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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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aak̲w (7) give orders, decide, plan, try
try it, attempt it
O-ka-(u)-S-ø-.aak̲w (na act) for S to try, attempt O
plan it
O-ka-S-ø-.aak̲w~ (Ø act) for S to plan O
order him/her, give him/her instructions (esp. concerning work)
át O-ji-ka-u-S-ø-.aak̲w~ (na act) for S to give O orders, instructions (esp. concerning work)
give him/her orders; command, instruct him/her
át O-ka-S-ø-.aak̲w~ (na event) for S to give orders to, command, instruct O
give him/her an opportunity to speak; give him/her directions as to what to say
O-x̲'a-ka-(u)-S-ø-.aak̲w (na act) for S to give O an opportunity to speak; for S to give O directions as to what to say
decide about it; plan it
yan~ O-ka-S-ø-.aak̲w~ (ø motion) for S to make a decision about O; for S to finish planning O
order oneself to do it; make oneself do it
át sh ji-ka-S-d-.aak̲w~ (na event) for S to make oneself do something
xaach give up, put off
despair, give up hope; put off, defer, delay doing, give up
(P-x') a-S-l-xaach~ (na event) for S to despair, give up hope (on P); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up doing P
aat1 (18) go, walk, lead, gather together, go to bathroom, attack, appoint, let in, let out
appoint, choose for a certain position (plural object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (plural) O, choose O for a certain position
lead them
yaa O-shu-S-ø-.aat~ (ga event) for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead)
go on foot (plural subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
walking, going along there (of plural subjects)
P-x̲ yaa S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to be walking, going (by foot or as general term) along P (basically plural; see goot for singular)
go on foot (plural subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-.aat~ (g̲a motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (plural subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (plural subject) III
gági S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (plural subject) VII
gánde S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (plural subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (plural subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
go on foot (plural subject) I
kei S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk up, go up (by walking or as a general term)
attack someone
ji-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon
go on foot (plural subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (plural subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (plural object) II
neil~ O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (plural) O
gather together, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings)
woosh kaanáx̲ S-d-.aat~ (ga event) for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
gather, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings) II
woosh x̲oo-t~ S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
bend over, lean down (plural subject)
yínde sh ka-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to bend over, lean down
goot1 (13) go, walk, follow, go to bathroom, appoint, let in, let out
follow him/her/it (singular subject) IX
N ítx̲ yaa S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to follow N (on foot)
appoint, choose for a certain position (singular object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (singular) O, choose O for a certain position
go on foot (singular subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to arrive at P, go to P (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-goot~ (g̲a motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (singular subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (singular subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) III
gági S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (singular subject) VII
gánde S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (singular subject) I
kei S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to walk, go up (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (singular subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-goot~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (singular object) II
neil~ O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (singular) O
go on foot (singular subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as general term) away from P
k'eet' (3) leave, go, come
leave, go, come to it (of group of people) II
P-t~ O-ka-d-k'éet'~ (Ø motion) for O (group of people) to all leave, go or come to P
go (of group of people) VII
P-dé O-ka-d-k'éet'~ (na motion) for O (group of people) to all leave, go or come to P
pick berries
k̲u-S-ø-k'éet'~ (ø act; CV́C' Hort/Pot) for S to pick berries (esp. pick in quantity to take home)
k̲oox̲1 (10) go (by motorized vehicle)
go in motorized vehicle V
N daax̲ ya-u-S-ø-k̲oox̲~ (ø motion) for S to circle, drive around N in a motor vehicle
drive it VII
P-dé O-S-s-k̲oox̲~ (na motion) for S to drive O (boat, car) to P
drive it II
P-t~ O-S-s-k̲oox̲~ (ø motion) for S to drive O (boat, car) to P
go in motorized vehicle II
P-t~ S-ø-k̲oox̲~ (ø motion) for S to travel, go to P (by boat, car)
go in motorized vehicle VI
a-ya-u-S-d-k̲oox̲~ (ø motion) for S to turn back, return by boat
go in motorized vehicle I
daak S-ø-k̲oox̲~ (ø motion) for S to go out to sea (in a boat); for S to move into the open (in a boat, car)
go in motorized vehicle III
g̲unéi S-ø-k̲oox̲~ (ø motion) for S to begin traveling, going by boat or car
go in motorized vehicle IX
k̲ut S-ø-k̲oox̲~ (ga motion) for S to get lost (going by motorized vehicle)
go in motorized vehicle VII
P-dé S-ø-k̲oox̲~ (na motion) for S to travel, go toward P (in a boat, car)
go along (keep on going) (by boat, car)
yaa S-ø-k̲oox̲~ (ga motion) for S to be going, traveling along (by boat, car)
laa1 (3) melt, go out (tide)
ebb, go out (of tide) IX
(P-x̲) ø-laa~ (g̲a motion) for the tide to ebb, go out (from under P)
melt, dissolve, thaw
l-laa~ (ø event) for something to melt, dissolve, thaw
go out, low (of tide)
yan~ ø-laa~ (ø motion) for the tide to go out, be low
aat1 (18) go, walk, lead, gather together, go to bathroom, attack, appoint, let in, let out
appoint, choose for a certain position (plural object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (plural) O, choose O for a certain position
lead them
yaa O-shu-S-ø-.aat~ (ga event) for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead)
go on foot (plural subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
walking, going along there (of plural subjects)
P-x̲ yaa S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to be walking, going (by foot or as general term) along P (basically plural; see goot for singular)
go on foot (plural subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-.aat~ (g̲a motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (plural subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (plural subject) III
gági S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (plural subject) VII
gánde S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (plural subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (plural subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) to P
go on foot (plural subject) I
kei S-ø-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to walk up, go up (by walking or as a general term)
attack someone
ji-S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon
go on foot (plural subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-.aat~ (ga motion) for (plural) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (plural subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-.aat~ (Ø motion) for (plural) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (plural object) II
neil~ O-S-s-.aat~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (plural) O
gather together, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings)
woosh kaanáx̲ S-d-.aat~ (ga event) for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
gather, assemble, congregate (esp. for meetings) II
woosh x̲oo-t~ S-d-.aat~ (ø motion) for S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings)
bend over, lean down (plural subject)
yínde sh ka-S-l-.aat~ (na motion) for (plural) S to bend over, lean down
goot1 (13) go, walk, follow, go to bathroom, appoint, let in, let out
follow him/her/it (singular subject) IX
N ítx̲ yaa S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to follow N (on foot)
appoint, choose for a certain position (singular object) I
a tóo daak O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to appoint (singular) O, choose O for a certain position
go on foot (singular subject) II
P-t~ S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to arrive at P, go to P (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) IX
P-x̲ S-ø-goot~ (g̲a motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) down along P
go on foot (singular subject) V
N jikaadáx̲ ya-u-S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to get out of N's way
go on foot (singular subject) VI
a-ya-u-S-d-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) III
gági S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to emerge, walk out into the open
go to the bathroom (singular subject) VII
gánde S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to go to the bathroom
go on foot (singular subject) I
kei S-ø-goot~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to walk, go up (by walking or as general term)
go on foot (singular subject) VIII
k̲ut S-ø-goot~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to get lost (on foot)
go back (singular subject) I
k̲ux̲~ S-d-goot~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to go back, return
let in (esp. animal); welcome in, receive (singular object) II
neil~ O-S-s-goot~ (Ø motion) for S to let in, welcome in (singular) O
go on foot (singular subject) VII
P-dé S-ø-goot~ (na motion) for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as general term) away from P
k'ei (6) good
improve it; make peace with him/her
O-S-l-k'éi~ (ga event) for S to improve O; for S to make peace, make up with O (after quarrel)
happy, glad, feel fine
N toowú ø-k'éi (ga state) for N to be glad, happy, feel fine
taste good (like the taste of it)
N x̲'é ø-k'éi (ga state) for N to like the taste of something
good (of weather)
k̲u-ø-k'ei~ (g̲a state) for the weather to be good
bad, evil
tlél O-sh-k'éi (ga state) for O to be bad, evil, no good
good, fine, pretty
O-ø-k'éi (ga state) for O to be good, fine, pretty

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