a bullet, ball) to hit, fall against, drop into P
blow there (esp. of strong wind) II
P-t~ ø-xeex~ (Ø motion) for a strong wind to blow at P
fall, drop on it; hit it (of bullet); spread, go around (of rumor or news)
P-t~ ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for something to fall or drop on P; for a bullet to hit P; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at P
fall around (esp. of object inside container); wobbly VII
P-t ø-xeex~ (na motion) for something to fall around at P (esp. inside a container)
run (singular subject) II
P-t~ S-j-xeex~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to run to P, arrive at P by running
move through the sky (sun, moon); fall, drop (of small object) I
daak ø-xeex~ (Ø motion) for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop
run out of something
N jeet~ shu-ø-xeex~ (ø event) for N to run out of something
stuck in one's throat; choke
N leitóox̲-t~ ø-xeex (Ø motion) for something to be stuck in N's throat; for N to choke on something
worry him/her
N tóot ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to worry N; for N to have something constantly on the mind
run (singular subject) III
g̲unéi S-j-xeex~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to begin running
rise (of sun or moon)
kei ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for the sun, moon to rise
run (singular subject) VIII
k̲ut S-j-xeex~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to run away
end; used up
shu-ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to end, come to an end, pass; for something to be used up (of supplies, etc.)
run (singular subject) VII
P-dé S-j-xeex~ (na motion) for (singular) S to run toward P
happen, occur, take place
ya-ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to take place, occur, happen
set (of sun, moon)
yínde ø-xeex~ (na motion) for the sun, moon to set
blow (esp. of strong wind) VII
ø-xeex~ (na motion) for the wind to blow
x̲een (4) fall, spill, open, end
fall, drop on it (of solid, hard object)
N-t~ j-x̲een~ (ø motion) for a hard, solid object to fall, drop
open (be open, of season, show) V
N-x̲'éidáx̲ shu-ya-u-d-sh-x̲een~ (Ø motion) for N (season, show, etc.) to be open
end, close, finish (of season, show, etc.) II
yan~ shu-d-sh-x̲een~ (Ø motion) for a season, show, etc. to come to an end, close, finish
spill (of liquid) III
yax̲ ka-d-sh-x̲een~ (Ø motion)
g̲ei (4) proud, fancy, pretty
proud, pleased
N toowú ka-l-g̲éi (ga state) for N to be proud of, highly pleased with
fancy, prominent, conspicuous, attracting attention
O-ka-l-g̲éi (ga state) for O to be fancy, prominent (esp. in appearance), conspicuous, attracting attention
proud (esp. of oneself), conceited; particular, picky
sh tu-ka-S-d-l-g̲éi (ga state) for S to be proud (esp. of oneself), conceited; for S to be particular, picky, snooty
pretty, cute
O-sha-ka-l-g̲éi (ga state) for O to be pretty, cute
lei far, distant
far, distant (that far, distant)
(yéi) ka-u-ø-lei~ (na state) for something to be (so) far, distant (in time or space)
tées'shán fascinating, sight
sight to behold; fascinating to watch
ka-u-l-tées'shán (ga state) for something to be fascinating to watch, to be a wonderful sight
sátk fast1
fast (at doing things)
O-ø-sátk (ga state) for O to be fast (at doing things)
neitl fat, gain weight
fat; gain weight
O-d-l-neitl~ (Ø event) for O to gain weight; for O to get fat
x̲eitl' afraid, fear
afraid of it, fear it
P-x' a-ka-u-S-d-l-x̲éitl' (ga state) for S to be afraid of, fear P

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