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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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xwei joke, bad-mouth
tease, joke about (esp. particular tribal relations, such as paternal uncle); bad-mouth him/her
O-S-ø-xwéi (na act) for S to tease, joke about O (esp. particular tribal relations, such as paternal uncle); for S to bad-mouth O
xweitl (3) tired, itchy
tire him/her
O-S-l-xweitl~ (ø event) for S to tire O, make O tired (either physically or emotionally)
itch, tickle
ka-S-l-xweitl~ (ø event) for S to itch, tickle
tired, weary
O-d-xweitl~ (ø event) for O to be tired, weary
eex' (2) call out, invite
call out to him/her; shout to, holler at him/her
O-S-ø-.éex' (na act) for S to call out to, shout to, holler at O
invite him/her
O-S-ø-.éex' (g̲a event) for S to invite O, ask O to a party
tlaakw (3) investigate, research, tell
investigate it; research it
O-ka-S-ø-tlaakw~ (na event) for S to investigate, make inquiry into, research O
tell a legend
O-S-ø-tlaakw~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to tell, recount, narrate O (legend, myth, fairy tale, etc.)
k̲u-S-ø-tlaakw~ (Ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to whisper
shooʰ2 (3) intoxicate, torment
intoxicate him/her, get him/her drunk
O-ka-S-l-shooʰ~ (na event) for S to intoxicate O
torment, persecute (esp. physically), ill-treat, cause to suffer
eeshandéin yoo O-ka-S-l-shooʰ~ (Ø event) for S to torment, persecute or ill-treat O; for S to cause O to suffer
intoxicated, drunk
O-ka-ø-shooʰ~ (na event) for O to be intoxicated
neek (5) tell, talk, explain, report, witness, gossip, disagree, prophesy, interpret, preach, narrate, defraud, call
tell, report about it; witness, testify about it
O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (na act) for S to tell about, report about, give facts about O; for S to witness to, tell about, testify about O
tell the story of it; talk into it
O-ka-S-l-neek (na act) for S to tell the story of O; for S to talk into O
explain it
(N een) k̲unáax̲ daak O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (Ø act) for S to explain O (to N)
tell on, inform on, betray (secret)
kei O-ka-S-ø-neek~ (Ø motion) for S to tell on, inform on, betray O
tell a story, narrate; preach
sh ka-S-d-l-neek (na act) for S to preach, narrate, tell a story
gei2 (3) undertand, intelligent, foolish
understand, comprehend
N daa yaa k̲u-shu-s-géi (ga state) for N to understand, comprehend
foolish, dull, unwise, crazy
tlél yaa k̲u-S-d-sh-géi (ga state) for S to be foolish, dull, unwise, or crazy
intelligent, smart, wise
yaa k̲u-S-d-s-géi (ga state) for S to be intelligent, smart, wise
aatl' insufficient
insufficient, not enough
ya-ka-u-ø-.áatl' (na state) for something to be insufficient, not enough
jaaʰ instruct, show, advise
instruct, show him/her; advise, counsel him/her
O-shu-ka-S-ø-jaaʰ~ (ø act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to instruct, show O (by word); for S to advise, give advice to, counsel O
tseits (2) injure
injure, hurt him/her/it
O-ka-S-ø-tseits~ (Ø event) for S to injure, hurt O
injured, hurt (feelings)
at ka-S-ø-tseits~ (Ø event) for S to get injured; for S to have hurt feelings

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