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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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eex' (2) call out, invite
call out to him/her; shout to, holler at him/her
O-S-ø-.éex' (na act) for S to call out to, shout to, holler at O
invite him/her
O-S-ø-.éex' (g̲a event) for S to invite O, ask O to a party
xweitl (3) tired, itchy
tire him/her
O-S-l-xweitl~ (ø event) for S to tire O, make O tired (either physically or emotionally)
itch, tickle
ka-S-l-xweitl~ (ø event) for S to itch, tickle
tired, weary
O-d-xweitl~ (ø event) for O to be tired, weary
xwei joke, bad-mouth
tease, joke about (esp. particular tribal relations, such as paternal uncle); bad-mouth him/her
O-S-ø-xwéi (na act) for S to tease, joke about O (esp. particular tribal relations, such as paternal uncle); for S to bad-mouth O
k'ein (2) jump
jump around (singular subject)
P-t S-j-k'éin~ (na motion) for (singular) S to jump around at P
jump (plural subject)
kei O-ka-du-ø-k'éin~ (ø motion) for (plural) O to jump (see ji-k'ein for singular)
tsaakw (2) keep, save
keep, save, store up (usually food, for winter or for special occasion)
O-S-l-tsáakw (g̲a state) for S to keep, save, store up O (usually food for winter or for special occasion)
last a long time, be durable (esp. of clothing, machinery, etc.)
O-ø-tsáakw (ga state) for O to last a long time, be durable (esp. of clothing, machinery, etc.)
tseix̲ kick, stamp
kick it; stamp it (with foot)
O-S-ø-tseix̲~ (ø act) for S to kick O; for S to stamp O, put foot down on O violently
jaak̲ (2) kill
kill it
O-S-ø-jaak̲~ (Ø event) for S to kill O
fall asleep (one person)
táach O-S-ø-jaak̲~ (ø event) for (singular) O to fall asleep (literally: for S (sleep) to kill (singular) O)
aan1 (2) kind, good-looking
kind, gentle
O-tu-l-.aan (ga state) for O to be kind, gentle
attractive, good-looking, pleasant-faced
O-ya-ka-s-.aan (ga state) for O to be attractive, good-looking, pleasant-faced
aa2 (2) examine, kiss, consider, think over, come to senses
examine, inspect it; judge, assess it
N daa ya-S-d-s-.aa~ (na act) for S to examine, inspect, look into, judge, assess N
kiss him/her
N x̲'éi-t~ ya-S-d-s-.aa~ (ø motion) for S to kiss N
choox knead, press, pat
knead it, press it, pat it (with palm of hand)
O-ka-S-ø-choox~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to knead, press, pat O with palm of hand

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